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Click hereDo you remember me? Toby. I am the one that had the motorbike accident in my early forties.
I wrote 'Carers, bedwashes and erections'.
I am virtually paralysed now, but still love getting erections in front of women of all ages, with my four-and-a-half inch penis, (when soft) seven-and-a-half inch cock, (when hard) it's quite fat, with a fairly large mushroom head, and If you remember I was quite, sexually, adventurous and, although I am severely disabled and in my early fifties now, in a way, I still am.
I love looking at porn, take various supplements that enhance my erections, precum and semen production and when my girlfriend (Nat) comes over from France, three or four times a year, we are very sexually active.
This story will be quite a bit shorter than the other one. I wasn't going to write anymore, but the other week was just....... well, beyond words!
The first incident was (nice) but quite embarrassing really, and because it was embarrassing I wasn't going to write about it. The second incident was quite erotic to say the least.
It was the first morning of Kathy's weekly shift and she had been off for two weeks, and as you know, I find her quite a turn on and fantasise about her, masturbate and ejaculate. (She is thirty two, slim and quite pretty.)
I love getting an erection in front of her.
I had taken two L-arginine capsules about half-an-hour before she was due in. (I have found that they work better, if taken about half-an-hour or so before and they seem to be more effective when my penis is semi-erect.) I had pushed the duvet back about ten minutes before she was due in, and I started masturbating as soon as I heard her put the key in the door, and I was very hard in seconds.
I could hear her pottering around the kitchen.
As she entered my bedroom, I quickly pulled the duvet back up to cover my hard cock.
"Hi Toby. Did you have a good two weeks?"
"Not bad Kathy. You?"
I was still squeezing my cock under the duvet.
"Yeah, okay."
As she went into the bathroom, I was able to masturbate, under the duvet, and as she shaved me, I continued to squeeze my cock. She finished shaving me, and went to get some clean water for the bed bath.
"Can you give me a minute?"
As she left the bedroom, I pushed the duvet down off my cock. I masturbated as I heard her in the kitchen and nearly ejaculated, but I stopped masturbating. The cum feeling went, so I started masturbating again. The urge to ejaculate was immense, as I hadn't ejaculated for a good two weeks, but I stopped masturbating again and the cum feeling went. After a few minutes, my penis had started to lay down. I called out:
Kathy came back in and took the duvet off. My penis was laying across my pelvis area, over my left upper thigh. It was still quite engorged. As she started to wash me, my penis started getting bigger. As she washed my penis and balls, my penis really swelled and began lifting. (The L-arginine really makes my penis achieve a good erection.) By the time she started drying me, my cock was rock hard and pointing up towards my face. (Kathy has been with me for about eight years now, and she has seen me with an erection since day one, so she's used to seeing me with an erection.) As Kathy patted my cock dry, the tiniest bit of precum oozed out. (I don't mind Kathy seeing me precum, but I normally precum in front of her when I am a bit softer.) I could feel that I needed to, and wanted to, ejaculate, so I went to ask her to leave me for a few minutes.
"Erm, I think you should give me a.... OH NO!
My legs went straight n stiff, and my cock lifted a bit, and cum started tricking out and dripping down to my lower belly. Kathy could only watch, as my cock continued to ooze cum, dipped down to my belly momentarily, before abruptly jerking up and releasing a little squirt of cum, and then it immediately, did the same thing again, both squirts landing on my upper belly. It, immediately, did it again, but it was just a tiny squirt landing on my lower belly. I continued to ooze a little bit more cum.
"Oh god, I am so, so sorry."
I didn't know where to look. I was still quite hard as Kathy wiped, up the cum with the flannel.
"I really don't know what to say. I am so sorry."
"It's okay Toby, don't worry about it."
Kathy then went to get my clothes from the other room, and even though I was embarrassed about ejaculating in front of her, as soon as she turned to walk out of the room, I started masturbating to a full erection. I stopped when I heard her coming back.
"Sorry Kathy."
"It's okay."
She went round to the other side of the bed to start dressing me. My cock was still quite hard and as she turned her head, to put my socks on, I masturbated, (I masturbate a lot when her head is turned.) I had, more or less, a full erection as she attached my leg bag. As she continued to dress me, my penis started calming down and was almost completely flaccid when she was ready to get me up. It did leak a tiny bit of cum as it went flaccid, but I was able to wipe that bit up with my fingers as Kathy's head was turned.
I did feel a bit awkward for the rest of the day, as I did feel a little bit embarrassed about what had happened. Nice feeling though!
I text Nat and told her what had happened and how I felt. She text back:
'Don't worry about it. I thut u wanted her to see u cum?'
'Yes I wanted her to, but wanting her to n her actually seeing me cum r 2 different things.'
'Ok. Well she has seen u cum now, so it's a fantasy fulfilled. Was she ok about it?'
'Sort of I guess. She didn't really have a choice.'
'I like watching u cum.'
'I know u do.'
'I think she is very lucky, I haven't seen u cum in over a year. (Or tasted it!) Don't worry about it, anyway she probably liked seeing u cum!'
Then later that week, (Friday) I got a text from Zoe to say that she would be about half-an-hour late, as she was going for a pizza with a friend, and was it okay for that friend to come in and wait, as they were going back to hers. I text 'Ok'.
Zoe normally turns up about 9pm. 9.35pm she arrived with her friend. (Mandy)
"Hi Toby. Thanks for that. This is Mandy."
I guess they were a similar age. (Mid-forties.) Both are attractive. But Mandy was quite a bit slimmer and taller than Zoe, with highlighted, wavy light blonde (ish) shoulder length hair. (Don't get me wrong, Zoe isn't big, just bordering on 'chunky'.) Zoe's hair is a little darker, shorter and mostly grey with coppery low/highlights. They both wore high-heeled-booties, short (ish) tight skirts and blouses, which revealed their cleavage.
"Do I need to wear a mask?"
"No. You're fine around Toby Man. We grew up together, had kids about the same time and were separated and divorced about the same time. We have gone through a lot together over the years haven't we Man?"
"Yes. We were neighbours growing up and we went to the same school."
Zoe interjected.
"But we weren't in the same year. Mandy is two years younger than me. We both got married and ended up not living far from each other and our kids played together. Her daughter and my son had a thing for each other. Do you think they will get back together Man?"
"Well, they will go to the same university in September, so who knows."
"So when did you get divorced Mandy?"
"It must be a good three-and-a-half years ago."
"So are you single?"
"Yep, sure am."
"No boyfriend?"
"No. I've dated a few men, but most of them turn out to be losers, or are going bald and have a paunch. You have nice thick hair and you're quite slim."
"Thanks. I try to look after myself."
"What about you?"
Zoe butted in.
"Toby has a very attractive french girlfriend, who is much younger. Don't you Toby?"
"Yeah, she's just turned forty one."
Mandy smiled.
"You cradle snatcher. You are fifty three aren't you?"
"How long have you been together then?"
"About twelve years."
"Where does she live then?"
"About fifty miles south of Paris. I see her three or four times a year."
"Why doesn't she live here?"
"She has a son from a previous relationship. He has all his friends and Nat has all her family and friends."
"And you're okay with that?"
"Yeah, I'm cool."
"So how does she feel about all these women around you?"
Mandy raised her eyebrows.
"She's cool. We have a very good and understanding relationship."
"Okay. Erm Toby, Zoe said that you are quite broad minded?"
Mandy sat on the sofa, and her skirt rode up a bit to about mid-thigh, as she sat down.
('Nice thighs, I thought.')
"Yes I am. Why?"
"What do you think of cannabis?"
"I can't smoke it myself, but I don't mind it and love the smell."
She rummaged around in her shoulder bag and produced a joint.
"Do you mind if I light this?"
Mandy held up the joint.
"Man! Where on earth did you get that!?"
Zoe joined Mandy on the sofa, and I manoeuvred my wheelchair round to face them.
"My daughter. If Toby hasn't got any objections?"
"No, no. Go ahead. Zoe can you get something you can use as an ashtray."
"Sorry Toby. Mandy can be quite a bad influence sometimes."
"It's okay. I really don't mind."
Mandy had already lit up when Zoe returned with a small glass, that she put on the floor between them, as she sat back down.
"I have never seen your legs before. They're nice."
"Thanks Toby."
Zoe smoothed down her skirt. Mandy offered the joint to me.
"I can hold it for you."
"Thanks. But it's not that. I can't really control my breathing."
"What about if I, gently, blew smoke in your face?"
"You can try."
Mandy sucked on the joint once more, passed the joint to Zoe before standing up, putting her hands on my knees, leaning over my legs and gently blowing smoke in my face. I coughed.
"Do you want Mandy to stop?"
I shook my head as Mandy, slowly and gently, blew smoke in my face. I had a fantastic view of her cleavage and bra clad boobs. I could feel myself getting harder. She stepped back.
"How was that?"
I coughed again.
Mandy did it again, but she put her hands much higher, so her right hand was right on my hardening penis. She squeezed my penis through my trousers. I went very hard, very quickly. She squeezed my cock again and raised her eyebrows. She leaned in further, so she was inches from my face, and blew even slower showing more of her boobs and her red n lacy bra. She squeezed my cock again. I was so hard. I coughed again.
"Are you sure you are okay Toby?"
I nodded as Mandy finished blowing smoke in my face, squeezed my cock again and stood up.
"I think he is more than okay, aren't you?"
Mandy and Zoe, looked at the bulge in my trousers. Zoe giggled. Mandy gave me a cheeky smile, then winked at me.
"I am fine."
This continued for about fifteen minutes. Each time she leaned in and put her hand on my cock, and squeezed it. Each time I could see all of her bra covered boobs. I was so hard and I was sure that I had precummed.
We finished the joint, did a lot of giggling, then Zoe ushered me into the bedroom.
Mandy called out:
"Just shout if you need a hand."
I heard her giggle. Zoe giggled too.
"Ignore her Toby."
I could feel that my penis had softened somewhat as Zoe took me in the bathroom and pulled down my trousers and boxers.
My penis was still quite engorged. As Zoe held my penis and slowly peeled the conveen off, I could feel my penis getting bigger as she held it. It wasn't fully erect, but very engorged. Zoe tugged on the end of the conveen and it came off with a 'squelch'.
For a moment, there was a small string of precum from my, very engorged, penis to the conveen, as my penis flopped down to my thighs. Zoe lowered me down onto the commode, and my penis slipped easily between my legs. Zoe closed the door and left me to it.
I didn't feel like I needed a wee. I reached down to my penis head, and it was quite slippery. I ran my fingers, back n forth, over the head a few times, it felt so nice, and within seconds I was rock hard. I played with my cock for a few minutes, thinking of the two horny women that were in my flat. I stopped playing with my cock and waited a couple more minutes, pulled my penis back up, managed to slide my body down the commode a little bit, so my penis wouldn't slide back down between my legs. I was still quite engorged but spongy. I called Zoe.
Zoe raised me up and transferred me to the bed. As she lowered me down onto the bed, I could see that she had undone another button on her blouse, revealing even more cleavage. I felt myself getting harder.
She tried to squat down in front of me, and then stood up again.
"Mmmmm, not very practical these skirts. Scuse me."
She pulled her skirt up about four inches, making her short skirt even shorter. She squatted down again.
"That's better."
Her knees were pointing up towards my face, and I could see right up to her crotch. My penis started getting much harder. She leaned forward to undo my boots and her blouse fell forward as she leaned in, revealing that she too had a lacy red bra on. My penis was really rising now. I could see all of her bra clad boobs. I was practically fully erect by now. Zoe finished taking my boots, splints and socks off and leaned right back against the wall and I could clearly see her crotch and red panties. She looked up at my hard cock.
"Mmmmm, I think I should get you on the bed."
She swung my legs up and straightened my body out. Zoe called out:
"Man, I think you should come here."
A few seconds later, Mandy walked in.
"Nice. Zoe said that you had a nice cock."
Mandy continued to walk round to the opposite side of the bed to Zoe. I was so excited and so, so hard in front of these horny women. I really needed one of them to touch my hard cock. Mandy must of read my mind, as she put her hand around my cock and pulled the skin right down.
"Now that's hard! I haven't seen or felt anything like that in a good twenty-five years. What do you think Zoe?"
Zoe reached out and held it too.
"I think Toby has a lovely cock. I love this bit."
She ran her hand up the shaft and traced her fingers over the head.
Mandy then held up a small bottle.
"Cherry flavoured lube. Is it okay if I use it Toby?"
(They had planned this!)
Mandy let go of my cock, squeezed a large dollop of lube out, and smeared it all over my cock. Zoe continued to smear it down my shaft.
"I wonder what it tastes like Man?"
Mandy was still holding my cock, leaned forward and licked the head, before putting my cock in her mouth and sucking on it and running her tongue around it.
It felt good.
She stood up.
"Cherry. Do you want to taste it?"
Zoe was still holding my cock, and running her hand up n down it. She looked at me.
"I don't know. I don't think I should."
"I would like you to."
"Well okay, if you're sure?"
"I am."
Mandy was putting more lube on.
"There you are."
Zoe leaned forward, and looked at me again.
"This doesn't feel right."
"I know."
She continued to hold my cock, lowered her head, put my cock in her mouth and closed her lips around it. Her mouth felt lovely and I could feel her tongue licking my cock.
She stood up, wiped some saliva from her mouth and giggled.
"Mmmmmm, cherry."
Mandy had one hand up her skirt and one hand rubbing her tits.
"Nice, isn't it."
She looked at me.
"Can you touch your cock?"
I reached down and wrapped my hand around it. It was slimy from lube and saliva. I started masturbating. Mandy hitched her skirt right up, parted her legs slightly so I could see her panties, and moved the gusset over. Her pussy was clean shaven, with protruding pussy lips. She rubbed her bald pussy. Then moved her spare hand up, pulled her tits out, (Which were quite nice.) and massaged one then the other.
"Ohhh Toby that's so hot."
I looked over at Zoe, and she was nearly squatting. She had hitched her skirt up, but her hand was down her panties and I could see she was furiously rubbing her pussy, whilst her other hand, her left, was in her right bra cup.
"Can I see your pussy?"
Zoe pushed her panties to the side whilst rubbing her pussy, revealing an almost bald pussy, with protruding pussy lips like Mandy's.
I masturbated and they rubbed their pussies for two or three minutes. Then Mandy took her hand away from her tits and joined mine on my cock, she leaned forward over my cock and dribbled. I took my hand away and she spat on my cock and wiped the spit all over my cock. Zoe stopped rubbing her pussy, spat on her hand and rubbed her spit in to my cock also. They were both sliding their hands up n down my cock, slowly then fast, then slowly again. Zoe took her hand off and sucked me, whilst Mandy pumped me. They changed round, so Zoe was pumping me and Mandy sucked.
"I want to cum, and I want to cum in Zoe's mouth."
Zoe looked at me.
"I don't think you should."
"I want you to taste my cum from my cock. Please."
Zoe didn't say anything. They both leaned right in, Zoe took her hand off my cock and they both started licking my cock head.
"I'm going to cum."
Mandy pulled my foreskin right down and really gripped the base of my cock. They continued licking. My legs went stiff n straight.
"I'm cumming."
Mandy guided my cock towards Zoe's open mouth just as I felt a squirt of cum come out. Zoe closed her lips around my cock, as I continued to cum. She gagged and lifted her head. I was still cumming, so Mandy put my cock in her mouth and pumped me until I stopped cumming. Mandy lifted her head and kissed Zoe.
There was some cum running down my cock.
"Zoe? Can you get that cum on my cock?"
Mandy let go of my cock, spat on her hand, then moved it to join her other hand that was rubbing her pussy, and she wiped her hand all over her pussy lips. She moved her hand back to her mouth and spat on her fingers, then pushed them in her wet pussy. Mandy frigged herself at a phenomenal rate, and you could hear her fingers squelching as they pistoned in n out.
Zoe held the base of my cock, started pumping slowly and put the rest of my cock in her mouth, and I could feel her tongue licking me. I went very hard again.
"Ohhh. Keep doing that."
I don't know if it was the sight of Mandy rubbing her pussy, frigging herself and breathing heavily, or that two horny women had just sucked my cock or I had just cum in my carers mouth, but Zoe kept sucking and licking me and it felt incredible. Zoe pushed her other hand, back down her panties. My cock really swelled and felt so, so big in Zoe's mouth. My legs stiffened n went straight again.
I had an incredible orgasm. Zoe kept sucking and licking.
"Did I cum?"
Zoe continued pumping me, but lifted her head off my cock.
"A tiny bit."
Mandy was licking her fingers.
"I orgasmed as well. I haven't had an orgasm like that in years."
Mandy and Zoe pulled their skirts back down, and Zoe continued to put me to bed and make me comfortable.
"Can I help Zoe?"
"No, not really. I just need to cover Toby up. Actually Man, you could get a flannel and freshen his bits up, before I cover him up."
Mandy disappeared into the bathroom for a second, before returning with a wet flannel. My penis was more or less flaccid, as Mandy freshened 'my bits' up.
"There you are Toby."
Zoe then covered me up with the duvet. Mandy came back out of the bathroom, leant over and gave me a kiss on the cheek.