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Car Pooling Pt. 11

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Last minute details to CMNF night.
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Part 11 of the 14 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 03/28/2018
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I want to thank Peters1956 for editing part 11 of this story for me.


The time to depart to go to work came before the couple realized it. They slept in until noontime. They arose, showered and Martha made breakfast still nude. Hal dressed in slacks and dress shirt. Martha in dress and panties with heals to match.

Hal picked up Mark and they were off to work. Martha stripped and manipulated her pussy, while the men watched as they drove to work. She reveled in her exposure. The closet exhibitionist was out and well.

Martha was dressing as Hal parked the car at the complexes lot, the group exiting the car and going to the front of the line to punch in. Martha was cheerfully greeting the men along the way. The group of second shift workers was getting excited about the coming experiment, knowing they would be seeing Martha in all her naked glory, but not knowing when.

Walter, Hal, Martha and Mark had a meeting to discuss the items the three agreed upon on Friday on the way home and wanted Walter's input on their conclusions. Walter agreed with them. True to his word Hal brought up the subject of Martha's pubic hair, he wanted the opinions of the men there to see if she needed a trim and what type of trim if so.

Mark said, "I think Fred, Tom and Jack should be in on the decision of the type of trim Martha should have," as an excuse to have the young men there to see the older woman nude.

Hal and Walter agreed without having any input from Martha. Walter paged the three young men to the conference room.

Hal said to Martha, "You should probably get ready to save time."

Martha reached under her dress and removed her panties, she gave them to Hal. He looked at them and noticed the gusset of the panties were wet to Martha's embarrassment.

The young men arrived and Walter said to the group. "We have to decide the type of trim we should require on the women who will be exposed to the night shift. I think we should go to the Media room to continue the meeting."

All exited the conference room and escorted Martha to the media room.

Hal said, "We wouldn't want you to wrinkle your dress, you should take it off."

Martha complied and Mark took her dress and folded it, placed the dress on a table nearby, as Hal adjusted the display table for Martha to mount it. He had the table in the upright position. Martha put her feet on the foot pads and lay back against the table. Hal positioned the table, so Martha was on her back. Walter and Mark secured her ankles and Fred secured Martha at her waist. Hal started the mechanism to spread his wife's legs, so they could decide the type of pube do she will have.

Each man took their turn to manually explore Martha's flower of life in the name of making a decision on her pubic trim. Inserting their fingers in her pussy and pulling on her vaginal lips. It was decided with Martha's approval that she would have her hair on her mound trimmed and the hair around her pussy lips removed.

They group escorted a nude Martha back to the conference room. Mark brought her dress, handed it to her, but she hung it over a chair and sat down nude to continue with the meeting.

The meeting adjourned after the group decided on the day for the first employee appreciation night was set, with Walter telling Martha to compose meeting minutes and distribute them to all present. The group dispersed and went to their jobs for the night, Martha forgot to get dressed until one of the group asked if she would remain nude for the night. Mark was in back of her with her dress he retrieved from the back of a chair before they left the conference room. She put it on in the hall, she didn't bother with the panties Hal gave her, and she put them in her purse when she entered her office.

Their shift was over just as Martha finished the meeting minutes; she emailed them out before she left for the night. Hal and Mark were at the car a few minutes before Martha. She entered the front seat and Mark closed the door for her. Martha undressed before Mark and Hal had a chance to enter the vehicle. She was completely nude when there was a knock on the window. It terrified Martha, but both the men knew about another passenger tonight. Fred smiled at Martha as he entered the back seat. Even though Martha had been exposed to Fred before; she became a little embarrassed there was another male tonight to view her intimate exposure.

Hal started the car and they were off to bring Fred home first even though it was a little out of the way. Hal was pleased he had another male to show off his wife to for an hour or so. It took Martha a while to feel comfortable enough to spread her legs for the men. It took Martha about ten minutes to calm down; as she played with her pussy she talked with the men. Martha punctuated the conversation with moans from time to time as she played with her pussy as the guys watched with erotic thoughts on their minds.

Stopping at a rest stop on the interstate Hal told Martha. "You better get in the back seat between the two men. I can't concentrate on your pussy and the road at the same time." Her husband set the rearview mirror to view the action.

Martha was so horny she didn't object she exited the car nude and entered the back seat giving Fred a view of her pussy as she entered. He exited the vehicle to let Martha sit between the two young men in the back. Both men took turns they played with Martha, they rubbed her pussy and clit. While the young men sucked on Martha's breasts; they brought her to three mighty orgasms before they had to drop off Fred.

When they arrived at Fred's house Hal asked Martha to get in the front seat. She exited the car nude and conversed with Fred in his front yard unmindful that she was completely nude in one of her coworkers' front yard. Someone could come by any minute and see her nude or someone could look out their window, because they heard conversation outside at this hour of the night. It was summer, so many of the neighbors had their windows open.

Martha entered the front seat of the car and immediately spreads herself to give her husband access to her most private area; she was very wet from her orgasms. He drove with one hand and rubbed her pussy with the other, as they were in residential neighborhoods and couldn't travel fast over the roads. Mark reached over the back of the seat to play with Martha's breast and nipples. She was in heaven to have two men continue to give her pleasure on the way home. It was a five orgasm night for Martha and she was exhausted by the time Hal pulled into their driveway.

Mark did not want them to bring him home, it was a nice night and he wanted to walk the two blocks to his home. They exited the car in the driveway of Hal and Martha's house. She loitered outside conversing with Mark and Hal for about a half hour. She loved the feel of the night air on her naked body.

Finally getting into the house Martha was too sore for sexual intercourse with Hal tonight, so she gave him a blow job right in the living room of the house with the lights on in front of the picture window facing the street. She was thankful he was so sexually charged he only lasted a minute or two. They went up the stairs arm in arm, both off to bed. They fell asleep immediately in each other's arms happy.

Both were surprised how much this CMNF (Clothed Male Naked Female) situation brought both of them closer together as a couple. Hal loved to show off his wife and Martha loved her exposure to other men.

Over the next three days Hal made sure the electrical system worked properly on the table and the hydraulics checked out. Hal fine-tune the table using Martha as a test subject. Martha only wore dresses with zippers down the front presently. She spent much time undressed. She forgot she was nude and walked half way to her office, before someone saw her and asked her where her dress was. Embarrassed she ran back to the Media room to get it. It was a flurry of activity to get ready for the demonstration by Hal's wife even the CEO and CFO would be there for the demonstration on Friday night with the first group chosen for their excellent work record.


All rights reserved copyright 2018/2038

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EyeCanSeeYouEyeCanSeeYoualmost 7 years ago
pube inspection

Damn the pube inspection scene is so fucking hot. Nice how the guys really pulled on her lips and got into her pussy with their fingers. I really like the pussy play and the nipple sucking in the back seat of the car. The mix of embarrassment and arousal is exactly right. Can't wait to see Martha's reaction to her new pussy-do. - Female fan

WoodsLord_3540WoodsLord_3540almost 7 years ago
Really enjoying your taw

But when are we going to get to the inevitable gang-bang?

Bi47Bi47almost 7 years ago

Dam this getting good!!!!!!!!!!

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