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Caught Jacking

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Texan teen gets caught by uncle and aunt.
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Last summer when I went camping with the guys, we sat around the campfire, drinking beer and talking shit. After a couple beers, we started talking about sex, no surprise. And a topic came up that made me cringe.

"Have you ever been caught jerking off?"

"Once." I said to my buddies. "And I will never forget it."


When I was 18, I was sent over to my aunt's and uncle's for a weekend. They were retired and had a little farm out in the countryside near Buda (pronounced Bew-DA), Texas. My parents would send me to them every summer to help them do some yard work.

My aunt and uncle - they were nice people, but I did not know them well. We only saw them on holidays, and I just thought of them as old relations, paunchy and wrinkly, sitting on the porch, drinking ice tea, and bitching about taxes. My uncle was a big belly redneck man, balding with hair growing out of his ears. My aunt, who was my dad's eldest sister, was a tiny little old lady with big white hair. Her arthritis had made her tiny hands gnarled and bony like bird claws but she wore many rings and was constantly rubbing in hand lotion in a vain attempt to reverse the ravishes of time.

They both wore thick bifocals and were blind most of the time, squinting at their newspaper or TV set. And because they really only saw me once a year, they'd always get up close to look me up and down and go on and on about how much taller I had gotten.

I complained to my parents about this particular visit - I didn't want to go because I had my girlfriend in nearby San Marcos, and I'd rather take my girl dancing at Cheatham St. - the local country bar - on a Saturday night and end up with her heels up on my shoulders and me balls deep in her cherry pie, than clearing brush all day. But my parents insisted and reminded me that they were paying me. I needed the money to fix my car so I dutifully dragged my ass to Buda.

After a long hard day of work, I took a shower and told my uncle and aunt I was headed to bed. I stayed in the spare room which had an uncomfortable tiny twin bed parked beside my aunt's sewing machine. The room smelled dusty and old.

I looked around the miserable room, stripped to my boxers, turned off the nightstand light, and got into bed. I took out my PSP to play. My legs and feet practically hung off the end of the little twin mattress. Back at home, normally I'd be sneaking a beer and sexting with the girlfriend if we weren't doing something nasty in the back of her daddy's pick-up truck, but reception out here sucked.

I was tired and sore from all the yardwork, but at some point, I remember getting horny as all hell, so I pulled down my boxers to rub one out. I'm right handed, but I jack with my left. I was thumbing through my phone to find a particularly good photo of my girl, but I was so exhausted, I fell asleep...

... only to barely hear my uncle and aunt knock and step into the room. I was more than half-asleep and couldn't move as it dawned on me that I was naked with my hand holding my pride and joy, my 8" hard-on.

My uncle and aunt were both in their 70s and never had kids, so I'm sure they were shocked to find me like that.

I kept my eyes closed and pretended to be asleep, taking long deep breaths. I couldn't face the embarrassment. I was hoping they'd see me lying on my back, shorts around my ankles, dick in hand, and just leave.

But no luck. They actually turned ON the night stand light for a better look. And having them stand there looking at me naked only made me harder. I resisted the urge to curl up in a ball to hide. I remained on my back, insolently showing off what my 18 year old buff body looked like. I was always an exhibitionist and loved flashing my girlfriend until she squealed with delight. I'm the guy who gets boners at the doctor's! Now, my body felt warm as if I were lying out in the sun. I could feel my cock enjoying the attention of admirers.

My uncle laughed and said, "he's playing with his pecker in his sleep." He whistled. "Now that's what I call a longhorn! Must get it from your side of the family!"

My aunt hushed him, "Oh my word! Don't wake him. We should get him under the covers."

So they proceeded to try to pull my boxers up and then attempted to pull my feet and legs under the blankets. But I weighed 185, stood 6'2, size 13 feet, and played on the football team - there was no way they could move my muscular thighs around.

I was still pretending to be asleep but by this time, my raging hard-on was twitching in my hand. What could I do? Suddenly wake up and make it awkward for all of us? I wanted to yell as I was so red-faced and turned on at the same time. I wished over and over for my cock to get soft immediately so I could cup it, but my body betrayed me as I swear I was erecting the biggest boner I ever had.

Then, if the situation wasn't humiliating enough, I felt my foreskin slowly retract from all the swelling, proudly peeling back to display my pink mushroom head which my girlfriend named "The Pussy Spreader."

After they sort of tucked me back into bed, my uncle grabbed my wrist and tried to pull my hand off my dick, but I instinctively held on. I didn't want to be completely exposed. My aunt told him to leave me alone, but he muttered something about it being painful to "go to bed like that."

"And lordie, how lucky is this kid? Hung like a horse. Reaches all the way to his belly button!" My uncle really admired my size. In fact, my girlfriend called my dick her big pink baseball bat!

"Where are my glasses?" My aunt replied. She stepped out of the room.

Jeez, are you kidding me? I heard her return, so I stayed perfectly still as I imagined my elderly aunt looking me over.

She finally said, "It sure does look painful. Poor boy, that top part is all red!"

My aunt reached over to pull my hand away. I could feel her dry gnarled hand on mine but I held onto my boner tightly against me. She tried again, enclosing my hand with her hand, but I wouldn't let go - it's as if my fist was the only modesty I had left, defensively hiding half my curved erection from their sight. I imagined their view of my protruding dark plum dickhead, swelled up and shiny. And about this time, I was sure I was oozing precum. I was agonized with embarrassment and kept hoping they would just leave the damn room.

"Are you just going to stand there or are you going to help?" My aunt demanded.

My uncle laughed, "I'm not touching another man's unit! Even if it is your brother's boy!" My eyes stayed closed but I imagine my uncle's hearty belly-shaking laughter.

"Oh! For Pete's sake, I've changed his diapers! I'll do it then!" my aunt said with a huff. To my horror, she grabbed the base of my cock with one bony hand and tried prying my fingers off with her other. WHAT THE FUCK, my old aunt's skinny little fingers were clamped around the base of my dick! Her pinky finger was poking the top of my nutsack. She grabbed and pulled at each of my fingers as if she was trying to twist off a tight ring.

Thankfully, she stopped. "That's no use," she said. "Let me get something to loosen his grip."

What the hell? I heard her walk out of the room. Moment later, she returned. My eyes were still closed but my nose caught a whiff of something familiar and then I heard the sound... Dear Lord, she brought out her big pump bottle of hand lotion!

I felt the cold squirt of Jergens hit my gripping hand. Then the touch of my aunt's claw-like hand as she rubbed the lotion in between my clenched fingers. Another squirt - this time on my dickhead. Then the almost sandpaper like rub of her palms as she tried to lube up my head and shaft in a futile attempt to slide my hand off.

"He's not a baby boy anymore, that's for sure," My uncle chortled. "You need more lotion on that there," my uncle said helpfully. With my eyes closed, I had no idea where he was pointing to.

"It's not coming off," she complained. More lotion, then she was pinching and turning the helmet of my sensitive cock head as if it was a door knob. She squirted more lotion and rubbed my shaft.

"Don't yank too hard," my uncle wheezed with laughter, "you don't want to yank the boy's pecker out by the roots!"

I don't know why, but having her withered old hands tugging on me was insanely hot. Maybe it was the humiliation of being jacked off by my aunt. Maybe it was her strength and persistence tugging away at my fingers. I mean, my girlfriend hated giving me massages, head or handjobs - 5 minutes into it, she'd complain she was tired.

I tried to wish my uncle and aunt away. I tried to will them to disappear. I begged my dick to go soft but the lotion and rough handling made it swelled a foot long and the width of a Gatorade bottle. With her noisy, sticky pulling, I knew I was close to cumming. In a panic, I tried to roll away, but her hands held me firmly in place.

Then it happened.

My hips rocked as I began to thrust my pelvis upward. I couldn't help myself as my body began to spasm and I bounced my ass off the bed. I'm the guy who yells when he cums, but it took what was left of my self-control to stay as quiet as I did.

"Oh my!" my aunt whispered. "Oh my!"

I'm glad I did not see her face as my cock pumped up in her small hands likes a red piston! She must have felt my groin heave. She would have seen my dickhead spit. I couldn't stop it. For ever spurt, I thrusted into her lotion covered hands while my own grip on my shaft kept me rigid and firm. She held on to my every shuddering upstroke like she was working a tower of clay on a potter's wheel. I had my eyes closed still, feigning sleep, breathing quicker and quicker until I swallowed and softly moaned. I didn't know where it all went, but I felt hot, wet splats of cum hit my chest and stomach, and I knew cum must have hit my uncle and aunt.

My uncle whistled, "Damn! That boy's gun was loaded! Well done, dear, you held that boy down like you were holding the saddle horn on a bucking bronco!"

"Goodness, dear lord, what a mess!" My aunt released my swollen cock - slick with cum and lotion - and ran to the bathroom to grab tissues.

As I still tried to pretend to be asleep, holding my dripping dick, I could feel my cheeks burn beet red for one final humiliation: My aunt returned to slowly wipe my body and dick off with what seemed like hundreds of tissues.

"Can you believe it? He slept through all that!" My uncle said. "And that boy just won't let go of his pecker!"

"Just like his father," my aunt muttered as she marched out the door to the bathroom to flush the tissues. My uncle was chuckling as he left the room and closed the door.

The next morning, nobody said a thing. My uncle kept smirking at me while my aunt couldn't look me in the eye for the rest of the weekend. And to this day, we have never talked about that incident. But every time we meet at family gatherings, my aunt always hesitates before shaking my hand. I secretly hope she and my uncle are proud of every inch of the man I've become!

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pimptasticlypimptasticlyover 7 years ago

This is a first in my story reading/fandom. Reminds me of an elderly version of the last scene in the Kay Parker/Honey Wilder classic Private Teacher where Jamey Robbins and Honey Wilder (the aunt in the scenario) find the nephew asleep on the couch hugely erect, and they decide they have to help him relieve the proverbial pressure. Well worth checking out. Anyone know of other semi- forced semi-involuntary masturbation? If so please PM me with titles!

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