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Case 26: Bad Girls On Voyeur Street

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A young detective gets mixed up in a "heated" case.
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It was an unseasonably chilly and dark day in the city, but I was rather comfortable and relaxed. As I sipped my scotch on the rocks and gazed at the clouds, I mused about the murder case that I had just solved. It wasn't a particularly difficult one as I had recently adopted a new theory on crime. There is always a woman involved.

And women could make even the most intelligent boy scout kill. Ok, so maybe it wasn't fully tested, and maybe I was a little biased since my wife took off with some loser from Europe, and caused me to swear off women for good. But still, it seemed true enough and it kept me content.

I glared into the dark sky outside my window. All of a sudden a strange feeling washed over me. It was a very odd feeling that reminded me of how I felt the day Jennifer ran out.

A warning?

I wasn't so comfortable anymore…worse yet someone was approaching my office. What was I being warned about?

"It's probably nothing," I thought, "Besides, I'm a professional." I put on my work face and focused on the situation.

I quickly forgot about the feeling.

The door opened slowly and a heavenly silhouette appeared against a bright hall lit background. When my eyes adjusted to the light, I saw a beautiful brunette with long curly hair, sharp hazel eyes, and a very well filled pink blouse that didn't extend all the way to her small jet-black miniskirt. Capping it off she wore expensive black lace shoes at the end of her long perfect legs.

I stared at her, taken aback by her beauty.

"Hello, I'm Kara Moorwood, are you the famous private detective?" she said in sharp, assertive voice.

"Famous?" I was instantly on my game. "Do you mean…notorious?"

A devilish grin appeared on her luscious lips. "Of course" she said as she approached a little closer. "I'm looking for a man that's a little…unconventional." She turned her head slightly and gazed deeply through the window beside me and added, "That's why I came to you. I need someone that doesn't just act out a formula from a textbook. Someone a little different, even a little…bad."

The way she didn't look at me when she talked was infuriating. I wanted to gaze into her amazing eyes. I NEEDED to get lost in them. It made me angry and that leaked into my voice. "There are plenty of people on the force that do that these days. I'm actually kinda busy…."

My voice trailed off as she returned her gaze to me. "I guess I was also looking for some…personal attention," she cooed. She slowly looked me up and down, sending a slight shiver through my body.

Trying to break the trance, I spoke sharply, "So what exactly is the problem."

She moved her hand quickly over her mouth in a practiced pantomime of surprise.

"Please don't get angry. You're my only hope."

"I apologize. Please tell me how I could help you," I said with exaggerated empathy.

Her face became very serious and her beautiful eyes locked on mine. She had me hanging on her every word.

"I…I'm being followed. Wherever I go, whatever I do, I catch someone spying on me in the corner of my eye."

Again she turned slightly away from me and gazed out the window in that infuriating way. "I don't understand what they could possibly want," she said.

I couldn't imagine anyone who wouldn't stare at her. Her curves were perfect from any angle and from any distance. I couldn't contain a minute chuckle.

The chuckle brought her gaze thankfully back to me. "Do you think the case is too… hard?" she asked sheepishly.

I could tell she was attempting a play on words.

"Nothing is TOO hard, or maybe I should say, the harder, the more worth it." I let it sink in for a second.

" But that's not the point I-"

She cut me off. "Sir," she said as she slowly leaned closer and closer, "I'm… scared. I need someone.

I'm not sure what this creep wants with me. And well… I'm not big enough or strong enough… like you."

Her body was close enough for me to feel its heat, and having those perfectly round breasts bursting out of her shirt only inches away from me put me in something of a trance. Even my penis was enthralled and, well… reaching for them. I had no choice but to take the case… I just couldn't imagine my lips forming the word "no".

I surrendered. "OK, I'll take the case."

She smiled almost wickedly and pulled away. "Thank you, sir," she said in a voice lacking any trace of surprise.

"One more thing," I said, "In most stalker cases the stalker is someone you know. Could you tell me about anyone close to you that would act strangely in any way."

"Well, I haven't had a man in my life in a long… long time," she stated in a slow and suggestive voice. This was getting ridiculous. My hormones were racing.

After a long pause she continued, "But I recently quit my job at the Aphrodite Strip Club and it didn't exactly end up on good terms. Big Jake, the head of the joint, wasn't greatly pleased that I left. I don't know anymore than that. I hope that… helps."

One last time she fired her electric gaze up and down my body. Then she gave me a coy wave, slowly turned around and walked away, wagging her rear tantalizingly. Her butt was perky and tight as a basketball and it left my eyes glued to it until she finally left.

Just like that, she had sauntered in, shook up my life, and sauntered out, leaving me burning with desire and with more work to do.

I downed the rest of my scotch.

"Women," I muttered.


My head was spinning, my dick was hard, and I felt unpleasant all over when I woke up. I was feeling more mixed emotions than I had since when I was with Jennifer. I rolled out of bed and slowly made my way to the refrigerator. As I chugged a Budweiser, I thought about how

screwed up I had become over something so simple. I couldn't help but feel a trick abound and worse yet I couldn't help but feel determined to solve the case.

"This woman is powerful," I thought, "Her eyes, her tits- I have to go get started."

I cancelled my schedule for the day, got dressed, and practically ran out the door.

I spent the whole day interviewing people, but by the time the sun went down, I only had two things. Big Jake, the owner of the Aphrodite Strip Club, was somewhat of a pimp for the girls, and the easiest and only good way to find out anything else was just to ask around there. I set out to do just that.

The Aphrodite Club was decent as strip clubs go. It was smoky, had interesting lighting, and also a large VIP room for which it was famous. Seeing the familiar sign with the barely-clad woman made me anxious. I hadn't been there in a long time and it brought back bad memories of lonely days and failed marriages. However, I was on a mission that day.

I walked in, through the shadows and smoke, and into a booth at the right side of the stage. There, a very young blonde was finishing up her act. She still had on a cowboy hat, black boots, and a large belt, but nothing else. I could tell that this was one of her first times on stage. She was nervous and barely doing more than spinning and moving her hips back and forth, but it was enough to wake up my shlong a little.

I drank some scotch and enjoyed my self for a while. I began to get comfortable. Just then a black-haired beauty strolled over and aroused my interest… among other things. She was giving me more attention than anyone else, and I decided to pick her for my investigation.

Her act was great. She went by the name Candy and she came out with black glasses, a tight white blouse, long plaid stockings, black platform boots, and a plaid skirt. She was playing on the schoolgirl fantasy and she was good at it. I imagined that I was in the back of a big lecture room sucking on her ample tits as she gently jerked

me off.

She swung around the pole in a veteran's fashion, losing more and more clothes as she went. Soon, I was fully erect and dying for some play… plus I did have an investigation to continue. I was about to ask her to the VIP room, but she beat me to it. While I was leaning over to give her some money, she whispered in my ear tantalizingly,

"Come spend some more time with me, and I guarantee you'll spend some more time… cumming."

I was quickly convinced. I was so sexually frustrated that I NEEDED her. I told myself that it was all for the case, which made it easy to accept her invitation. Kara had started me off and Candy was driving me to the breaking point. I hadn't been this horny in a long time. Her show seemed to last for hours. It was so amazingly seductive and oddly personal. It seemed that she only looked at me the whole time. By the time she finished I had decided that she had the tightest and cutest shaved pussy that I had ever seen, and that she was definitely interested in


After the next girl danced, I walked up to the VIP room, and was extremely happy to see Candy there. She had put back on the clothes that she shed. Boy, she was a sexy thing. She was so cute in her glasses and I was dying to get up her skirt and passed the small pink thong that was barely showing over her midsection. Oddly, she was the only one in the room, and she appeared to be waiting for me.

"Did you come to see little old me?" she asked overly innocently.

"It's possible that you may indeed have what I'm looking for."

She stared at me innocently and gently bit on her pointer finger for what seemed like an eternity. "Well, what are you looking for?"

I handed her a fifty and responded, "Well, I did come for someone with… flavor,"

She slowly took the bill. "They don't call me Candy for nothing," she purred.

With that she roughly pushed me onto the nearest couch and leaned in close to my face. I reached over to help her release her beautiful breasts, but she quickly slapped my hand.

"No, no I call the shots!" She said.

She went from sweet and innocent to crazy and sex hungry in no time. This was one freaky girl.

Suddenly, she jumped into my lap, and started grinding her ass into my crotch. She was going at it pretty hard, while using her dark eyes to stare me into submission. Then she abruptly stopped, ripped off her white shirt and bra revealing C-sized tits, and ordered me to suck on her nipples. "Now!" she commanded.

I complied without hesitation. I started flicking my tongue on her left nipple while gazing into her powerful eyes. She let out a moan and slowly gyrated her hips over my crotch.

"How does that taste?" she asked again in that innocent voice.

Without waiting for a response, she retreated from my lap. Suddenly she slowed down and was back to the innocent girl from before. She bit on her left finger again in that girly way, and extended her right arm out, softly playing her right hand on the collar of my shirt.

I watched with amazing lust as she swayed back and forth, making her bare tits bobble. I moaned in delight as she teased me by periodically laying her leg in my lap and arching backward with amazing flexibility.

She kissed her finger and slowly pressed it against my lips. Then without warning she stepped back and slowly turned around. As she bent down at an infuriatingly sluggish pace, she tugged her thong down without removing her schoolgirl skirt. Sensing that I was desperate to catch a peak at her cooch, she reached back and lifted her skirt up. Her vagina was cute, tight, and shaved. But, without giving me a desirable amount of viewing time, she abruptly let the skirt fall back down. She stood up, arched her back, placed her hands over her hips, and looked over her shoulder, igniting me with her glare. It was like a page out of playboy. She held the pose long enough to make me nearly drool.

Finally, she approached me again. I delighted when she returned to my lap. Now with her legs wrapped around my waist, there was just my jeans separating my stiff cock from her perfect pussy, and I could feel her wetness.

However, as I went back to sucking on her nipple, I unexpectedly remembered the case. I had come here to help Kara. I tried to forget about it, but couldn't. What was wrong with me? I just couldn't get Kara out of my mind. I just couldn't fail at my task.

"I need to ask you a question," I said, tilting my head from her breast.

Without even responding, she pushed my head back down.

Stubbornly, I turned back to look at her, but before I could even open my mouth, she pushed my head back down again… harder this time.

I turned my head around again, this time catching her arm before she could push me again.

"What do you want!" she shouted. The rough side of Candy was coming out again

I leaned back against the couch and asked in an emotionless voice, "What do you know about Kara Moorwood?"

"Shut up!" she cried as she jumped off me and pulled down her skirt at a lightning fast rate. "Play with my pussy!" she ordered.

She was obviously annoyed, but I pursued it more knowing that she had information that I needed. "Tell me first," I doggedly demanded.

She seemed to get nervous but responded, "Kara used to work here. She left recently and there is nothing else to tell. Now LICK IT!!!"

She jumped back into my lap, stood up on my knees, and violently thrust her vagina into my face. No more than 2 tenths of a second had elapsed.

Without missing a beat, I grabbed each of her boots in the corresponding hand and thrust my tongue into her slit obediently. How could a man resist a vagina when it is thrust in his face?

I started at the base of her pussy, licking back and forth and made it up to her clit. As I reached the love button, she let out a moan.

"Oooh, lick it. Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!"

Urged on, I moved my right thumb, pressed it against her asshole, and started to flick my tongue over her clitoris even faster.

She let out a scream. "More!" she begged.

I complied as best as I could, working harder and faster than I had ever done in my life. I could tell she was nearing orgasm, but then I abruptly stopped. Two could play at the sexual frustration game.

"Go!" she shouted desperately, bucking her hips against me.

"Not until you tell me what I need to know," I said defiantly."

She didn't respond, but instead stared darts into my eyes and suddenly yanked off my pants and boxers, exposing my fully hardened prick with her patented lightning speed. "Whoa!" I cried surprised. "What-!"

Just then, she dove mouth first onto my erection. She took half of my dick into her brilliantly lipsticked lips and then very slowly pulled out. I couldn't help but moan. I instantly surrendered to the fantasy of having a hot sorority girl service me during a large college class.

She stuck out her tongue and slowly licked from the tip, down to the base of my shaft and back up. Every nerve in my sex bone twitched at once. I started to thrust my dick rhythmically, lightly fucking her mouth.

This seemed to excite her also as she began caressing her breast with her left hand, while she licked the sensitive head of my penis and stroked the shaft with her right hand. I was feeling a pleasure that I hadn't felt in a long, long time. More and more, she licked, sucked, and played. More and more, I moaned in delight.

Eventually, I was seconds away from orgasm. My balls tightened in preparation and I moaned very loudly.

I was at the brink-when suddenly something heavy hit me from behind and I blacked out.


I woke up sitting in a weird room, on a cold floor, and in a complete state of confusion. I still had nothing on except my shirt, just the way Candy left me. I tried to get up but I found myself tied up around a pole. Saying that this was weird was an understatement.

When my confusion faded I realized that my dick was not only still hard, but aching very badly and sticky with pre-cum. It was a really bad case of "blue balls." My skin was stretched to the limit and screaming for a release.

I had just started to squirm when the door swung open and a figure appeared. I braced myself, hoping that it was Candy or any one of the girls. To my utter dismay, a large black man in a suit stepped out of the shadows.

"So you must be the great private detective," he boomed in a deep voice. "How dare you walk into my club and act like an asshole."

Uh oh, this was Big Jake, just the man I didn't want to see. I snarled, "Why am I tied-"

"Shut up!" he interrupted. "You need to know something! These girls are like my daughters…you don't fuck with them! I would protect them to the end."

I couldn't figure out what I did. All I knew was that I was sitting naked on the floor with my pre-cum soaked dick shriveling up and still burning with desire, and that I was pissed off. I shouted back at him, "If you love these girls so much then why are you stalking Kara Moorhead. What sick things do you have in store for her, ‘dad'!"

He seemed truly taken aback. "What?" he yelled.

"Sure," I continued, "This is one big family but when one starts to stray away from the unit. When she isn't bringing in the cash anymore, you do what… fuck with her head and eventually kill her!"

He swung his heavy hand right across my face, then looked me in the eyes and yelled. "That's bullshit! You don't know what you are fucking talking about! I would never ever do that!"

I was surprised by his apparent sincerely. Maybe I was wrong.

"For your information, she didn't stray away! I made her leave! I literally had to bar the door when she came. And it wasn't cause' she did anything! She was too smart for this business. She had too much potential."

I just stared at him.

"She was the smartest girl I ever saw, and she could have easily been a doctor or lawyer," he continued, "but she liked having sex and playing with guys like toys."

All I could manage in response was a weak "oh". Maybe I was wrong about him.

He suddenly looked solemn, "I tried to make her understand that the power would eventually fade as she got older, but maybe I was wrong to push her." He glanced at me with some hurt in his eyes. "She's being stalked?"

"I'm gonna help her!" I exclaimed oddly hopefully, despite my current position.

His eyes lit up with more rage, "You!" Then the rage seemed to wash away as he realized that I really would help her. "You…" He said again, now suddenly somber. "You better watch out, Kara's a firecracker… and she's clever. And… please do help her."

With that he untied me and just walked out of the room. There were no more words, no goodbye or anything.

"Weird." I thought, as I quickly redressed. "Was he the stalker?" I didn't know. All I knew was that I needed to get out of the place, get home, and service my poor penis. And, that I'd be very hesitant to come back to that peculiar pussy palace.

I quickly bolted off toward home.


As soon as I walked in the door I heard my evil phone ringing. Letting out a string of curses, I ran to the kitchen and picked it up. A high and shaky voice greeted me on the other end.

"This is Kara! I need you!" the voice cried. "He's back. The stalker. I-I saw him."

"Calm down! Are you sure?" I said, trying to calm her down.

"Yes!" she shrieked. "I didn't see his face but I saw his shadow move and even knock over one of my pots. I live at 223 Voyeur Street. Come now! Please!"

I tried to say something, but she had already hung up, leaving that last "please" resonating in my ear. Hanging up the phone quickly, I dashed out the door and to my car. "I hope I get there in time," I thought. "I need to get there in time!"


I approached the white Dutch colonial house at 223 Voyeur Street using all of my senses to scan for an intruder. The house looked normal and happy, but houses always do. It's amazing how they could look perfect and average on the outside, while concealing an array of exciting possibilities and dangers on the inside. I decided to check in the backyard. Trying to keep as quiet as possible, I lightly stepped around her backyard, keeping myself concealed in the trees. Nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary. The grass was well kept, there was a quaint little


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