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Two older lesbians get more than cars washed by teen.
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"Hello, can I help you?" Veronica Campbell's first thought on answering the door was that her friends must have decided to send her an early birthday present. The young pigtailed blonde on the other side was wearing cut-down denim shorts and a bikini just a little bit too small for her round breasts. However, the fact that her best friend, Lorna Chang, was standing behind her and seemed as surprised as she was at having a sexy hottie on the doorstep, suggested she hadn't sent her and her other friends would have wanted to be around to see what their money had bought.

"Hi," the girl twittered prettily with just a tiny trace of lisp, "I'm fundraising for the local college cheer team -- Go Cougars -- we're doing a carwash to help pay for new uniforms. Do you want me to wash you and your husband's cars" She nodded at the two vehicles sitting in the driveway.

"I'm not married, it's a friend who is here for coffee," Veronica explained. She took another look at the young woman, at most twenty and probably only eighteen or nineteen, with a fresh-faced natural prettiness about her combined with a sexy body that she obviously kept in shape. But the grin the girl gave hinted at a naughtiness and sexual wildness and Veronica felt that if she couldn't tempt the hot young thing into a lesbian fuckfest she might as well retire and settle into becoming a doddering pensioner reminiscing about the old days. A smile crossed the tall black woman's face as she imagined the bikini popping up off and the gorgeous breasts below; the girl was just the right age, twenty-one was Veronica's age limit and had been for the last twenty-nine years since she left college herself. "It could certainly do with a clean...?"

"Kaylee..." the teen introduced herself.

"Mine as well," Lorna pushed herself forward, the Asian woman, was at least three-quarters of a foot smaller than her friend and a little chubbier with the larger, bouncier breasts which went with her frame; but like Veronica, she was a practised seducer of younger hotties and had her eye on this one; Veronica didn't mind, she liked to share.

"Cool," the teen grinned as she started to negotiate a price. It didn't take long, both Veronica and Lorna were more than willing to pay top-dollar for a hot thing in a bikini and Kaylee quickly accepted their generosity, bill signs almost flashing in her eyes. "Can I use hot water from your kitchen?" she asked indicating the bucket behind her.

"Of course," replied Veronica, letting the young woman in and directing her to the kitchen, before following close behind admiring the jiggle under the tight shorts; the cheerleader dressed both for practicality and business.

Kaylee quickly filled the bucket, adding in more soap suds than were strictly necessary so that the excess dropped out of the bucket. Veronica didn't mind that some dropped on the floor, it could be cleaned, as others drifted onto the teen's thighs as she walked back towards the hallway. Part of Veronica wanted to go after her and stare at the teen hungrily as she soaped the car. However, you didn't get to bang as many hot bits as Veronica had if you followed them around like a love-sick puppy. Lorna knew the game as well, so she didn't seek to stop Veronica as she closed the door behind the teen and instead waited until Kaylee had moved far enough down the drive that she would have had to have the hearing of Supergirl to be able to listen to what was being said. The Chinese woman grinned, "Now she is hot and my gaydar is pinging."

"She is a cheerleader, she'll have experimented," Veronica spoke with the experience of near thirty years of teaching, the last half-dozen as a Principal in the town's top high school.

"So we're interested, then?" Lorna grinned wickedly.

"I am," smiled Veronica in agreement, "and it wouldn't seem right not to share her, given she's also giving your car a soaping."

The two women moved to the window, careful not to stand too obviously close as they watched the cheerleader start to sponge down the car; there were a lot of bubbles and a lot of water and the young woman didn't seem to mind that plenty of both ended up dripping down her as she energetically swabbed. As she moved her tits bounced enticingly in the bikini, making both the women more eager to experience her bounty, especially when she bent over to clean the bottom of the car and showed how firm her ass was in the tight denims, the shorts clinging so closely they could have been sculpted. The two older women admired the view as they agreed their approach, both were seasoned lesbian seductresses, who knew the routes to draw a younger woman in, whether she was a stranger to the Sapphic side or one who was almost as experienced as they were; whether she was coy and shy or wanton and willing or somewhere in between there was always a path to her pussy.

The plan done, Veronica cleared the coffee cups from the front room and replaced them with some (quality) white wine, after pouring a couple of glasses for herself and Lorna, she placed it in the ice chiller. The two women then moved to the window again, standing far enough back they wouldn't be noticed as they sipped the wine and observed their sexy prey. She was wiping away the soap now, singing some song, which was inaudible through the pane, whilst her tits jiggled and threatened to break free of the bikini top. After a few minutes she stepped back and wiped her head with the hand which was still holding the sponge, letting a few suds drip down her as she checked her handiwork. They were gleaming, whatever she was like fucking, she knew how to clear a car. The two women retreated from the window and sat back down again as the teen quickly poured the remaining water into a drain, dropped her sponge and shammy in the bucket and headed to the door.

Veronica stood up as soon as the doorbell rang, then slowly walked to the door not wanting to appear hurried. "Have you done, Kaylee?" she asked as she opened it.

"Yes, do you want to have a look?" the teen smiled, she had braces but they seemed to add to her sexiness, not detract from it.

"I'm sure they'll be fine, why don't you come in for a minute whilst we get our purses?" Veronica stood back, making sure the door was wide open and that the teen had little space to refuse.

"Are you sure?" Kaylee said politely, "I'm a bit damp."

"It's fine," said Veronica continuing to hold the door open and not retreating so the cheerleader had little choice but to comply and follow her host into the main room, where Lorna was waiting, looking nothing like a spider, but still the centre of a web which had been spun and which college girl was getting trapped in even though she didn't know it.

"I looked out the window, it looks like a good job, my car hasn't shone so much since it was in the showroom," Lorna said.

The teen blushed in gratitude, pocketing the money that Lorna passed her as Veronica pretended to look for a moment for some, before saying. "I'm afraid my purse is upstairs, I'll be a minute." Then she paused as if she was having an idea, "Why don't you have a quick glass of wine while you're waiting."

"No, I couldn't," said Kaylee, automatically looking at the bottle, her eyes widening slightly when she saw the vintage, much better quality than the cheap plonk that students could afford.

"I insist, it's too much for two," smiled Veronica.

"Especially as I need to drive home in my new car," smiled Lorna, standing up to take a new wine glass from the cabinet, which she passed to Kaylee and before the teen could object was standing in front of her with the bottle, "Say when," she said and poured, continuing past the teen's 'when' until it was near the top.

"Um, thanks," said Kaylee, looking around for where to sit and finding herself being guided to the sofa to sit next to Lorna.

"I'll pay for you, you did buy the wine" smiled Lorna looking at her friend and almost winking as the plan fell into place. It was important to keep some pressure on the younger woman and hem her in between them so Veronica sat down on the sofa beside them, close enough to Kaylee that the teen inched slightly away, but found herself thigh to thigh with Lorna, the mature Asian woman, smiling as she was touched. "So what are you studying in college?" she asked as if she wasn't literally rubbing against the younger woman's thigh.

"Um... English," the teen said squirming a little as she tried to separate herself from Lorna without touching Veronica, something she found was impossible.

"Enjoying it?" Veronica asked, making the teen turn her head away from Lorna and to her.

"Yes, lots of reading though, I mean I don't mind reading, but during summer rather be outside doing things," the teen said.

"I can understand that," it was Lorna again, forcing Kaylee back towards her and allowing her friend to move even closer so that she was almost on top of the young woman. "I'm a librarian and I'd like to be out sunning myself most days."

"You certainly have a tan," Veronica's finger moved over the blonde's skin, which was obviously much lighter than the black woman's even if more a golden brown than it was in winter.

"And you work out," Lorna's slid her hand onto Kaylee's bicep and gave it a gentle squeeze, before running a finger up and down the toned upper arm to her shoulder

"You have to as a cheerleader," Kaylee said, her eyes fluttering between the two women and then down to her hands as they gently and seductively skimmed over her, so light the touch felt almost accidental.

"Mmnnn, I see you have to keep your hair soft and shampooed as well," it was Veronica's turn to speak and the blonde turned to her blushing slightly, as the older woman's fingers ran through her blonde flax.

She seemed about to reply when Lorna's hand moved to her thigh gently squeezing it and making the teen turn back, "You must exercise to keep your legs so toned and firm, I can't feel any fat..." the older Asian said in a purr, giving another quick grasp as she did so.

"You certainly keep fit," said Veronica, a finger trailing down the teen's naked back as far as the bikini strap and then up again.

"Oh," giggled Kaylee, her cheeks red. However, whilst she wiggled a bit she made no move to stop the older women or get up from the couch, instead letting them run their hands through her hair and over her body, gently and slowly but certainly sexily, even if -- with some imagination -- they could claim innocence.

"What's it like being a cheerleader?" Lorna asked, "Fun?"

Before she had time to answer Veronica was butting in, "When I was at college the cheerleaders had a reputation for being... very friendly with each other..." she paused and put an emphasis on the final words, making the teen blush as she figured the hidden meaning behind them.

"I mean, not like that, I mean some of the girls do," she said, blushing, but not moving though she must have been picking up hints of the older woman's intention, "I've not."

"Yet?" asked Lorna and the teen gave a half-committal shrug and looked down at the older woman's hand as it moved up and down her thigh, gently squeezing as she moved.

"So what about a boyfriend?" asked Veronica and the teen shook her head. "Girlfriend?" the older woman quickly followed up.

"Neither, I'm free and single."

"That's the best way, you can have lots of fun," smiled Lorna.

The two older women grinned at each other and it quickly gave Kaylee a chance to ask a question of her own, "So are you lesbians?"

"We dabble," admitted Lorna with a smile, Veronica giggling as she thought of all the dabbling she'd done and there was plenty of it.

"Are you girlfriends?" the teen followed up.

"We've fucked," said Veronica, "But we're not a couple - fuck-friends you could say. Are you shocked?"

"N... no, it's kinda cool, living life like you want," the teen smiled back.

"That we are," smiled Lorna, licking her lips seductively as she squeezed at the younger woman's thigh. Kaylee giggled and blushed, but didn't pull away.

"College is a time for discovery," Veronica said, "We both decided that we loved pussy, much more than cock."

"I don't think I could give up the dick," Kaylee admitted, "but I'm not saying that pussy sampling is off the menu; if you can't go lesbo when you're in college, when can you?"

Veronica took that as a signal to slip her hand down to the bikini strap and creep along it to snapper. The plastic bit popped open with a press. Kaylee just gave another giggle as her bikini loosened, gradually slipping down and off her breasts to drop on her knees, leaving her topless and exposing her nipples, pierced through with a golden metal bar. She jiggled them and made them bounce, giggling as she did and not worrying that she was in the middle of two older lesbians.

"They're nice," grinned Veronica, as she turned herself further into the cheerleader so she could get a good look at the two pert breasts, paler than the surrounding flesh but still looking delightfully edible.

Lorna must have been thinking the same thing, unsurprisingly, as she said, "They look good enough to eat."

The teen giggled, "Couple of my ex-boyfriends said the same."

"Well let me try them," said Lorna and not waiting for a reply she placed her mouth on one and began to suckle and lick it, before sliding across and repeating her actions with the twin.

Kaylee tittered as her tits were tenderly teased, wriggling slightly so her thighs were brushing at Lorna. Veronica continued to brush the teen's back, sliding her finger over the bumps in the spine, feeling them contract as Kaylee stretched and moaned. After a few moments, she reached around and began to gently squeeze at the spare titty, still wet with her friend's saliva. "MMmnnn," Kaylee let out a moan of pleasure, her eyes closing and her mouth opening invitingly. It gave Veronica the space to move forward, her lips pressing on the younger woman's and her tongue moving in. There was no resistance from the blonde, her own tongue meeting the older woman's and wrapping around it, as their lips firmly locked and their jaws moved as if they were both eating an invisible meal.

Veronica's hand moved to the teen's stomach, smoothly flat and firm, and stroked down -- only to find that Lorna was there before her and already fiddling with the buttons. Even as she struggled, a third hand joined them, that of Kaylee, the teen snapping open the fastening as if she did it every day. The two older women slipped their thumbs under the hem and pulled the denim hotpants down. Underneath Kaylee was only wearing a thong to cover her modesty, "Mmmnn," she moaned, "Take them down." Immediately she resumed kissing Veronica, her tongue stabbing back at the older black woman's.

The thongs went down to her upper thigh as both older lesbians reached to her pussy. It was smooth, apart from a tiny landing strip at the top, and already wet. It got even damper as Veronica and Lorna's fingers brushed over it, pressing at the teen's labia and lips and stroking the inside. The younger woman shuddered in excitement, her tongue driving at Veronica. "Mmmnn," she moaned, breaking the kiss for a moment, to let loose her passion. This time it was Lorna's mouth which latched to it, the Chinese woman kissing the teen hard and fast, her hand cupping a breast.

It gave Veronica space to get up off the couch and kneeling in front of the teen, fully remove her denims and thong, together with her pumps and socks, leaving Kaylee totally naked and hot with it. With Lorna's hands now occupied as she played with the teen's tits as she kissed her powerfully, it left Veronica with easy access and she began to slide her digit in. The effect was electric as if the blonde had been hooked to the mains, as she bolted up and gasped, almost pushing Lorna away. Veronica began to pump in and out, feeling the wet walls grasping at her fingers as she thrust away. "OOOhhhh, mmmnn, yesss," gasped Kaylee for a moment, before she reached round to pull Lorna's mouth against hers for a second time and began to kiss away.

"Your cunt is soaking, I can't believe it can be any wetter" grinned Veronica as she added a second finger to make her statement a rare example of a self-fulfilling non-prophecy as the twat began to create more juice. The pussy pulsated with her touch, clamping around her as she drove in, the flesh wet and warm, easing around her. The older woman shoved quicker and faster, making the teen shudder and shiver, only the fact that Lorna was half on her stopped Kaylee from sitting fully upright and squealing to the high heavens. Pausing for a moment, Veronica took off her sweater, she hadn't been expecting to be fucking a hot teen so she was wearing a bra designed for comfort, not sexiness and she quickly divested herself of it before the teen could look down, though as she and Lorna were sucking each other's faces off, Kaylee was distracted.

Placing her hands on Kaylee's inner thighs, Veronica pulled them apart and looked at the treasure beneath, the teenage pussy gleaming with juice and looking ready for eating. The older woman grinned and went down, sliding her tongue over the slit and feeling the reaction from the cheerleader, as she vibrated in eager anticipation. The black woman's tongue continued to tease, sweeping over the labia and mons and tickling at the clitoral hood without putting enough pressure on it to do anything to the bud beneath. The teen's hand moved down and onto Veronica's head, stroking her hair and trying to encourage her, without putting too much weight, into going further. Veronica was in no hurry, the longer she waited the wetter and tastier the juicy fuck-hole would be and also as it sounded like it was Kaylee's first time with another woman's tongue, she wanted it to be so good that the teen wouldn't think about cock ever again. Plus, she didn't like to be rushed by younger women, she remained in charge.

"MMmnnn, lick me," moaned Kaylee, her fingers threading at Veronica's long hair. The older woman continued to tease but looked up over the mons to see that Lorna had broken away and was undoing her blouse, allowing the teen space to speak. The top fluttered to the ground, followed by a bra and then the Asian woman went back into the blonde, kissing her hard, her larger naked breasts rubbing and bouncing over the teen's pert pair. The two of them went at it and Veronica lowered her eyes to concentrate on the teenage twat in front of her, her tongue still teasing the slit, but going faster and faster, sometimes pressing between the lips and onto the sensitive flesh.

Slurping, munching sounds came from the kissing pair, loudly passionate. Veronica pressed forward, feeling the excited reaction of Kaylee as the tongue entered her wet hole. The black woman swung it round and forward, lapping hard at the soaked, soft walls, her tongue making indentations in the flesh and sweeping away the juicy cum. Harder and deeper she went, adding a couple of fingers and driving them in hard. The teen shuddered and shook, her body stiff one moment, relaxed like a rag doll, the next. More cum filled the hole, only to be drunk down by the older woman, her tongue driving at the teenager's walls and sweeping them like a house painter on acid.

The juice was so tasty, lukewarm with the unforgettable freshness of teenage twat. Veronica could have stayed longer, but equally, she was sharing her with Lorna and she knew her friend would also want a taste. She carried on for another couple of minutes, putting in maximum effort so that Kaylee was shuddering and grunting even as she tried to kiss Lorna, her cunt as wet as it probably ever had been. Then, with the taste of teen still in her mouth, Veronica stood up and removed her pants and underwear, before dropping back on the couch. Her mouth slipped onto the teen's nearest breast and she began to suckle and lick the nip until it was as hard as cast-iron. The teen moaned and gasped, "Ohhh, God, yes," she groaned as Lorna broke away from her allowing Veronica to move her mouth up to replace her friends, kissing passionately, her tongue passing cunt juice into the teen's mouth as it flickered in.

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