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Champion of the Goddess Pt. 01

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The Raven returns, 3rd series spawned from New Game Master.
40.2k words

Part 1 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 01/13/2020
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Synopsis: This is a continuation of the New Game Master and Next Game Master series. The premise of the story will be lost to those who did not read the previous stories.

After achieving level 15, what remained of Raven and his group were forced to stop as only 4 made it to that landmark. They did not have enough players to continue on and others had yet to achieve that mark since the changes in the advancement system. Instead, they went to creating a new character and saving that one for another day.

Inspired by so many things but not endorsed by any of them. © EmotionalStorm January 2020. This story cannot be transferred to any other site besides without prior authorizations in writing from the author and EmotionalStorm must be credited for this work.

Authors Note: For those who have not read my bio, please note I write as a form of therapy for a Traumatic Brain Injury. I know the English majors will probably encounter issues that annoy them. If these are your focus, instead of the story itself, then this is not the story for you. I am not and will never be a professional writer. I do it to tell the story, for those who wish to read them.



"Really! You would put your own Champion in a cell!?"

Raven heard Myssara's laughter, "Yes, you all start there but I will bring you to me."

She had a table set up with a Quill and parchment. She looked at him, "Get to writing about this mysterious character."

He walked over and kissed her naked ass cheek before sitting down and starting to write. She laughed at him. Myssara was so fucking horny right now but she had to contain herself, for the moment. The pool needed more time to recharge after there last session.

Character Name: Rainer "The Raven" Black

Class: Magus

Race: Human

Skills: Profession cook, Knowledge Arcana, Riding, Intimidate, Climbing

Feats: Two-weapon fighting, Acrobatics

Spells: Magic Missile, Hydraulic push

ORPHANED. As in no family at all. As in ZERO chance of being royalty.

Found on the streets in the city. Found to have a knack and an interest in magical skills and was brought into the apprenticeship of Magus Pimpernel. A skilled swordsman and talented caster who had no children of his own due to having his balls cut off in a fight shortly before the age of adulthood by a dwarven dualist.

That made Magus Pimpernel a very lonely man. Rainer spent a bit of time running with street children orphans before training with the Magus. Had some climbing and acrobatic skills from his youth that aided him. He also learned the art of being a bit of a bully when the need arose.

Street fighting as It were and he could hold his own. He did not always fight 'clean,' by that he was skilled in dirty fighting techniques. Named 'Black' due to his skin color when he was pulled from the streets and placed into the juvenile prison they called an orphanage before being 'recruited or rescued by his trainer.

The Magus taught him enough about cooking to feed himself and others. While far from being a master chef he was more than competent. The Magus ensure his time was fairly evenly divided. Between riding, studying arcane history, magical training, the occasional archery lesson, and two-weapon fight with the second weapon being spells.

Magus Pimpernel was happy to be getting Rainer out from underfoot; he just started another apprentice a few days before. Rainer watched his review process and felt the master had selected the best child from the streets and they would equally challenge each other, this time it was a young girl.

Rainer was the son he never had or would have and this girl, Carla would become that daughter he never had. Magus Pimpernel had given Rainer a horse, saddle, and traveling gear all in Black to go with his name. From leather pants and shirt to cloak, boots, and gloves.

His black mithril chainmail was under his leather pants and shirt. He carried 2 bundles of 100ft long silk rope in his backpack. A staple from his street days, there was always a good use for rope. To go along with his eating and cooking gear, bedroll, and other standard starting gear.

His master passed along one of the lesser swords from his personal collection. One he called Ultraviolet. He said it once belonged to a lady he knew who returned the gift when she found out he couldn't fuck at all. He also gave him the wedding rings he had wanted to use with this woman and she turned him down after his 'accident.'

The magus never found a woman who wanted a no-balled man for her bed. He did get many a job following the loss of his balls in being a protector of young noble women's virtue, including, many years ago the woman who was now the Countess over the city and province.

Fucking was one thing Rainer could definitely do. He had spent many a night on rooftops watching the local playboys attend to the cunts of the chambermaid to members of the royal family; including this countess who 'lost' her husband 10 years before and had no children.

He witnessed quite a few inventive fellows. Many things he would be trying out in person. His mentor suggested his first stop should be a small inn on the outskirts of town. He had enough rations for a couple of weeks. For ranged weapons a longbow that has seen better days, with forty arrows. Just over a dozen gold coins with several silver and copper coins in the mix.

Description: Slightly tanned skin from his time training with swords outside with no shirt on during the spring and summer months. Penetrating blue eyes and a small scar right on the edge of his chin from when he ran the streets. Muscular but lean build. Long black raven hair and only a small patch of black pubic hair above his well-endowed and slightly curved cock. Venerate Myssara, of course, but right now his hunt was a hunt for cunt.

Character advancement, 'plan' 1 Magus, 5 of Wizard, 5 of Eldritch Knight, one magus, 5 of Eldritch Knight, Rest Magus

He walked up behind Myssara and wrapped his arms around her and rub his cock up and down her ass as he held her and handed her the sheet of parchment. He bent her over the altar and slid slowly into her ass and slowly pump away while she was reading. She giggled, "I like it. You covered your bases on what you got and why." He sped up and started thrusting harder.

She leaned back, "Another five days before the pool will be charged enough."

He kissed her neck, "I am so far behind on your ass I've lost count. Both you and Mother."

She laughed, "Mother will be with the other champions for a while 'breaking them in' as she called it. She said you would understand."

He sped up and she clamped down. He shot into her ass as she screamed out a loud and shaking climax.

He kissed her neck, "She fixing the fertility rates for the newborns to make them Earth-normal?"

She laughed, "Yes except for the children of the champions and the goddesses. They will be at 30 percent just like all the champions. It will get breed down eventually. But you need to get going."


He pulled up out in front of this inn. He knew off the bat from the coloration and scenery that this was a different starting point. He tied off his horse and walked into the inn and it was not overly crowded. He got to the bar and had a seat. He ordered a mead and put a silver coin on the counter. He looked around and counted eight or nine adventurers including three halflings. Two were at one table and the third was at another table looking around.

Luscious red hair on the female and the other two were males. He took his drink over to her, "Mind if I join you? The Name's Black."

Her face lit up, "Please have a seat."

He sat and they were soon approached by the two male halflings and they looked at her, "What has he got that we haven't got?"

Raven turned to them, "A seven-inch cock and her heart."

They stared at him and then backed away.

She giggled, "A girl has to have her standards."

They sat there and two more came up to the table.

Two ladies. One smiled at him, "Did I hear you say you are named Black?"

He smiled, "Yes."

She smiled as did the other. "May we join you two?"

He slid in as did the gorgeous halfling in front of him, The Elven Beauty looked at Rainer, "Tawny I am a fighter." The other was a human, Black hair with a little curl to it and green eyes. "Rhonda Black. Cleric. Maybe we are related."

He shook his head, "Orphaned with no family. Named after the color of my skin when I was pulled from the streets. Washed and put into an orphanage. Apprenticed as a Magus."

The little halfling looked at him, "Mary Trap-springer Rogue."

He looked at Mary, "I think I have seen you in a dream."

She laughed as did the other two. Ersa knew she still wanted that connection he had with Kerria, to become his true love. This life would tell her if she could make that connection hers. She so loved him, she just needed to break that barrier around his heart. She was so close when they had to restart.

If they just had enough people to keep going, she would have closed that deal. She felt he was that close to coming to terms with his past. He had been severely wounded when he learned of Kerria's death.

She had gotten Myssara and Mother to show her what had happened to him up until Kerria left and then her death message. She felt for the woman. She ached for him. They now shared that loss. Now she needed him to see her and snap out of mourning for Kerria.

She had thought about Karry for a name but was advised that would have been a mistake, but she needed him to see her as something new and something more if she were to continue beyond this life with him. That was why they settled on Mary when the time came.

The elf named Tawny leaned in, "Trisa."

He smiled and kissed her hand, and the human looked at him, "Hanasa."

He looked shocked, "You ran with my son. I admit you are a surprise but I also knew you needed more work when we parted."

She nodded, "I enjoy women but after seeing what you did with the goddess and the talk from the other ladies, I spoke with the goddess about getting with you for this life. She left my last name open in case you decided on something different.

I talked with Ersa at Myssara's urging and she thought given that she was playing a halfling this life you could use someone to have in this life to use that wedding ring upon. No pressure and we are not colluding, well we did collude in this matter. But we did not mean to offend you."

He looked at Ersa, or Mary rather who smiled.

He sighed, "Let us see how this goes first."

He pulled off his glove with the two mithril bands on them and then put it back on and they smiled and hugged each other, Tawny looked at him, "I have been waiting forever to see if you would show up. Felt that way, at least."

He smiled, "Put your hand on top of mine if you decided to be virgins this life." They all slapped hands down on top of his. He laughed.

He looked at them, "I have a horse to stable do you have a room already?"

Tawny nodded, "Yes, and a jar of lube."

He smiled and the ladies let him out and they walked past the 2 halflings that sat with a barbarian who came in a couple of minutes before. The barbarian called out, "Hold up!"

Rainer turned and looked at him. The barbarian approached lumbering with a loincloth and a two-handed sword on his back and nothing else.

"My friends say you're some kind of fucking funny guy who needs to be taught a lesson about sharing."

Raven looked at him, "You assume too much. These ladies sought me out. I am not into men."

He turned red and went for his sword handle. Raven kneed him in the balls stepped on his foot and when his head came down ran his knee up through it. Raven pulled the man's sword as he fell backward.

He handed it to the bartender. He pulled a boot dagger to the inside of the assholes thigh, "I run this blade through and twist you will bleed out before you can yell for help. I suggest you go back to your 2 halfling friends and stay away from me and my ladies.

Maybe you can talk them into pounding your ass, or you doing their asses. These ladies were all waiting for me. We have history. The bartender will give you your sword back when you leave for good."

He looked at his two friends, "You put him up to this you better get him back to a seat. I would think you owe him a drink and your asses."

The bartender smiled and set another mead on the counter for Raven and he picked it up. They walked outside and got the horse stabled. They got back inside and the 3 of them had moved to the corner booth. They headed upstairs and he signaled them to go down the hall.

He saw the 3 of them coming up the stairs and they saw he had drawn his bow with a full draw and pointed the business end of an arrow down the staircase at them. "Go find your booth before I see if I can send this arrow through two halflings and a pair of barbarian's balls."

They turn around and got out of sight. He walked down slowly and they had only gone back a few feet. "That is not your booth." They walked back and the bartender smiled and shook his head.

Raven nodded to him. "I will have the door to our room barred shut. If those 3 want to pay for damages before they come up, I would collect now. That way you do not have to go digging through corpses pockets looking for their last few coins."

He headed back upstairs and got into the room. He set a chair under the handle. He ran his hand ax under the bottom edge of the door. He called forth his bird. "Raven Camp watch." The ladies smiled and they hugged him.

He looked at Mary and pulled her into his arms and held her up, "Run that into the top crack of the door." She took his boot dagger and put it into place as he held her up. He looked at her, "They will have to destroy that door to get thru it." She smiled and wrapped her arms around him.

The ladies laughed and he sat her down and they stripped him out of his clothes,

He took his sword and set it upon the sheath on another chair. They looked at him and he sighed, "The barbarian looked and acted like a minimum/maximum build. Which means he is going to try again most likely. Because he does not have a brain in his fucking head."

He picked Marry up and put her on his shoulders and went to work on her bald cunt and brought her to a series of quick and loud orgasms.

He laid her down and the other two had stripped and left the pubic hair off. He smiled, "The ladies know how I feel about pubic hair."

They giggled. He lowered Mary so she was propped on his cock without piercing her and she moaned out. He put her on her feet and she went to work on his cock, "This one is bigger."

Tawney nodded, "About an extra inch in girth and half-inch in length. Closer to 8 inches now."

She went back into sucking it and he could feel it coming. He hissed, "It is coming."

She tried to get it in her throat and she couldn't as he shot 7 into her mouth which she swallowed rapidly. He laid her down. He got on his knees and pulled her up toward him and found her hymen. He measured off and pop through and she moaned out and jumped into his lap. He held her to him while he kept her from sinking past his fingers.

She whispered, "A little sharper than a human but it is gone now."

He eased his way down into her very tight hole. Soon he was buried. She looked up, "Feels much bigger this way."

He smiled, "I will keep that in mind for next time."

She smiled and he started stroking her cunt for all he was worth. he got up to speed and she clamped down on him.

He kept going as she sprayed all over him and he shot off into her with a groan. She shot a few small waves and she looked up at him, "Easier to spray you. You hit all the right spots."

He kissed her and whispered to her, "I did not say this in the last life. You made it all the way to 15 with me. We spent many nights with just the two of us; especially those last couple of nights before the births. The two of us and all of those bucket brigade women. You are My True Love now, my keeper of secrets." He looked at her and spoke in a normal voice. "Now a deflowered virginal halfling this time."

She smiled, "Damned straight I am."

She kissed him with such passion. Her heart melted with those words as she knew the lengths it took him to come to that decision. One he did not reach lightly after the way he was hurt before.

A decision she did not wish to spoil or disappoint him in any way given the burdens he carried. The burdens they carried together, yet there were some even shie did not know. They shared secrets, and the beds they shared with many women. The many more they would share together going forward.

In this world, she held his heart and the Goddess held it in their dreams. They both loved her. She was his true love and not Kerria's replacement.

He Thought to Myssara, "She stood by me through all the indecision. She was patient with me. She came back a virgin and even looked to set another up as my wife in-game. Showing just how much she loved me and wanted to continue this going forward.

I know she will move on someday. That has not changed but she is My True Love in the game. The first to find me and the first I have bedded in this life."

He heard Myssara, "You are both getting this message. I am glad your heart has mended enough to move on in this life and I hope for many more lives. You still have a second slot to fill."

He thought back, "I will decide on that one later, I am still hoping to find another who holds my heart. You said we might find her this life; when last we spoke together on the subject. I have more history now with Mary and she has earned that first spot in more ways than I care to count including her selflessness."

Mary thought, and he heard it, "She let me hear that exchange and I will not force you to fill that slot until you are ready. Be it Blossom or another. You will have me for a long time. You helped to cement that just now. You will always hold a piece of my heart even when I move on."

The other two smiled at her as she glowed with an inner light of happiness. He looked at the other two, "Who is next to be deflowered this life?"

Tawny came flying at him and he picked her up and put her against the wall. She smiled, "I want to bear your children. Lots of them."

He flipped her over and divided into her cunt while she sucked on his cock. He sent her through 4 screaming climaxes before shooting off into her mouth. He flipped her around and slid up into her and found her hymen.

He backed it up just a little squeezed and popped into her and she bit his neck and screamed into it. He gave her a second to relax.

She looked at him, "Elves hurt worse than halflings."

He smiled, "They are just more sensitive."

He let her slide down his cock until she was buried. She smiled and moaned as she got seated. He slowly started thrusting up and into her. He kept nice and even strokes while he kissed her neck. She moaned as he sped things up on her.

She got louder and she wailed out as she climaxed. He shot off into her. He held her against the wall and kissed her deeply. He pulled her toward him and she has her legs around him and he laid her out on the bed.

Mary went to town on her cunt. He pulled Rhonda toward him and flipped her in the middle of the room and had her sucking him off while he ravaged her cunt. He exploded into her mouth after 15 minutes.

He rolled her around onto his cock and he looked at her. "Lock your legs behind me."

She did so and He leaned against them on the wall and pinned them. He measured off after found her hymen. He looked at her, "This one is on you. I got it so you will not go too far."

She nodded. She raised up and came down and popped through it and she bit into his shoulder and he held her fast.

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