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Caleb 20 - Back to School


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"I am going to ask you to come to our office tomorrow. We do need to do a full interview and review how you have used your power since you discovered it. We're not interested in prosecuting you, only to see that you haven't seriously hurt anyone. If what you told us is true - and believe me, we'll know if it isn't -you will be fine."

"And after?" he asked. "What happens then?"

"When we are satisfied," she said, "you go on your way and live your life. Now that you're on our radar and we're on yours, you'll need to be on your best behavior. Other than that, you can just carry on."

"So, I can still do my show?" he asked, looking surprised.

"Of course," she said. "It's entertaining, and people like to watch other people being humiliated. What's stranger to me is that some people enjoy being humiliated in front of others, but it's not for me to dictate people's tastes. You seem to have been able to control your urges. As long as you continue to do so, and nobody gets hurt, then have at it. You're not breaking any laws, but for obvious reasons, we like to know who has power, and what they are doing with it.

"We will be checking in with you from time to time, both to make sure you aren't straying, and also to ensure that you yourself haven't been targeted by a more powerful user. There are some users who like to 'recruit' weaker users, either by Compulsion or coercion. Your skills would be both very powerful and very damaging in the wrong hands."

"Nobody could make me do something like that," he said, and Dianna looked at me and raised her eyebrow.

The next thing he knew, he was on the floor bleating like a lamb. I kept him there for about ten seconds before releasing him.

He got to his feet shakily.

"I apologize," I said, "but you needed to know that even you are as vulnerable to Compulsion by a more powerful user as your 'volunteers' are to you. You may not want to do it, but you may be left with no choice. With the greatest of respect, your power is relatively weak. It's not just about monitoring you. It's about protecting you, too."

Dianna gave him her card. "Please come in tomorrow," she said. "Would ten in the morning suit you?"

He nodded. He still looked nervous.

She put her hand on his shoulder, using her power to soothe his nerves. "You will be fine," she said. "I'll see you tomorrow." She turned to leave.

"One more thing," I said, and they both looked at me.

"My girlfriend is a fan," I said. "Any chance she can have a picture with you?"

Dianna rolled her eyes.

Jules was pleased to get a picture with the Hypnotist, but I think she wasn't quite as much of a fan as she had been at the start of the evening. His being a power user seemed to have diminshed him in some way.


"Big day tomorrow," said Mary to me on Sunday night.

"Really?" I asked. "Why?"

"You finally get the blowjob from Sue," she said with a grin.

I grimaced. "To be honest," I said, "I'm not really looking forward to it. Sue and I have been close friends since I got here. Before I met you guys, she was my closest friend. She still is a very good friend, and I don't want to spoil the relationship we have."

"Have you spoken to her about it?" asked Jules.

"No," I said. "I'm scared to lose her friendship. Whichever way I turn, I could lose. If we go ahead, it could ruin it, and if I say I don't want to, she could feel rejected, and once again it's ruined. I wish I had kept my big mouth shut."

"If I remember correctly," said Jules, "it was her that said she would suck your cock. As much as she protests, she wants at least a taste of you."

"Would you like us to talk to her for you?" offered Amanda.

I shook my head. "That could look worse. She has issues with her weight. Having my three perfect girlfriends rubbed in her face might not help."

"Aww," said Amanda, "you say the sweetest things."

The next morning, I was dreading the text. She had been weighing herself at exactly eight in the morning. But today she was late. It was nearly ten after and nothing.

Then my phone beeped


­ ­ _Are you okay?

­ _I came so hard I passed out!!! Get your ass over here straight after class tonight. I'm going to suck your balls out of the end of your cock!!!!!

Immediately after I got another text. This time from George.

­_Sue says if you are not at hers straight after class - I'm to come to get you.

"I guess that answers that," said Jules, looking over my shoulder. She kissed my cheek. "Don't overthink it. For once, be a typical guy. Go enjoy getting some free head."

I was nervous for the entire day. Several times I pulled out my phone to text Sue and cry off on some pretext or another. When I came out of my last class, George was waiting for me.

"Seriously?" I said, and he laughed.

"I thought we could talk," he said, "before we see Sue."

We started walking.

"I'm sorry," I said, "I let my mouth run away with me..."

"Caleb," he said, "Sue has wanted to get into your pants since the day you met. Why do you think she kept offering to take your 'V' card?"

"But she said..."

"I know what she said," he said. "She was scared that she'd frighten you off - that she'd lose you as a friend, because believe it or not, she values your friendship more than she wants your dick."

"But what about you?" I asked.

"I don't want your dick," he said flatly, and I couldn't help but laugh.

"You know what I mean," I said.

"I know that Sue and I are good," he said. "So good that she had no qualms with allowing Brenda to give me a blowjob while she does you - thanks for that, by the way. Sue knew exactly what she was doing when she made that bet, because she knows you. She knows that you wouldn't say you could do something unless you were certain. It was a win-win for her. She got to lose the weight she had always wanted to, and also get a chance at you, guilt-free."

"How is it guilt-free if everyone knows it was a setup?" I asked.

"Because Sue doesn't know that I'm talking to you," he said. "She sent me here to make sure you don't cry off. I love Sue, and she loves me, but she needs this. She could fuck the entire football team for all I care, as long as she came home. Please, Caleb, give her this?"

Having guys beg me to have sex with their girlfriends, wives, and daughters was getting weirder every time it happened, not less. Reflexively, I checked for illusion, and then Compulsion on him. Of course, there was none.

"Now," he said, a half-smile on his face, "is the condemned man going to go willingly, or am I going to have to carry him?"

"Just you try," I growled at him, grinning to show I wasn't serious. "Muscles or no, it would be a mistake taking on the school wrestling champion."

"Pah, wrestling!" he said. "It's just an excuse to stick your face into each other's crotches. You're only there for the grab ass."

"If you think that," I said, "maybe you and I should get in the ring one afternoon."

He grinned. "If you want a grope, just ask. No need to get all aggressive about it."

"Are you flirting with me?" I asked. Sue obviously knew my sexuality, and I guessed from this conversation that George did too.

"Nah," he said with a grin, "just diverting."

I realized what he meant when I saw where we were. We had arrived at Sue's dorm, and I had been too preoccupied with the conversation to note our location.

"I thought you muscleheads were supposed to be dumb," I grumbled, and he laughed.

"Just get in there and get your dick sucked," he said, "or whatever else she has in mind."

"What..." I began, but it was too late. He had opened the door and pushed me inside.

Sue and Brenda were waiting, each wearing just their bathrobes.

George followed me, closing the door and leaning against it. There was no escape.

"Am I that scary?" asked Sue.

"You are not scary," I said, "but I am a little scared that I might be about to lose one of the best friends I ever had."

She smiled at me gently. "Caleb. Look what you did."

She opened her robe and dropped it to the floor. Naked, she walked toward me. Sue was by no means skinny - still about twenty pounds over her ideal weight - but her month of walking, going to the gym, and eating better had all come together quite beautifully.

"I didn't do that," I said. "That was all you."

She smiled. "You know, I think that is the first lie you have ever told me."

"It was all you," I said. "I just gave you a little bit of help. You did all the hard work."

"And now I am going to do all the hard work again," she said, taking my hands and pulling me toward her bed.

"Sue," I began, but she put her finger to my lips.

"You and I," she said, "will never be together. You have your harem, and I have my big muscle man. But we will always, always be friends." She guided me onto her bed and undid my pants. By some weird sleight of hand she got me naked from the waist down before I even touched the sheets.

I still had doubts, but my 'little friend' was definitely interested in what was going on.

I looked across at Brenda. She already had George fully naked and was straddling his face while she suckled on his impressive eight inches.

"Sue," I said, "I have a condition."

She stopped trying to take off my shirt and looked at me.

"Go on?" she said.

I glanced meaningfully over at George and Brenda, and Sue looked over. When she turned her face back, it wore a broad grin.


Sue leaned in to give me only the second kiss we had ever shared. Her lips still tasted of cherry, but this was no gentle peck. Her tongue demanded entrance and wouldn't be denied. I braced myself to be mouthraped by her, but once she got access she was incredibly gentle, exploring with a light touch and creating some wonderful sensations against my own tongue.

We parted and she began to kiss down my body, lapping at my nipples before moving further south and tracing the outline of my abs with the tip of her tongue. It dipped briefly into my navel before continuing the quest for my center.

She bypassed my cock entirely before settling between my legs and lapping at my balls. She pushed her face into them and took a deep breath, then shuddered.

"God you smell good," she said, going back to her bathing of my ballsack and the skin behind it. I let her continue for a few minutes before I put my hand on her arm and tugged slightly, reminding her of the deal. I saw her face emerge over the spectre of my straining cock and she grinned.

"If I must," she said, with the air of someone being asked to do an arduous chore.

In a very short time I was seeing an aspect of Sue I'd thought I would never get to experience. My face was mere inches from her pussy as she straddled me and got to work on my manhood.

She gripped me tightly in her hand and began giving my glans a tongue bath. Because of how tightly she was holding me - just short of it being painful - my cockhead was even more swollen and sensitive than it normally would be. She took advantage, teasing every millimeter of it before dipping the tip of her tongue into my slit. Then she took my head into her mouth and swirled her tongue around it again. She had serious talent.

I decided I needed a distraction, or else I would be delivering up the goods far too early. I started to work on her pussy.

Sue didn't shave, and had quite the 'lady-garden' going on, but even so I could see the meaty outer lips engorged with blood, proving her arousal. Already I saw dew collecting on them as her pussy leaked in anticipation.

I pushed her legs slightly further apart, bringing her pussy down onto my face, and tasted her. Her flavour was musky and tart - not unpleasantly so, but the only description I could think of to fit her flavour would be umami. I slithered my tongue the length of her slit, locating all the landmarks: her outer lips, inner lips, opening and finally her clit, which was the largest one had come across - excuse the pun - so far.

I suckled it into my mouth and began to give it a gentle tongue lashing, almost copying her movements on my cock. She moaned a little and pushed her hips forward, revelling in the feelings I was giving her.

Then it became a competition.

She pushed down, taking my cock to the back of her throat in one easy thrust. That didn't really surprise me. I figured if she could deal with George's eight inches then my 'little chap' wasn't going to be a problem for her. I felt her throat flex as she swallowed, making lightning shoot up my spine and my balls tighten.

I sucked her clit completely into my mouth and trapped it there, using suction to make sure it was fully engorged with blood. I began a soft rhythm against it with my tongue. Judging from her reaction, I needed to be much more forceful. I upped both the pace and the pressure of my attack. Soon I was treating it like a boxer's speed bag. I could feel her juices dripping onto my face. She began to wriggle her hips as I felt her start her climb toward orgasm.

She had lifted her head off my cock when I had started, but was still massaging my meat with a slow, deliberate beat.

Suddenly, she pulled her clit out of my mouth.

"Not yet, fucker," she said, and plunged her mouth over my cock once again. This time she started sucking me, bobbing her head up and down at a moderate pace. She allowed her drool to leak out around my cock, and it ran down onto my belly and balls, soaking them. On each outstroke, she increased the suction and wrapped her tongue around my head for a moment before pushing deep again.

She tugged and stroked at my scrotum with one hand, and then I felt the other snake behind and begin to massage my taint. Once again, my balls started to rise, and I knew that if I didn't do something soon, I was lost.

I ran my tongue the length of her slit, taking a quick lap at her clitoris, before traversing all the way to the other end and circling her butthole. She twitched at that. I noted it as a potential weak spot, but decided to hold off for the moment.

My tongue wandered away from her ass and into her pussy, sliding inside her. I pushed deep, then cheated. I used my TK tongue to cram her pussy full, pressing out in all directions and putting an undulating pressure on her G-spot.

"JESUS FUCK!!!! How big is your tongue?" she asked, throwing her head back at the sudden invasion and rush of sensations. I pulled out a little and thrust in again before relentlessly fucking her with my tongue, making sure to find and hit all the pleasure centres within her pussy.

She began to wriggle on top of me as her orgasm continued to build, my cock now forgotten in her hand as she rode my face toward her ultimate goal. I slid my hands between our bodies until I found her amazing breasts, kneading and palming them until I could find her nipples and begin my attack there too.

Sue had lost the battle. All she could do was hang on as I pushed her higher and higher, keeping my TK-enhanced tongue writhing inside her while my chin, lubricated by her copious juices and my own spit, rubbed and ground at her clit.

I had her on the very edge of the precipice, and decided I would use my power to hold her there for a short while. I wanted to give her a special memory, as I expected that this would be our only time together.

Sue was keening, all thought of me banished from her mind, as she searched for the elusive trigger that would tip her over the edge. But for my power, she had already surpassed her limit minutes before. She was Wile E. Coyote, having run off a cliff, standing in mid-air, eyes blinking and waiting to fall into the chasm below.

I queued up another TK tongue, knowing full well that in the melee of sensations she would have no idea where any stimulation was coming from. I simultaneously released her orgasm and shoved it deep into her asshole.

Sue screamed, her body locking up in a rictus of pleasure. Her face plunged forward onto my cock and she began frantically sucking at me as her orgasm wracked her. The action was so surprising that I had no defence and I arched my own back, shouting out as my climax hit me and I began shooting thick ropes of spunk down her throat.

I kind of lost track of what was going on after that. I wasn't sure if it was the orgasm, or the lack of oxygen from having Sue's pussy clamped down over my face. I may have even blacked out for a second. I released all my TK powers, so the pummelling of her pussy and ass ceased. When I next knew what was happening, Sue had climbed off me and we were lay side by side, top to toe on her bed, both panting heavily. Sue was turned to the wall, her back to me.

I turned my head slightly and could see George and Brenda sat side by side on her bed. They had either finished before us, or we had interrupted them. Judging by the mess around Georges cock, it had been the former. They both stared.

"Sue?" I enquired.

"Huh?" was all the response I got.

"You okay?"

"I am," she said, "but you need to go now."

It was as I had feared. I had broken our friendship. Sadly, I climbed off the bed and located my clothes. Neither George nor Brenda said anything to me as I dressed.

"Caleb," Sue said as I got to her door. She was still laid on the bed, in the position she had been when she had climbed off me, facing the wall. "Call me tomorrow, kay? We need to talk."

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usmcdadusmcdad3 months ago

Just stumbled on this story and wow, this thing is amazing... Love that you have taken a new direction from any I've seen before. Great read, I'll try to comment more, but so engrossed with the story, that I may forget.

Lolilol47Lolilol479 months ago

Thank you for the chapter and keep up the great work!

cartographycartography11 months ago

Gordon's name changed to George?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

This is something in my life that I shall never get tired of. It gives me something incredible to look forward to. Thanks for that.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I love the whole series. I wish it would continue .keep waiting for more

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