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The day I was captured.
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It was a beautiful day outside so I decided to eat lunch outside in the park. Work has been very busy lately and I just needed to get out of the office and clear my mind. I love my job, but there is always so much drama in the office, it's so nice to just get out and disconnect if only for an hour. So I left my office and walked one block to the local park.

There were several trees with tables underneath them. I selected one that was separate from the others because I was going to FaceTime my husband while I ate my lunch and didn't want anyone to hear what we were talking about. Russ had been out of town on a business trip for several weeks and I was feeling very horny, this was the longest we have ever been apart from each other. Russ, (58) and I (53) have been married for over 28 years and although we dont' have a boring sex life, it hasn't been very spicey. I know, we're older but our sex life does not show that!!

We had begun to experiment with BDSM the last few months and I was really wanting some of that this week! We have several toys at home that I have been using to pleasure myself while he's been gone, but it just wasn't the same. We have tried bondage and whipping, and I really enjoy that A LOT! Oh, the way the paddle, crop or whip felt when it stung my skin or when he slapped my pussy, amazing.

In my wildest dreams I never thought I would enjoy it this much, that sting of pain made me cum every time, even without being touched! I have to be honest, some people might perceive these sessions we have together as abuse, but neither of us ever thought of them that way. We are 2 consenting adults that enjoy sex a great deal, just a bit on the rough side.

We both missed each other's bodies so much that for the last few days we had been masterbating while we were on FaceTime. This was so hot but only made me hotter and hornier. I was feeling desperate for his length to be inside me, he just needed to get back home! We had realistic dildos that were great, but I needed Russ' big beautiful cock, all 7 inches of him inside me. I had gotten to the point where all I was thinking about was the next time his cock was inside my pussy.

I was already wet when I made the call, pulling out my lunch and scanning my surroundings while waiting for him to answer. The park sometimes had some sketchy people walking through and I had even seen some asleep on the ground!

I noticed a man swifty walking by on the sidewalk, that was when Russ answered and I lost all sense of what was around me. His face looking at me smiling, happy to see me always made me melt. I wanted to kiss him so badly!

As we began to tell each other about our morning and catching up from last night, I kept having this strange feeling that I was being watched and each time I tried to look around Russ would distract me by being his usual funny and sexy self, he is so irresistible, especially right now! He looked to me like candy looks to a child, so hot, handsome and sexy!

I was talking about how horny I have been, when suddenly I felt a hand clamp tightly over my mouth and pull me down to the ground. I was laying on top of a man, smaller than me but very strong!! He had his right hand over my mouth so I couldn't yell and his left arm was like a vice around my middle, holding me to his body. His legs were wrapped around my ankles to keep me from kicking. I felt completely helpless. I thrashed, and arched my back trying to get free.

This man was not going to take me without a fight! I swore in my own head that I would leave some kind of mark. The only mark I could conjure up was to bite the hand that was on my mouth. I tried to wiggle my head around to get his hand to slip, and sure enough just enough of the bottom of his hand got too close to my lower lip and I opened up my mouth just a bit more and bit down hard. He stifled a scream and relaxed his grip on my mouth for a split second and then quickly restored his grip, but this time he had a cloth in his hand and held it up to my nose and mouth, it smelled like chemicals.

My adrenaline immediately sky-rocketed and I started to panic, the fear made tears drip from the outer corners of my eyes and fall into my ears. I WAS TERRIFIED! I'm not even sure how it happened, but before I could blink he flipped me over and he was now on top of me facing me while holding my hands above my head with his left hand and my mouth with the cloth in his right.

Thoughts ran through my head, as my vision began to blur. Who was this man, and why did he yank me to the ground? Looking up at the stranger, I was somehow calmed by the look in his eyes now that I could see his face. His eyes were kind, not mean like I would have thought, I could feel my heart rate slow a bit looking at his light blue eyes. They almost said, ' Don't be scared, I won't hurt you.'

The last thing I heard as my eyes closed was Russ calling my name but I couldn't yell back to him for help. That was when everything went black.

The first thing that hit me when I started to wake up was that my mouth was so dry that it felt like my tongue was stuck to the roof of my mouth and I couldn't swallow. It was also very dark; I wasn't even sure my eyes were open, or maybe there was a blindfold over my eyes.

I had seen darkness like this one other time when Russ and I toured some caves in Colorado and the caves were so dark that you couldn't see your hand in front of your face.

I felt like this was darker. But I definitely had something over my head, like a hood or something, now that I moved my head. It felt kind of heavy and really hot, I could feel that my hair was wet and it smelled like sweat under the hood. I remembered to use my other senses: it smelled like dirt and, was that popcorn?

I tried to move my arms or legs, and they would not move; I was tied to something but I was standing also. My arms were up like I was announcing a touchdown and my legs were spread apart, my wrists and ankles tied.

I hung my head and tried to think and listen to see if I could hear anything. Right then, I realized that my arms were not really straight up, but at an angle! I was on an X-cross! OH SHIT!!

I had never been on one before, although Russ and I had talked about converting our extra bedroom into a sex dungeon and this X-cross was the piece we have been looking at to start with!

I sucked in my breath, because all at once I was terrified and I had this horrible feeling that I was going to be physically assaulted and there was nothing I could do to stop it from happening.

Before my mind could wonder about what this man might do to me, I started to shiver. I could feel my entire body trembling, either because it was so cold where I was or from fear, which is what I concluded was the actual reason. My head also hurt from whatever chemical I inhaled when that asshole grabbed me. He probably got his jollies off with me while I was passed out.

Oh no! What DID he do to me? I started to cry, thinking about some man violating me while I was helpless, made my pulse beat faster and I began to shake even more. Was this out of fear, or desire? I honestly couldn't answer that question, so I only felt more helpless and cried harder.

A commanding voice bellowed, "why are you crying?"

I jumped! I had no idea anyone was in the room and I wondered how long he was there watching me (or I guessed he was watching me, but I couldn't see anything).

He barked again, "I said, WHY are you crying?"

But I couldn't talk because there was something in my mouth. I realized at that moment that what was in my mouth were my own panties! So that meant that while I was out, he had taken them off of me. That thought escalated my terror and made me tremble even more violently than I already was. He saw me down there! And I was passed out, he could have done anything to me!

I stopped and tried to think how I felt down there, and decided that if he had done anything, I would feel it, right? I wasn't breathing shortened as I had this last thought.

The man must have walked over to me because in the next second he ripped out my underwear from my mouth. I could smell him, he smelled like sweat, musk and beer, although not entirely bad for my senses. I tried to inhale to smell him again but I didn't want him to know that!

He moved closer to me and took a big inhale into my hair, then my neck, my shoulders, down between my breasts. Touching me, not sexually, but running his fingers down my arm and then against my thigh, flipping up my skirt, where he could see I didn't have panties on, obviously. He kept making soft, moaning noises.

"Mmmmm. Oooooh". He moaned as his finger started to go under my skirt and up my inner thighs, where the heat was beginning to build.

I sucked in a breath and jumped when he touched my thigh under my skirt. Knowing he was right next to me, made my heart thump in my chest like it was going to burst from my body, I could actually hear my pulse. I remembered those light blue eyes, eyes have always been my weakness when it comes to men. And the eyes I saw at the park were the most penetrating I've ever seen.

He chuckled at my intake of breath, for some reason he thought this was a joke. I started to feel anger rise up in me that he was laughing at me like that.

With anger and humiliation running through me, I tried to loosen my ties and pull away from him while yanking on the ties that were binding me to this X-cross. I yelled at him in his face, 'let me go!!! HELP!!!'

This only provoked him to laugh even harder, saying "there isn't anyone within 50 miles of this place. Keep screaming all you want sweet thing, no one is coming." Walking away from me, laughing.

I guess he must have left because I heard a door open and then close.

I began to scream at the top of my lungs as tears fell from my face. I stood there, panting and sweating from screaming with my face soaked from crying for I don't know how long. Now I knew I was in big trouble, this thought only made me cry harder. What is this man going to do to me? How many of them are there, maybe there is more than one!

I must have fallen asleep because my shoulders were very stiff. It had to be getting late in the day because I was starving. I didn't get my lunch because I was taken before I could eat. But my stomach felt way more empty than if I just missed lunch. My stomach was telling me it was probably past dinner time.

I heard the door, footsteps, heavy breathing, and something so soft touched my cheek that I barely felt it, was it a hand?

The same man said to me, 'you are so sexy and hot. I want to touch every inch of you. By the time I'm done with you, you will be begging for more.'

I sucked in my breath because these statements were not something I wanted a strange man to say to me, it scared me.

'I bet you smell good too', he said. 'I think I'll take another smell.' He said this as I felt his fingers move up under my skirt and around my pussy. Then I felt his head go under my skirt; I felt his face move closer to where his fingers were, his facial hair grazing across my pussy and hips. I heard him inhale, with his nose in between my labia and against my clit.

That all too familiar tingle inside my pussy, letting me know that what he was doing felt good. My body was going to defy me in just a minute if he's going to do what I think he's going to do.

And just like that he pulled away and stood up, dropping my skirt. I hadn't realized I was holding my breath this whole time waiting for him to either stick his fingers or his tongue inside my pussy. But he didn't.

As I inhaled, he exhaled saying, `yes ma'am! You sure do smell delicious!' Then he put his face up to my neck and took a deep breath in and moaned, inhaling the scent from my neck.

I started shaking all over again. He was now moving down my body with his hands, touching everything, and he just kept moaning.

By this time, I was pretty sure what was going to happen next, he was going to rape me. My heart and my stomach felt like it dropped to the ground. The panic rose inside of me, and I could feel my nipples get hard. Why did this turn me on? I was scared, no doubt about that. But I was also a little turned on, well maybe more than just a little. I had stopped crying and was just quiet, listening to his heavy breathing.

He was touching my hips and brushing his finger along my pelvis and he started moving down to my pussy again. I now started to breathe heavily and felt my pussy contract inside. I knew my pussy was probably wet by this time, I was actually surprised I hadn't dripped down my leg.

He stopped and asked me if it felt good, I didn't answer, I really was still scared of what he would do.

'Maybe I need to see your eyes to see how you like it', he said.

In a flash I was able to see everything again. I did have a hood over my head! I blinked against the bright light in the room, a single bulb with a string hanging from the center of the ceiling. I looked around, I was in an all white room with a giant bed in the middle with all kinds of stuff hanging on the walls that looked like a store, but then I recognized some of these items as whips, handcuffs, chains, some kind of swing,lots of rope and was that a stockade?

I was in someone's sex dungeon! Oh my God! What is he going to do to me? Now I was trembling from fear AND excitement! I pulled my eyes over to my attacker, and saw that he had a hood over his head, but I could see he was the light blue eyed attacker from the park. so I couldn't see his face. They were even more intoxicating than I saw before! He looked at me with such lust in his that I quivered inside, out of fear and desire.

His shoulders weren't overly broad, he was average height, a little thin but not too skinny. His chest was muscular and I could see through his tight fitting t-shirt that he was in great shape. I could also see that he had a six pack!!

Moving my eyes down his body I saw there was a bulge in his jeans, and I can't deny I was impressed.

My face must have shown my approval because he chuckled at me looking at his hard cock and asked if I wanted to touch it.

My eyes flew up to his eyes, I could tell he was smiling because he had laugh lines around his eyes. So he couldn't be all that mean right? Not with laugh lines.

He stood there, just looking at me, he tilted his head and touched my lips so gently that I barely felt his fingers. I noticed his pecs beneath his thin t-shirt flexed as his fingers touched my lips. I'm not sure what he was thinking at that moment, but he moaned as he pushed his thumb into my mouth and slowly moved it around.

I still wasn't sure if I was scared or not, he was so tender and gentle for a man who randomly takes women from the park.

He moaned even louder this time and I took a chance and glanced down, I saw that he had a massive hard on. I shivered thinking how big he must be, which he smiled at.

He slowly unzipped his pants, and dropped them to the floor. He wasn't wearing any underwear and I watched as his enormously hard cock sprung up as if to say 'here I am!' and there he was! I know my eyes got big and I may have smiled a little bit, which he enjoyed because he started to laugh, again!

'You like that, do you?' he asked me. 'Do you want to touch it?' He asked with a slightly huskier voice.

I'm sure my eyes opened up like tea saucers because he started laughing that same chuckle again. I was feeling a little ashamed that I was turned on by my captor. I didn't want him to see by the look on my face that I did want to touch his giant cock, so I turned my head away.

That was when his fingers once again found their way to the hem of my skirt and up along my thigh to my hip where my slit waited, throbbing, wet and hot. I wanted his fingers inside me!!

His index finger dipped down between my labia, working its way to where the river waited to be released. As his finger continued down to my opening, he pushed in and immediately we both sucked in breath and moaned.

'Oh! You are liking this aren't you? What a dirty little slut you are', he said.

Those words only turned me on more as he slid his middle finger into my sopping, wet pussy which caused me to moan louder this time. He was working his fingers in and out of me, I was just about to cum when he stopped. He replaced the hood and left.

I stood there, not sure what happened, did I imagine the whole thing? No, I did not! I know when I'm getting finger-fucked! Plus my legs were still shaking from feeling his large fingers inside my pussy. I wonder what I did wrong, why did he leave? And then I remembered I was captured, and molested, dammit! I should be mad, yeah, I am mad. Mad as hell!

I began to call out to him 'Hey! You! Big scary man with the giant cock! Let me out of here!!'

Silence was all I could hear. I screamed again and yelled at him, but I couldn't even hear footsteps. I was cussing him out loud, kinda under my breath that he was lousy at finger-fucking anyway.

'I don't even think he's here anymore', I said this outloud, thinking I was alone.

'Well, I'm right here', a voice said from across the room. I could tell it wasn't his real voice, he was using one of those devices that disguise your voice, like when kidnappers call and demand a ransom.

This must be a different man. Otherwise why would he just start using that device?

Oh no! They were going to gang rape me! This terrified me and I started to shake and cry and begged him not to hurt me.

I remembered what was over in the area of the voice from when the hood was off earlier. At first I thought it looked like a horse, but it was a sex bench, I had seen them online a few days ago because I wanted to get something for when Russ came home. Oh Russ! I wish he was here to save me.

Remembering there was a new person in the room and that he had fooled me just so he could watch me, I got a little mad. He was watching me! What kind of sick bastard does that? I stood there, thinking, and wondered again who he was. The other man wasn't really rough with me, in fact he was very gentle.

'What do you want with me?' I demanded him.

He didn't answer.

'Look, I know you're here, you just told me you are here so answer me!' Then I didn't know what else to say, so I just said 'Please'.

He walked right over to me, I could hear his footsteps as he took each one. His quick movements caught me off guard and I sucked in my breath when I realized he was very close to my face.

I could smell him, he smelled nice like cedar chips and mints. He softly whispered in my ear 'I just wanted you to say please'.

I don't know why, but my knees had become weak, I couldn't stand up. He held me so I wouldn't lose my footing and strain my wrists. His breath in my ear sent chills through my body. He held me up at my waist and began to untie me, whispering in my ear not to fight him.

'Promise you won't fight me' he said.

'O-o-ok' I replied back. Trying to be convincing.

Once I felt the first restraint loosen and fall away, my mind flipped back on. I had moved into fight or flight. He was about to untie me as long as I faked the faiting. I was planning to hit him and run out of the room as soon as I was free. If I had any chance of getting out of here I was going to take it. He untied my legs, and then my arms and I slumped down but he already had me and was about to pick me up on his shoulder but I kicked him in the balls, tore the hood off my head and ran for the door. It was locked! WTF!

He was on me before I could try the door a second time, picking me up and tossing me on the bed. I bounced a little but again, he was right there on the bed and pinning me down with the weight of his body. Now, any other time I'm in this position I'm all into it, but this scared the shit out of me! I still couldn't see his face, he had on one of those stupid hoods.


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