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Caleb 92 - Rosie


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That was more difficult.

Rosie had been picked up by a guy in the nightclub that I'd agreed to meet Veronica at. She'd gone there after she'd been sent a voucher for free entry and free drink.

She'd taken all precautions regarding drinks and not left hers unattended. After her first drink, she'd stuck to soda, she bought bottles and watched the barman open them. When she was not actively drinking from the bottle, she placed her thumb over the opening, even when she was dancing.

Even so, sometime in the evening she'd stated to feel strange, and had found herself being guided to a seat by a good looking guy, who, she had to admit, was pretty hot.

He'd spoken to her for a while, and it was only then that she realized that the seat she was in was in a room, not in the nightclub. It was quieter and they could talk. He got her another drink, but this time she had no qualms about taking it from him, and drinking it. They talked some more.

He spoke about freedom, and life, and getting away, spinning tales of dreams and plying her with more drinks.

He took her back to his place and the sex was mind blowing. She came and came and came, not thinking about anything other than what was happening to her. He played her body like a musical instrument. Between bouts, while they both recovered, he injected something into her. He explained why it was necessary and she was fine with his explanation although she couldn't remember for the life of her what that explanation was.

Her next memory was him taking her to the compound. Her head felt fuzzy but she felt so happy, so content to be following him. His hand in hers seemed to complete her, and she followed him in grinning like a fool.

Rosie's memory after that was a fractured mess of lights and sounds, of fuzzy headedness, of orgasms, and more lately of orders. There was pain and sadness if she disobeyed. He hated to have to punish her but, when she didn't do what she was told, he had to. Oh but how he would reward her when she was good. He could make her cum with just a word. All the time her head felt thick and wooly. It was like it was happening to someone else.

When she saw me, she was confused. Why was I there? But she'd already been trained to say the phrases he instructed her to. He'd press on her hand, and she'd say the phrases. She only had time to learn a few, only five or six, but that seemingly was enough. She hoped the Master would be happy with her after she'd said the phrases. The last time he'd been unhappy, it had hurt, a lot, but she was certain it was her fault. She'd have to try to do better.

There was silence in the office after I reported all that I had found.

"We have to get in there," Maggie said. "They're running some kind of slavery ring. Picking up good looking young kids, brainwashing them, and then selling them on to who knows where. I am in no doubt as to the use they'll be put to. But they're not going to be young and pretty forever. What happens when they get old and tired. What happens to them then?"

Judge Roder looked grim.

"I agree," she said. "But do you have enough intel for a raid?"

Maggie shook her head. "Caleb already saw some defences," she said. "The vehicular blockade is pretty standard, but if they've bothered to put that in, I'm sure there's more. Also the electronic surveillance. Finally, we have no idea of the layout of the compound. We need much more information."

"I could get it," I said. "I could go and meet Veronica at the nightclub, and read her. Surely there's enough her for a warrant for that?" I asked the judge.

She considered for a moment.

"Yes," she said finally. "I'll issue you a warrant to read anyone from the compound you meet in the nightclub. It might not be this Veronica person. Also listen out for how they managed to drug her. I suspect the barman is in on it, but if Rosie watched him open all her drinks, I'm not sure how."

"Maybe they have a stock of doctored bottles," I said, "kept especially for those with the vouchers."

"Sounds plausible," she said. "See if you can find out, without violating his mind."

"Yes, your Honor," I said.

"Also," Maggie went on, "this is an FBI operation. Martha is no longer involved, and no information is to be given to her."

I looked past Judge Roder to Melissa. Judge Roder noticed my glance.

"Melissa knows well enough not to leak information," she said, "even to her aunt. ADD Forbes, keep me posted."

She leaned forward and cut the connection. The screen went dark.

I looked at Maggie and then at Dianna.

"You'd better go home and catch your girls up," said Dianna. "They're going to want to know what's going on."

"I will," I said.

"And Caleb," she said. "Think hard about what you're going to say to Judge Roder. You can't just say 'no' to her. She has the weight of the legal system at her back. If you refuse her request, then you could easily find yourself in serious trouble. Think of how that will affect the rest of your family.

"It was a mistake to use that on Harold. You should have told me, and we could have figured something out. Now the cat's out of the bag, and I'm not sure it's knowledge I particularly want out there. The ramifications of it are huge."

"I know," I said. "And there's no way, no how, I'm telling anyone what I figured out. That would be a weapon that Norms would not be able to resist. They'll start to research it, and before you know it there'll be vivisections of power users underway.

"I thought it might be useful, to protect our guys when they have to go in to take down a power user, but I'm not releasing that information to her, or to anyone else, ever."

Maggie shook her head.

"This is going to get bloody," she said.

"I hope not," I said.

I wasn't out of the building before my phone rang again. Martha.

"Caleb," she said. "Did you find him...and your friend?"

"Did Maggie speak to you?" I asked.

"Yes," she said. "She told me that the FBI were taking the investigation and I was told to back off."

"She told me the same thing," I said. "I was also told not to talk to you about it."

"I see," she said.

"I'm sorry Martha. If I could I'd tell you what's going on, but I can't." I told her.

I heard her sigh. "Please," she said. "If and when you CAN tell me something, please will you call?"

"As soon as I'm allowed," I said, "then I will. You have my word."

"And Caleb," she added. "About Sarah..."

"It's over," I said. "Forget about it."

"Maggie mentioned some justice?" she said. "Do I have to worry?"

I sighed.

"No," I said. "I was furious at you at first. When I got to the cabin I very nearly stripped your powers. It was a very close call."

"You can do that?" she asked.

"I can," I said. "I've done it a few times already. Most notably to Zach Everson after he tried to kill me and my family."

"I heard about that." She said. "Although not the details. Melissa is always very tight lipped about what goes on with the Judge."

"Once I was over that, I was still angry at you. I was going to take a petty revenge," I said. "It's kind of my trademark."

"Oh?" she said.

"I was going to give you a very personal itch you couldn't scratch," I told her. "For a week. All of you, your guys included."

She actually laughed at that.

"That would have been... uncomfortable," she said. I could hear the grin in her voice. "You are rather Machiavellian. That's quite brilliant, and quite evil. So am I still in line for the justice?"

"When I saw what was going on in the Enclave," I told her quietly, "what you said made sense. I could see why and how you might get 'carried away' and want to step in as quickly as possible. I think I understand your drive to help. It doesn't help Sarah, or me, or anyone in cases where you get it wrong, but the damage you prevent when you get it right, kind of makes it worth it. At least I can see how it would from your point of view."

"Maggie was right," she said, more soberly. "I, we, have to do better, but thank you for seeing it that way, and for telling me."

"As soon as I can say anything more," I told her, "I'll be in touch. But I fully expect you to hear it from others before you hear anything from me. Keep that in mind."

"I will," She said. "And thank you. If the FBI is taking this up, then you must have done or found something to convince Roder to act. I hope your friend is okay."

She hung up, just as I arrived home.


"We're going with you," were the words that started the biggest row we'd ever had.

I'd told everyone, Arnie included, about the Enclave, and what I'd found when I got there. I explained the plan and how I was going to be going to the nightclub and catching up with Veronica to try and get more information.

It was Amanda who'd said the fateful words, and my refusal started a torrent of arguments, shouts and tears.

In the end I had to call Dianna and get her to come over to referee. Melanie was the hardest to placate, since she had no in-built deference to Dianna as the twins did, when Dianna tried to 'put her foot down' Melanie simply told her to get fucked, and that she had no right to tell her what to do.

I thought that Dianna would lose her cool and pull out the...'this is an FBI operation and any interference will be unlawful'... bullshit but she didn't. Instead, she spoke gently to Melanie for nearly an hour. There were more tears, but eventually they all accepted that them going would actually make things more dangerous for me. If they went with me, I'd be splitting my focus, trying my best to look after them, and so not able to give one hundred percent of my attention to making sure I was safe.

The atmosphere in the house Tuesday morning was much more subdued than it had been the previous morning. We all got ready and went about our day without any banter. You'd have thought that I was headed for my immediate execution judging by the expressions on the girls faces and the subdued tones.

After everyone left I decided I needed to do something about it. This, after all, was going to be my career. If we were going to end up with this performance every time I went out on a job, it would get incredibly old.

I apparently was not the only one to think that, because when Mary came home that evening, she came into the kitchen where I was preparing an early dinner.

"Caleb," she said. "I'm sorry."

I put down the knife I'd been using and wiped my hands. Turning to face her, I took her in my arms.

"You have nothing to be sorry for," I said. "If it were you then I'd be equally worried, and want to be there to keep you safe."

"Yes," she said. "But I'm sure you've considered that if we're like this now, what is it going to be like when you're an actual agent? These histrionics are going to make all our lives miserable."

I considered this for a few moments. "I could think about..." I began, but she cut me off.

"Don't even say it," she said. "All you ever wanted to do was to be in law enforcement and it would be wrong for you to change that now because of us. Whether it's the FBI, NSA, CIA, or just a state trooper, every time you went out to work, our worry would be the same. You can't live like that, we can't. We have to trust that you'll use every bit of your power and training, when you get it, to keep yourself safe, and come back to us."

I felt the girls gathering in the living room, and so I took Mary through and joined them. The hours we spent talking meant that we had no time to eat before we had to be at the Dojo, so I called out for pizza when we got back. I remembered the wonderful ones we'd had at Danny's just after Arnie had been attacked, and we called out to Olys.

When Sarah told Arnie, who'd gone back to his Dad's since we were going to the dojo, I felt his pout through the connection.

"He thinks we did it deliberately," Sarah giggled.

Wednesday, I had no attention for my Ethics class, and would be hard pressed to recall what was discussed. I was worried for Rosie and wondered just what was happening to her. I was certain she wasn't going to be moved before we went in to rescue her, and Maggie had told me that the compound was now under surveillance, including the boat dock. I wondered if and how they'd be able to spot Rosie being taken out of there, and if they did, what they'd do about it.

Thursday morning Sarah and Melanie ran with me. Arnie had made noises like he was going to start training with us, but Sarah asked him to wait until after my 'operation'. He'd agreed immediately.

I'd also cancelled all my flying lessons that day, even though I'd had both a rotary and a fixed wing lesson booked. I knew I'd have no focus for them, and while I didn't really need it, it was dangerous to fly distracted.

I also got notification that my next check ride was booked for the Tuesday of the last week before we went to the ranch. That was five days away, if you didn't count today.

The day passed slowly. I tried to divert myself, but instead found myself reviewing Rosie's memories of her abduction over and over and over again.

The girls came home at their normal time and Mary cooked dinner. I wasn't hungry but thought it best if I ate something.

I made sure to leave my CQB at home. I also decided to get Arnie to drop me at the club, just so my truck would be safe at home.

"You sure you don't want me to come in with you?" asked Arnie as we pulled up just down the block from the club.

I smiled at him. "Thanks for the offer," I said, "but no. I'll be fine."

I got out of his car, pulled my jacket down to straighten it, and took a deep breath. It was time.

"I'm outside the club," I told Mary.

One of the concessions that Dianna had made was that Mary would provide comms, via our link. She was currently sitting in a dark van parked a block over. We'd passed it on our way in.

"We saw you," she said. "Be careful. I love you."

I smiled at that and sent them all feelings of love. I was careful not to transmit the tingle of fear I was feeling.

While I was confident in my powers, the incidents with Green and the school shooter had shown me clearly that my powers were not infallible. Anything could, and probably would, happen.

I strode up to the nightclub entrance. There was a short line, but I went straight to the bouncer on the door. I showed him my ticket and he stood aside to let me in. There was some muttering from those at the head of the line, but a look from him quelled it.

"Thank you," I said, wondering if I should tip him. Since I had nothing ready, I chose not to, and simply went inside. He didn't look upset so I guessed he hadn't expected anything either, or maybe he just had a great poker face.

The club wasn't exactly full at this time. It was quite dark inside and there were a few people dancing to the thumping music that was already playing. That, I decided, was going to give me a headache.

I worked my way over to the bar, which had a few people standing against it, but it seemed nobody was waiting for drinks. It seemed that it was still early.

A young woman, came over to me and smiled.

I presented the card to her, and she nodded.

"You have a choice of either beer, soda, or wine." She said. That made sense. If they were doctoring the bottles they'd want to limit the number of bottles they'd need to keep on hand, pre-doctored.

I listened to her mind as she spoke. She didn't seem to know about any drugs or drugging. As far as she knew this was simply a promotion to get people into the club. She was surprised at how few people presented the tokens, the first time she'd seen one about a month ago, she'd had to ask what they were about. She'd seen only a handful since.

"I'll take a beer," I said with a smile, "thanks."

She walked off and reached into a chiller, which, when she opened it, I saw contained only the choice of drinks mentioned. There was one type of beer, two kinds of soda, and some small bottles of wine.

She grabbed one of the beers and walked back to me, popping the cap as she arrived.

"You want a glass?" I asked.

I shook my head, and she handed it over.

Thanking her, I pretended to take a drink, keeping my tongue over the mouth of the bottle as I did. I doubted that what was in there would be powerful enough to take me down with just that little contact. If that had been the case then a full bottle of the stuff would probably kill me.

I made my way around the perimeter of the dance floor and found myself a seat, ostensibly watching the girls dancing. There were not many of those this early.

After a few minutes, I went to the bathroom, taking my drink with me. That was not unusual these days, given the amount of people who were drugged in clubs. In fact, most people did that, at least they did if they'd gone to the club alone.

Since there was nobody else in the bathroom, I emptied the bottle down the toilet, and rinsed it out, filling it with water. I then went back out into the club to wait for events to unfold.

A young guy came to talk to me. A quick scan told me that he was a genuine club goer who had only just come out. He'd spotted me sitting alone and decided to try his luck. He was nervous as hell and almost visibly shaking when he approached.

"Hi," he said. I smiled at him.

"Hi," I returned.

That seemed to be his total repertoire.

"Quiet in here tonight," he offered.

"I'm sure it'll get busier later," I said. "I wouldn't normally come out so early, but I'm meeting someone,"

"Ah," he said. "Okay, have a good night."

"You too," I said. he wandered off, taking a seat a few tables away and watching both me and the crowd. I wondered if he believed me or thought I was just brushing him off. I didn't bother to check.

I was approached twice more before I spotted Veronica about an hour later. She looked around the club and spotted me, her face breaking into a wide smile as she did so. She came straight over.

"Caleb," she said. I stood and was surprised to receive a warm hug and a peck on both cheeks. "You made it."

"I was thinking about what you said," I told her. "And Rosie obviously."

"You have to let Rosie go," she said. "Even if you do join us, she's found her happiness. You're a connection back to her past life, her pain. You wouldn't want to deny her would you?"

I dropped my head. "She's found someone else?" I asked.

"No," she said. "We don't encourage that until people have been with us a little while. It confuses things. The first couple of months is about finding yourself, not about finding others. That comes later."

"I'm sorry," I said. "Can I get you a drink?"

"I'll take a white wine please," she said. I nodded and left her sitting at the table. When I went to the bar I noted that there was a barman waiting for me. He seemed to be ignoring other people who were wanting serving.

"What can I get you?" he asked.

"Can I get a white wine, and a Cola please," I said.

He nodded.

"Perfect," he thought. "We already have those ready."

He went back to the cooler that my original beer had been taken from and pulled out my soda. Then, ignoring the wine in the same cooler, collected a bottle from a cold shelf further along the bar. He brought the two drinks back to where I stood, opened both bottles, and poured them into glasses.

I paid him, giving him a small tip, and he thanked me before moving off to serve some of those he'd ignored before.

I took our drinks back to where Veronica sat.

"I'm sorry," I said. "The barman already poured them. If you would rather..."

"It's fine," she said. "I don't think you're going to try and drug me, are you?" she laughed.

We sat and chatted, and had more drinks. She told me about the Enclave, how it had been set up by a monk, but was not overtly religious. There were advantages, she'd told me, of being thought of as a religion. It gave them extra freedoms and some tax benefits, but the ethos wasn't about any kind of god, but was about becoming free, casting off all of the shackles of modern life, and achieving your happiness.

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