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Carla Finds Nude Travel Tricky! Pt. 04

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She extends her trip by a day, & enjoys making new friends!
11.5k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 06/20/2021
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Still sound asleep at 11:30 in the morning, Carla was sprawled across the bed with her eyes shut when she heard a loud knocking sound and someone shouting at her in the middle of what had been a visually exciting but fairly quiet dream about her driving her truck in the nude during a long traffic jam in some busy city. "Did you hear that?" she heard her dream self saying. "Yes! I do!" she answered. The knocking combined with her conversation with herself to pull her out of her dream just in time to see a shocked looking man carrying towels!

"I'm sorry, Miss, I knocked and said 'Housekeeping!', and I was sure I heard you say 'Yes!' before I came in. Should I come back later?"

Sitting up but still a little confused, Carla replied, still focusing on the question of whether she wanted her room tended to instead of the fact that she was stark naked, "Yes. I mean, I don't care, I'll be checking out this morning anyway." Finally fully awake, she made a half-hearted attempt at covering up, grabbing a pillow and holding it loosely in front of her as she got off of the bed. She walked up to the man and said, "As long as you're here, do you have any towels bigger than the bath towels in the bathroom? I don't actually have any clothes with me, and the towels barely cover me."

"Bigger towels...ahh...not really," he said, following her with his eyes as she brushed past him on the way to the bathroom; the pillow did an adequate job of covering her boobs and pussy, but with nothing covering her backside he was treated to a good look at her ass as she disappeared into the bathroom.

"See what I mean?" she said a moment later as she returned from the bathroom, a bath towel wrapped around her. The towel covered up enough of her boobs that her nipples were hidden, and reached down far enough to keep her ass just out of sight, but there was barely enough length to have the two ends of the towel overlap by much, so it wouldn't take much movement to make the two edges lose their grip on each other. "If I move much at all," she said, reaching up to hang up an imaginary coat on one of the hangers in the closet, "This happens!" The stunned housekeeper watched the towel pop loose and fall to the floor!

"You really don't have anything bigger?" Carla asked.

Suddenly smiling as he thought of something, he replied, "Not a regular room towel, but maybe better." He went back out of the room to his supply cart a couple of doors down the hall and pulled out a beach towel, normally only available at the pool area. He turned to bring it back to Carla's room and was shocked to find that she'd followed him out into the hall, her towel nowhere in sight! He held the pool towel up to show her how much bigger it was; he was immediately rewarded with a big smile from the naked blonde.

"Thank you so much," Carla said, taking the towel and draping it over her arm, "This could have saved me some trouble last night." She impulsively stepped forward and put her arms around him, giving him a big hug and a kiss on his cheek. She began to blush, not so much because she was embracing a stranger while nude, out in the hotel's corridor, but more because she had to fight off a sudden urge to offer to suck the housekeeping guy off right where he stood.

Seeing the simple gold band on his left hand's ring finger made her blush more deeply than any of her recent exhibitionist behavior had. Backing away from the confused man, she apologized, "I'm sorry, that was inappropriate, but thank you for the new towel," then retreated to her room.

"No worries, really!" the stunned housekeeper replied as he watched her disappear into her room.

She called down to the front desk to ask if breakfast was being still being served or if lunch was already happening. The woman who answered told her that breakfast had ended over an hour ago and that the hotel didn't offer lunch or dinner; she said besides coffee all that was available was a few of their breakfast-to-go bags, consisting of a cup of yogurt, a granola bar, an apple, and a pouch of orange juice.

Carla was too hungry to turn down the breakfast bag, uninspiring as it was; she wrapped herself up in her new beach towel, pleased to see it covered her from her armpits down nearly to her knees with at least 8 inches of overlap where the two ends met, making it feel pretty secure. She guessed she wouldn't attract too much attention, " I look like I'm just coming from the pool. No big deal." She slipped on her Crocs, picked up her phone, and headed to the elevator.

Catching a glimpse of herself in the mirrored door of the elevator, she was pleased to see that though it covered more of her body than the bath towels, the lighter fabric of the beach towel clung more closely to her curves. Though it did conceal more of her skin, it actually revealed much more of her shape than the bath towel ever could. "Okay, maybe I'll get a few more looks dressed like this, but I'm decent, so no harm done," she whispered to herself as the elevator doors opened, beginning to admit to herself that she enjoyed the attention that tended to come with showing even slightly more skin than usual.

Once Carla stepped off the elevator and had a look around the lobby, the number of people scattered around the space made her shiver; she'd expected it to be fairly quiet at his time of day, but saw at least fifteen or twenty people scattered around the space. Not wanting to miss out entirely on having some sort of breakfast, she ignored the crowd, focusing on the breakfast bags on the front desk counter. She stepped up to the counter to claim a bag, drawing a few glares from the line of people waiting their turn to speak to the clerk. The same woman who Carla had talked with a few minutes ago caught her eye before she walked away and asked, "You're in room 517, right?" Carla nodded, nervously wondering if someone had complained about her shameless behavior the night before.

"I just wanted to let you know that due to a prior reservation of a whole block of rooms on your floor we'll need you to move to a different room. I can set it up or you can use our app to select a new room. I apologize for the inconvenience," the clerk said.

"Wait, I only booked a one night stay," Carla replied, "I don't need the room another night."

"I'm sorry. We tried to contact you at check-out time, over an hour ago, but you didn't answer. This far beyond the check-out deadline, we have to charge you for another night."

Carla didn't reply, not trusting herself to answer without unleashing a torrent of profanity; she took the bagged breakfast and a cup of coffee to a chair in the middle of the lobby between the front desk and the elevator, sat down to think about her options.

She knew that technically the clerk was correct, but thought a discussion with her supervisor might get her out of being charged for a second night. On the other hand, it was nearly noon already, she hadn't even gone out to pick up her new clothes yet, and after her crazy late night she could really use some more rest. She decided not to argue about it, opting instead to take it easy for a day and get an early start tomorrow.

Carla relaxed and ate the poor excuse for a breakfast, then poured a second cup of coffee to bring back to her room. While waiting for the elevator, she noticed the same combination of lobby sounds she'd heard last night when she stepped off the elevator; soft background music, water splashing at the fountain, and one side of a conversation at the front desk. Other than the sex of the desk clerk on duty, it was the same. "Well, maybe a little bit different," she whispered, "I'm not naked and blindfolded this time!"

She noticed one other difference, a handful of construction workers having a break at a table near the main hotel entrance. She could see that they had noticed her as well, not particularly subtly watching her. "Probably hoping my towel comes loose so they can see me in nothing but my swimsuit," she thought, "If they only knew..."

During a short stop back at her room, Carla called up the Hotel's app to choose her room for the following night. She put her handful of toiletries and phone charger in a pillowcase for the move to her new room on the third floor. Once she'd brought her minimal collection of belongings to her new room she decided it was about time to pick up her new clothes.

Before the elevator reached the lobby she resolved to leave the hotel by the front door, slightly farther from her truck than the side door she'd been using but possibly offering more interesting reactions from bystanders; how often did most people get to see a young woman leave the main entrance of a hotel wearing only, as far as they could tell, a thin towel? She figured even if nobody else was around, the group of construction workers would be good for some sort of reaction.

Walking through the lobby, Carla was disappointed to see that the construction workers had moved on. Her disappointment was short-lived, as once she was outside she saw the workers clustered around a section of the sidewalk, right on her route to her truck. The area they were working on was just gravel, about to be filled in with new concrete. She approached their work zone, pleased to see work grind to a halt as they watched her approach. She asked if she could walk through or if she needed to go out into the street. The oldest of the group, apparently in charge, told her she could come through, but cautioned her, "be careful, the gravel is loose and kind of uneven."

"I think I can handle it, thanks," Carla said, waving off a few outstretched hands offering to help her keep her balance. She was fine for the first couple of steps, but a loose patch a few feet into the gravel zone made her slip and start to tumble forward. She wobbled and stretched out both hands to break her fall, but managed to stay upright after a few short hops. Meaning to help her avoid injury, a few of the crew reached out to break her fall, probably too late to have made any difference, but adding to her embarrassment as one of them inadvertently caught hold of her left breast and another ended up dragging a hand over her right thigh. Her towel didn't deal so well with her gyrations, with the folded closure working loose during her hopping. With her hands waving around wildly as she tried to regain her balance, there was nothing to counter the effect of gravity on her loosened towel. The brightly colored towel slid down her back, landing in a heap on the gravel and leaving her naked in the middle of the crew as she took her last couple of hops, the fallen towel left several feet behind her.

"Are you okay?" the foreman asked.

"I, ah, I think so," replied the stunned blonde, "wha..hey, where's my towel?"

"Right here," one of the crew answered, holding it out, "it fell off back here."

Carla eyed the man holding the towel suspiciously, wondering if he'd played any part in her towel coming off, but seeing him blushing way more than she was herself, she accepted his explanation and thanked him as he handed it over to her. She wrapped it tightly around herself while another crew member held her wallet and phone, and accepted a hand from a crew member on each side as she took the last few steps across the gravel. Once she reached the regular sidewalk she thanked her assistants and continued on her way to her truck.

Still shaking when she unlocked her truck, she took a minute to calm down before starting it. As much as she had been enjoying distracting the workers, she hadn't had any intention of getting naked in their midst, and certainly hadn't expected to be groped by a couple of them, even accidentally. When her pulse finally settled down she started the truck and drove out of the parking lot, passing by the crew, who all waved as she passed. She returned their waves and smiled.

Five minutes later, Carla was sitting in the area of the Target parking lot reserved for customers picking up online orders. She used the app to let them know she was present, and just a few minutes later a teenage girl walked up with a couple of bags. Carla rolled her window down as the girl came close.

The girl looked slightly suspicious, not expecting to be making a delivery to someone in a cargo truck, but came close enough to ask Carla for her name. Satisfied she was dealing with a legitimate customer she walked up to the truck and asked to scan the UPC code on Carla's phone. Noticing Carla's unusual attire, the girl asked, "You going swimming or something?"

Taking the two bags one by one through the open window, Carla laughed as she said, "Or something, definitely or something."

"Okay then, have a nice day!" the girl said, then turned back toward the store. Carla checked the items in the two bags and found everything she expected to in them. She thought about getting dressed right there in the truck but decided that being dressed eccentrically was less likely to cause her more trouble than getting dressed in the cab of her truck in full view of passersby, in broad daylight. She drove away, heading for her hotel, planning on getting into some of her new clothes in the privacy of her room.

On her way back to the hotel, she began to think having lunch first would make more sense than making another trip after getting changed. "Going through the drive-through in just a towel might seem a bit odd," she thought, "but it's 100% less outrageous than my last drive-through visit." She was about to line up behind a few other cars at a Wendy's when she had second thoughts, not looking forward to another meal eaten in her ratty truck. Before she left the parking lot it occurred to her that if her towel and Crocs outfit had been good enough for her to hang out in the hotel lobby, it would probably be acceptable in a Wendy's dining room.

Other than the inevitable curious glances the staff and other patrons directed her way, which she kind of enjoyed, her visit was uneventful. Carla wondered if everyone checking her out made the same assumption as the girl at Target; she had to admit, based on what she was wearing, guessing she was on her way to go swimming made sense. Just having a towel at all made her way more prepared to go for a dip than she had been yesterday at the park.

"I don't really have anything else going on this afternoon but watching TV in my room, maybe I should go back to the park and see if I can find the clothes I had to leave behind last night. If nobody else is around, I could even check out a couple more of the hot spring pools; I just need to be sure to keep my clothes with me this time, and make sure to leave before dark." she thought as she finished off her lunch.

Carla found the park easily despite having been in a daze when she left it the previous night. She pulled in to park and frowned, thinking the conditions for a clothes-free soak were far from ideal. There were four other vehicles already in the lot; if she couldn't have some privacy about all this visit might be good for was retrieving the clothes she'd had to abandon.

She resigned herself to not being able to have a soak when she noticed several dogs racing around the open field, with four people chatting and tossing tennis balls for the dogs to chase. She got out of her truck and walked over to the sign listing the park's rules. She smiled when she read rule #5, which strictly prohibited taking dogs on the trails; it looked like once she left the dogs and their owners behind by entering the trail system, she could wear as much or as little as she'd like.

"I probably should have tried to pick up a swimsuit at Target, but I doubt they're even in stock this time of year," she said to herself, "this should be fine, if I hear someone coming I'll just wrap the towel around me."

Carla strolled along the main trail, looking for the side trail and pool where she'd left her clothes the day before. She almost missed the spot where she'd hung up her shorts and t-shirt; the two garments were no longer hanging on the branch where she'd left them. She saw both items resting in a muddy puddle, so dirty they almost matched the color of the ground, and guessed the storm that came through the night before must have blown them down. "Well, I'm definitely not going to be wearing these until I can do some laundry, maybe never from the look of them now," she said.

She didn't want the muddy clothes anywhere near the brand new outfit she'd brought in one of the plastic Target bags. Once she was done soaking in today's choice of pools and had put on her new clothes, the muddy clothes could be loaded into the bag; for the time being she left them where they were, to be picked up on her way back. She moved on to the first pool she'd visited, the last place she'd seen yesterday's lingerie. There was no sign of her bra and panties anywhere near the bench she'd left them on, presumably also casualties of the storm.

Carla shrugged at the loss of her undies and moved on along the trail, passing by all the pools she'd enjoyed the day before. She was more than slightly tempted to pay another visit to the "Lookout" spot, but decided to focus on spots she hadn't tried the day before.

She found a trail map with the entire system and all the various pools located. Two spots had names that made her curious about them, "Cliffside" and "Downpour", both a bit further along the main trail than she'd been before. She walked on, heading for "Downpour" not stopping anywhere along the way, though she did slow down and take a look down the stairs leading to "Lookout". "Maybe on my way back," she said.

As she neared "Downpour", Carla noticed the trail narrowing to a path barely wide enough for a single hiker, with a rough rock face rising along the left side of the trail to a height about 20 feet higher than the trail. The pool was right next to the trail on the opposite side, with its water arriving in a cascade off the top of the rock face, flying over the path and splattering down into a fairly small pool. The water seemed to splash randomly, pushed around by the wind.

She wasn't sure how the water would feel coming from such a height, but Carla was definitely interested in finding out; she set her bag of clothing down a safe distance from the splattering water and set up her phone to take a video of her in the pool. Looking and listening one last time for any sign she wasn't on her own, she found none. Satisfied the conditions were right for a little nudity, she kicked off her Crocs and pulled her towel off, folding it neatly and setting it down next to her phone.

Carla stepped into the pool, which turned out to only be about knee-high on her. The irregular stream from above felt like a massage as it randomly pelted her in different places. She found that leaning in different directions made the water feel more or less forceful, striking her directly or glancing off her. There was just one problem; while it may have been hot when it bubbled up from the ground, the long drop cooled the water considerably.

Not really in the mood for a cold shower, Carla decided to move on, hoping to find at least one more pool as satisfying as the last couple she visited yesterday. She slung her towel over one shoulder, put her shoes on, picked up her phone and plastic bag full of clothing, and set out to see what the "Cliffside" pool had to offer.

When she reached the "Cliffside" pool, Carla was surprised in several ways. The pool was by far the largest she had seen in the park, at least fifty feet long and twelve feet wide, and almost perfectly rectangular. It lived up to its name, with one of the long sides at ground level but the other built up right at the edge of a cliff. The drop beyond was about sixty feet straight down to the river, with an opening in the middle of the edge for water to spill out to keep the water level constant as the hot springs continually added more.

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