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Card Game With Couples


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The blonde woman seemed unaware of what she had revealed and, workmanlike, took off her underwear next. Her backside was almost nonexistant -- pink and just the right amount of perky. More importantly to my mind, her pussy was completely bare. Not even a strand of hair.

"Dante, um, likes it shaved," Lauren said, clearly abashed. Her boyfriend gave her a proud thumbs up.

Lauren, my God, was even more gorgeous than I'd imagined. Her skinny-straight body still screamed femininity. Every part of her was perfectly formed. From her sharp chin to the little blonde hairs now standing on end on her forearms.

Yet, the attractive blonde shied away from all our stares.

"Who's next," Lauren said, impatiently.

Gwen turned to look at me, giving me one of her naughty grins. And I'd thought following Kevin would be tough. I didn't have Dante's sculpted body or Kevin's ginormous cock. I was just me. Shortish, hairy-ish, with a bit of a gut and not much else.

Kirstin sensed my reluctance and said, with no small amount of pride, "Come on honey, show them what you've got."

I nodded and slowly slipped off my underwear. My dick popped up, like he couldn't be happier to say hello to everyone. Compared to Dante, I wasn't doing bad. Like I said, I was slightly longer than him, and I was even a little thicker than Kevin. If Dante was a nice-sized pickle and Kevin was carrying a goddammed eggplant, then I guess I had a fat banana? My balls were also probably the biggest in the room, but honestly, who cared about that?

"See?" Kirstin said, "Nice, right?"

"Even better than I imagined," Gwen said. Wait. Why was Gwen imagining?

"Turn around and show them the good stuff," Kirstin said.

I turned around so the room could get a good look at my backside.

"Nice," I heard one of the girls say. It sounded like Lauren, but I knew that was impossible.

"Bend over?" Gwen said. I did as I was bidden.

"He's got the Nightwing butt," Kirstin said, referencing the comics character famous for having a great ass. No one else in the room got the comparison, but I appreciated her saying it.

Finally, the girls let me stand back up. Like the rest of the group, I stayed upright. My dick poked at the hardwood table. I was going to need to scrub the hell out of the wood surface in the morning. Hell, I probably had to scour the entire apartment.

We all turned to look at Gwen, the last of us to be revealed. She blushed. Her perfect plan had finally turned on her. By saving herself for last, Gwen truly had all the attention.

As if she knew what we were all waiting for, Gwen took off her underwear first. Again, watching that cloth stretch around her wide hips was almost as alluring as what she uncovered. Gwen had a full, brown bush. Her backside was wonderfully. She totally had that figure-8 figure we all clamor for.

Gwen did her turn around, even bending over to match what she'd made me do. It was supposed to show her ass, but instead all I could see were her full, engorged labia poking out from between her legs. I had a mental image of taking the busty brunette from behind and quickly banished it. Focus on the moment, not on the stuff that will never ever happen.

Gwen stood back up and turned to face the room, giving all of us a wicked grin. She knew how much she'd been teasing us this whole time. She lifted up her arms and pulled her bra up over her head. Her breasts didn't so much come out as they exploded.

Gwen's hair was so long, it practically covered her huge tits. She brushed it back, as sexy as anything I'd seen that night, revealing her chest completely. It wasn't just that Gwen's boobs were immense, because they were. Her whole body seemed a size too small for her cleavage, making them seem even more incredible. A bit olive like the rest of her skin, with cherry red nipples, her breasts were bell-shaped and easily the size of a ripe honeydew melon. Maybe more.

Gwen lifted each amazing breast, giving it a little kiss and completing her performance. All of us were now naked. We all stared at each other, as if we didn't know what to do. There was nothing else to reveal. Dante had made his point: we all felt the fun of being the center of attention. Of taking frightening, but ultimately harmless, risks.

And that was it. Our game had ended. It had been a ton of fun, totally amazing and unpredictable. Unprecedented. But now, clearly, everyone was ready to move on.

"Another hand?" Kirstin asked.

We all nodded eagerly and sat down in our chairs. The sun had gone down. The storm had stopped. Every drop of alcohol in our apartment was gone. All six of us, now completely naked, got ready for another round of The Great Dalmuti.

All of us were primed. Our patience was fried. Everything we'd been teasing each other with was out in the open. It was time.

Dante, the Great Peon from the last round, dealt out the cards. We played the hand slowly, silent. Everyone glanced at each other, as if there really was more to reveal. I could complain that Kirstin kept looking across the table at Dante's chest. Was peeking between Kevin's legs. But how could I say anything when I couldn't stop staring at Lauren's perky tits and Gwen's massive melons?

For a moment, I let myself fantasize about what I would ask for if I won. The options were both impossibly circumscribed yet also completely unlimited. Everything I imagined seemed very risky or far too tame. Silly me, I thought I could still slow down the train. Even after it had already barreled past me.

It didn't matter because Dante won. He didn't even bother to wait for the rest of us to put down our cards. He leaned forward on the table, catching Kirstin's eye.

"Is this the first time you've seen a penis other than your husband's?" he asked my wife. Serious and sultry. A harsh interrogator, wearing a velvet glove. "You cannot lie to your Dalmuti."

Kirstin, bless her, blushed. "No," she said, her voice quiet. I waited for Dante to ask Gwen the same thing. What can I say, I was curious. But Dante continued to question Kirstin only. His eyes devouring every inch of her body with each word. I couldn't help but notice that my wife was watching him just as hungrily.

"You've had many boyfriends?" he asked.

"One," Kirstin said, "Besides Jacob, I mean."

"Jacob was your first?" Dante asked, nodding my way, "Your only?"

"Yes," Kirstin said. Her voice came out like a crackle.

Dante leaned back in his chair. For a moment, I thought that was it. I began to sweep up the cards from the table. I realized I was sweating. My heart pounding. Like I'd run a mile a moment before.

"Come sit," Dante said and patted his leg.

I looked at Kirstin and she eyed me back. The conversation ping-ponged between us. We didn't need the words. Was this going to be OK? Were we going to be OK?

I gave my wife a slight, subtle nod. Like I said, the opportunity to avoid this had already passed. Maybe months ago. We'd committed each other, unintentionally, to this moment. To try and stop it now would just be silly.

Kirstin stood up. Her chair scraped the floor so loud it echoed. She practically pranced around the table. Her amazing breasts jiggling in all the right ways. And then my naked wife sat down on Dante's bare lap.

Without another word, Lauren leapt out of her seat and sat similarly on Kevin. I looked over at Gwen. My last option was also, thankfully, my first choice. She gave me a flirty grin and sat down. Her bare thighs pressed into mine. My hard dick squished against her back. The pretense of pretending was over.

I put my hands around Gwen's waist and hugged her close. My nose to her neck. Her long hair cool on my chest. The heat of her sex on my thigh. Dripping warm and wonderful. I worried I was already going too far.

Gwen put her hands over mine and, without any hesitation, placed my palms over her incredible breasts. Both of us sighed as I squeezed. They felt even better than they looked. Soft, yet firm, spilling out over my hands. Nervously, I glanced around the room. I needn't have worried.

Lauren was sitting back against Kevin, her skinny legs spread wide. His massive cock jutted upward, like it was her appendage, not his. The gorgeous blonde was stroking up and down Kevin's dick, lazily. She could have easily stacked both her fists with room to spare, I realized.

I turned my head to Dante and Kirstin, sitting next to me. The dark-haired, handsome man had his hands on my wife's breasts. Rubbing and pressing. Kirstin's hand was under her leg, and I could tell just by the motion that she was stroking Dante off. My wife caught me looking, eyed where I had my own hands, and gave me a wink. She didn't stop fondling Dante, nor did he move his hands from her chest.

I focused back on the beautiful, buxom girl on my own lap. I pressed my lips to her neck lightly and she shuddered. She reached down between her legs and found my dick. As her little hand closed around my hardness, I groaned. God, it felt amazing to be touched by this woman after so long without any contact. Not just the taunt and tease of the entire afternoon but weeks, months, of unwanted celibacy.

The reason for it flooded my mind and, for a moment, I thought about reminding Kirstin exactly why we were both so worked up. The reason we weren't having sex. But then I realized how ridiculous I was being. We'd never go that far. It just wouldn't happen. And I'd look like an ass reminding my wife that way.

Instead, I settled into the sensations of Gwen rubbing my cock. Like she did everything, the buxom brunette stroked me with an infectious enthusiasm. I massaged her massive chest, rolled her nipples with my fingers. I'd never felt anything like Gwen's glorious gourds.

"Better than I imagined," Gwen breathed.

"What?" I asked, intimately.

"I, um... God this is embarrassing but I'm stroking your dick so whatever," Gwen said. So quiet I could barely hear her. Her breath in my ear almost as erotic as her hand on my cock. "I kind of have a huge crush on you."

"Seriously?" I said.

"I like older guys," Gwen said, "And you're always so fun and sweet. I hope that doesn't make you uncomfortable."

"No, it's awesome," I said, "I kind of have a crush on you, too."

"You mean these?" Gwen asked, shaking her chest to make her point.

"No, I mean you," I said, "You're always so energetic and playful. I always enjoy things more when you're around."

Gwen leaned her head back and kissed me on the lips. Her tongue danced at my mouth and I let it slip in. I slid my hands away from her breasts, reluctantly, and found her pussy. God, she was wet. So slippery I could barely keep hold of her. I gently teased at her folds.

Kevin groaned loudly and we both looked over. Lauren had slipped down to her knees and taken his humongous dick into her mouth. She could only get maybe a quarter of the way down his shaft, but she slurped and licked with so much enthusiasm it clearly didn't matter.

"Is this OK?" I asked Gwen. "Your husband is... We're..." I couldn't even speak the words. Fortunately, I didn't have to. The voluptuous brunette responded by dropping down to her knees and sucking me into her mouth. And I'd thought her hand was heaven. Slippery and sensuous, Gwen slurped up and down my shaft. What she lacked in skill, like always, she made up for with passion. She worked my dick like it was the world's most wonderful treat.

"Ah, your wife is an amazing cocksucker," Dante said. I looked over and saw my beautiful, wonderful Kirstin knelt down between Dante's legs. For a moment, the jealousy washed over me. But even that seemed to only enhance the eroticism of seeing the love of my life sucking off another guy. Having gorgeous Gwen gobbling my knob at the same time certainly helped.

Dante put his hand behind Kirstin's head. Twined her hair in his fingers and held her in place. Slowly, he began thrusting into my wife's waiting mouth. She made a little choking noise as he slid in deeper. I knew that Kirstin didn't like it rough, but she didn't do anything to stop Dante.

"Lauren, she is not bad, no?" Dante continued, gesturing over to where the beautiful blonde was fellating Kevin, as if this was a casual conversation. "But your Kirstin is a natural."

I half expected my wife to choke out a 'thank you' but she just kept blowing Dante. Which I guess was answer enough. Dante's movements increased in speed and intensity. He really was fucking Kirstin's face now. My beautiful wife's face went red. The choking sounds got more frequent.

"Ah. Ah yes," Dante said, "Ahhhhhhh." His body stiffened. Kirstin's eyes popped wide.

Glug. Glug. Glug.

Dante deposited his seed right down Kirstin's throat. She grunted and ripped her head out of his grip, gasping. Dante wasn't done though, and a blast of his cum splattered Kirstin's face. Another. Long white streaks of his semen ran down her forehead and cheeks. Dante sat back, letting his sperm fountain over my wife. He gave me an appropriately cocky grin.

"Now that is a good girl," Dante said. He reached down and patted Kirstin's head. My wife turned to look at me, her face splattered with another man's seed, giving me a kooky smile.

"How's Gwen?" she asked.

Unlike Dante, the busty brunette was taking her time on me. Licking languidly up and down my cock. Savoring it. She didn't realize, she could have been going full bore for hours and it wouldn't make a difference. Much as I wanted to give Gwen a facial to match my wife's, I knew it wasn't going to happen. Not that I had much to complain about with how the cute girl was going after me.

"Really good," I said. If I was being honest, Kirstin gave a better blowjob, but I wasn't going to criticize a woman in the middle of her giving me head. I figured I'd at least wait till the end of the evening before composing a complete, constructive critique.

"Oh fffffuck!"

All four of us looked to the other side of the table. Lauren was leaning forward, bent in half. Her pussy slowly sinking onto Kevin's cock. Her face was cinched in something that looked a lot like pain.

"I just had to," Lauren said, almost apologetically, "Had to try."

Gwen waved her off, as if to say that she completely understood. Like even the act of asking would have been ludicrous. The busty brunette went back to lazily sucking my dick.

The rest of us watched, fascinated, as Lauren tried to fit Kevin's cock up her cunt. The tall, skinny boy lay in his seat, his head hanging back. Eyes closed. Lauren's light brown eyes, on the other hand, were wide open. Her mouth gaped like she was trying to fit his dick in there, instead.

The beautiful blonde slid back slowly, grunted, backed off. Tried again.

"Fuck me," Lauren said.

"He's trying," Dante said and laughed jovially. His dick now hung limp on his thigh. Kirstin still knelt in front of him, supplicant, like she was hoping he might give her more.

Lauren kept working Kevin's cock into herself. It was like watching a weird magic trick. Hypnotic. It reminded me of seeing a snake slowly swallow a cow, entranced over how it could happen, even as I saw it before my very eyes.

Finally, about halfway down, Lauren stopped. "No, no, no," she said, almost a pained gasp. "I think that's as far as I can go."

She started rocking back and forth on that massive tool. Knuckles white as she gripped the table. Kevin lay back, letting Lauren work herself on his pole. His face euphoric.

"So big," Lauren said, "So full."

"She's really tight, hon," Kevin said.

"I bet she is, babe," Gwen said, her mouth full of my cock.

Lauren increased her speed, but she still couldn't get more than halfway down Kevin's dick. She worked herself back and forth as hard as she could. Making grunts and growls that, a few moments before, I would have sworn were beneath her. Watching Lauren slowly devolve over Kevin's massive cock was maybe the sexiest thing I'd seen from her yet.

Then it got even better. Lauren's body stuttered. Her eyes fluttered. Her face flushed. I didn't need any familiarity with the blonde woman to know she was about to cum.

"Oh... Oh fuck!" Kevin shot up. His eyes wide. He pulled his dick out of Lauren just as it exploded. A font of white fired out and landed on our table. Kirstin turned back, glaring. "Oh God. I'm so sorry," Kevin said, his dick detonating everywhere. "I couldn't."

"I was so close," Lauren said, like she was lecturing him. She practically had her hands on her hips.

"I know," Kevin said, "You just felt so good." His dick finished spurting, then started to slowly droop down. Even flagging, it was still a flagpole. The look on his face was somewhere between extreme satisfaction and epic embarrassment.

Lauren looked over at her boyfriend. "I need to get off," she said. Her voice heavy with desire.

"I'm no good to you," Dante said, gesturing at his sated shlong.

Lauren's eyes fixed on me. I was the only one remaining with an erection. She looked down at Gwen, still sucking me off.

"Gwen please," Lauren said. The buxom brunette, game as always, just smiled and stepped away.

"Sure thing," she said, like she was sharing her dessert instead of her husband's friend's dick.

Lauren looked at me as I sat back in the chair. I knew she didn't like me. Would rather have gotten off with Kevin or Dante. Or a bedpost somewhere. But I was her only option. She started to turn around, like she had done before with Kevin.

I put my hand out and stopped her.

"Come here," I said. I got up and led Lauren over to the couch. I gently laid her down on the cushions. She spread her pink, spindly legs.

"You're gorgeous," I told her. She rolled her eyes as if to say, 'I know.'

I climbed over her. I could tell by her face she wouldn't let me kiss her. Instead, I pressed my lips to her chest. Kissed my way over to her breast, then latched onto a pink, puffy nipple. She let out a little gasp.

The rest of the room was sated, or at least on pause. I assumed they were all watching us. I don't know for sure because I stayed focused on the beautiful woman beneath me. I kissed and licked lower. When I got to her stomach, she twitched, then stilled. I got closer to her mound. I could smell her, wafting upwards. Heady and wonderful.

"Don't. I'm not..." Lauren said. But before she could finish the thought, I sucked on her vulva. I felt her body go taut, then fall limp. I lapped up her dripping slit, tasted her feminine honey. Kissed around her opening and licked, hard, on her stiff little clitty. Folded my tongue and buried it in her waiting snatch.

I feasted on Lauren's sex. Her earlier reluctance was lost. Her legs snapped around my back. Her fingers gripped at my hair. She started making little grunts and groans. Almost as loud as with Kevin before.

"Oh. OH!" Lauren's whole body seemed to wrap around my skull. She squeezed so tight that I felt my heartbeat in my head. Finally, Lauren went lax. She fell back into the couch. Her already beautiful face, pink with pleasure, was even moreso in post-orgasm repose.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw my Kirstin lying back on the dining room table. Kevin was between her legs and licking with abandon. Meanwhile Dante was sitting back, the king on his throne, lazily fondling Gwen's breasts while she played with his rapidly re-stiffening cock.

Kirstin pulled my face to hers. She kissed me hard, then looked me in the eyes. I couldn't make out what I saw there.

"Wow," she said, breath short from the kiss and the cum, "I mean. I've never. Not like that."

Lauren grabbed my shoulders and softly rolled me over. Now she was on top of me. She gave me another kiss. Her pink, puffy nipples brushed against my chest hair. This wasn't just fooling around anymore. Somehow it had become intimate.

Lauren reached down and found my cock. Squeezed it. Centered me. For a moment, I paused. This was so much farther than I'd ever imagined going. With Lauren. With anyone not my wife. Even the oral had seemed like something less. Over the line, yes, but not much more beyond that. But this...?

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