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Cassie's Tasks Pt. 04

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Cassie completes her fourth task.
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Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 08/23/2019
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Two weeks passed since the Beef Barn restaurant episode and Cassie hadn't heard anything from the Jacksons. As time when by she began to think that not hearing from them was the worst alternative.

Thursday evening the end of her wait arrived. Mrs. Jackson called and told Cassie to come by the next afternoon at 2PM.

The next day Cassie was once again on the dreaded porch knocking on the dreaded door and expecting it to be answered by the same dreadful man. She was a little surprised when Mrs. Jackson opened the door instead.

Without so much as a hello she motioned Cassie to get inside. Once they were seated Mrs. Jackson got right to the matter at hand.

"You need to be here Saturday morning before eight o'clock. Don't be even a minute late or the videos go public."

"What did I do to get you so upset? I'll done everything you've demanded."

"It's not you this time. Doug put his mouth in motion before his mind was in gear. Again. He promised his boss a girl to ride on the back of his Corvette at the annual car rally downtown. He also promised she'd be topless. His boss promised him a new office if he could pull it off. So you're next task is to be that rider."

Cassie stared back in disbelief. "You expect me to ride through downtown on the back of some guy's car with my boobs hanging out for everyone to see just so your husband can get a different office? Are you crazy?"

Mrs. Jackson stared back with a cold look on her face, "Would you rather have everyone you know get copies of the videos of you masturbating in my bed?"


"Those are your choices, videos playing with yourself or tits in the wind. Be here by eight or the videos go out at 8:05."

"At least let me meet you downtown instead," Cassie pleaded.

"Alright. But the ride starts promptly at nine. If you're not there on time you'll be on the internet at one minute later."

Cassie went home and brainstormed what Mrs. Jackson wanted her to do. After about a half an hour she called her friend, Janice. "I need your help. Can I come over and talk to you about it?"

Knowing it had to be something important from the tone of Cassie's voice, Janice told her to come on over.

Once inside Cassie laid out her predicament, "I'm being blackmailed into doing something I don't want to do. But I think I may have figured a way out. I need you to make me look like a zombie."

"And the way out involves me making your face look like a zombie?"

Cassie hesitated. "Not just my face. I need you to paint me from the waist up."

"I think I'm going to need some more information."

"I'm being forced to ride around topless on the back of some guy's car. I'm hoping the guy whose car I'm supposed to ride on won't want me, but still has to concede that Mr. Jackson fulfilled his end of the bargain by getting me there."

"You're being blackmailed by the Jacksons?"

"Shit. I didn't mean to tell you that, but yes, I am being blackmailed by the Jacksons."

"Why don't you go to the cops?

"They have videos of me in a," she paused, "a very embarrassing situation. Please don't make me tell you what."

"So what if the guy still wants you in his car. Aren't you afraid he'll try to rape you?

"The ride is tomorrow morning at the car show. I'm hoping that in case he does still want me in his car that I'll be so terrifying that nobody watching will notice who I am. Do you think you can you do it?"

Janice leaned back, "Let me get this straight. You have to do a topless car ride?" When Cassie nodded Janice added, "Downtown tomorrow, in front of everybody we know?"

Cassie nodded again.

"I have to tell you," she paused then grinned, "you are going to be one ugly zombie tomorrow."

Both burst out laughing.

The next morning Cassie was on the porch waiting when Janice arrived. With scarcely a hello Cassie lead the way around back to her father's workshop.

"Take a seat and I'll get started. You are going to be so horrible looking."

"Please get started. If I'm late I'm screwed."

Seeing the distress her friend was in caused Janice to want to help even more. "It's your show, literally. If you're serious about going through with this you need to strip so I can paint you."

Cassie quickly removed her blouse. She wasn't wearing a bra to prevent skin lines being present.

"No. If I'm going to be painting you from was waist up you need to strip completely so I don't get paint on your pants. I can't do a good job if I have to worry about drips. But it's your call," Janice warned.

Cassie quickly slipped out of her jeans and panties. Cassie took a seat on a stool her father kept in the shop. Janice handed her a rag off a nearly table to put in her lap like a napkin.

"I'm going to start with your face so if there's a drip it won't compromise what I've already done. However when I finish your face you have to tell me what this is all about. Agreed?"

"I'll tell you almost everything. There are some things I have to keep quiet about, at least for the time being," Cassie replied.

"Alright. Put this tube in your mouth and don't breathe through your nose." When Cassie was ready Janice added, "Close you eyes and keep them closed until I tell you to open them."

For the next half hour the only sounds were the hiss of Janice's spray gun.

At last she told Cassie to relax, but keep her eyes closed. After a few minutes she took the tube from Cassie and placed a curved piece of metal in Cassie's hands and told her to hold it right under her nose. The she told Cassie to only breathe through her nose.

At the end of the second half hour she said, "Okay, Cassie. We're done with your face. You can open your eyes, but try not to move your mouth until the paint fully sets."

Cassie opened her eyes and looked into the larger mirror Janice was holding. The face that looked back was horrible. She looked like a rotting corpus. It was perfect.

"When we start again I'm going to do your ears and neck. Then I start working my way down from your shoulders. You said you have to be downtown at eight. We need to let the paint rest for a half hour and it should take around thirty minutes to get there. So I have about two hours to finish. Fortunately the rest will go faster since I don't have to be as precise."

Cassie nodded her understanding.

"You want a sip of water or anything before we start?" Janice asked.

Cassie shook her head.

Janice told her to hold still and she began the second phase. Thirty minutes later while Janice kept working she said, "Okay. The paint on your face is dry so you can talk, but try not to move around. So what's the story here?"

"Let me start at the beginning. I was house sitting for a the Jacksons. Unbeknownst to me they had installed a video security system that was linked to their computer. They got videos of me doing things I don't want to have made public. When they got back they showed me the videos and told me that if I did six tasks for them they would keep the videos secret. Still with me?"

Janice nodded and said, "You're being blackmailed by a couple of assholes. Got it."

Despite the gravity of the situation Cassie had to struggle not to laugh at Janice's concise description of the situation. Janice continued working and Cassie went on, "the first task was to make two home tour videos of their house because they're thinking about selling it. In the first video I'm wearing next to nothing and in the second I am wearing nothing at all. Actually I think the first one is much more erotic than the second one because it kind of teases. However I'm hoping neither videos will be seen before I can figure something out."

"And the second task?"

"The second task was to be naked for Mrs. Jackson's grandfather on his birthday. You know, birthday - birthday suit kind of thing."

"Is he some kind of pervert too?"

"Actually he turned out to be a great guy and he thinks the Jacksons are assholes just like you. His name is JB by the way. JB made them leave and when I explained what was going on he apologized to me for being forced into the whole crappy affair. There was something so, I don't know, noble about his feeling sorry when it wasn't his fault."

"What do you mean 'he made them leave'?"

"Oh yeah. He's a resident at an assisted living facility and he made them leave the room so we could talk privately."

Cassie paused, "Then when I confessed to him that I sort of like being naked in front of other people. But only when it's my idea," Cassie added quickly."

Janice laughed, "I always thought you were some kind of pervert."

Cassie couldn't stop herself from joining the laughter and as she joked, "Screw you and the horse you rode in on, girlfriend."

After both calmed down Cassie continued, "Anyway after I told JB about me being all right with being naked around others he asked me for a favor."

"Don't tell me, he wanted a blowjob."

"Nope, anal." At Janice startled reaction Cassie laughed again and continued, "Actually he had a friend named Archie whose birthday was the same day. JB told me that Archie was in really bad shape health wise and needed something to cheer him up. So he asked me to sing Happy Birthday to Archie in my birthday suit."

"Why didn't he sing Happy Birthday naked for his friend?" Janice asked while she continued painting Cassie.

"I think it's because his voice sucks." Both broke into laughter again. "Anyway I agreed. He called Archie and when Archie stepped into the room I jumped out from behind the door. Archie was so shocked he thought he had died and I was a naked angel."

Both laughed again. Then Cassie paused and sighed, "sadly Archie died two days later. I went to his funeral. By the rest of his family had heard the story of what I did for Archie's birthday. Instead of being angry or outraged like you might think everyone thanked me for brightening his last few days. And his sister-in-law gave me a check Archie had written after my performance for $10,000. She said he had learned from JB that I wanted to buy a car, but was short on money and he had written the check so I could buy one."

"Damn. That was nice of him. I know your haven't bought one. How come?" Janice asked.

"I want to wait until this crap with the Jacksons is over and done. It would be just like them to want me to give them the car."

"That's two tasks. What about number three?"

"Number three was going to the Beef Barn two weeks ago and having to create such a scene that the Jacksons would be told to leave without having to pay for their dinner. And since you've undoubtedly picked up on the nudity theme of these tasks, I was required to create the scene by being naked."

"Shit! What happened?"

"Well," Cassie began. "First of all I went and talked to JB about what they wanted me to do. It's weird. It's like I can tell him anything and he doesn't judge me. Anyway he came up with a plan, but refused to tell me what it was so I wouldn't have to try to act natural when I caused the scene. As if being naked in a restaurant full of people is natural in the first place."

Spotting the get on with it look on Janice's face Cassie returned to the story.

"It turns out one of the residents where JB lives is the mother of the guy who owns the Beef Barn. The owner arranged for a complimentary dinner for some members of the Sun Bear nudist club and when the Jacksons and I got there the staff seated the three of us in a private dining room with the club members. It had been explained to the club people that something wild was going to happen and to act as if it were no big deal. All that was unknown by the three of us. After dinner I went to the bathroom and came out buck-assed naked."

"Holy shit. You may be a girl, but you got balls," Janice exclaimed.

Cassie lifted the rag and looking down said, "Damned if I don't."

After their laughter subsided she went on, "As you can imagine there was a big commotion and an off-duty cop that was there slapped cuffs on me. The manager throw the Jacksons out."

Janice paused and said indignantly, "Don't tell me. Those shit birds left you naked in a room full of strangers with your ass in cuffs while they skipped merrily home after enjoying their free dinner? What a couple of grade fucking A assholes!"

Nodding her agreement with Janice's assessment Cassie resumed her story. "Turns out the cop worked off-duty doing security for the Sun Bears and was in on it. Since everyone else was a nudist so they weren't upset with me being naked. So it was all cool."

"So you got away with it and the Jacksons aren't any the wiser?" Janice inquired.

"Yes. However there's more to the story. Since the restaurant owner had heard about me singing Happy Birthday for JB and Archie in the buff they asked me to do the same thing for a long time customer who was there celebrating his birthday."

"You're becoming quite the naked entertainer aren't you."

"Anyway after everything was said and done one of the waitresses volunteered to give me a ride home since the Jacksons had deserted me. The thing was she had to work till midnight. Instead of having to wait in the office for three hours the manager told me that they had a bachelor party going on next door and the lead singer for the band had come down with laryngitis. He said I did a great job on Happy Birthday and he asked me if I wanted to fill in in exchange for a share of tips which he said he would guarantee would be at least $250.00 or he'd make up the difference."

"$250.00 for singing for three hours naked? Why do I suspect there's more to this story?"

Cassie paused and said, "They had an outfit I could wear, but it was only slightly more than nothing at all." Holding up her hand to forestall any questions Cassie added, "Before you say anything let me finish. The band got over $600.00 in tips and they gave it all to me."

Janice stopped and looked Cassie in the eyes and said, "You sang in some teensy weensy outfit and made $600.00.

Cassie had to laugh at the look on Janice's face. As Janice resumed painting Cassie returned to the story, "Actually at the end of the show I sold the outfit to some of the party guests. I got a hundred for the top and two hundred for the bottom. I figured I had already been singing naked so I might as well make some more money. So my total was $900 for singing."

"And being naked. Again."

"But that's not all. Marcus Taylor, my chemistry teacher was at the bachelor party. Oh by the way, I forgot to mention I had on a mask. Anyway he didn't recognize me. I overheard he saying that back in the day Mrs. Jackson was one of his students and came on to him to try to get a better grade. He said she was so nasty he turned her down."

Both cracked up again.

"On a serious note, he also boosted about a girl named Debbie Hill who made a deal with him a couple of years before and after fulfilling her part, he refused to do his part. I'm thinking about trying to find her and see if there's anything I can do to help her settle the score, although I have to confess I haven't gotten around to it yet."

"I think I can help you with that if you want," Janice offered.

"Cool. I'd appreciate your help. Anyway, that brings us to task number four, which is the one you're helping me with right now. Mr. Jackson promised his boss a topless girl to ride around in his Corvette during the popularity challenge at the car rally today to help him get extra points. His boss is supposed to give Mr. Jackson a better office if he can pull it off. Obviously I'm to be the sacrificial boobs."

"So you're thinking the boss is going to take one look at you all nasty and dead-looking and tell you to take a hike, is that it?"

"It's the best idea I could come up with on such short notice," Cassie confessed.

Janice glanced over Cassie's shoulder and stopped painting.

"Interesting story, honey. Why didn't you come to me for help," a familiar male voice said from behind Cassie.

Pivoting her head, Cassie saw her father standing at the back door of the shop.

"You look like shit this morning, Cassie. Actually you look like dead shit. Nice work, Janice"

"Thank you, I think, Mr. Shaw." Janice replied.

"Since you're in my shop painting my naked daughter I think you can probably get away with calling me Bob."

"Daddy! How long have you been there? Cassie said with a sick feeling in her stomach.

"Long enough, Sassy Cassie. Why didn't you come to me for help?"

Knowing from the use of his childhood nickname for her that he wasn't mad at her Cassie explained, "I didn't come to you for three reasons, Daddy Rabbit. For one thing I wanted to handle this on my own. I got myself into it and I wanted to get myself out of it. Second, I was afraid you might do something drastic like burning down the Jacksons' house with them inside and I don't want you in prison. And third I didn't come to you for help because, frankly Dad, you can't paint for shit."

Despite the gravity of the situation Mr. Shaw couldn't help laughing at the last part. With the tension broken Cassie turned her faced back to Janice and motioned her to continue applying the paint.

Her father was thoughtful for several minutes as he watched Janice transforming his daughter into a monster. Finally he said, "So what you told Janice is what really happened the other night?"

"Sorry I lied to you, but it was the best I could come up with on the spur of the moment, Dad. Plus I didn't think you would approve of your daughter being a stripper."

"Honey I approve of you no matter what you do," he said sincerely. "I'm just sorry that you had to do it under coercion rather than by your own choice."

"Damn, I wish my father was so supportive," Janice said.

"My father is awesome and that's a fact," Cassie agreed.

"But I don't want any more lies between us, Dad." She held up the mirror so she could look at him. "The part about singing in the teeny-weeny outfit and selling the parts for cash was true. So part of the stripping I did was by my own choice."

"You should have charged more," Janice injected.

"Yeah, I don't mind you stripping if that's what you want to do, but don't be a cheap stripper. Make sure you get what you're really worth. You know diamonds, pearls, and stuff like that," her dad joked.

"If I wasn't covered in paint I kiss you both right now," Cassie declared.

"Not to change the subject, but I heard you say this is the fourth task. How many more do you have to do?" her dad asked.

"They said six," Cassie answered.

"And this evidence or whatever they have on you is at their home?"

"Yes, on their computer."

"So you plan to keep playing along until they let you off the hook. What happens if they don't stop at six tasks? You can't stop blackmail, you can only rent a temporary rest from it."

Cassie responded, "truthfully I don't know, Dad."

"Well, here's what I think for what's it's worth. You need to go through with your plan this morning."

Janice jerked her head up at hearing Cassie's dad calmly state that he recommended his daughter appear downtown bare-breasted in a couple of hours.

Seeing Janice's reaction he added, "We need to buy some time to devise a way to end this situation. If Cassie doesn't go through with it today we've lost that window of opportunity. Not to mention seeing the quality of workmanship you've done it would be a shame not to share it."

Seeing the look on his daughter's face he added, "Just kidding Sassy Cassie. However I do believe that as long as you don't stay in one place too long no one will be able to figure out who it is under your make-up. In the meantime there's a guy at work on parole for computer hacking. I should be able to get him to break into the Jacksons' computer and retrieve their evidence against you."

"I'd rather he fry their system so no one ever sees what's there," Cassie interjected.

"That would probably be easier. Some virus or something to wipe out the hard drive. However I'm concerned they might have a copy. I'll have to ask him what he recommends. The big question right now is are you sure you want to go through with this, honey?"


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