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Camp Hideaway Ch. 01


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Now she was right in front of me, looking supremely uncomfortable and out of place amongst the growing group of teenagers and parents. When my mom and I stepped into the clearing, she glanced up at me for the briefest of moments before hiding back behind her book.

Standing next to her, the man who I assumed must have been her father called out a friendly greeting to Mom, who smiled and waved back at him. Brandon and his father smiled and waved as well. I'd always liked Brandon, but I'd never really got the chance to know him all that well. He spent a lot of time on the camp sports teams over the years, which was never something that interested me very much. We got on well enough, but I'd never considered him a close friend.

I returned their waves and walked over to give Matt a high-five. It felt great to see him again. Matt lived in California, so the only time we got to see each other was at Camp Hideaway. We'd been best friends since our first summer at the youth camp, and our parents had been close friends since long before either of us were born.

We immediately broke off from the group, leaving our Moms to get caught up. I was curious about whether his parents had let anything slip about what to expect, but apparently, they'd been just as tight-lipped as my own. We spent the next few minutes catching each other up on how our school years had gone.

As we talked, Jenny Rhodes and a man who must have been her father entered the clearing. I did my best to stay cool, giving her a non-committal smile and wave before turning back to Matt. Jenny and I had been an 'item' at the youth camp last summer. Like Matt, she lived on the west coast, so when the summer came to an end, we decided to try a long distance relationship, promising to FaceTime and text with each other as much as we could. I'd done my part, but as fall turned into winter, Jenny started calling and texting less frequently, and when we did talk, she seemed more and more distant. I tried to compensate by calling her more often, but in the back of my mind, I knew I was just staving off the inevitable. By the time winter break rolled around, she was barely returning my calls, and I had finally started to accept the fact that Jenny had moved on.

Even though we hadn't formally broken up, I assumed that whatever we'd had last summer was long gone. Despite all that, I couldn't help but cast a few secretive glances in her direction. With her honey-blonde hair, blue eyes, and curvy figure, she looked even more gorgeous than I remembered — too gorgeous to be interested in a guy like me, apparently.

The last pair to join us consisted of Amy Woods and her father. Amy was another of my good friends from the youth camp, and I was happy to see her. Matt and I quickly waved her over to our little circle.

Amy had always been a bit of a troublemaker, which was one of the reasons we liked her. She'd hatched several plans over the years to find out what was really going on at the adult's retreat, but none of them ever seemed to pan out.

At the end of last summer, Matt confessed to me that he'd been carrying around a major crush on Amy for years but was too nervous to do anything about it. Based on the look in his eyes when she headed in our direction, I had to assume that those feelings hadn't faded over the course of the school year.

If their personalities hadn't been such a perfect match, it would be almost impossible to imagine the two of them together. Amy was short and a little bit overweight with long, curly red hair and a huge bust. Her round, freckled face and upturned nose framed a wide, smiling mouth that perfectly suited her naturally playful disposition. Matt, on the other hand, was just over six feet tall and bone thin. He could usually be seen wearing oversized t-shirts that made him look like a friendly scarecrow. To say that they made an odd-looking pair would be the understatement of the century.

Before the three of us had a chance to catch up in any meaningful way, we were joined by two more familiar faces. Rob and Sharon were two of the camp counselors from the youth camp. They greeted us warmly as they walked in. I was surprised that they seemed to know our parents just as well as they knew us.

"Welcome to orientation, everyone!" Sharon said in the same enthusiastic cadence I'd grown used to over the years. "I know you all probably have a lot of questions, and Rob and I want to make sure we get all of them answered for you. But first, we'd like to start with a tour. After that, we can talk about some of the rules and expectations for staying here."

What followed was a fairly mundane tour of the grounds. Or it would have been, anyway, if it wasn't for the way people seemed to stare at us wherever we went. Sharon and Rob showed us all of the main areas of the campgrounds, stopping from time to time to explain some basic etiquette and safety rules along the way. With each stop, a group of onlookers seemed to gather nearby as if we emitted some strange magnetic pull. Everyone was incredibly friendly in a way that almost crossed the line into feeling creepy. A few quick whispers between Matt and Amy confirmed that they felt the same way.

Eventually, the tour wound its way through the large indoor dining area, the camp offices and first aid station. Finally, we reached a building marked simply as "The Hotel." As the counselors lead us inside I wondered why a camp like this would need a hotel. Didn't each of the guests have their own cabin to stay in?

Inside, we followed Rob and Sharon through a pair of double-doors and into one of the strangest rooms I'd ever seen. It was large enough to have been the dining area of a normal hotel. Instead of being filled with tables and chairs, though, the space had a few dozen cushioned benches of various shapes and sizes. Even stranger, the floor itself was cushioned and the walls were lined with pillows of countless shapes and sizes. After removing our shoes at the entranceway, each of us took a seat at one of the benches next to the parent that accompanied us. We formed a rough semicircle around Sharon and Rob who remained standing.

"This is the group playroom," Rob announced. "Like so many that have come before you, this is where your life as full members of Camp Hideaway will truly begin."

I was confused. What exactly were we supposed to be playing? There weren't any tables for board games, and the pillows and cushions scattered about made it unsuitable for any sport I'd ever heard of. I thought about raising my hand to ask, but his speech continued before I had the chance.

"You're probably all wondering why your family and older friends have been so secretive about what goes on here, right?" he asked, chuckling at our enthusiastic agreement. "I felt the same way my first summer here. I know it's been frustrating, but your parents had to keep this secret for a very good reason. Before I say anything else, though, I need you all to make a solemn promise that you won't, under any circumstances, reveal what I'm about to tell you to anyone that isn't already a member of the adult's retreat. After hearing what we have to say, you can each decide whether you want to stay on as members, but even if you decide to leave the camp, you can never repeat what we're about to tell you to anyone."

A voice behind me said, "Isn't that kind of unfair?" It came from the last person I'd ever expect.

Zoe Ross had made it through an entire school year without volunteering a single answer in class. And yet, here she was, arguing with Rob at a time when I would have agreed to practically anything.

"How can you expect us to agree to keep a secret without even a single hint of what it might be? What if keeping the secret involves harming someone or doing something illegal?"

Sharon smiled. "That's a fair question. And you're right that the request we're making of you isn't fair. But nonetheless, it is an important first step in your becoming full members of the camp. We wish things didn't need to be this way, but if people in the outside world found out what goes on here, it could do real damage to people's lives."

Whether she'd meant to or not, Sharon had just sent my curiosity rocketing into the stratosphere. I understood Zoe's hesitation, but she hadn't spent the last ten years wondering about what happened here.

"Remember, too, that your parents and family members have also agreed to keep this secret. they didn't bring you here just to entrap you into some kind of illegal scheme." Her comment was followed by some stifled chuckling from the adults in the room, my mom included.

Rob took the opportunity to jump in and say, "The truth is that not everyone is cut out for life at Camp Hideaway, and turning eighteen isn't the only requirement for membership. The six of you are here based on the recommendations of your parents and the counselors at the youth camp. Keeping our secret is a big responsibility, but none of you would be here if we didn't trust you at least as much as we're hoping you'll trust us."

I'd been so distracted that I hadn't given any thought to the fact that quite a few of the campers I'd grown up with at the youth camp weren't here. Among the missing was one of our close friends, John. Another boy, Kyle, was also missing. He'd been the one who supposedly snuck out and taken pictures of the adults. A few of Jenny's girlfriends were also unaccounted for, as were Brandon's bunk-mates. I'd had no idea that the Adults Retreat was so exclusive. Knowing that I was one of the chosen filled me with a surge of pride even though I still had no real idea what membership actually entailed.

Going around the room, he asked each of us in turn whether we would keep the secret. We all quickly agreed, even Zoe. Sharon smiled and said, "Now that that's out of the way, we can get down to the part we've all been waiting for." Without another word, she grabbed the hem of her shirt and pulled it over her head, exposing her braless breasts to the rest of the room. Before I'd gotten a good look at them, she bent over and pushed down her shorts as well, leaving her standing before us, completely naked and exposed.

My breath caught in my throat. Sharon beauty wasn't particularly tall, but she had incredible curves. I stared open-mouthed as I took in the sight of her large breasts, hanging out for all to see. My eyes traveled downward to her soft stomach and the cleft of her hairless pussy, framed beautifully by her athletic thighs. Many of the boys at camp, myself included, had spent the better part of our adolescence lusting after this blonde beauty, but never in our wildest dreams did we think the day would come when she'd be standing before us, wearing nothing but a smile. I glanced over at Matt and quickly surmised that was thinking the exact same thing.

I'd been so focused on Sharon's nudity that it took me a moment to notice that Rob had also shed his clothing. His cock was hard and pointing towards the rest of the group. Continuing to scan around the room, I saw that Jenny, Amy, and Zoe's eyes were just as laser focused on him as mine had been on Sharon.

"The first thing you'll notice after you leave orientation is that clothing is discouraged at the adults' retreat," Rob said, clearly enjoying the stunned reactions on our faces. "We ask that returning campers stay dressed until we've had the opportunity to explain things to the newcomers, but when you leave, you'll find that most people choose to remain naked all summer long."

Sharon continued, saying, "We understand that this will be a big adjustment for some of you, and want to remind you that everyone at Camp Hideaway — yourselves included — is here by choice. There are a few rules we will go over, but the main one is that no one gets pressured to do anything they don't want to do. If you feel uncomfortable letting others see your body, then feel free to stay clothed. No one will question you or give you a hard time about it."

"So is this the big secret?" Matt asked. "That the adults' retreat is a nudist camp?"

"In a way... yes. But most of us prefer to call it a hedonist camp when we call it anything at all," Sharon replied. "There are lots of nudist colonies around the country, but most of them discourage sexual activity between members. That's what makes Camp Hideaway different. All sexual activity, so long as it's consensual, is not only allowed, but encouraged here."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Had my parents really brought me and my sister to a swingers resort? My shock deepened as it struck me that not only were my parents swingers, but my aunts, uncles, grandparents, and even my sister must be as well! I'd been so distracted by Sharon's nudity that I'd barely been aware of my mom's presence on the bench next to me. Turning to face her, she met my gaze with a smug, knowing smile.

The room was silent as we each tried to work through the implications of what we'd just learned. Finally, Jenny spoke up and asked, "So, what? We can just walk up to anyone we want and have sex with them?"

Rob let out a good-natured laugh. "Not exactly, he said. Remember the first rule: everything that happens here has to be consensual. As long as you ask permission first, though, anything goes. I'd imagine a girl as pretty as you won't have many people turning her away."

Jenny blushed a deep shade of scarlet. I couldn't read her expression, but I guessed that like the rest of us, she was experiencing something between the extremes of terror and overwhelming arousal.

Sharon jumped in. "Along those lines, you should all know that as newcomers here, you will probably be approached by a lot of people who'd like to see what you have to offer. Some newcomers feel overwhelmed at first, but always remember that no one here will be offended by a simple 'no thank you'. If someone keeps pressuring you beyond that, make sure to tell someone in the main office. We want to make sure that everyone is comfortable and has a great time while they're here. It doesn't happen very often, but there have been instances in the past where members have been asked to leave for the season, or in extreme cases, permanently for refusing to respect the first rule."

As the two counselors talked, I became increasingly aware not only of my erection pressing against the leg of my shorts, but also of my Mom's presence sitting next to me. I still couldn't understand why each of us was accompanied by a parent for this. My burgeoning excitement over the prospect of spending all summer in a sexual free-for-all was tempered by the knowledge that my mom, dad, and sister would be around as well.

Fortunately, those concerns were soon addressed when Matt spoke up yet again. "Don't get me wrong, the idea of spending all summer in a never-ending orgy sounds great to me, but why are our parents here with us?" The rest of us nodded and murmured in agreement, thankful that he had the nerve to ask the question that had clearly been on all of our minds.

Sharon gave him a wicked smile. "Because this isn't just any old swinger's resort," she said. "Camp Hideaway was originally created to be a place where families could express their love for each other in ways that usually aren't considered... acceptable." She hesitated, choosing her words carefully.

"...ways that are more... sexual than most families would be comfortable with."

An audible gasp filled the room.

"Traditionally, each new member of the camp is initiated by one of their parents," Rob said, ignoring our shock for the time being. "To put it bluntly, your parents are here because they each want to fuck you before anyone else has the chance."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. The expression on my face must have been a comical one because I heard Mom snort as she tried to stifle a laugh. Finally managing to tear my gaze away from Sharon's naked body, I looked Mom right in the eyes.

"Is this another joke?" I asked, keeping my voice low, so only Mom could hear. The rest of the room was filled with similar murmuring coming from the other new campers.

"It's no joke," she replied, some part of her clearly enjoying my shock and confusion. "I've been waiting a long time for this moment. It's been so hard keeping this a secret from you, and I'm glad you finally know what we've been hiding and why we had to hide it."

That word, 'we' was a startling reminder that what I'd just learned didn't just apply to Mom. My whole family was in on this. Both of my parents had been coming here for their entire adult lives — as had my aunts, uncles, cousins, and even my older sister. Which also meant that...

"Oh, God..." I muttered. "Does that mean that you... and Grandpa..."

Mom just grinned and nodded. "He took my virginity right in this very spot, and he still fucks me just about every chance he can get."

I jerked in surprise. Her answer was shocking enough, but what really threw me off was how casually she talked about having sex with her own father. I'd never once heard what she referred to as 'the f-word' and now she was talking about Grandpa fucking her as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

"Actually, your father lost his virginity to your Grandma on that bench right over there at almost the exact same time," she said, ignoring my confusion as she pointed to the bench that was currently occupied by Jenny and her father.

To my shock, the pair were already engaged in a passionate kiss. Her hands were all over him, rubbing along his back and exploring the muscles of his chest. My eyes went wide as he pulled her closer until she was fully seated in his lap with her legs wrapped around his back. In that position, I could see Jenny's hips slowly grind against his crotch. I felt a twinge of jealousy as I watched this older man rub his dick against my ex-girlfriend's pussy, but it quickly faded as I realized just how turned on I was.

I was shocked out of my reverie by the feeling of a hand on my thigh — my mother's hand. "It's a family tradition, one that I'm very excited to make you a part of," she said, gently rubbing my thigh, inching her way closer and closer to the bulge in my shorts. "Can I?" she asked, staring intently at the outline of my erection. "I've waited so long to see what you've been hiding in there." As she spoke, her voice hitched and her cheeks flushed. For the first time, it occurred to me that she might be just as aroused by this situation as I was.

I merely nodded in response, unable to formulate a verbal response. It was all too much to process. The same woman who had raised me was unzipping me and fishing my dick out of my shorts. Helping her along, I lifted myself up off of the bench, allowing down to my ankles in one swift motion. My underwear followed moments later

Mom let out a breathy moan as my cock broke free and slapped heavily against my belly. "Oh, it's beautiful, honey," she said as she firmly gripped my shaft with one hand, and fondled my balls with the other. Her touch was firm but gentle as she took her time exploring every inch of me, tracing her fingers up and down, paying particularly close attention to the underside of my shaft, which was already slick and shiny with precum.

I was dimly aware of the sounds and smells of sexual activity around me, but my attention was focused completely on Mom's expert handling of my cock. Everything else seemed to just fall away. I found myself thrusting my hips gently into her hands, trying to enhance the pleasure of her stroking. "Does that feel good?" she asked, smiling wickedly up at me.

"So good, Mom... Please don't stop!" I begged, completely in her thrall. Little did I know that the pleasure was only just getting started. Her hand moved higher, rubbing her thumb firmly all around my head, focusing on the sensitive area right below my pee-slit. I'd jerked off many times before that moment, but it had never felt this good. Soon my precum was flowing freely over her stroking hand, and I began to wonder how much longer I could hold off from cumming.

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