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CC - Universal Remote Pt. 01

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A young man gets a Universal Remote for his birthday...
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Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 02/29/2024
Created 02/24/2024
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Custom Curios: Universal Remote - Part 1

Emmanuelle walked into the dimly-lit, hazy aired store. A little bell rang as the door opened and then again as it closed behind her. She noticed the musky, old smell of the place. Not that it was dirty, but it smelled... old... something very different than the stores around it.

She'd never noticed this place before. But in looking for a unique gift for her stepson, she was driving by and the sign caught her attention... "Custom Curios: The place for unique and unusual gifts.". She actually chuckled when she saw it. Even the sign looked old, but it was spot on what she was looking for.

"Can I help you find something?", a young man behind the counter asked. She glanced at him and smiled. He looked like a typical young college student, probably a senior, with his sparse facial hair and his long hair tied back.

She walked along the aisles looking at the items on the shelves around her. She could see strange-looking dice, some old board games, a couple old camers, an ouiji board. Nothing that Vince would be interested in, she thought. "Well... I don't know. I'm looking for something for my stepson. Maybe some electronic something or other or video game. Do you have anything like that?"

He smiled and pointed to the next aisle over. "There are a few things in the next aisle over you might find. I think the Universal Remote there is really one of a kind. I think he'd absolutely love it. It works on so many... things... and is programmable."

She walked into the next aisle and easily found what he was referring to. A Universal Remote... something that controls multiple devices. It wasn't expensive, definitely what she was thinking about spending on him. She picked it up and looked it over. It looked a little dated, compared to the latest gadgets on the market, but maybe that was the charm of it. Maybe that was something Vince would find even more interesting about it.

She picked it up and took it to the counter.

"Yeah, that's the one I would get for him," the young man said, smiling. Something about his smile, his face, disturbed her though. It was devious... almost as if there was more to this than met the eye. As he rang it up in the register, he licked his lips and his tongue seemed much longer than a normal tongue would be and it made her shiver. She had a sudden thought of watching... of feeling... that tongue on her pussy, plunging inside her.

The young man put the device into a bag and laid it on the counter. "Anything else? For yourself maybe?" he asked her, looking her in the eye once again. "I'm sure there are other... electronic devices that would... tittilate. Or maybe some special jewelry."

His gaze and questions made goosebumps form all over her body. His words made her mind form images as he said them... of her using an electronic device to masturbate with... of her putting decorative clamps and clips on parts of her body that no one but her husband should ever see. She could almost feel the pleasure both of these would bring her.

"No..." she said, unsure of herself for a moment. Maybe she should, she thought, before shaking that thought away. She grabbed the bag. "No, this will be enough. Thank you." She turned and as her hand reached the door, she could hear the young man's voice behind her.

"Come back soon," he said. "We're here to... please."

Emmanuelle opened the door and walked out into the bright sunshine, her body shaking a little from the experience in the store. All the way home, all she could think about were the last images planted by the young man's comments. She was really going to need her husband, Joseph, tonight, to get those feelings resolved. Her horniness level had skyrocketed. She might need him before bedtime even.


"Happy birthday!" the family cried in near unison as Emmanuelle carried the candle-lit cake into the dining room and set it on the table in front of Vince.

"Happy birthday, kiddo," Joseph said as he squeezed Vince's shoulder.

Vince smiled. This year he turned 20. Just getting closer and closer to actual adulthood, where he could go to bars with his friends and have a good time. Of course, the whole job thing and finding his own place wasn't the most exciting part of getting older. But he'd make the best of it when the time came.

His slightly younger stepsister, Gabrielle, was sitting on her legs across the table from him, looking a little anxious, her forearms flat on the table as she leaned forward. She was wearing too tight of a t-shirt that really accentuated her breasts. He wished she wasn't his stepsister. He wished he didn't have these thoughts about her. But she was very much in his thoughts often, as was his stepmom, who was even more endowed than her daughter. Those times when he was alone. Those times when he could touch himself and imagine all sorts of things he shouldn't be imagining about them.

"Come on, make a wish and blow them out already. We don't have all night," Gabrielle said eagerly.

He closed his eyes and envisioned a great wish, one that would never be fulfilled, but a great one nonetheless. He truly wished for sex with either one of these two women. When he opened his eyes again, he blew out the candles, and the party continued.

When they each finished their pieces of cake with chocolate frosting and ice-cream, Emmanuelle pushed his small pile of presents from the end of the table and left it in front of him. Two boxes and three cards. He opened the card from Gabrielle first and found a sweet, innocent stepsister message inside along with a gift card to a big online retailer. He knew he'd find something he'd like there.

The next card was the card from his stepmom and then his dad, both offering their love and respect for him.

Next came the presents. The first was from his dad and contained a jersey from his favorite football team, with the number of the quarterback. He smiled as he held it up. That was something he'd wear a lot. That was comfortable and showed his local team spirit. He loved the team, although they weren't always the easiest to root for.

"Ooh," his stepmom said anxiously. "I hope you like this one." She obviously was a little uneasy about it as she tapped it quickly.

He pulled the box closer to himself and smile. "I'm sure I will." He opened it and pulled out the carefully wrapped remote control. It took him by surprise at first, especially since it looked a bit dated.

"It's a Universal Remote," Emmanuelle said excitedly. "Both the salesman and I thought some kind of electronic gadget like this would be perfect. Something you can tinker with maybe."

Vince turned it over in his hands. There were several pieces of paper taped to it, held to the controller with rubber bands. He guessed that was the user's manual or something. He smiled up at her. "It looks cool! I can't wait to check it out."

"Really?" Emmanuelle said, obviously happy that he liked it. She leaned in and hugged him, her chin resting on the top of his head, forcing his cheek against her breasts. He could smell her very wonderful perfume and could stay there forever. But she quickly released him and got up to collect the dishes.

The family quickly dispersed, with Joseph going into the living room to watch TV, Gabrielle going up to her room, Emmanuelle into the kitchen to finish cleaning up, and Vince going up to his bedroom, gifts in hand.

He laid back on his bed, the remote control in his hands. He pulled the old rubber bands off the device and they immediately broke, showing just how old they were. There were several pages of paperwork attached to the remote that he carefully unfolded. They appeared to be handwritten instructions, which seemed even more odd to him.

The opening paragraphs were beaming about the device, excited about some new discovery, and proud that the developer could share this fun with a few, select individuals. The next 8 or 9 pages were discussing the discovery and went into way more scientific depth than Vince cared to even explore, even if he could understand a word. All he could garner from the first couple paragraphs he read was that there was something about specific sound frequencies that the developer discovered that did things. Apparently things that people didn't know about before.

The last 2 to 3 pages discussed the buttons on the unit and its general functionality. He started reading them, eager to figure out how to use the unit. The first section dealt with tuning the device for a particular "subject". That was a weird term to use for a TV being controlled, but maybe that was just the way the author thought.

To tune the Universal Remote to a given subject, be within 10 feet of the subject,

press 000 and the play button. The remote will automatically go into scan mode

to determine the frequencies needed for that subject, trying a new frequency set

every 5 seconds. When the correct setting is found, the subject will unknowingly

cluck like a chicken 3 times. At that point, press the play button once more to

lock in that selection. All options will then be tuned to that particular set

of frequencies for that subject.

"Cluck like a chicken," Vince said. "What the hell does that mean?" He pressed 000 and the play button as he pointed the remote at his TV. He waited patiently and just about a minute later, just when he was about to give up completely, thinking this whole device was some sick joke, he could hear Gabrielle cluck like a chicken three times through the wall that separated their bedrooms. Without thinking, he pressed the play button again as instructed.

This was... too weird. But it couldn't be a coincidence. There's no way Gabrielle would just cluck like a chicken like that. As his mind worked on what he might do with this information, he read more about the uses of the remote.

This unit can store the patterns for up to 10 different subjects. It can store up to

4 different pre-programmed steps, accessed with the A, B, C, and D buttons. Each

button contains a default program that can be edited. See the back for the default

programs for each button.

The M- button turns off memory storage in the subject and while the subject will act

as if everything is normal, none of what happens will be remembered. It is preferred

to turn memory off while controlling a subject to allow you the maximum freedom for

re-use. The M+ button turns memory storage back on and should be done when control

is complete. The Ms button turns on memory storage as if it was a hazy dream. This

would be useful if you want the subject to somewhat remember what occurs but to make

them believe it was all just a dream or fantasy.

Dream or fantasy? What the hell? This isn't about controlling televisions. It's about controlling... people! As the realization hit him, his imagination was definitely piqued. And he knew his stepsister had been located and programmed into the remote, at least that's what the papers said. And that was... exciting.

He couldn't wait to see what this thing could do.

The numeric keys signify specific actions that can be performed by the subject. The

list of potential actions is provided within the document and are divided by

gender-non-specific and gender-specific functions. Each action has a 3-digit code

that is executed when the play button is pressed.

The pause button pressed once freezes the subject's body, but not their mind. They

are unfrozen when pressed a second time. The stop button pressed once freeses the

subject's body and their mind. Pressing it a second time unfreezes them. Mute makes

the subject unable to make a vocal sound.

Vince turned to the command listing and was surprised to see the commands at the beginning of the list, such as stand, bend over, sit, lay down on back, lay down on stomach, spread eagle, kneel, and kneel all-fours. He scrolled through the other commands, all the way back to the commands specifically for women. It was... incredible. It was... impossible. Right?

He was overwhelmed with the possibilities and options. Where in the hell would he even start. And then he remembered there were 4 pre-programmed buttons. He quickly turned the pages to see what those programs were. It seemed that the first button, A, was a kind of basic program. It was almost set up as a test. Maybe something to make the operator more convinced that the device even worked.
















Maybe that was what he needed. He certainly didn't want to go in front of her thinking this would work and have her remember it or have it totally fail. God that would be so embarrassing. But this... if it was a minor failure maybe she would just think it was natural. She was just masturbating. And... it was night time... and she was already alone in her bedroom. Their parents were downstairs still, far enough away that they wouldn't see a thing. And even when they finished cleaning up, their bedroom was downstairs, too. It was the perfect test and the perfect time.

He slipped out of his room and as silently as he could walked over to Gabrielle's door. He pressed his ear to the cold wood for a moment, trying to see if she was still awake or not. It was after midnight now, so it was more than likely she was asleep. He didn't hear anything, so he quietly turned the knob on the door and opened it, slowly. It was dark inside, except for a night-light that she kept on even to this day. It offered some light, once his eyes adjusted enough. He slid into her room, closed the door, and pushed himself back against the wall to be as invisible as possible.

"Here goes nothing," he said to himself and pressed the A button to start the program.

He heard her begin to move soon afterwards as she turned to her back. Well, he thought, that might have just been a coincidence. He couldn't tell if she was masturbating or not, since she wasn't making much noise, until about a minute later he could hear a little raspy breath. She was trying to stay quiet, but was getting very excited by her own masturbation.

Ok, again, while it seemed more farfetched, this could have been a simple coincidence. But then after what was about 5 minutes, she got up onto her hands and knees and continued masturbating. Now he could see her better. The light was dim, but the movement and sound was unmistakeable. Her hand was slid between her legs, her fingers swirling over her clit and delving inside every now and then. She was breathing harder now.

And a minute later he could hear her talking, plain and clear.

"Oh, make me your naughty little cum slut," she said. "I love being a dirty little fucking whore, getting to play with a nice hard cock. God, I'm fucking horny. Jerk that hard dick for me. It makes my little pussy so fucking wet. Oh, it's so fucking hard. God I want you to shove it down my throat. I want you to fuck my mouth and then pull it out and shove it straight into my wet little pussy."

Vince could feel his cock getting so hard. This was more than a dream come true. He was sure his stepmom had no idea what she had bought for him. This was a very powerful item... and in his hands, it was a game-changer. This was the best birthday present ever!!

"I'll be your slutty, dirty whore and take your cock in all my fucking holes," she continued, her other hand sliding behind her and beginning to tease her asshole. Her face was resting on the bed now, with both hands occupied between her legs. "I love touching myself while you jerk your hard dick for me. Your hard dick makes me so horny. Oh, I'm your horny little cum slut. My pussy is just dripping right now! God, I love being a fucking little slut for you."

Vince unzipped his pants and slid his cock free so he could stroke it. God he was so hard. His shaft was throbbing and it felt incredible to slide his hand up and down it's length.

"Oh, yeah... I'll play with my little holes while you watch," Gabrielle said, as if speaking right to him. Did she know he was there? Was she aware this was happening?

"You like it when I slide my fingers in my ass? I'll slide them deep inside while you play with your cock. Yeah... jerk that hard dick for me. I love watching you. Oh, make me your dirty fucking slut. Do you like watching me play with my tight asshole? Yeah?"

Her fingers teased both her pussy and her ass at the same time as Vince watched in the dim lighting. He couldn't believe this was happening. He couldn't believe he had this much control at his fingertips.

Fuck!" she said a little louder than he expected and he took a moment to try and listen for his mom and dad. He prayed they couldn't hear her. "I'll be your naughty little slut if you want," she said a little softer and sultrier. "Your dirty fucking slut. Shove your cock straight into my mouth, turn me over, and fuck my little asshole. I wanna be your little anal slut. You can have whatever hole you want any time you want, you know. Shove it into my pussy and then my ass. I want you to fuck all my holes until you cum all over me. I love your cum... I want to be covered in it... filled with it until I'm fucking dripping."

He started cumming then, his hand stroking so hard and fast on his shaft. He'd never in his life heard anyone talk like this, especially not his stepsister. He could feel his cum spraying out of his body, lauching through the air, and landing who-knows-where. He knew he was going to have a hard time cleaning that up, but this was definitely worth it.

"I'm your bad little fucking slut cum whore. I can't wait to taste your fucking cum. Give it to me!"

He wondered for a moment if she somehow knew he'd cum and it scared him. Maybe... maybe she heard him... maybe she smelled it. But, he was invisible to her, right? Oh God, if she somehow knew he was there, he'd be dead.

"Please make me your little cum slut. Oh God... I'm so close... I can't wait to be covered in your hot fucking cum. I want you to cum all over my fucking face. Oh God... Oh God... Cum right in my mouth, shoot it straight into my dirty fucking slut hole

Then she started moaning louder. Her body was shaking so I knew she was having an orgasm. "Oh my fucking God I'm cumming. You're making me cum so hard! Fuck!"

She grunted again and again as her fingers slammed into her holes, her body shaking and twisting, but she never left her kneeling posture. Damn! This remote was incredible!

She was breathing so hard as she turned and lay on her back and then, somehow, just resumed sleeping.

Vince grabbed the doorknob and quietly exited her room and walked back to his own. His heart was racing at the possibilities in store for him. He lay on the bed imagining different scenarios and jerked his cock more. He had 2 more orgasms before he finally ran out of ideas he wanted to try.

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Master_DoctorMaster_Doctor7 months ago

concept has potential, Chapter was way to short. Your writing isnt very creative. No imagery. All tell and no show. I hope the next chapter shows improvement.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

This is a great story and has so many different ways that it could go. This has the potential with many chapters to go to be one of the best on here. The ways of control, the mother and sister, and the ways it can lead to multiple different scenarios. Only the I would add or ask is more details….actually size of tits, what the pussy looked like, what his cock looks like(hopefully larger and fatter than the fathers). Things like that

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