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Cedar Hill Cheerleaders Ch. 08

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Chantelle and Jamie experiment. Girls sex with Doctor Finlay.
6.3k words

Part 8 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/13/2023
Created 11/02/2016
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The Cedar Hill high school cheerleaders always had their lunch together in the cafeteria. There was Veronica Wilson the head cheerleader; Chantelle Spiros who became famous by going to school completely naked; Marsha Dickson, who Jamie Taylor thought had the sexiest pussy; Jill Tumbling who had swallowed Jamie's cum at Veronica's birthday party; and Tonni Arthur, the newest and youngest cheerleader, being a junior in school.

More than a month before the prom, the main topics of their conversation are; what they are going to wear, and who is going with whom.

With a devilish look on her face, Veronica stated, "As you all know Chantelle has certainly influence us, and with that in mind I issue the following challenge; let's have a contest to see who will wear the most revealing, sexist, or provocative outfit to the prom!"

Tonni immediately replied, "If I wear something like that my dad will kill me."

"Then you will need to change after you leave home; maybe in the limo." Veronica quipped.

Tonni quickly asked, "Do you think Will will hire a limo to pick me up?" William Mann was the best football player in the school; tall, handsome, and athletic.

"If he wants to impress you he will; especially if he wants some fun after the prom." Chantelle suggested.

Tonni thinks to herself about the time Will took her to the movies; she had removed her long sleeve blouse and slacks, so that in the movies she only had on a crop-top and mini skirt.

"Perhaps we could have a challenge for our dates as well?" Marsha quipped.

"Yeah, we could insist that they go 'combat'." Chantelle suggested with a devilish smile.

Tonni had to ask, "What does 'combat' mean?"

"When you don't wear any underwear." Chantelle explained.

"I was thinking of wearing crotch-less panties; so John can have a good feel later in the evening." Marsha stated.

"Have you thought about body paint? Couldn't you have panties painted on using body paint?" Jill suggested smugly.


The prom is not going to be held in the school hall or sports stadium, but in town at a venue normally used for weddings.

At the deputy principal's insistence, three weeks before the prom, the school council issued a dress code for the prom. It read:

'School Prom Dress Code

Boys are required to wear a tie and tails ( tuxedo ).

Ordinary pants and jeans are not permitted.

Girls must wear a full length dress or gown.

The hem of the dress or gown must be less than two

inches from the ground when the girl is standing bare-foot.

Failure to comply will mean you will not be admitted to the prom!

The assistant principal Mrs Markely will be at the front door inspecting all outfits.'


As soon as the dress code was released, Chantelle invited Jamie Taylor, her boyfriend, over to discuss the prom and the code. Jamie was an Audio/Video nerd at Cedar Hill high school.

When he arrived, he was met at the door by Mr Spiros. "Hi Jamie," he said as he offered Jamie his hand.

Jamie shook Mr Spiros' hand, and they went into the lounge room. "Chantelle's not quite ready for you yet."

"Oh." Jamie said nervously.

"Do you play any sport, Jamie?"

"No; but err, the coach often asks me to umm, to record the game and produce a video of the highlights."

"Yeah, Chantelle said you were into that sort of thing."

"Yeah, it was one of those ah, videos and one I did of Chantelle, kind of the story of her high school experience, which I showed during my umm, my interview at Jefferson University." Jamie thought 'Was it a mistake mentioning that video?'

"Can I see the video you did of Chantelle?"

"Err, sure." Jamie said as he looked for it on his laptop.

Not long after they began watching it, Chantelle started down the stairs. "That's enough of the third degree, Daddy!" She yelled wanting to rescue Jamie.

As she turned at the bottom of the stairs, she saw what they were watching. "Jamie! What's that?" she demanded. She was wearing a tight T-shirt and a cheeky pair of hot-pants.

Jamie turned, "Wow! ... Oh, it's a video that started out about the school's cheerleaders in general, but after we got together, it sort of became all about you."

"Can I have a copy?" Mr Spiros requested.

Jamie immediately said, "Yes Sir." At the same time as Chantelle protested, "D a d!"

Chantelle took Jamie by the hand and led him upstairs. As soon as they entered her room, Chantelle pulled Jamie too her and gave him a long passionate tongue kiss.

Her room was definitely a girl's room. However there were two things that caught Jamie's eye. First was a photo of him on her desk. Secondly was the enlargement of a still shot taken from the video of the girl walking naked in a European shopping mall. It showed the point where the policeman on a motor bike was giving advice to the girl. The policeman was in the foreground, with the girl immediately behind. The bike handle bars obscured her nipples, and the petrol tank hid her waist. In the background can be seen some of the mall, and a few shoppers who seem unfussed by either the policeman or the nude girl.

"I like the picture. It's a good reminder without giving too much away."

"Yeah." Then she asked, "Have you seen the dress code for the prom?"

"Yeah. I guess you would have gone nude if it wasn't for that code, eh?" Jamie had a broad smirk.

"You really do know me, don't you love?" Chantelle reflects.

"Umm..... So what can you do to be nude, but satisfy the code? I guess you can go without any underwear under the gown." Jamie suggested.

She thought for a bit, then Chantelle said, "At lunch, Jill mentioned having underwear painted on using body paint."

Jamie considered this, "Do you think body paint can look realistic?"

"I don't know. If it looks very real, then I could have the gown made of tulle."

"What's tulle?" Jamie asked.

"A synthetic sort of insect mesh."

"Why not have black tulle, then."

Chantelle looked puzzled. "Why black?"

"Because you can see through dark coloured tulle as if it isn't there. White has the opposite effect, and tends to be all you see, not what is behind it." Jamie explained.

"Why don't we have a look at some body paintings on the internet?"


Jamie and Chantelle sat beside each other at Chantelle's desk and used 'Google images' to view various girls with clothes painted on.

One had a T-shirt and blue denim slacks; another had a bikini top and cheeky shorts; yet another had a black lacy bra and black bikini briefs.

"That's what I need." Chantelle screamed as soon as she saw the lace underwear. They looked closely at the full size copy of that photo and decided it certainly was very realistic; only on close inspection did the nipples and the vaginal lips give away the deception.

Jamie informed Chantelle that having the underwear painted on in matt-black made the contours harder to see.

"How about we watch a video of an artist doing the painting?" Jamie suggested.

Chantelle switched to 'Google videos' and typed in 'body painting'.

The first video they watched showed a voluptuous lady taking off her blouse and bra and having a bikini top painted. Then she removed her shorts and panty; she had shaved her pubic hair; they could see her rounded outer lips with the inner lips protruding just a little. The male artist started by blocking out the large area which was to be the body of the shorts. Unconsciously Chantelle was squeezing Jamie's cock through his pants. The artist continued to define the outline of the shorts, both around the waist and legs, this included between the legs. Jamie's cock had enlarged. Now the details, of such things as stitching, were added. The areas between the buttocks and around the vagina were painted in different shades to disguise their shape.

Another video started with the model wearing a T-shirt and tight jeans. The female artist began by photographing the girl from all four sides. Then the model removed her T-shirt and the artist painted it back on using the photos as a guide. Then the model removed her jeans and pink panty; they could see that her outer pussy lips were wrinkled. Chantelle realised that Jamie had a full-on erection. She pulled his zipper down and tried to extract his cock. The trouble she had reminded her of her suggestion to the other cheerleaders that the boys should go without underpants.

"Jamie, would you be willing to go 'combat' to the prom?"

"What do you mean by 'combat'?"

"Don't you remember; it means you don't wear any underwear?"

Jamie thought "Oh yeah, I remember now. Perhaps I should try again, right now."

Jamie stood, undid his belt and was about to drop his pants, "Are you sure we can't be disturbed?"

Smiling, Chantelle replied, "We're OK. I locked the door as we came in."

So Jamie continued to remove his pants and undies.

The artist had nearly finished painting the jeans; he was just detailing the stitching.

Jamie was now naked below the waist.

"Jamie, will you try something for me? Try sucking you arse in."

As he did, his cock shrunk a little and twitched. "Do it again." She giggled, "Do it again."

"Where did you learn about that?"

"I read it in a sealed lift-out section of a women's magazine. With girls the virginal muscles squeeze when you do it. I've been practicing." She said as she slid her shorts over her bum, down her legs and off.

"I normally put two fingers in and then try to squeeze them... How about you put your fingers in and see if you can feel anything?" She spread her legs.

Once he had inserted his index and middle fingers as far as possible, Chantelle flexed her muscles. "Yep! I felt it!"

She did it a few more times. "Wow!"

"Let's try with your cock in, OK?"

Jamie sat back down on the chair and she straddled him, facing him; she grabbed his dick and slowly lowered herself onto it. "Now let's sit still and you try squeezing, OK? ... Now squeeze; oooh... Again; oooh... Again; oooh. I can just feel your cock move and twitch. It's great."

"Now you try."


"Wow! I really can feel your cunt tightening about the base of my cock. It's great; do it again."

She responded. "How about we try alternating, you squeeze so I can feel it, and then I'll do it so you can feel it?"

They continued like this for some minutes before Chantelle started lifting herself up and back down using her legs. She stroked his cock like this for a while, but as soon as she kissed him as well, Jamie came within her. Each time he came Chantelle squeezed her arse and vaginal muscles and milked extra cum from his cock.

Then her orgasm started; she froze for a second before her squeezing became involuntary spasms.

She stayed on his lap; they cuddled, and so they enjoyed their warm after-glow.

Once they had cooled down, Chantelle's mind returned to the prom. "You know, those painted clothes are so realistic, I think I will go to the prom with a white bra and shorts painted on and a dark coloured tulle dress."

"You know Tonni is studying art. I've seen some of her work, she's really good. Perhaps she might volunteer to paint you." Jamie suggested.

"Yeah? We should ask her." And then she thought aloud, "Wouldn't it be great if the gown was colourful when being checked by Mrs Markely, and then miraculously became invisible afterwards."

This reminded Jamie of some fabric he had read about. "That's possible." He said encouragingly, and then he went on to explain; "The fabric is called an electro-chromatic fabric; it's a form of electro-active polymer, or in lay terminology a 'smart material'. A small jolt of power will cause it to go clear and it will stay clear even after the power is removed. A second small jolt, of the right type, will cause the fabric to revert to its original colour or colours."

Chantelle didn't really understand the technical terms, but she understood that it could be switched to and from clear. She was excited; "If we could get some of that fabric and make an evening gown of it; then I could either have no underwear, or have underwear painted on just in case."

As Jamie left, he could feel his limp dick rub his left leg with each step, and his pants bump his dick head. He thought, 'This going combat certainly feels different. I guess it's OK provided I don't have an erection.'

After Jamie had left and Chantelle was back in her room, there was a soft knock on the door. The door opened and her mum stuck her head in. "Mum, what is it?"

"Shell, you dad and I like Jamie, and we can see you two are very serious about each other. So we're worried that you may get carried away some time and end up pregnant... "

"M u m!" Chantelle interrupted; blushed a little and dropped her head.

"It's alright, I know how it is. You're very beautiful and Jamie is a healthy male. Your father and I were like that." She remembered one night in which they had made love all night, with only a forty or fifty minute break between episodes. "We were so in love.... Every time we met we wanted to do more than just hug and kiss.... Sometimes, when it was the wrong part of my cycle, we would just resort to oral sex."

"Mum!" Chantelle was embarrassed by her mother's frankness.

"It was hard... There wasn't any birth-control pill in those days... It was so hard!" She paused for a moment. "Well we just don't want you getting into trouble and ruining your future. So I have made an appointment with Dr Finlay, so that he can put you on the birth-control pill. The earliest appointment I could get was the Saturday after next."

Chantelle was secretly happy with this, but she hung her head because it meant that her parents guessed at least some of what Jamie and she had been up to.


Jamie used 'Google Scholar' to locate groups who were doing research with electro-chromatic fabrics. One such group, in an American University, was willing to give Jamie sufficient electro-chromatic material for Chantelle to make her evening gown. However they required a sizeable donation to their research group via the University. They also required a video of the finished gown operating (that is switching from opaque to clear and back again) while being worn by Chantelle. They intended to use the video to advertise their research.


The next day at lunch, Chantelle told the girls that her mum wanted her on the pill, and had made an appointment for her to see a doctor."

Marsha immediately informed them, "My mum did the same thing a year ago when I was going steady with Frank."

"I wish I could go on the pill." Tonni added.

Chantelle suggested. "Why don't you come with me on Saturday, Tonni. We'll just say they stuffed up the booking."

"Oh, OK."

When the conversation returned to gown designs, Veronica informed the cheerleaders that she had decided on a gown.

"I have settled on a design for a gown that is very dignified, but has almost no sides, making it quite provocative. There are only six straps holding the front to the back; one either side of the waist to hide the panty; one either side at breast height to cover the bra; and one over each shoulder. I intend to use a thicker material that will hang well."

"Where did you get the idea for that design?" Enquired Jill.

"I saw a picture of Sonia McMahon in one of mum's old magazines."

"Who the hell was Sonia McMahon?" Tonni asked.

"At the time she wore the dress, in 1971, she was the wife of the Australian Prime Minister, and they were on their way to a State Dinner at the White House hosted by President Nixon."

"What sort of position is a Prime Minister?"

Veronica explained, "Sort of similar to our Leader of the House, but with some of the powers of the President."

"Who are you going with?" Chantelle asked.

"Rudy Scolari, he's the boy William Mann lunches with. I like him, but it's nothing serious at this stage." Replied Veronica. "And what about you Marsha?"

"My dress will actually be a blouse and skirt that fit together so that it looks like they are a single dress; the join will be hidden by a wide belt. They will be of a light silk; the wrap-around skirt will be such that it does not really wrap all the way around, leaving a sexy opening from the waist down. I intend to put to split to the left side leaving my entire left leg and thigh visible. I may move the split to the front when the night progresses."

Jill decided it was her turn to reveal what she was going to wear. "I have seen an outfit I really like in the hire shop. The gown has only one shoulder strap on the left, and that drops down to just above the right nipple and down around the right side; so that the entire right side of my right breast will be visible. It is backless except for the strap down the left side."

"Sounds like you intend to wear it without a bra?" Veronica was quick to ask.

"Yeah, of course."

Veronica continued to pester Jill. "And who are you going with?"

She replied "Jose."

Veronica had a limited circle of friends. "Who is Jose?"

"Jose Ramirez is one of the pupils from the wrong side of town, but he is really a nice guy; which is why I said I'd go with him. After all, most of the guys were put off by my gang-bang after the schools footie grand final win."

Marsha was probably the only one who hadn't heard. "What gang-bang?"

At this point Tonni sort of dropped her head and curled up. If she could have made herself disappear she would have.

"Tonni and I accidently followed the players into their locker room after the end of the match. Well one thing lead to another, and we ended up congratulating them doggy style in the shower."

Marsha was intrigued. "How many guys did you have? Did it hurt?"

"I didn't keep count; but I do know I have never before had so many orgasms in such quick succession... Geez it was great."

This revelation made Marsha jealous. "What about you Tonni? Did you enjoy it too?"

Tonni was reluctant to reply, but had no choice. "Err... Well having a few naked footballers undress me while watching Jill enjoying herself was enough to make sure I was sufficiently lubricated." She did not want to admit to the other girls how fantastic it really was.

Veronica decided to change the subject. "We all know who Chantelle is going with, but what are you going to wear?"

"Jamie and I discussed painted on underwear. We saw some on the internet, and a good artist like Tonni can make it look very realistic using body paint."

"Thanks Chantelle," Tonni interjected, "but we will have to have a trial go first. I have an art assignment due next week. How about I paint you for that?" Chantelle's comment allowed Tonni to stop cringing.

"OK... Jamie also told me about some 'smart fabric' where you can change its colour using electricity. So if we can get our hands on some of that fabric, I will have an evening gown made that I can switch from colourful to clear. Imagine how that will look; like wearing a perfectly clear raincoat with either no underwear or painted on underwear."

Veronica sniggered; "You mean you are going to walk about with an electric cable connecting your gown to a power outlet?"

"Nah, don't be silly; Jamie assured me that the material only needs a small battery."

After a pause Chantelle asked Tonni, "How about we buy the body paints after school today? Then you can come to my place on the weekend and we'll try them out."

"That would be great. My art assignment has to be of a still-life item. It has to include draped and/or folded material; so I guess you can be my canvas and the painted on clothes the draped and folded material."


Tonni had arranged for her art assignment to be assessed toward the end of lunch. Ten minutes before her art class, Tonni and her male teacher waited for Chantelle.

The door opened and Chantelle walked in. She was wearing a bolero jacket over an old gold T-shirt; however Chantelle wouldn't wear just any T-shirt; it had a lace section above and slightly between her breasts. She also wore a tight pair of dark blue tailored shorts which had gold stitching and a heart shaped embroidery on the pockets. There was a corner of a white hankie showing out of the right pocket. Her belt was black with a shiny gold buckle. Chantelle also had a black ribbon choker with a butterfly pin above her left shoulder.


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