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Champion of the Goddess Pt. 01


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Rhonda cleaned him up good. Then gave him a hand to help him stand. He slid into the tub and she went to work cleaning his cock and then the rest of him. He washed her from head to toe. He scrubbed her cunt and ass rapidly bring her off one more time in the tub from his 'cleaning effort.'

They got out and the other two hopped in while they dried off. He looked over and the bed was cleaned and made. He drank his second mead and made sure his dagger was jammed in the top of the door frame and a chair under the handle. Ax at the bottom.

He slid into the bed and Rhonda took the left side next to the wall. The other two finish a round of grab-ass in the water and got into bed with them after drying off.

Mary slid down on his cock and hugged into him. Truly happy as they went to sleep.

He was at the falls and he looked at Myssara, "You kept it from me. Both you and Mother."

She sighed, "I know and I am sorry for not being open about that but I do follow Mother's direction."

He looked at her, "You want to pay me back how about an evening of complete honesty to my questions?"

She looked at him and smiled, "All right."

He looked at her, "None of the other champions, even ones with procreation in the list, have been experiencing the hundred percent fertility rate correct?"

She nodded, "True."

He looked at her, "You know why it is occurring to me. Correct?"

She scrunched up her face, "Correct."

He looked at her, "Did Mother trick me into thinking she fixed that issue?"

She looked at Raven, "No. Not exactly. It was the first time she had done anything that complex. She thinks there was a second marker in your genes that got missed. She is not 100% sure which is why she has not tried to fix it again."

He looked at her, "She needs to try and fix it. That was part of the agreement."

He heard Mother, "I have to figure out which gene sequence it is."

He looked at her, "If it is not in the human side of it would have to be in the elven side of it."

Mother went through and looked at some stuff on that three-dimensional interface.

Mother went through everything and finally nodded. "Close. It is where the elven genes connected to the genes on the other side. It is a very slight change but with a big difference. I can fix this but only if I make you human or elven. Making you elven means giving up free will. The problem is the difference is in the merged genetic. It would mean going back to the pool.

Raven looked at her, "No. I won't give up my free will or my elven genetics. You need to fix the recharge rate on her pool. It should have been charged days ago but since you have been off visiting with other champions the pools rate has slowed."

She smiled, "There is some truth to that. It recharged faster when I am here."

He looked at her, "You owe me for this 100% fertility issue. Then there is Kerria, Brenda, and Trisha. Especially keeping it from me."

She looked at him, "What are you wanting?"

He looked over, "I do not want to confront Trisha. I just want to know she has come to terms with it."

Mother sighed, "They are still undergoing what you would call counseling but they are making progress. That is where they are right now. You giving her children has helped to elevate her spirits. The fact you and Brenda never connected that strongly helped. Now let us move off of that and deal with the fertility issue. I am sorry there are these hang-ups in modern humans."

He looked at Mother, "Good anal sex. How many centuries did it take for you to get over that hang-up? Brought to you by these modern humans with our hang-ups."

Myssara chuckled and Mother sighed, "Point taken. There is good and bad from each era."

Mary was present. He looked at her. Mary looked at him, "Is this about the fertility?"

He looked at her, "Yes. They cannot fix it unless they change me to be fully human or fully elven with no free will. Else I stay the same. That means going back in again."

Mary shook her head, "I do not want you going through that again."

He nodded, "I said the same thing. Given the option of no free will is not an option."

Mary hugged him, "I don't care that you get them pregnant in one shot or not."

He looked at the ladies, "Thank you for your honesty. I will not do that."

Mary was gone and he sighed, "This has been an enlightening and slightly gut-wrenching day."

He walked over and walked into the pool and 'rinsed off.'

The ladies looked on from the shore. Mother called out, "The pool still has several days to go."

He nodded, "I know no sex." He moved over to the falls and open his mouth and drank it in. Myssara watched in shock as he did this.

He looked at her shocked expression, "I have drunk the water before."

She nodded, "But that is straight from the source! Come out of the pool!"

He did as she asked and she checked him over. "You have an abundance of energy now."

Myssara took him to ground and mounted him as she moaned out, "Mother said it would be necessary."

She rode him hard and fast until he finally gave her 8 and shot 18 ropes instead. He felt the drain but it was mild.

Mother came over and repeated the process. She rode him through several climaxes as he slapped at her clit and tweaked her left nipple. He gave her 6 and she got 11. The drain hit again, and again it was mild. Myssara came over and went at it again. He rolled her over and pounded her for all he was worth. He tried to indent her into the ground and he shot 14 when he went for 10.

He held her under him, "Draining longer." She nodded. He felt it but it was once again mild. Mother stopped it, "Your energy is still high."

Mother sighed, "Shield your fall I am telling the others with champions to do the same." She put her hand on his stomach and concentrates. "You know what a gestalt is correct?"

He nodded, "Yes."

She looked at him, "For this life, you will be one with the two classes you have already chosen. You will be extremely powerful to your counterparts so be careful when you use it. Try not to go full bore. You need to get this character to level 20. Magus wizard at level six you can take on the Eldrick Knight levels you chose. Wizard is the class you would advance.

He nodded, "Logical choice If I am trying to draw power out. This character will be devastating if I unload."

She nodded, "I know, I believe this may be a permanent change to you. You will have to advance at the same rate as everyone else because we cannot adjust it to the individual."

Mother looked at him, "Great power must be tempered."

He nodded. "Any other changes occur."

She nodded, "Yes"

He looked at her, "What changed?"

She looked at me, "Another slight increase to all your statistics and your arcane focus that you could use twice you can now use three times and you have a slight divine boost to your saves and base attack bonus.

You truly are the hand of your goddess. After this life, you should go back to using the bow. I would even be inclined to changing your sword out to a bow in future lives."

He nodded, "I approve for the future. If I am running a gestalt then my last build would have been crippling. It might have saved a couple from dying. Can I merge prestige classes?"

She sighed, "I would not try it this life but possibly in a future life, Did you have something in mind?"

He nodded, "I was thinking to merge in Arcane archer with Eldrick Knight. Maybe next life, do Arcane Archer with Divine scion."

Mother looked at him, "That is over the top but I want to get you through this life so I will allow it. If it works and you are this way in future lives you will always be able to merge Arcane Archer into another prestige that is not in direct conflict.

You can start the progression as early as level seven. Your divine bonus to base attack will allow you to enter arcane archer at that point. It is actually the perfect prestige for your goddess. A champions boon after having 100 children with his goddess. You have 100 with her now. I think I will add that to all the champions over time.

None are as prolific as you are. It will take them a while to get to 100. You will also always have your hunting and knowledge nature skills no matter what class you play as though they are class skills. That about covers it. You continue to surprise."

He shrugged, "You have to remember I see it all like water. I have no concept of the pool versus the fall. It was not intended to gain more power just to be refreshing."

She smiled, "I know which is why I watched instead of just yanking you away. I could have stopped your trip into the pool but there was something that told me to allow it, to see what happened. It changes you and us. The dynamics are different now.

When I switch you to the bow it will be your signature weapon and will grow as you grow. It will look like an ordinary bow and become an Elven composite longbow that will adjust to the strength of your character once you begin traveling.

In towns, it will always look like a plain bow unless you use it in town. In fact, I want to start this life. I will take the sword away in the next life so you will have both this life. The children were sent to the guardians.

You gave me two more children, 1 of each. No returning here for a week of game time."

He looked at her, "Add identify, and gravity bow."

Myssara looked at him, "Always looking at the unusual. I like the new one. In fact, I love it. The Arcane Focus is your wedding ring again as it is a good choice."

He woke up to a climaxing halfling. As he unloaded into her. He looked at her and kissed her and whispered, "Nice wakeup call my, true love. You want to know why I waited?" She nodded.

He sighed, "I jumped into it the first time and lost her just as quickly. I needed to know I could keep you with me. That you would always be alright with sharing me with other women. It was more than the virginity issue. Then when you did that with the wedding rings, I knew it was long overdue."

She nodded, "I know and I love you for being sure first and not seeing me as a replacement." He kissed her warmly. They got up and she cleaned him up orally and then washed herself down in the basin while he studied and added that scroll of enlarge person to his spellbook. He looked at her, "Something happened after you left."

She looked over, "What happened? This another pool issue?"

He thought, "Myssara give her the specifics as my keeper of secrets. Ask her not to talk about it with the others."

Mary's eyes went wide and she looked at me and shook her head, "You did not need more power!"

He smiled, "I was not looking for more power, it just happened. I wanted to make you aware. Mother actually allowed it. Something told her to watch and see what happened. Probably something subliminal from the one who created her, not that I would throw that in her face. I simply wanted to make you aware. They also want us to get to level 20 this time. It is needed according to Mother. No further explanation on that."

She groaned out and nodded, "Thank you for not keeping it from me."

He nodded, "That means I am running two classes at the same time. Every time I level up I do so as a Magus and a wizard. When I get to prestige classes I will be Eldritch Knight and Arcane Archer.

Eldritch Knight over the wizard and arcane archer over the Magus. That deals with spells. That means I am deadly with swords, bows, and spells. I do not go full bore as I need everyone to learn and do their part. I have to temper it. I bring what is needed but everyone has to be able to do their job."

She nodded, "Alright. We better get started."

She looked at Raven, "They are already dressed and downstairs waiting for us."

She finished getting dressed. They picked up all of their gear and headed downstairs.

They grabbed a seat in the corner booth. Tawny sat on the outer edge with Brenda off to his left and Mary off to Raven's right.

Several starting to walk in. They were given meals and a drink from the bartender who was still doing a bit of hero-worshiping. Raven nodded at him. They sat for a while. He noticed a couple of ladies at the bar talking to the bartender and he looked in their direction. He sighed, "My reputation with that bartender is going to send them to me."

Mary laughed, "Good."

The two human ladies walked over, "We are putting together a group and the bartender told us what you did last night."

He smiled, "I thought I heard shuffling footsteps outside our room. I took 3 ladies to bed last night and had them every way I could fathom. We kept it short because we had to get up early."

She chuckled, "Let me guess a follower of Myssara."

He looked at her, "I have been blessed with skills that serve her needs. Also, the needs of any other woman who wants the pleasure of male company. The lady to my left is my wife and Cleric of Myssara."

She looked up, "You have a wife and you are fucking 3 women?"

He nodded, "I had a barbarian with a nasty disposition who tried to proposition me. I told him I do not do men. I was forced to take his sword away from him and he was determined for me to fuck him. I just fucked him up instead. Now his halflings wanted to know why I had all the women. How did that exchange go Mary?"

She smiled, "He turned to them and said he had my heart and a seven-inch cock. I told them 'a girl has to have her standards.'" The two of them laughed.

Raven motioned for them to sit. The one who has been doing all the talking, "The bartender said you were good with your sword, unarmed combat, and magic."

Raven shook his head, "That was really dirty fighting. Street fighting. You live on the streets for a while you pick up some bad habits. I crushed his nut with my knee, stepped on the insole of his left foot with my heal.

When he bent over in pain, I rammed my knee up and into his face breaking his nose. While my hand took his sword and I gave it to the bartender."

She looked at Raven, "You want to lead our group?"

He shook his head, "I have done the leader thing. I am all 'leader'ed' out, I leave the leading to someone else. What kind of job do you have?"

She looked at him, "We cannot tell you unless you join us. It is one of those classified jobs."

He looked at her, "How many do you have and are you the leader? What roles do you have filled?"

She looked at me, "We are still working out who the leader is. I got the quest but do not really know how to lead. I am a fighter and she is a ranger. He looked around the table. "Rogue, cleric, fighter, and magus.

As to leading, I can teach someone how to lead, at least the basics. I just will not be a party leader. That is not my goal in life. You know what I find worrisome is that you cannot tell us of your quest. I also find it intriguing. Introduction! I am Rainer Black. My wife Rhonda, and my true love Mary. Then Tawney our lovely elven Fighter and lover. The ladies are all bisexual and I am heterosexual. Your turn."

She looked shocked, "I am Jonni and this is Pine. As to orientation, we are still not sure. We enjoy each other's company but we have not tried a guy. We took each other's virginities. I took hers by accident so I let her take mine. That was a night of cuddling together."

He looked at her, "You two ever decide you want to know what it is like with a man. I and my ladies will be happy to show you. Regardless you need at least two others, especially if this is 'classified.' You also have to have a leader. You get those things and we will consider joining you depending on what the other two classes are."

She nodded, "You train leaders you say then what other classes would you get?"

He smiled, "Well I would find another arcane wizard or sorcerer. Maybe a second cleric or I hate to say it a paladin. Someone with a little back-up healing. A battle cleric is a great fit."

He saw a familiar dwarf walk into the bar. He looked at the ladies, "If you really want to get stretched out have sex with a dwarf. One just walked in. Make a fist and picture it as a circle. That is a dwarf.

They also are usually a fighter, rogue or battle cleric of some type. It might be worth talking to him. Wait, I think that is a dwarven female who just wrapped her arms around his neck. They might be a couple."

Jonni got up and walked over to them. She came back with them in tow, "A dwarven Battle cleric named Flar and a Dwarven Barbarian, named Anna."

He smiled, "You two are a couple?"

Flar nodded, "So don't be getting any ideas."

He smiled, "Not in this life. Do not want your wrath. You would likely lay down a curse upon me."

Raven laughed and he looked around, "Ladies should we join them?"

They all nodded." He smiled, "That takes care of that aspect the next question is while we still have a couple of hours on our room did you ladies want to find out what it is like with a man?"

They looked at each other and smiled. Jonni looked at him, "Sure. We should find out the answer to that question. He looked at the ladies and they smiled. Rhonda gave him a kiss on the cheek, "We are short on time so we will let you take care of them this time. Leave your pack and bow. He kissed her cheek. "I will be back in an hour or two."

The ladies smiled and Mary looked at him, "I know you will."

She tosses him the canister of lube. He looked at her, "You should pick up an extra of this."

She nodded, "I will."

He led the ladies up the stairs, "We were in that room until the barbarian put his foot through the door."

They looked at the hole. They walked into his room and he stripped out of his gear while they got undressed. They gasped when they saw his cock. He looked at them, "I know what I am doing with this. The canister contains a lubricant for when I do your probably still virgin asses. Like I said I know what I am doing, I could teach classes in this."

They giggled and stopped looking like trapped mice.

He walked over, "Who is going first because we are doing it all."

Pine looked at him, "You choose."

He took Pine's hand, "As you spoke up. Do you want to suck my cock now or after I pull it from your ass?"

She giggled, "Now." She got down on her knees and starts sucking and stroking. He kept the comments to 'watch the teeth' and 'just like that.'"

He looked down at her. "Swallow as much as you can."

She nodded and he shot 11 ropes into her mouth. She had some escape the corner, "Give her a good passionate kiss so you will know what it tastes like."

She came forward and the two of them start making out. He looked down, "Jonni, your turn." She looked shocked for a second. Then she took her turn.

He smiled, "She was first for blowjobs. You will be the first I do oral sex on. I will switch it around. You said it was my choice."

Pine giggled. Jonni listened to the instructions and he looked at her after 20 minutes, "I am cumming."

He shot 12 into her mouth and she started to choke so he backed out for the last 2 and put them over her tits. He looked at her, "Yes I cum a lot."

They giggled. He smiled and pointed, "Upon the bed facing me, and you Pine have some tits to clean up. Be sure to share with her."

They laughed and he got down between her legs. He saw her hymen was still intact. He slowly circled around her clit. Then he snuck attacked her ass send her moaning. He returned to her cunt and place his mouth over her pubic bone.

He sucked in the top of her cunt and tongue lashed her clit. She wailed. He kept going. She wailed louder and started shaking. He let her down easy. He looked at her, "I do alright on oral...for a man?"

She sprang up and kissed him full on the mouth. He pulled back, "Are you both virgins or just you Jonni? Your hymen is intact."

She looked down and he lifted her chin. "I have brought more pleasure to first-timers than I can shake a stick at. I will do you right. I just need to know because I have to be more cautious for the first time."

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