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Caught at the Park

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A couple outdoors and in public experiencing new things.
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Every women has a wild side. It is always about finding their wild side and unleashing it. Sometimes you just have to let them be the animal they want to be.

You live close to a park with a playground, you have always wanted to expose yourself at the park, but were afraid of getting caught. But one day after a few drinks you decide I am going to the park and I am taking my hubby along and if it happens it happens. You two begin walking to the park and he grabs his bag so you guys can hide your booze and a few other things. Along the way your hubby tells you to flash him your tits and you tell him no that you are afraid someone will see, but he continues to ask you to flash him and you finally do it.

Your tits are hanging out for anyone to see. You quickly put your shirt back down so your breasts are no longer exposed. You continue walking to the park and your hubby runs up behind you and pulls down your skirt and your pussy is showing as you weren't wearing any underwear and you quickly pull them back up and you tell him to knock it off. Although all of this public showing of yourself is making you wet. You finally get to the park and it is dusk out. Very little lighting and it is secluded. You walk up to the jungle gym and are standing underneath it and your husband tells you to turn around and that he has a surprise for you.

He reaches into his bag and grabs to sets of handcuffs. You can't see them as your are standing facing away from him and he takes your hand and places the cuff around it and quickly cuffs it to the bar. You tell him to stop it, and he says we are going to unleash the animal inside of you. He quickly grabs your other hand and cuffs it to the other bar. You are chained up and standing. He quickly grabs your skirt and yanks it off leaving you completely exposed.

He then takes your blouse and unbuttons it leaving your chest completely exposed. He tells you to smile and he quickly begins snapping picture after picture of you chained up and exposed in public. He then walks up behind you and says you can't stop me and I will do as I please. He takes his fingers and slides them into your wet pussy. He begins to finger fuck you and say I bet you like this and you begin to moan.

Your moaning becomes louder and louder and you are getting wetter and wetter. He then slowly removes his fingers and stands in front of you and tells you to suck his dick so he can fuck you. You lean over and begin to suck his cock you want to make him as hard as possible so you are sucking his dick as hard as you can. He becomes erect and hard as a brick. He then walks behind you and places his cock on the edge of your pussy and says I bet you would like me to fuck you now wouldn't you. You say yes please fuck me. He acts like he is going to place his cock in your pussy but he is only teasing you.

You begin to beg him to fuck you and then he simply rams his cock into your pussy. He grabs your hips and pulls you back onto his cock and just thrusts like a mad man. He is pumping your pussy hard and fast. You can hear in the far distance a car. You tell him someone is coming and he replies I know I am about to cum, she says no someone is coming in a car, he can hear it as well. He tells you to get on your knees and leaves you handcuffed and he hides behind a nearby tree. The car drives by only a few hundred feet from you guys.

Luckily the car didn't see you guys. He then quickly walks back up and says it is time for us to get back to fucking he takes his cock and places it back in your pussy. You are so wet due to the chance of begin caught your moaning becomes louder after each thrust his cock is becoming harder and harder as he continue to thrust. Each one of you can tell the other is beginning to reach and orgasm. Your goal is to finish at the same time. He continues to thrust and your legs are beginning to give up so he uses his arms to keep your body up so he can continue stuffing your pussy with his cock. You can feel his cock about to shoot his load; you can feel your pussy beginning to tingle. You can feel yourself loosing control of your body as your entire body begins to orgasm.

He continues to ram his cock into your pussy making your organs even more intense. He quickly pumps his cock into your pussy and says I am cumin shooting his entire load into your pussy. He stands back and admires his work and can see his cum beginning to drip out of your pussy and he snaps a few photos and says it is about time to go. He uncuffs you and you quickly put your clothes back on and walk back to your apartment. When you get back to the apartment he asks if he can show you to the world and you say no. Then he tells you to come look at this website and you begin reviewing other couples post and come up with tons of amazing ways to become more public. He than says maybe we can post together some other time. Your mind begins to think about it and the idea of posting begins to grow. And you say to yourself not tonight but in time.

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