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Captive Princess Pt. 05

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The former princess's life as a slave becomes more complex
2.4k words

Part 5 of the 8 part series

Updated 10/20/2022
Created 11/29/2013
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The next morning Ivory was awakened by Theodore, her master and applied herself to preforming her morning blow job after which her Master helped her attend to her toilet and start her day.

"In addition to this estate I own an import export business in the nearby town. I do quite well with it and it supplements my income from this place rather well. I will be going there after your tutor arrives." Said her master.

"When your tutor arrives you will see to her needs and then you will apply yourself diligently to learning Realto. If I hear a bad report from your tutor I will spank you until you are sore. Two consecutive bad reports and you receive ten lashes from the flail."

Ivory could not help but notice that when her master threatened her his face and eyes grew a hardness that frightened her, Ivory knew that she did not want to fail her Master to the point where he punished her.

The next three quarters of an hour passed pleasantly however, Master Theodore fed Ivory her breakfast and cleaned her up after the two had finished dining. Master brought out a deck of cards. For a brief time Ivory and her Master played a simple card game, one that ivory and Hanna had played often. Master told her the Realto names for the game and the Realto words for the card suits.

Clarence the butler entered with Ivory's tutor. The woman was diminutive and white haired. Master Theodore introduced her as tutor Denise Raline. Ivory bowed as she had been instructed and then approached her new tutor. She was on her knees and beneath the tutor's skirt moments later. Ivory knew that it was important to impress her tutor so she worked hard at the gray thatched quim. At last the tutor emitted a sound of pleasure and Ivory rose to her feet again.

Master Theodore led the two to the small room he had set aside for ivory's lessons. The Realto alphabet lined the walls. It met the satisfaction of the tutor and then Ivory's master left to attend to his business in town.

"Slave," began the tutor "If you do not work hard for me and apply yourself diligently to your studies I will see that your master has your hide on a regular basis. I am VERY demanding and VERY difficult to please. I am however a exceptional language teacher. It takes an apt pupil about two months to learn the rudiments of Realto, After that everything is vocabulary and remembering the pronunciation rules.

If you take longer to teach then that I will ask for, and not doubt receive, permission to flog you myself.

Now let us begin."

For the next six hours with regular bathroom and reflection breaks Ivory applied herself to learning this new language. Tutor Denise was nothing like her old tutor Hanna. She had an imperious manner and was loathe to repeat herself. Still at the end of their time together, Ivory had memorized the pronunciation of the letters of the Realto alphabet and was stringing simple, if not yet grammatically correct, sentences together. Denise also gave her several phrases to greet her master with.

Master Theodore smiled when he came home. He seemed very pleased when Ivory greeted him with a phrase she had learned and then preformed fellatio on him. Theodore then faced the tutor and asked for a report.

"Your slave is bright enough but I think a good spanking will help her focus her mind even more keenly when we resume our studies. It will also ensure that she does her homework." Said tutor Denise.

Ivory's mouth dropped open in shock. Surely, she thought, she had been a good and attentive pupil. Her master's face now wore a look ivory did not like in the least. Ivory was instructed to thank her tutor as she was led out of the room by the butler.

Master Theodore turned and faced his slave. "You must receive your punishment now Ivory. Please do not try to beg for mercy or appeal your sentence, that will only make me angry and greatly prolong your punishment."

The hard look on his face increased, alarming his slave. Theodore sat in a chair and had Ivory lie across his lap. Ivory bit her lip in fear and tried to stifle her tears as Master Theodore began to vigorously spank her. Theodore applied fifteen slaps to Ivory's buttocks, the slave began crying after the fifth blow.

For Ivory it was as if she were a child again. It had been many years since anyone had punished her corporally. Her nurse Cordellia had been last to do it and that was long ago. Once her Master finished he had Ivory rise.

"Ivory, my pet. I do NOT relish punishing you but I am a firm and demanding Master. It is my duty to see that you are properly trained and sufficiently obedient. To achieve those ends I will use whatever discipline is most effective. I trust that you will reflect upon this lesson and that it shall not have to be repeated."

Theodore's features softened and then he said, "Let us now prepare for dinner. We will have a guest, greet them accordingly."

To Ivory's surprise the dinner guest was a young woman about her own age. Her master greeted the woman by embracing and kissing her, two actions that surprised Ivory. The visitor was very beautiful with long dirty blonde hair and an attractive figure. Ivory was nearly overcome with jealously. The woman was clad in a fine, expensive dress that Ivory envied. Ivory disappeared under the woman's exquisite skirt and applied herself to the newcomer's quim. It did not take long for Ivory to get a favorable reaction.

To her surprise, Ivory found that she could follow the subsequent conversation. The young woman asked what Ivory's native language was. The woman then began speaking it.

"Darling Theodore, she is beyond beautiful. Richard told me how much you paid for her. I can see that was money well spent. With her looks you really should consider breeding her. My friend Agatha has a gorgeous stud. The two of them would make beautiful children indeed."

Theodore, replied, "We have to see if she is trainable before we decide her future. I had not considered breeding her but that COULD be quite lucrative, especially if she bears a daughters who share her good looks."

The woman then said, "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Lisa. My brother is Richard whose estate you visited yesterday. I don't suppose that Theodore has told you about us. It really is not his job however. Theodore is my fiance. We are to be married next year. You will attend to my needs tonight and prepare me for bed. Theodore, myself and you will all share his bed. As we get to know each other you will find me quite pleasant. Obey me as you would Theodore. Its almost too bad that Theodore keeps you in chastity. You look quite tasty."

With that the conversation returned to Realto and Ivory caught only a few words. The presence of Lisa floored Ivory. The slave had thought herself the only woman in her Master's life. What of the trips he promised? Why would he take a slave on trips if he would soon have a wife. And then ivory understood what her master had meant when he said that Ivory would seal deals and trade agreements!

The fantasy Ivory had permitted herself of domestic bliss and a comfortable enslavement with Theodore vanished in a haze of sadness and confusion.

For Ivory, most of the rest of the night passed in a mournful daze. While the three sat and ate dinner, Lisa and Theodore grilled Ivory on what she had learned from her tutor. Ivory's buttocks still stung but she could sit with only a bit of discomfort. Both her Master and her future Mistress complimented Ivory on being such a quick learner.

At last it was time for bed. Clarence, the butler, had brought in Lisa's valise and set it up on a bureau in Theodore's room. At the proper time, Master Theodore prepared Ivory for bed and then it was time for the slave to prepare the guest for bed. Carefully, Ivory undressed Lisa and hung up her gorgeous dress. Naked the woman was beautiful, her body was very much like ivory's own. Lisa spoke gently to Ivory as the slave prepared her for bed.

At one point Lisa took Ivory aside.

"Ivory, I can tell by your body language and your mood that my existence and presence come as a shock to you. I should explain that it is considered unseemly for a Realto man to not marry. It is the obligation of every Realto male to produce at least two children and that requires a free woman for a spouse. Your children, Ivory, no matter how beautiful or intelligent they turn out to be, can never be more than owned property. All Realto women are accustomed to sharing their men with a slave. Some wives even purchase the slave for their husbands. Your looks will prove invaluable to my Theodore in his import business, for a slave, you will have a very nice life."

The beautiful guest continued, "Adele, Richard and Rebekah are all quite taken with you. They look forward to seeing your period of chastity end. I will be using you as well but of course I will not be sharing Richard with you. You and Rebekah make the CUTEST couple, I'm sure that in time the two of you will have as much fun together as Adele and I do."

Shortly thereafter it was time for bed.

Master Theodore sat in a chair by the bedside and ordered Ivory to get in bed with Lisa. "Ivory," said Lisa, "Just relax and enjoy yourself, I am sure that I will enjoy that delicious body of yours. I can't get you off because of your chastity belt but I do know that you have a talented tongue."

With that Lisa began kissing Ivory all over. Ivory felt the unpleasant tension f the last few hours begin to fade as her future Mistress explored her body with her lips and tongue. A short while later Ivory felt that it was a completely natural thing as she preformed cunnilingus on Lisa. So intent was Ivory preforming this task that she did not notice Lisa and Theodore holding hands and kissing.

After Lisa came several times Master Theodore entered the bed and Ivory preformed fellatio on him while Lisa watched. Once Ivory had swallowed the fiance's seed , Lisa complimented Ivory on her abilities. Lisa then snuggled close to Theodore and stroked and kissed him until he was erect once again. To Ivory's shock, Master Theodore and Lisa then loudly made love to each other. Ivory had never been so close to a copulating couple before. At first the sight of them together filled her with jealously with a hint of revulsion. But as the two progressed through orgasm and post coital cuddling Ivory realized that she longed to be touched in the same way by her Master. For the first time since she had been enslaved Ivory wanted to have intercourse. Everyone then prepared to sleep. Ivory drifted off a short time later and had to conclude that lying between Lisa and her Master was a very enjoyable experience indeed.

The next morning Ivory awoke and attended to Theodore's erection. While Ivory worked at fellatio, Lisa gently stroked her back and praised her in both Realto and Ivory's native language. A short time later all were gathered around a table eating breakfast. Theodore allowed Ivory to feed herself. Ivory was informed that her class with her tutor Denise would be only three hours today. Once it was over, Lisa promised to take Ivory to town to purchase a suitable wardrobe for the slave.

"Dearest Theodore has informed that he wants only the finest clothes for you. He has given me his purse and quite a bit of money to spend. I am sure we will enjoy shopping for clothes. I will take great delight in making you look your best. When my Theodore uses you in his business transactions I want his customers to fall in love with you and want more and more of you." Said Lisa.

A short time later Master Theodore headed to town and Lisa and Ivory practiced Realto while awaiting the arrival of the language tutor. Once Denise arrived, Ivory found her language class easier. The tutor seemed kinder as well. She praised Ivory when the class was over and told Lisa to give Master Theodore a good report. Lisa then dressed a very happy Ivory in one of her spare dresses and the two mounted a carriage for the ride to town.

It was Ivory's first real view of the town. Lisa pointed out Mater Theodore's shop as they passed. It struck Ivory that the shop radiated taste and quality, like everything else her master owned. As the two of them rode, Ivory confided in Lisa the entire story of her past. She mentioned her life as a princess, her father and family, her capture and her former tutor Hanna.

Lisa listened sympathetically and replied, "Ivory, I know that you have a past but it is best that you forget it. Thinking about what you were will only interfere with who you are now and what you will be in the future."

The lovely young woman then took the equally lovely slave's hand and said, "Ivory, I find it flattering that you can confide in me but l am not your friend. One day very soon I will be one of your owners. I am interested you primarily as property. I do think, for example, that Theodore could reap quite a windfall by breeding you. I want to see Theodore do as well as he possibly can because I like fine clothes and the trappings of wealth. I care about your education and health and good looks because of your service to my fiance and because you will be invaluable to him in business. When you lie with one of Theodore's clients you help his bottom line and that helps ME live the kind of life I like. I also enjoy being pleased in bed by both men and women. You are not my rival for Theodore's affections, you are an adjunct to our mutual sex lives. Realto is a very open nation."

Lisa paused and looked deeply at Ivory. Once She realized that the slave had fully understood her words, she said. "Now lets find you some dresses that will make Theodore, and therefore nearly all of his clients as well, want to desire you."

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evebroughtanaxthistimeevebroughtanaxthistimeover 7 years ago

Something's godda break. It's so true to history it's frightning. Donno if you've read 'Slavery and the roots of sexual harrassment'?

aisielynnaisielynnover 10 years ago

*smiles* Very interesting twist adding in the fiance. Looking forward to the next chapter. Keep up the great writing.

From_One_to_AnotherFrom_One_to_Anotherover 10 years ago

I absolutely adore this story! Hurry hurry can't wait for the next:)

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