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Carol Cum Coral - A Metamorphosis Ch. 02

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Carol morphs into Coral, her alter ego.
3.9k words

Part 2 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 10/29/2021
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Online dictionary definition of 'cum' -

cum - [Latin]: used to describe things with a dual nature or function. e.g., "a study-cum-bedroom"

I told this story to my Sisters. Now I'm getting increased pressure to continue. I'm doing so against my better judgment and with much trepidation as this is the second chapter of the first story I've uploaded. I've written others, but they're still in my computer.

When my characters use verbal shortcuts, i.e., internet slang and such, they are saying just the letters, not the expanded words.

Occasionally, I have trouble following a LitE writer's characters. I'm trying out having the story read like a screenplay script which is easier to follow the characters. Let me know if you like it or not.

Prologue: Previously, Carol has balked at eating pussy during a threesome. To create an atmosphere where she is able to do so, Carol has signed herself over to Arthur - and Becca - to act as their sex toy, ergo, Carol cum Cora, Carol's alter ego.

Arthur: Well Carol - or Coral - does this mean that we can have threesomes, and you'll actually eat out the other woman? We can set it up for next Saturday.

Carol: No, I won't, but Coral will do whatever you ask her to do.

Arthur: But you signed the contract and...

Carol: Call Coral and ask her.

Arthur: Okay, if that's the way you want to play it - Hey Coral.

Coral: Yes sir, I'm your sex toy, tell me what to do, and I will do my best.

Arthur: This is too weird, but I'll play your game. Will you or won't you accept a threesome Saturday and go down on the other woman?

Coral: I would but not Saturday, Becca will have to train me first. She said it would probably take a couple or three weeks until I'll be a better sex toy and proficient at cunnilingus.

She said I can practice on her until I do it perfectly. By the way, when you want me to morph back to Carol, just say: "OK Carol," - OR - I'll morph back automatically ten minutes after you leave - lest you forget.

Arthur: Ahhh! The light dawns. This so-called contract is not so much for me as it is for Becca. She's been working up to this for ages, and now she has the perfect in - into your pants. As for me, you just keep dangling a carrot in front of me - several more weeks until you eat pussy? - and then what excuse will you have?

Coral: No, no, no. Becca says you can watch her train me. She can come here after work for training, and you can come after work and watch. Maybe Coral and you can have threesomes with Becca.

My thoughts returned to my mind's eye vision of what I thought Becca would look like. I mentally shivered and thought, "No way, Jose." I wanted to be able to pick the woman I would have a three-way with and maybe have sex with - not some shriveled-up old bag with bad teeth, scraggly hair, sagging breasts, belly fat, and cellulite filled bottom. Ewww!

Arthur: As long as we're not going to have a threesome anytime soon, you might as well turn back to Carol. OK, Carol.

Carol, jokingly: Why did you do that? You could have had Coral do unspeakable sexual acts. LOL!

Arthur: I'd rather have you, Carol. do those 'unspeakable sexual acts' - not some mechanical sex toy. The only way I'm willing to accept this charade is for you to actually eat pussy. I'm not getting dragged into some scheme of yours to get me to agree to a commitment. I'll believe this - this - this strategy that you and Becca have cooked up ONLY when you actually go down on and eat out a woman - women. That's the one thing I've wanted. I was already satisfied that you've been willing to do anything else I wanted.

I'm leaving out anal sex. I'm not interested in putting my dick into a poop chute. You're vagina and mouth feel just fine. However, I may introduce anal plugs and a plug tail into your - Coral's anus.

But that's neither here nor there. My one need is to have you perform cunnilingus. I won't ask you to do analingus because of the danger of E Coli. I don't want you to get sick. However, IF the other woman in our, so far, mythical threesome requests it, I would expect you to lick her perineum and possibly rim her - IF- she is very clean in back. The thought of having fecal matter or E Coli passed from some woman's ass hole to your mouth to me is positively off-putting.

Oh, just a thought - what if the other woman wants to use a strap-on in your rear. Would Carol or Coral accept that? Maybe sex toy Coral would. What do you think?

Carol: After she's trained, Coral would do whatever you want - without a thought of herself.

Five days later - on Friday, I went directly from work to Carol's place. A strange car was in the driveway, so either Becca was there or Carol had other company. Instead of walking in, I knocked, and Carol answered the door.

Carol: Come in, meet Becca.

As I walked into the living area, a woman rose from the sofa and walked toward me. I felt my heart pounding. She was the antithesis of the picture I had in my mind. Pardon the cliches, but she was the woman I dreamed about in my fantasies. She had an oval face: chin-length raven-wing black hair; black, sparkling, wide-open eyes; and full lips. Her dress material whispered as she approached me. She put her hands on my shoulders; pressed herself against me for a nanosecond; kissed my cheek; and stepped back - still inside my personal space. My heart was racing, and I almost missed her words.

Becca: I can see why Carol doesn't want to lose you.

I tried to acknowledge the compliment, but my vocal cords were frozen. I couldn't mouth the words. I couldn't even find the words.

Her eyes probed into mine, and my knees almost failed me. She was almost as tall as my 5'11"; I learned later that she's 5'6", but had worn 3" heels; 120 lbs; C/D cups; and a curvy narrow waist.

She took my hand and led me to sit beside her on the sofa. Of course, I managed to take a peek at her callipygian bottom before she swept her hand under the skirt of her dress and sat down. I would have preferred to be face to face - being so close to this beautiful beast was daunting - to say the least. Not just her gorgeous face and body, but her femininity, too, had me mesmerized.

Another light went off in my head - I have no doubt in my mind about how or why she was able to persuade Carol to become my - our - sex toy. But, I must have looked perplexed - because she laughed and said -

Becca: I can read your mind. You're wondering why my ex divorced me. Everyone asks.

Actually, I wasn't wondering, but now I was curious, and I nodded - I would find my voice - several hours or days later.

Becca: Well, it's quite simple. My bi-sexuality made him question his manhood. Whenever I even looked at another woman, he doubted himself. He loved my 'straight' side but hated my 'bent' side. Eventually, it became too much, and he called it quits. I was really sorry; I loved the man, but I can't change my nature. The worst thing about it is that I only looked; I've never slept with another woman during my marriage, but I don't know what went on in his head about what I did or didn't do.

Hey, you don't want to hear about me; you want to know what we're going to do with Carol and Coral; right?

Carol says that Coral seems to unnerve you, and you morph her back to Carol. You mustn't let Coral do that. She's just another manifestation of the Carol you love. Excuse me - the Carol you LIKE. Coral IS Carol but without a sense of self. She'll do whatever you want her to do. She won't have to make a choice. She won't have a feeling of guilt for doing something - unnatural, against the mores of society - against her upbringing. Coral doesn't have any "upbringing" - no church connections - no social mores - no morals at all. She's a sex toy just like a dildo. We - you can have her do whatever you want her to do. A dildo has no thoughts of self - and no conscience.

As far as tasting a woman's juices, she has no qualms about licking and swallowing her own; it's just a millimeter away from swallowing mi - uh - another woman's vaginal fluids. There's probably not a lot of difference in the taste from one woman to another from what I've read online. I don't remember that back when I was a teenager and experimenting with sex.

We won't do anything at the moment. Let's talk, finish our wine, and chill.

I have no idea what we talked about. I was so taken by this luscious creature that I blocked out Carol - and everything else. I suppose about an hour or so went by. It could have been minutes or days. I have absolutely no recollection of anything but Becca sitting next to me. I do know that my neck hurt from turning toward her trying to watch her lips move and her eyes light up. I do remember trying not to slouch as her posture was as straight as a finishing or charm school graduate. I found out later on that she WAS a charm school graduate. Her demeanor, her poise, her feminine movements were a combination of nature and training - nature and nurture.

If she had asked me for a life-long commitment - without knowing anything else about her, I wouldn't have hesitated for a micro-second - Yesssss!!!!

I felt guilty because I'd been warding off commitment with Carol, but then, I wasn't in love with Carol. I felt like our relationship was more of a 'friends with benefits' - as far as I was concerned - not so with Carol. But like Becca said, "I can't change my nature."

Oh my gosh, I've only known Becca for a little more than an hour, and I'm already madly in love with her. Not just with her face and body - with her personality. It hit me like the proverbial ton of bricks. I wonder how I'm going to pull this off. How can I be in the same room with Becca and Carol without Carol knowing how I feel.

When Carol went into the kitchen to prepare dinner, I got up from the sofa and pulled a chair closer to Becca. I sat down and leaned toward her. It was difficult for me to look Becca in the face without wanting to taste her full mouth. I whispered -

Arthur: Becca, when Carol is Coral, does she know she's Carol but with a different mindset? Is she hypnotized or what?

Becca, smiling: No, of course she isn't hypnotized, and she does know she's Carol - only without a care in the world and willing to do anything legal - more than willing to try new things - as a toddler would. The world is her oyster. Her prize is the unattainable pearl. She desires to taste every new experience possible.

Several summers ago, I took courses in mental yoga.

My marriage was on the rocks, and I was devastated. I desperately needed something to keep my mind from collapsing. I learned the trick of separating my mind from any situation. I just taught it to Carol. She's a willing, quick learner.

When she's Coral, she's in nirvana - a state of perfect quietude, freedom, highest happiness. Everything is sweetness and light. Nothing is troublesome. Nothing troubles her. I have a hunch that she morphs to Coral by herself when she's alone. I do - whenever I have the opportunity. It's a beautiful state of mind. It's almost blissful. I can even will myself to orgasm - oops - TMI?

For the past several days, I've been teaching Coral how to behave as a sex toy - but it's her own idea - mostly positions. I'll have Coral take those positions rather than just telling you about them. However, you'll have to know the terminology in order to guide her. That's as far as we've gone so far. We don't want to train her in sexual activity until you're available to watch - and learn - as well. It should be done in a loving, caring way and not just barking orders at her. That doesn't work.

After we eat dinner, I'll put Coral through the positions she's learned and has been practicing even when I'm not here. We've been able to put in about three or four hours of training and practice, but I don't know how much time she's put into practicing alone. It isn't just about flopping into a position in any old way. It's done with grace, style, and finesse.

The positions and getting into them are beautiful, sexy, rhythmical movements that I'm certain will arouse and stimulate you. But - be prepared to keep yourself under control. It wouldn't be practical to force her into some other sexual situation at that time. Be almost delicate, not crass, in the way you direct her. Don't demand - suggest - what you want Coral to do.

In the context of what you mainly want her to do, say, "Coral, so and so has a beautiful vagina. Wouldn't you like to taste its juices to see if it tastes as good as it looks?" Or be blunt, just say, "Lick her until she orgasms," but be gentle. Don't make it sound like it's a chore or something unnatural or onerous. Once she does something, she'll always want to do it again. It'll come to her as the most natural thing in the world - like riding a bicycle. You may have to tell her when to stop. Eventually, you may only have to point to a woman's crotch to have Coral salivating and eager to taste the woman. Then, all you'll have to say is, "OK" - and - LOL, get out of the way. Just like you would a young puppy. In time, that thirst - that hunger will seep through to Carol's subconscious, and you may not need Coral anymore.

Coral should be able to attain some of the positions by now but will still need to practice how to achieve them with refinement, fluidity, elegance, and a certain flair. I think most women have lost a lot of feminine, graceful qualities by trying to keep pace with men and trying to make it in a hostile world.

I'm not a feminist; I believe in femininity. The two don't necessarily go hand in hand. I'm not sure I believe in the ERA. In my world, men are men, and women are women. I prefer it that way. I've reached the point where I don't need a man per se unless he exactly fills the specifications I have in my mind. If not, I'll stick to women.

Some may think I'm anti-feminist and maybe I am, but I would love to be taken care of by a woman. It's not about money, I don't need anyone to finance me. I have a good source of income. It's about being loved and being emotionally taken care of - and then - I'll purr like a kitten. I'll be everything and anything my woman wants me to be. If a man fits into the picture, so much the better. Knowing your attitude and desires, you could be that man - but don't let Carol know that I said that.

It's not so much your physical appearance but your state of mind that attracts me. That doesn't mean I don't find you physically appealing. I do, but that is NOT why I'm attracted to you. You're not like my ex. Now, I can have fantasies about you and me living together, and you bringing home attractive women for us to play with. I can't find women, and I don't know how you'd find them, but that's not significant in a fantasy.

I think that if you were really in Carol's life, that she'd be anyone you wanted her to be. She's already shown you that you can bed other women - as long as you stay with her. Do you have any idea of how hard that would be for a woman who loves you? Who's IN love with you? Now, she's actually handed herself to you - literally - to do what you want with her.

That being said, Coral expects you to use her in ways that she couldn't do as Carol. And - I intend to use her as well because she turns me on.

Yes, you were right when you suggested to Carol that I had ulterior motives in persuading her to be our - your- sex toy. I have been trying to get in her pants ever since she was divorced. I didn't come right out and ask her for sex, but I did a lot of hinting and joking about it. Maybe too much joking; she never took me seriously.

You must be thinking I could have another woman if I tried, but I was always concerned about approaching the wrong woman - It's difficult to know who's into lesbian sex and who isn't. If I had approached someone straight and got the wrong response, I would die of embarrassment. I could get a bad reputation that could damage my social and business life. Everyone seems to look up to me, but if I made a mistake - disaster. I couldn't just turn back the clock as if it had never happened. However, Carol turns me on; she's a cute little package I'm dying to try on for size - or for sighs. Plus, I can make sexual innuendos to her - knowing my reputation is safe. I know that she'd never kiss and tell.

Then you came along and tried to convince her to be bi-sexual and opened the door for me to persuade her to be your - our - sex toy.

You know, I should have married you instead of my ex. You'd want me to do exactly what I want to do. Life is all screwed up. In fact, I'd probably still try to bond with you if you and Carol weren't an item. I'm blushing. I shouldn't have said that. It was my subconscious talking. Please forget I said it.

Arthur, thinking: O-M-G this gorgeous creature would be interested in me if it weren't for Carol. No - I can't - I wouldn't do that to Carol. It would hurt her too badly. My conscience wouldn't allow me.

Arthur: It's okay, Becca. I was fantasizing along those same lines myself. And I shouldn't say this either, but I'd take you in a heartbeat. You must know how I fell for you, the minute I saw you. It must have been so obvious. Fortunately, Carol didn't catch on. She's naivety personified.

Becca: I did recognize that, but Carol can never know how you felt. She'd be heartbroken, and I couldn't do that to someone I care so much about. [giggling] This is like something out of a Shakespearian play, isn't it?

Carol, cheerily: Hey, you two, what are you conspiring about? Dinner is done-did and dilly-dallying on the table. Let's eat before it's stone-cold-dead, and I have to bury it.

Dinner conversation was mostly about Carol cum Coral. Carol was effusive in thanking Becca for finding a solution to our - her and my situation. She was almost euphoric and said she couldn't wait until she morphed into Coral again. She wanted dinner to be over, so she could show off the sex toy positions she'd been practicing. I asked her what the positions were.

Carol: Well, to name a few, there's disrobing; obeisance; offering myself - I mean Coral offering herself; inspection; and a few others, but Coral has to do them in a sexy, feminine manner. I - she felt clumsy at first, but now I - she can do them with a certain panache that is a real turn-on to me especially since I'm naked when I do them.

Either Becca or you say, "Hey, Coral, assume the inspection position." And I morph into Coral and flow into that position. Or, if I'm already Coral, you can just say, "Inspection," and I - uh - Coral just melts into that stance.

Making those extremely feminine movements makes me feel very sensual.

[laughing] If I - uh - If Coral were wearing panties, I would say she creams her panties just assuming those submissive positions.

You can see how all this is turning me on. I can tell you my inner feelings without becoming overly embarrassed. Oh, Becca, how can I ever thank you for teaching me how to be, "Female fucking feminine"? When I'm Coral - I've never felt so alive and vibrant. I'm throbbing with sexuality that I've never felt before. Just knowing that you'll soon be putting Coral through her sex toy paces is extremely energizing. [laughing] Maybe she's the Energizer Bunny! I'm positively euphoric with anticipation.

If you'll help rinse off the dishes and put them in the dishwasher, we can get started a lot sooner.


Endnote -

Firstly, I welcome all honest, constructive criticism, helpful advice, and suggestions.

Secondly, I acknowledge my inability to write hot, steamy detailed, blow-by-blow [as it were], sex scenes. Spare me troll bashing about this deficiency. My background is in technical writing, not storytelling.

Thirdly: If there isn't enough in-your-face, detailed sexual activity in my tales, stop reading them. Find some other writer who can write steamier sex scenes than I.


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