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Car Wash Fun

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Exposed at the car wash.
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Angela called my cell phone saying “My car is so dirty I am embarrassed to be seen in it. Why don’t I meet you at the car wash and you can wash both my car and your truck and at the same time.”

I told her “Fine I’m not busy, I can meet you there in about 10 minuets”.

I was a little suspicious. Angela usually takes no part in any upkeep on the vehicles, making me take them one at a time to the local self serve car wash. But if she was willing to help out I was all for it.

She met me in the Supper Suds driveway. Rolling down her window she said “I will pull into one of the bays. You pull into the next bay over.”

I watched as she took a bay in the middle. I pulled in the one next to it. Getting out of the truck I walked to the bay she was in.

My mind and body were jolted when I came around the corner and saw my beautiful wife standing there wearing the shortest black skirt I had ever seen her in.

The skirt, which must have been new, barely covered her nicely rounded ass. Her legs looked so incredible that it took me a moment to notice the skirt wasn’t all that was out of the ordinary. She was wearing one of my white tank top tee-shirts. As she turned to face me my eyes were riveted to her erect nipples their outline barely visible through the light weight material of her shirt.

Angela has beautiful tits. I have often tried to convince her that she should wear more reviling tops, letting more men get the enjoyment that comes from looking down a woman’s shirt. Despite my pleas, until today, she has always worn a bra when going out.

Looking at me with a devilish grin she said “are you surprised”.

I couldn’t answer. But I am sure she could tell, by the way I was standing there with my mouth open, that I was indeed surprised.

She said “I have decided to wash my own car. Would you like to watch?”

I stammered “yes”.

The Supper Suds carwash sits just off the highway at the top of a small hill. Being late afternoon on a weekday the carwash was deserted. The excitement of her skimpy outfit and the possibility that someone may drive up to wash there car had me tingling all over. I positioned myself at the opening to the stall and directed all of my attention on my wife.

Angela had planed this well. She reached into the back seat and removed a bucket and a car wash mitt.

“Pay attention” she said as she walked by me going around the corner to a sink mounted on the outside wall. I watched her cute butt wiggle from side to side with every step she took.

She filled the bucket with water and began walking back toward the car, her tits bouncing every step of the way.

She set her bucket down and dropped some change into the coin box, turning the dial to the rinse setting.

Not having washed the car very often she didn’t realize she was standing a little to close to the car. When she triggered the spray wand water went everywhere. Now that she was soaked her shirt was showing every detail of her hard nipples and her skin was glistening with moisture.

As she rinsed she was extra careful not to miss the top of the car. Holding the wand above her head and standing on her tip toes made her little skirt ride up, showing me the sweet cheeks of her ass. I could see that she was wearing her black thong that I love so much.

I was in awe as I watched her move around the car, stretching, reaching and giving me glimpses of her ass cheeks and thong.

Much to my chagrin time ran out for the rinse. She looked at me, smiled and said “That was fun.” as she put the wand back into its holder.

“No kidding” I replied, as I awaited the next step.

She dropped more coins into the box and turned the dial to the soap wand setting.

This car wash is equipped with the type of soap wand that has a brush on the end and slowly deposits a foamy soap out of the middle of the brush. I don’t use these brushes much, having heard that they scratch the paint, but right now I was thinking “you can scratch all the paint off the car just do not stop.”

Angela began to let the brush drip soap onto the car. When she bent over to scrub the rear wheels her entire damp, shining ass was exposed as the skirt rose. She moved to front wheels, turning to face me. As she bent over her soaking wet shirt fell away giving me a wonderful view of her tits all the way to her brown nipples.

I soaked up the vision she was etching in my mind as she continued until time ran out on the soap cycle. She returned the wand to its place and picked up the mitt to begin scrubbing the car.

My wife knows exactly what I like. My dick was as hard as rock. And my eyes were watering because I was afraid I would miss something if I blinked.

She continued bending this way and that, alternately letting me see her ass then down her shirt. The scrubbing motion making her tits sway back and forth, mesmerizing me.

Suddenly she stopped, got a pouty look on her face and said “This mitt is just not getting the job done.”

Reaching up her skirt she pulled her thong slowly down her silky legs. Holding them up she said “Maybe these will work better.”

My heart suddenly felt as if it would jump from my chest.

Turning away from me she bent to scrub the door of the car, she hesitated a moment with her legs spread slightly apart, exposing the moist open lips of her freshly shaved pussy.

She had shaved it just the way I like, with a little hair in the front but smooth as silk around her lips.

This was one of those times in life, when all you seem to be able to do is go mmmm… while you look and enjoy.

I am living a dream when I catch a glimpse of a car coming up the car wash drive.

All I can think is, “what lousy luck to have this great experience ruined because someone wanted to wash their car”.

I knew that as soon as Angela looked up and saw another car she would jump in her car and be gone in a flash.

As the car slowly came by I could see the young male driver glance our direction. He slowed down seeing a woman in a short skirt and wet tee-shirt washing a car.

Angela’s back was to us so she was unaware of the new arrival. Who was checking out her exposed ass as he drove by.

The stranger continued on and I thought, “Great he is leaving”.

No such luck. He circled back and pulled up right behind my wife’s car, even though there were two other empty stalls.

As I looked back at my wife she straightened up and turned to give me another look at her tits.

I could tell by the look on her face that she was shocked to see another car right behind hers.

She stood looking at the driver, her swollen breasts straining against her damp shirt.

The look on the young man’s face was one of pure lust.

Angela saw the way he was looking at her and didn’t skip a beat. She immediately went back to washing the car with her thong.

I had always wondered how I would react to another man lusting after my wife. I found it to be one of the most erotic feelings I had ever had. Here was a young man watching my wife from less than ten feet away as she washed her car, exposing every inch of her wet body to him.

It was obvious; by the way Angela took up her scrubbing with new vigor, that she was enjoying the audience. She began spending extra time on the trunk and back bumper of the car. Leaning over the back of the car to wash the trunk gave our guest a perfect voyeur’s view of her spread, dripping wet pussy.

As she scrubbed the trunk she became so excited that she couldn’t stand it any more. Turning around to face the young man, she scooped a hand full of soap suds off the car and began to rub it on the front of her shirt. She fondled first one breast and then the other, lifting her shirt, giving the stranger and me an unimpeded view of her beautiful tits.

Reaching behind her she scooped another hand full of suds and began to rub it on her legs. Starting at her ankles she slowly ran her hands up her legs until her skirt lifted, exposing her dark patch of pussy hair.

Leaning against the car, she held apart her soapy pussy lips with one hand, fingering her clit with the other, until her legs began to shake and cumming was only moments away.

Angela began to moan she turned, spreading her legs, and slid her hands back down until they were at her ankles, revealing everything she had.

The stranger and I watched as she slowly brought her hand up, inserting her fingers deep insider herself. Thrusting her fingers in and out of her dripping cunt she began to shudder with the convulsions of an orgasm.

After a moment, when time seemed to stand still, Angela walked over and picked up the bucket of water and poured it on the car. She bent and picked up her wet dripping thong, giving us one last flash. Walking over to me she handed me her panties and said “I will see you at home.”

She turned, got into her car and drove away.

As I walked by, the young man in the car looked at me with glazed eyes and said “wasn’t that the most incredible thing you have ever seen.”

I could only reply “Yes, that is the stuff dreams are made of.”

I got in my car and hurried home.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

This is a great idea my husband is away wanting to show off my body. I will be doing this real soon after all that is how I got my fun time name. (Will) I will try anything once.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Wow! It's like I was there. I'm drooling here. This would be one hell of a site to have unfold in reality. If I ever had a girlfriend, friend, or wife do that I would probably maul her right then and there. I don't know that I'd be able to resist.

bisexygirlbisexygirlabout 14 years ago

That was hot. I'm going to go do that tomorrow. :)

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