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Caught in the RipTide


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Cal watched in fascination as her climax darkened her eyes; her gaze never broke from his. The rippling of her inner muscles caused his cock to swell, and he let go. He cried out her name as he shuddered, cumming. Cal felt Lilly's body relax in his arms. "Lilly..."

Cal had no thoughts. He was happy, in paradise, a timeless moment in Nirvana. Nothing in the universe mattered but he and Lilly in this moment, their bodies slick with sweat, their hearts beating in sync. He settled them both on the bed, still embracing her. He closed his eyes as exhaustion overwhelmed him.

Here, in this moment, with Lilly in his arms, he was content. There were no shadows from the war haunting him, no dark memories. Only Lilly mattered, her breathing now growing steady and quiet, the smell of her. The knowledge of his musk clinging to her body made him proud. Lilly was his now, his to take care of and protect. It was his last clear thought before falling into a deep, dreamless sleep.

Without glancing outside, Cal already knew it was mid-morning. He'd missed milking the cows, but they'd be alright. Lilly was supposed to be working at the Shop N Save. Cal would be damned. She'd never go back in that store, nor would he. They would never set eyes upon Ross Burns again. Now, Cal would take care of Lilly and provide for her. She was his and his alone. He loved her.

Cal's stomach growled with hunger, but Lilly, who snuggled deep within his sheets, startled him. Finally, finally, he had a woman he loved in his bed. They had, well...he had made love for the first time ever. There were no words to express how he felt. His eyes trailed down the arm to the angel with her dark brown hair spread all over his pillow, her bow-shaped mouth swollen from his kisses. Memories of the previous night stirred in his mind.

"Heaven above," said Cal as he moved away from Lilly. She was naked beneath the blankets and looked glorious in the mid-morning light. As he stood up, Lilly suddenly woke. She looked up at him sleepily, and a slow smile appeared on her lips. She'd liked last night too.

"Good morning, Callum" Lilly said. As she stretched, the blanket fell down. Cal could see all of the unclothed Lilly.

"I was thinking of a bath...my leg's been hurting since last night, and I thought you could join me," Cal stated without hope. Lilly would leave now...last night had been a fluke. With all the injuries he'd sustained in the war, how could anyone want him? Especially a woman like Lilly. She was a lady.

"Alright, I could use a bath too...someone got me very dirty last night." Lilly laughed merrily. She tossed her long brown hair back in the light. She looked gorgeous.

Cal picked Lilly up and carried her down to the hall to a restroom with a massive tub set in the center of the room with steps. Since his injury in the war, Cal had liked long baths to soothe his leg. Cal watched as Lilly lowered herself into the water.

The warmth seeped into her skin as she sank into the fragrant bath. Before Lilly knew what was happening, Cal had stepped in behind her, and water sloshed out of the tub around the sides as he sat down, drawing her back protectively into his arms.

After a few moments of surprise, uncomfortable, uncertainty, Lilly relaxed. She let her head fall back against Cal's shoulder and closed her eyes. A soft sigh escaped her lips.

"Sit forward," Cal said softly and gently pressed her forward to prompt her into movement. Cal had stepped in behind her, and water sloshed out of the tub around the sides as he sat down, embracing her within his arms.

She was briefly startled. She loved Cal, but she hadn't been naked around anyone in years; still, she enjoyed him looking at and exploring her body. Within Cal's protective embrace, Lilly relaxed. She let her head fall back against Cal's shoulder and closed her eyes. Lilly could feel Cal's hardness against her back. She liked it. She'd always liked a man's hardness up against herself. Cal moved and reached for something.

"Lean forward," Cal ordered kissing her cheek as he gently pressing her forward to prompt Lilly into movement.

Lilly saw that he had fancy pink soap and a thick plush cloth in one hand. She leaned forward, bringing her knees up to her chest, and laid her head on her knees, wrapping her arms around her legs and giving Cal access to her back and full sight of her body. She felt the plush cloth slide over her skin and sighed contently, closing her eyes. It was wonderful having someone to take care of her. No one had taken care of her since Charlie's death.

Cal put more soap on the cloth and ran it along her arms and down her sides. He took his time, watching the bubbles run down her naked body. Once Cal was satisfied with her back, he pulled her into his arms again. Lilly felt the soapy cloth skim over her breasts as he began washing her shoulders and chest. The soft cloth tickled over her skin. Her nipples puckered as he spent some time soaping one breast and then the other.

Apart from last night. Callum Turner had never touched breasts before and was eager to learn, how to bring Lilly pleasure. Cal watched as Lilly arched her back, pushing her breast into the palm of his hand and moaning softly. Lilly was horny again. She wanted to pin Cal right then. Cal's hand moved down along her stomach painfully slowly.

Lilly parted her legs as Cal's hand moved lower and lower along her stomach. He paused. The strange pain in his chest began again. He couldn't believe Lilly was so willing and eager to let him touch her. He wanted to explore and worship Lilly. She was letting him. Lilly squirmed with desire in his arms and lifted her hips, protesting the pause in his caress. Ten years had been a dry spell for her. Lilly was a woman who wanted some romance. She wanted...no needed a lover in her life.

Callum bent his head, placed a lingering kiss on her neck, and nuzzled gently along her jaw, up to her earlobe, kissing random spots as he went. He purposely held her off longer, wanting her to ask him for more, adoring the little pleading sounds Lilly was making.

Another desperate plea escaped from Lilly's mouth. Perhaps in his inexperience, Cal didn't know what to do? Lilly would show him the way. Her hands reached beneath the water, took hold of his hand and pushed his fingers into her pussy, delighting in the rolling pleasure that the pressure created in her lower stomach and up her body.

Cal slid his fingers teasingly along her slippery opening, letting her moans and movements guide his touch to where she wanted it. When her body began to tense and tremble in his arms, he was more than a little surprised. He pressed his finger inside her so that he could feel her cum. Her soft inner walls sucked on his finger hungrily. Her whimpers in his ear told him with a great deal of certainty that it wasn't as satisfying as she would have liked. Still, Cal was glad to be learning how to make love.

Cal was in the process of learning, but that didn't sate Lilly's desires; she tried to push down further onto his finger as the fluttering sensations ceased. But the position in the tub and the confined space made it impossible for her to get the leverage she needed. Lilly looked back at Cal over her shoulder with an unspoken demand in her eyes. She was too shy and uncertain of their budding relationship to ask him to do anything specific to her. But the need was there as Lilly looked at him. Embarrassment flooded her as she realized how she was behaving. She was behaving like a strumpet! Callum Turner was her friend...

Lilly blushed a deep red and looked away from Cal again, uncertain how exactly she should be with him. She really didn't know what he wanted. Their situation was so bizarre. Was she a friend or a lover? A neighbour just dropping by or a welcome guest? A friend or a reminder of what he was missing in life? In lieu of knowing what he wanted from her, she opted on waiting for him to give her another direction of some kind.

Cal was torn between crying and laughing. He pulled his fingers from her pussy, and Lilly whimpered again. "Shh," he whispered against her ear. "There's more," he promised, eager for more himself. Cal kissed her ear lobe and then guided her to stand with gentle pressure against her back and sides.

Callum yanked a towel from the rack standing near the tub; he wrapped her in it and then stepped out, turning to offer a hand for her to step down as well. Lilly's eyes roamed his wet naked body of their own accord. She'd been too long without a man of her own to stare at. She allowed him to help her out of the tub and then stood in absolute bliss as he proceeded to dry her off with the towel he had wrapped her in.

She could feel his strong hands through the soft material, massaging her shoulders, back, and sides. He knelt in front of her and rubbed the soft towel over her hips, down her thighs, and inside her thighs. Lilly's breath was coming in short gasps as she felt the need for his touch in very specific places growing again.

Once Cal was satisfied that she was dry, he stood with the towel in his hands and quickly ran it over himself. Lilly was looking at Cal with deep desire, wondering and waiting to see what he'd do.

To her surprise, he only kissed her. Cal knew that Lilly seemed taken aback, but he wasn't going to fuck her on the bathroom floor. Lilly was a lady!

Cal scooped Lilly up into his arms and carried her back to the bedroom. The air had cooled and smelled of the world outside, summer breeze and warm hay.

A gasp of surprise escaped Lilly's mouth as Cal pushed her legs apart and leaned down to lick the soft pink folds of her sex. He looked up into her eyes with an accomplished grin. Lilly stared back, shocked and uncertain of what to say or do. Cal was bold; she could say that...no one had ever made love to her that way.

"You are a very confusing man," Lilly stated. She wasn't sure what to make of this new method. Still...what the Hell? She could at least try it if Callum was willing to try it. Lilly could too.

Curious himself, Cal leaned down and licked her again. Lilly's eyes widened, watching as his tongue snaked out and stroked the exposed flesh. He lingered on her clit, sucked it into his mouth, and then sat back, looking into her eyes again.

With her eyes drilling into him, he began to feel guilty again. Releasing her flesh from his lips, he sat back, staring down at her exposed pussy distracted as he spoke. His eyes were intent on memorizing every fold. "I'm sorry for that," he said. "The inconsistency...I just haven't...." Cal trailed off. Lilly didn't want to hear about his lack of knowledge or experimentation.

He was right; Lilly only wanted the end of the conversation and something much larger than his finger or tongue inside her. She squirmed before him on the bed, her legs spread wide in a wanton display. All pretenses of being a friendly neighbour lady in distress had gone out the window. She wanted to be Cal's lover! Still exploring Lilly, Cal reached down and stroked the protruding wet folds teasingly with a feather-light finger.

Knowing that Lilly wanted more and needing more himself, Cal moved his mouth to her breast, determined to bring her as much pleasure as possible.

When the wet heat of his tongue began swirling around her nipple, he was always experimenting and exploring; without a word, he moved back up her body and kissed her. His lips pressed insistently against hers, his tongue searching her mouth. Lilly wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him down onto her.

Lilly felt his hard, thick shaft press against her. She thought she might go crazy if he continued torturing her like this. She was torn between loving this sweet agony or despising it.

Cal's lips moved from her mouth, and he kissed and gently bit his way along her jaw to her neck, breathing her scent in and losing himself to her. He felt her hips writhe against him. Cal's cock began to grow slick with Lilly's desire as she squirmed in need beneath him.

Cal pulled away from her again so that he could watch her face as he entered her. Lilly's eyes glowed with intense passion. Her breathing was ragged. There was a sheen of sweat beginning to cover her skin. Cal reached between them, took his cock in hand, and brought it to her womb. He couldn't keep the soft smile from his lips as his angel looked down to watch him enter her. Lilly looked at him. There was a strange innocent curiosity on his face. Cal was so eager to please. So eager to know what a woman in the throes of passion looked like.

Slowly, watching Lilly, Cal began to push into her. After only a couple of thrusts, Lilly let her head fall back, her eyes closed, and her breath caught in her chest. Cal knew she was the most beautiful thing he'd seen in his entire life.

Lilly moaned as the last of Cal's cock was buried in her trembling body. When Cal began to move against her with slow, deliberate strokes, soft gasps and whimpers were forced from her lips. Cal tried to memorize each sound, gauging what she liked best from the different noises that his thrusts rang from her body. She seemed lost to the passion, and she was exquisite to see. Nothing else in the world existed beyond that bed. Nothing on Heaven or Earth mattered besides them.

Lilly felt the heat and need growing in intensity as he thrust faster and harder into her. Her hands fisted in the sheets, her back arched, and her body on fire; Lilly felt the passion explode in her like nothing she had ever felt before.

Cal could see how close she was. When he felt her pussy tighten and begin to spasm around his cock he fell over the edge as well, releasing into her.

Cal couldn't stop staring at Lilly as she calmed from their passion. The small pleased, satisfied smile on her face. Her eyes looked back at him with a shy wonder. Her skin was hot from exertion, covered in sweat, and blushing red under his gaze. Lilly was perfect. But Callum couldn't help but wonder how long this could possibly last.

The neverending petty gossip of small Antelope Hill now swirled and centred upon Callum Turner and Lilly Mayfield. It was true they were adults of age. They both knew the ways of the world. Lilly was a widow, and Callum Turner was a war hero. Still, malicious muck-raking rumours persisted about the lovers.

Lilly and Cal were unwed both by civil and religious law; such a thing could not be tolerated! They had lived together for several months now; like Icarus, the lovers had flown too close to the sun in their pursuit of happiness. Antelope Hill would not stand for this behaviour. Something had to be done! They must suffer the consequences of their actions.

Muriel Harper, the town matriarch and main old biddy took it upon herself to stop Lilly and Cal's relationship. Muriel was a World War One widow. Her husband, Orvis, had died in the Second Battle of the Somme. Lilly could relate to her as a widow. Hence Lilly would listen. Muriel was determined to save Lilly from a life of sin and deprivation.

Muriel got dressed in her Sunday best. A yellow calico dress, a bonnet with Queen Anne's lace and artificial cherries. Muriel Harper headed out to Cal's farm, determined to save the lovers from eternal damnation. She was particularly set on talking "reason" into Lilly. Lilly Mayfield was a woman. Hence she was not given to primal urges like a man, women could be chaste and survive without armorous desires; Muriel Harper knew because she had survived...she had endured, as a proper woman should.

Lilly and Cal had just finished a midafternoon love-making session and were headed out to milk the cows. Lilly only wore her underwear and a bra, and Cal was shirtless. Cal was taking one last French kiss on the door frame when Muriel Harper arrived like the Wicked Witch of the West, snatching Dorthey away.

Muriel gave a disapproving cough at the lovers' wanton display.

"Someone might see you!" Muriel stated reproachfully. It didn't matter that Cal's farm was remote and apart from people. It mattered that the lovers were engaging in indecent acts.

"Lilly, I'd like to speak with you PRIVATELY," stated Muriel sternly. Lilly rolled her eyes at Cal. They knew they had to hear her out; no one dared disobeyed the town matriarch in a small town like Antelope Hill.

"You can't live out here with a man! You need to be married to live with a man... you especially can't live with a savage like Callum Turner. He's a recluse and doesn't participate in community activities. He's been damaged during the war! A nice woman like you doesn't deserve a hideous man like him! Ross Burns told me Callum won't sell his farm! All of Antelope Hill knows you can't be with Callum Turner. Now come back to town like a good girl, work for Ross Burns and we'll all forget this happened. Just leave Callum Turner; it's the right thing to do!" Muriel stated firmly, thinking a stern reprimanding and reminding of basic Christian morals would be enough to make Lilly straighten up and "fly right."

Lilly's faced flashed with anger. She wanted to bring the wrath of God down upon Muriel Harper! How dare she speak of Callum like that! He'd courageously saved lives during the war sat risk to his own, now all Cal wanted was a peaceful life...she also wanted an unencumbered life. For the first time since Charlie died, Lilly started thinking of a different life...a diverging course. Somewhere other than Antelope Hill with its antiquated traditions.

"Thank you for telling me that...I'll take it under advisement," Lilly stated tersely. Then, she stood up to show Muriel the door.

"Well...I never!" stated Muriel, in a huff, as Lilly practically threw her out the door.

Lilly hated the sight of the dragonically strict Antelope Hill now. It no longer brought her merriment. It was no longer free and beautiful. It was no longer the small hamlet which she loved. Its very soul had been rendered from its heart since the war. Antelope Hill was now a hideous place, like a plague-stricken city. No friends or compatriots remained for her or Cal. (Not that they had any to begin with but now thanks to their choices they were together..but they were outcasts.)

"Well...she was...a" Cal stopped speaking in front of Lilly. He didn't want to speak ill of a woman, especially about someone as important as the town matriarch.

"She's a dried-up old bitch who wants to drag everyone else down into her misery! Still, Cal, what are we going to do? I'd never listen to her or the town, but I don't have a job or home, thanks to Ross. You're losing the farm. They won't let us rent an apartment in town because we're not married. So what are we going to do?" questioned Lilly again as tears of discontent appeared in her eyes. She didn't want to be apart from Cal; she loved him.

Until he heard Lilly's irate tirade against Antelope Hill, Cal had assumed Lilly wanted to stay. It was where they'd been born and bred. It was in their blood and in their bones. It was...or at least had been their home.

In the past few months, Cal had visualized a plan, one he liked, but he couldn't, wouldn't without Lilly. She'd become his world now. Lilly was his only reason for living.

"What about Newfoundland?" he questioned. Not expecting anything to come from it. Newfoundland was thousands of kilometers from Wyoming.

"Newfoundland...as like Canada?" Lilly questioned. Canada was far away...it was a different country. The furthest from home Lilly had ever been was Chicago. The trip to Chicago by Greyhound bus had taken several days and that was only a few hundred kilometers away.

"Well, technically, they're their own country, the Dominion of Newfoundland and Labrador. During the war, I won the Order of the Dominion Newfoundland and Labrador...I still have some war buddies in Newfoundland who I write to. We could go up there and live as husband and wife." stated Cal. However, Cal knew Newfoundland was just an impossible dream. Lilly would never go for it. It was to far away. It was to different.

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