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Catering a Big Deal


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Forty five minutes later they were back in the car. Cassie's hands and toes sported a lime green that almost perfectly matched her dress. Rick had almost balked at polish for his until she assured him that there was just a touch of pink and that they would dry with a semi-gloss finish and would appear almost clear. Now he looked at them and was satisfied.

"OK, love, you have outdone anything I might have expected. But let's eat before we do my last one. I'm getting hungry. Where do you want to eat?"

"I have a confession to make. I packed us a picnic lunch and thought we would go out near the lake. It is such a beautiful day."

A huge smile came to Cassie's face. "Even though you broke our agreement for which you will be punished, I accept. A picnic near the lake is positively perfect. You are 4 for 3 now. But I will make you suffer." She laughed at how perfect things were going.

Rick didn't understand all that she was saying but he drove out toward the lake which was fifteen minutes away. Just before they got there, he turned off the road and got out to open a gate. He drove through it and closed the gate behind then. Then they wound their way to the top of a hill where he parked in the shade of some trees. He took a cooler and a large bag from the trunk and handed Cassie a blanket before he led her through the trees to a grassy clearing which overlooked the valley and lake below. There wasn't a house or a structure or a road visible from where they stood.

"This is beautiful. How did you find this place?"

"A friend of mine from work owns it. They want to build a house up here but don't have the money ready yet. He only owns five acres up here. All the rest that you see has been owned by his family for generations. That is why it is so undeveloped. I've been up here a few times with him and he said I could use it anytime I wanted."

He spread the blanket and set the cooler on one corner and the box on the other. He opened the box and took out a CD player and pushed the play button. Then he handed Cassie two wine glasses and an opener. He opened the cooler and took out a bottle of chilled white wine. Then he took out a bucket of fried chicken and a bowl of left over salad from the previous night. He also took out a block of cheese. From the box, he retrieved a cheese knife, a cutting board, and a box of crackers. Finally he took out several napkins and knives, forks, and spoons. Finally he set the cooler in the middle to act as a table.

"You are a magician. Look at this. This is marvelous. No wonder I love you."

"Anything for my Mistress."

"I will never be your Mistress, only your lover."

"But I kind of like you being my Mistress."

"What about Jenni?"

"I like her being my Mistress too."

"Are you serious?"

Rick was silent for several minutes and then he said, "Yes."

Cassie smiled and opened the bottle of wine and handed it to him to him pour. Then she sliced some cheese. She took out a chicken breast and put it on a plate with some salad and handed it to Rick. Then she prepared her own plate. They toasted the day and each other and set about eating their lunch.

When she had finished, Cassie lay on the blanket on her back looking straight up. It was obvious she was also thinking. Rick crawled over to her and lay next to her.

"Penny for you thoughts?"

"For what I'm thinking, it will cost you a lot more than a penny."

"I'm good for it."

"Are you? Are you sure?"

Rick looked at her not quite knowing how to respond. It had taken almost all day for him to finally get comfortable with his feeling of love for Cassie. He hadn't got to the point of being able to say that to her yet; but he felt comfortable with the feeling.

"Cas, I'm not sure what you are thinking so I don't know how to respond, but I will listen to anything you want to say."

"I'm not ready for that yet, lover. It is close to time, but not yet; not today. There are too many things that have to happen. But when the time comes, you will be the first to know. Trust me on that will you, please."

"Cas, I trust you completely. If you tell me to be patient, I will be patient."

She pulled him down and kissed him.

"Are you ready for your third reward? I think you will like it."

"Lover, I am ready for anything you want me to do."

She kissed him and got up. "I have to get something from my bag in the car."

She went to the car and came back with something behind her back. As she stood over him, she said, "Jenny has told me that whenever you are out with her like this you bug her to take her picture. She says she is always frumpy and doesn't want her picture taken that way. Well Rick, I have never felt more beautiful in my life than today. So here is my camera, I am your model for the rest of the afternoon." She handed him a very nice Canon camera. Rick recognized it as similar to one he used at work on occasions. He looked back at Cassie and smiled. She smiled back at him.

"Are you sure?"

"Where do you want me first?"

He looked around and said, "Let's start over there by the trees."

He started timidly with simple poses but as he got more confident, he had her do more elaborate poses with a tree. Then he moved her to the blanket and took several with her lying on it in several postures.

"You know lover, by now I would have expected that you would have told me to take my dress off or get naked or something."

"As much as I would like to, I'm not sure that it is a good idea. You are Jim's wife and my wife's best friend and............"

"Rick, stop. For two days I have been calling you lover and there is a reason for that. Today, you started calling me lover and I assume for many of the same reasons. We are out here totally alone. Jenni knows that we are together and approves. Jim doesn't count. You have spent all day showing me nothing but respect and love. I don't think that will change out here. If you want my dress off, ask me. If you want me naked, ask me. Today you have seen most of me but in little bits and pieces. That is my camera and only you and I will ever see what is on it unless we decide to show them to someone else. Now what do you want? I want what you want."

"Cassie, would you please remove your dress."

"Come here." She stood and pulled the dress over her head and handed it to him. "Please lay it carefully over there. I will want to wear it again for you soon while I still have this polish on."

Rick was transfixed at just how beautiful she was in just her bra and little panties. He took several pictures just like then. He then told her to turn and look out over the valley with her hands at her side. He took several more of mostly her body; several others showed her and the expanse of the valley. They continued taking pictures in a variety of poses. She took her bra off without being asked and he took many pictures from many angles of her glorious breasts.

Finally, she said, "I am going to take my panties off. You can take ten pictures of me that way but I will not lay down and spread my legs for a cheap pussy shot like they do on some of those porn sites. Other than that, you can take the pictures you want."

Rick nodded and watched as she pulled the panties off and tossed them to where the bra sat. The first picture he wanted was a repeat of the valley shot. Then he wanted her to turn profile for the same thing. He had her lie down for two and on her knees for two. Then he took her back to the trees and took four more in several of his favorite earlier poses.

When he was done, he set the camera down. She walked up to him and put her arms around his neck and kissed him, her body pressed against his. She took his hands and moved them to her bare ass and continued the kiss for several minutes. Rick was feeling his heart beating at high speed and his cock was at full staff.

She pulled away and looked at him closely. Then she pulled away and said, "We have ten more pictures to take. Take your clothes off, all of them."



"I sort of trimmed myself like you suggested."

"You told me earlier. I am very proud of you for doing that. And?"

"I didn't know what to do with the fluff on top."

She started grinning, "So you shaved it all off, right?"

"Please don't laugh at me. I'm embarrassed about it now. I thought about asking Jenni or you how to make it interesting like you do, but I just shaved it all off."

"First, I'm not laughing at you. I am delighted that you did that. Second, it will grow back. If you want to trim it differently, we'll work on that then. Third, you could have asked either of us and we would have been thrilled to help you. So show me. I am getting wet just thinking about it."

Rick took his shirt and pants off and set them aside. Cassie wanted several pictures of him in his thong. Then he slowly pulled them off and tossed them aside.

"You can't possibly imagine how beautiful you look like that and sexy too. You make sure Jenni sees this before it starts growing back. Even better, keep shaving and let her decide what you should do."

Rick was a little red in the face but her words filled his heart with joy. She then took more than a dozen of different poses of him totally nude. She finally set the camera down and motioned him over to her.

She whispered in his ear as her breast poked at his chest and her hand took his raging cock into her grip. "I want this cock inside me. I want it inside me in every place it will fit. From the feel of it, I think that you want that to. It won't happen today, but it will happen soon, very soon. You said you would be patient if I asked. I am asking, no I am begging you to be patient for just a little while longer."

"I will be patient for as long as you want, my love."

She looked at him again. "I think we better get dressed before I rape you."

"It wouldn't be rape."

"OK, then, if I did do what I want to do, it would probably be Monday before anyone saw either of us again. That wouldn't be good."

"Let's get dressed and go pretend that dinner tonight is just like all of the other ones we have shared." Then he added, "I hope that I will be close to normal by then."

"If not, go into the bathroom and fix it, OK? I won't say anything or tease you."

"No, I decided that I wouldn't do that. You and Jenni have control over that issue."

Cassie just looked at him not sure what to say. They dressed and packed their things up and drove back to their houses after stopping at Cassie's mothers and picking up Little Jim. Rick carried his things into his house while Cassie took the baby inside her house. Rick then took Cassie's bags in. She told him to put them on the bed in the guest room. He was surprised that there were several other boxes and bags already stacked in the corner. He shrugged it off thinking that they were getting things ready to donate to the Salvation Army.

When he returned to the kitchen, Cassie was feeding Little Jim and cooing and playing with him. Rick's heart grew. When they got around to having children, he hoped that he could have a loving relationship like that with his child. He was still admiring the interaction between Cassie and Little Jim when the front door opened and Jenni walked in like a summer wind.

"I think we sold it. They loved two of the properties. All we have to do is dot the 'i's' and cross the 't's.' Jim will be along in about an hour. He has to do some research at the office." She came over to Rick and planted a big hug and kiss on him. Then she did the same to Little Jim and then to Cassie.

Cassie said to Rick looking up at him, "Rickie, will you watch Little Jim while I talk to Jenni for a minute?"

"Sure, take your time. I'll pour Little Jim and I each a beer and we'll be fine."

"You put a beer anywhere near that baby and I will have your ass on a hook."

"Promises, promises." The two women laughed as they went down the hall into the guest room.

They were no sooner in the guest room and the door closed when they were in each other's arms kissing deeply. "Oh shit, I have missed your lips." Jenni said.

"Me too, even though I have been getting a lot of good lip from your husband today." Cassie replied.

"Tell me about today. I have been thinking about what was happening all day. Was it is good?"

"Oh no, it was so much better than that I don't have words to describe it except maybe perfect."

"Tell me. What did he come up with?"

"First, he took me for a massage."

"Good, he took that hint. I told you he would pick up on that."

"It was even better than that. I added him to the order and we held hands side-by-side while we both got a massage."

"Wow. Your idea or his?"

"Mine but he went along with it easily."

"What then?"

"He took me shoe shopping."

"I sort of dropped that hint too. He's is definitely showing his true self."

"He not only took me there, he found the shoes and put them on me. He was so sweet doing it."

"OK. What about the third one? He was on his own on that one."

Cassie held out her fingers and toes. "He took me for a manicure and pedicure. And he picked out the polish to match my dress."

"Oh, Cas, this is much better than we expected."

"I know. But it gets even better, I had him get one too including the polish. He almost balked but gave in with only a little persuasion."

"Oh yes. He is almost there. What about the panty thing?"

"I couldn't have picked them out any better. The same was true with the bras. He gave up on picking the style and let me do it myself. He picked the colors. He is so close to perfect. He is even wearing the chain without question."

"OK, now I want to hear about the picture session."

"There was something else before that."

"But he already did his three things and you did your two. What else was there?"

"He cheated and packed us a picnic lunch with fried chicken, wine, salad, music, cheese and crackers and took us up on a hill out by the river. It was just perfect."

"I'll say. It has been years since he took me on a picnic."

"Well, if this was an indication, we will have another soon. I got so wrapped up in it, I almost fucked him during lunch and while we were taking pictures."

"OK, out with the rest it."

"He started slow just taking pictures with me dressed. I had to tell him that it was OK for him to ask me to strip. So he asked me to take my dress off. He took a bunch of pictures like that. Then I just took my bra off and I thought he was going to bust out of his pants. A little later, I told him I was going to take my panties off and he could only take ten picture of me totally naked. He took exactly ten. When he finished, I came up and kissed him with me naked and him fully dressed. That was when I almost came from his kiss. But I broke it off." Cassie paused for a moment.

"Then I told him to strip so I could take pictures of him. He kind of balked again. Guess why."

"I don't have a clue."

"He had taken off the rest of his leg and back hair and said that he had trimmed the rest. But then he told me that he had shaved it all off. He is as bare down there as Little Jim."

"You are kidding. I can't wait to see the pictures."

"I'll send them to you in the morning. I took a bunch of pictures of him and then came and kissed him again while I held his cock. Crap, I want it inside me so bad by then, I could barely stand it."

"Why didn't you go ahead and fuck him? You know I wouldn't have a problem with it."

"I know but we had agreed to wait until everything was ready and there was something else. I did tell him that we would fuck soon but something else held me back. I'm not really sure what it is exactly but I have a feeling something is going on inside him that we didn't expect. I can't be sure, but I feel something."

"Tell me about it."

"It wasn't so much what he said or did but how he said it, I think. He called me Mistress once and I said to forget that, I was his lover. He said that he wanted me to be his Mistress. I said what about you; his reply was that he wanted you to be his Mistress too."

"That is interesting."

"Then while we were taking the pictures, he did exactly what I asked him to do without questioning anything. I expected him to at least balk at something but he didn't. Finally, when I was holding his cock and telling him that we were going to do it soon, I told him that when we got here, he should go in the bathroom and masturbate to relieve the pressure. He said that he had decided not to and that it was our decision on those kinds of things. It is like he really is into us being his Mistress or something."

"I see what you mean. That really is odd. I'll see if I can get anything out of him tonight or maybe tomorrow."

"While you are at it, you might give him a good fuck or something. He says that you have come several times recently but he hasn't. I think he is overdue."

"Listen, last night I was going to give him the fucking of his life but after he got me off twice, I just fell asleep. He does too good a job of eating me every time. Wait until you experience it."

"You don't know how much am looking forward to it. But like I said, he is fully loaded and needs to go but something is pulling at him. I just have this feeling that we missed something."

"OK. I'll tell you what. This is going to be a week from hell but let's plan on taking him out for a girl's night out Wednesday. I'll leave you two alone and dance with whoever wants to. Maybe that will push him to where we want him. If that doesn't work, then Friday night you take him out and tell him everything. I'm pretty sure that everything will be ready by Friday."

"I hope so. I am more than ready and Jim is acting like he is Lord and Master. We need to get this done and move on."

"I agree; but we need to get back out there." Jenni took Cassie in her arms and kissed her again. When they broke, they both walked out of the room and back down the hall.

Rick was still playing with Little Jim. He was blowing bubbles on his stomach. Jim was laughing with each bubble. Cassie picked Jim up and held him and said, "Rickie, why don't you go fire up the grill so we can start the burgers in a little while." Rick got right up and went out to get busy. Jenny went to the refrigerator and got out the platter of burgers and started getting the other things out. Cassie put Jim in his playpen and joined her. They worked smoothly together only bumping into each other when they chose to.

The door opened and Jim entered. He ignored the baby and went to the kitchen just as Rick came in.

"Rickie, get me a beer will you"

"Yes sir." Rick replied and went directly to the refrigerator.

"And how are my two beautiful women tonight?" He went to each and gave them a hug, a pat on the ass, and a kiss on the cheek. Rick handed him his beer. Jim acknowledged it with a nod. "You both look hot tonight. Cas, I like your nails that color. Jen why don't you do yours in green too? I think I like that better than red."

"I'll think about it." Jenni said dryly.

"What a great day! Jen, I think we have this one in the bag. I think I can get them a really good deal with a two property package. Can you come up with tenants for two properties?"

"I can come up with tenants for five properties, if we can move the properties."

"Let's get these in the bag and make the other changes we talked about and then go for the others. I've got a good feeling about all of this; a real good feeling. I think it's time to put the burgers on, Rick." Rick took the platter and went back out to the grill. He didn't see the women look at each other and frown. Jim went back to the bedroom and was back there for quite some time before he came back out in a dressing gown shirt and shorts. His full strong legs stood out as did his firm strong ass. He sat down in the center of the kitchen and looked at the two sweet asses in front of him.


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