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Champion of the Goddess Pt. 02

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The Story of the Champion Raven continues.
69.9k words

Part 2 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 01/13/2020
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Champion of the Goddess, Part 2

Synopsis: This is a continuation of the New Game Master and Next Game Master series. The premise of the story will be lost to those who did not read the previous version. After a night of ups and downs, Raven was almost halfway back to level 20.

Raven was forced to restart a group at level 5 after decimating one of Myssara's quests. She broke them apart and now Raven had to move forward with less than half of his original group this life.

***Inspired by multiple fantasy environments. Not endorsed by any of them. © EmotionalStorm July 2020. This story cannot be transferred to any other site besides without the prior authorizations in writing from the author and EmotionalStorm must be credited for this work.

Authors Note: For those who have not read my bio, please note I write as a form of therapy for a Traumatic Brain Injury. I know the English majors will probably encounter issues that annoy them. If these are your focus, instead of the story itself, then this is not the story for you. I am not and will never be a professional writer.

I do it to tell the story, for those who wish to read them.


Raven looked at the ladies, "Ready to go up and have some fun? Could I have a dozen full waterskins please."

They got up and he slid out and walked upstairs. They got to the room and he used the chamber pot. They could smell the alcohol pouring out of him. Mary asked him, "How did you do that?"

He looked at her, "My constitution is in the upper limits. I do not even feel the slightest hint of being drunk. I think that is one of the side effects of being a champion."

He finished and jammed his ax under the edge of the door, the chair under the handle, and a dagger wedged in at the top of the door. He got undressed and the ladies beat him in getting clothes off.

He pulled out his twenty-sided die and handed it to them, "Figure out who is going first." They rolled the die and figured out the order. Rhonda then Mary. He looked at them, "One at a time, two in each, and then we will see who wants to go again. We are going to make some noise tonight."

That was exactly what he did. He ate them out, had them suck him off twice, fucked their cunts twice each, and then their asses twice each. All while he stood and banged them against the wall between their room and the next room over.

There were copious amounts of fluid on the floor from the female ejaculant, his cum, and even some of the lube all over the floor. While he worked one lady, the other kept busy with an extra set of roaming hands over the other's body. They both wanted another shot in the cunt but on the edge of the bed. He had them roll for order Mary first and then Rhonda.

He looked at Rhonda, "Two hot baths, in thirty minutes, someone to mop the floor and dry bedding in an hour and a half." She laughed and put her armor on.

She loves the new bracers. She heads out while he attacked Mary's cunt with long hard strokes. Rhonda returned with the bucket brigade as she climaxed and sprayed all over the room in front of them.

He looked at Rhonda, "Mary is full and she can have a seat on your face, so I can get started."

She nodded and willed her armor off in front of the girls. She laid down and Mary straddled her face and Rhonda dove up between the halflings legs while he started working on Rhonda's cunt. With the delays that occurred between women switching out and waiting on hot water, he got into Rhonda's cunt. She sprayed all over the room as he filled her. There was hardly a dry spot on the floor except under the bed. He looked over, "Mary take care of her then join me in the tub."

They got cleaned up and sat back and relaxed. Rhonda was in the other tub. They held hands across tubs when the ladies showed up with mops, buckets, and clean bedding. They spend 30 minutes in the room.

He got them out of the tub in 20 minutes and dried off. Rhonda got into sleep positions. Mary sat on the edge of the bed and the ladies cleaning the room looked at Raven like a piece of freshly cut meat. They finished up and took the washtubs out. He secured the room as before. He crawled into bed and Mary came over and laid on his chest and hugged him.

He asked, "Anyone feel like I did not satisfy them, let me know before I fall asleep? I will go for another hour with you."

They both laughed and kissed him good night. Then they went to sleep. He summoned his raven "Raven camp watch." His bird was out and watching over them. He laid back and was out.

He found himself in her inner sanctum. He looked over at her, "I am not supposed to be here until tomorrow."

She smiled, "Technically it is tomorrow 3 in the morning when your head hit the pillow."

Mother showed up, "Technically she is right but this was not what I said. Give her the information on leveling as you are not getting any closer to each other tonight."

He sighed, "Tactical Acumen, Pyrotechnics, diamond spray, and vampiric touch. I have a question about crafting. Do you allow it, and how can you do it with the pace of the quests you have?"

She looked at Raven, "Generally artificers can make objects. I do not typically allow characters to play enchanters. Magic items have to be found, bought, or commissioned."

He looked at her, "How do you commission something that takes a month but your character is three inns away at that point?"

She looked at him, "What are you wanting to create?"

He looked at her, "I thought of Wands and wondrous items. Not enough utility wands fall into my hands so I thought about crafting them."

She looked at him, "Define utility wands?"

He looked at, "Wands that allow me to buff myself, detect magic, proof against poison. The wondrous item would be at the next inn. The gloves I want to craft. They would take 14 days to craft that alone. We never stay put that long. Are we allowed to?"

She thought for a second before answering, "I allow some characters to do that but I need you active."

He looked at her, "I understand that need. I am going to make a suggestion to you. A magical shop outside the gate of the cities. It exists at all of the inns simultaneously. You go in by yourself, you are the only one in the shop. You go in with the whole party then you are there together.

We never cross boundaries but the enchanter can get anything you commission at one inn, you can pick up at another. You have worlds running at different temporal speeds so it is easy to consign the work to a world and pick it up a few hours later even though it took weeks to create. I would also reconsider the armor weight issue. They should weigh a few pounds at most.

Not all the time. like a bag of holding. What you are doing is making it so they will build up arm strength when their armor is off. On Earth, it is known as lifting weights. The amulet and ring we base the design on had zero weight."

She thought about that and Mother smiled at Raven, "He is making a good point. They cost less and it is a full-round vs an instantaneous. The cost is right. The weight is overkill on the item."

She looked at him, "They hold the weight of the armor for a few days until it attunes to the armor. So long as you do not change out armor the weight will drop to nothing when stored."

He nodded, "I can understand an attunement period penalty if you will for the new armor. What about the store?"

She looked at him, "The premise has possibilities. I am not sure about consigning the work to another world."

He looked at her, "You do not want players wasting in-game time crafting then those that enchant can come to an enchanters' workshop in the sleep state instead, a second option. They can only build one thing at a time and you oversee the work. Time stands still for them. They could be in the dream state for fourteen days with no time passing in-game.

You made the new strap-ons in the dream-state and brought them to the game in mass after a few days. Same premise. The problem is there are things others cannot craft for you. Like your arcane focus being enchanted just for you. For example, I would love to put gravity bow into my focus. It fits with being your champion. That would have to happen at level seven.

We will be between inns at that point. Three times a day quick action caster level seven. Two wands, one after the other. False life caster level five. I want to have something arcane for healing. We lost our cleric due to her working to save a rogue on that last life. She got too far ahead of the group and tried to keep her healed while in combat last life; that cost us greatly.

Wands of healing could be handled by the use magic device skill for some. That would be something Mary could do. Which is why I'd build two. As it stands right now, I'd likely let myself get killed to go back for Mary. We have no means of ensuring we stay together."

Mother spoke to him, "We need you moving forward, not backward."

He nodded, "Then you could do something like a shared life. Where we are bound to each other and our health is intertwined. This is something you could set up for your champions and their in-game mate if you will. The one who shares their secrets. I am making an assumption you are doing this with others."

Mother looked at him, "If we did this it would only be to your primary. You only have one primary."

He nodded, "Unless they move on and my secondary could be offered to become my primary."

She sighed, "This secondary, I would want to limit the number of lives they could run in that slot."

He sighed, "Like what?"

She looked at him, "Five lives."

He looked at her, "Six but one of those they could play a character who is a halfling; no dwarves for me. I like Lirana but I could not get into Anna's form and it is the only race I would not willingly have sex with. That and orcs or half-orcs. Not that I have seen any of those."

Myssara looked over, "No orc or half-orc players in my world. Just as there are no half-dragons either. There are worlds with those but this is not one of them."

Mother looked over, "Alright 5 fertile and one infertile life with you or a sixth fertile life if they choose it. We have to give them free will if they wish to play a female dwarf. Knowing you would not hook up with them and they would be ending their companion slot if they did so."

He nodded, "As I have not used it yet; I can work with that. For the secondary but not the primary. If Ersa or should I say Mary moves on then I select a new keeper of secrets. I should have the option of talking with them about any of those secrets that have already occurred. How would you do this shared life?"

She looked at Raven, "Whoever has the lowest both have. The remainder goes into a shared pool. They would have to kill you both. Right now, you would have more than Mary. She cannot heal points into the shared pool. Any temporary points, from false life, are applied to the pool. You would have to get healed over her to get you both healed up fully and restock your pool.

If you are both down and she is using a wand with UMD to heal then it is divided between you for each charge. You would have an invisible bracelet you both see to show you that you are connected. It would not count as a magical item as it is a divine connectional representation only for the players that are color-coded to reflect which one has the higher paired health."

Marry arrived and she brought her up to speed. Mary smiled, "I agree with him. That would be a great thing to try and keep us together."

Mother nodded, "You need to limit the halfling lives. One now and then. At some point after 10 lives if you are still with him. You would then be allowed another rest period if you will. Your selflessness was not unnoticed by us either. It was heartwarming."

She smiled, "I am not a fan of that but I will work with that restriction. I just needed a break after all of those failures giving me so many children. I needed a clean slate. Rhonda loves that you call her your wife in-game. She does not know of these slots and he has not talked with me about offering the other to anyone other than Blossom if he finds her."

Mother nodded. "Then we have an accord."

Raven sighed, "To a point, she is in the slot but the slot is assigned to me and you keep changing the rules around. I may object when the time comes and I reserve that right."

Mother and Myssara both rolled their eyes at his comment but let it go for now.

Myssara looked at him, "Why the sudden interest in crafting?"

He laughed, "Nothing sudden about it. Portable smokers, your altar, and the magical strap-ons. Hell even skis for the wagon. Give me a number on the birth rate increase in your world alone. Keep our Goddess children out of it for the moment."

She looked at Raven, "Overall about a 15% increase in the short term. Mainly from the introduction of the strap-ons and your virality. If we added in the children we kept here, that would go to 25%. If we add in the girls that would be 35%."

Raven looked at her, "How much better are people doing as far as reaching the different lives?"

Mother looked at Raven, "The level 20 lives are unchanged as of yet. Nothing to compare the others too but overall morale is up and frustration is down. That gives me hope this will work in the long run."

Myssara interjected a bit annoyed, "I am having to build more quests, starting points, etc. Getting back to your enchanting ideas. I have had very few inquiries about doing enchanting because of the pace of each life. I would rather you focus your feats in-game and buy what you need from the store."

He looked at her, "I could build 2 of those wands for the cost of one in your store. Money has been tempered greatly; which is not a bad thing. I advocated for that. But we are not getting the supplies we need from the enemies in the way of wands for either type of casters. Same goes for rods, staves, and potions."

Myssara was noticeably upset by that statement, "You would have found a lot of that stuff in the mine! If you had not managed to avoid the fight but still beat the quest! Yes, I am still a little annoyed by that as you got to level with no real combat."

He nodded, "Last life it was combat after combat, after combat, and then roleplaying my ass off. This time you got roleplaying from all of the party members. Critical thinking either learned or demonstrated by everyone. I gave you better players. Exactly what you wanted.

Exactly what Mother stated she wanted me to do. Now we have to start over just at level five, not a fair request as I had a killer group. If you do not allow player crafting that is fine. I am not asking for a special exception. In that case, I will take Creative destruction. Gives more temporary hit points."

Myssara sighed, "Finish your thoughts on this store."

He looked at her, "This dimensional store I mentioned, they do not sell at the cost but one and half times cost instead of double. A discounted cost. Discount Interdimensional Emporium. Or the 'DIE' store."

He got them all laughing. "For consignments, a week is a day. The cost would be 25% higher. So if it cost 20,000 to make. The store would normally sell it for 40,000. In this case. Because it was a consignment, it would be 50,000 for the item."

She looked at Raven, "I like this store idea but why outside the city?"

He smiled, "Because it is impervious to attack, so the thieves' guild of a town could never steal from it. If surrounded it could simply move to a new location a few hundred feet away. A local Baron or Countess could not offer credit at it.

No town could tax it. It is convenient for the player and the character. Anyone who tries to attack from inside it would find themselves ejected from the tower at a great height as each entry is essentially an extra-dimensional space as a mansion spell; except it can let you out at ground level or the tip of the tower. If it kicked you from the tower in this manner and you live you cannot reenter.

Not with that character for the rest of that character's life. EVEN if you restart as Flar did. Consignments are non-refundable or transferable so you would lose any money spent."

She looked at Raven, "Give me an example of something you would commission today."

He looked at her, "Gloves, Gravity bow, three times per day caster level five. Cost to craft 4,000 gold pieces. Normal store value, 8,000 gold pieces.

The store commissioned item makes it 10,000 gold pieces. Days to craft 4 which is a next day item from the store. Else they could craft it for 4,000 gold pieces but be parked in an inn for 4 days. If they failed to craft it then another 4 days."

Mother looked at Raven, "We can try a trial of this store on a few different worlds and see how it goes. I would leave it up to each goddess to decide if they will allow it in their world. Other worlds allow crafting and you know this."

She nodded, "Which is why I wanted to hear this through. I will give this a shot and see how the players respond. You will find your gloves in your bag. Along with one wand of false life caster level five. A thank you for getting me another leader started, for finding the major flaws in the mine quest, and an apology for being forced to start over yet again."

He smiled, "Thank you, My love. Now how about a cure light wand for each of the ladies, one can use it and one can UMD it. You forced this starting over on them as well."

Myssara rolled her eyes and nodded, "Fair point."

Mother smiled, "Goodbye, Lover."

He awoke in the morning and prepared his spells. He looked at the others who were slow to wake this morning.

He smiled, "Did I wear your asses out?"

The two of them nodded and laughed. He looked at them "We have shopping to do so meet me downstairs. We should have a new store just outside this town."

Rhonda looked at him, "Is this the DIE store she told me about in the dream?"

He nodded, "Yes, I had a discussion on crafting. Very long discussion on crafting. That led to the Discount Interdimensional Emporium."

She laughed, "She did not spell it out. What is the discount for?"

He looked at her, "Wands, scrolls, and potions. The consumables of the world. The ability to have stuff crafted is a bit higher but much faster. Like these."

He pulled out the new gloves and put the wand on his belt. Rhonda looked at him, "What do the gloves do?"

He smiled, "Gravity bow 3x a day at caster level 5. You both got a cure light wand for having to start over again with me. I gave her a hard time about that yet again.

As to the gloves, instead of my arrows doing a d-8 in damage, they can do 2x d-6 in damage. The wand is false life, it will add temporary hit points. Along with the feat I took which will do the same thing, temporary hit points. It is based on evocation spells I cast. It will never replace healing but it will buy time in a big battle."

Mary nodded, "Use magic device on healing wands."

He smiled, "That is your area and why I suggested that one for you. We are both more on the front line this time. We have to do what we can to save Rhonda some work."

Rhonda nodded, "I was surprised at how little we had in the way for combat."

He dismissed the bird.

He smiled, "Because we destroyed her mine quest. Apparently, you did not get called in for interrogation like some of us did. I told her what kind of changes she needed to make. She is still pissed about that. God's is she pissed about that."

They both had gotten dressed and Rhonda finished getting her prayers in. They grabbed their gear and headed downstairs and grabbed the tail end of the morning meal. He ate with the ladies when a half-elven and halfling woman approached the table.

The halfling female looked at Raven, "We heard the noise you were making and we don't believe it."

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