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Champion of the Goddess Pt. 04


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Lirana nodded. "I could tell. Nice change for me actually."

He laid her out on her bed and made love to her for an hour and figured out every spot that really turned her on. He asked her. "I want to keep this intimate so I am not going for the really big climax on this one more of a mutual."

Lirana smiled and kissed him as he picked up speed and she screamed into his mouth and locked down on him. He gave her 21 into the cunt. He finished and smiled, "There should be a child or 10 in there."

She laughed and he smiled. Lirana looked at him, "You gave someone 10?"

He nodded, "The Goddess."

He thought, "How many for her?"

He heard her giggling, "7 identical. Boys. You are hearing this, both of you."

She looked shocked, "On Earth that is dangerous."

He smiled, "Not here. You can die and still have them at the previous inn without injuring them. Done right, a delivery provides no complications. I hope Myssara gave the one who did Nina's delivery both barrels."

He started up again at a faster pace and Lirana looked at him, "You going to rock my world?"

He smiled, "If you want me too."

She shook her head. "You already have."

He smiled and built her up to a big one and leaned back on her and she screamed out and was fighting it. He blew across her clit. She exploded on him and then he did the same into her for 17 more ropes. He grabbed the lube and started to work her ass open. There was a knock on the door and it was Mary. He looked at her, "Just in time, She has an extra full cunt and an ass to prepare. We had to talk about what the goddess did and did not tell her."

Mary nodded, "So she got the oral out of the way and now you just need her ass?"

He nodded, "The others back?"

She smiled, "15 minutes ago. We were playing around and I told them I better help you along if we are going to eat together tonight."

He smiled, "Did you enjoy your alone time."

She smiled, "It was nice to have a little one on one time with the new girl. She has mad oral skills."

He nodded, "Lirana has her beat, she is trying to catch the goddess in oral."

Mary looked up and smiled, "When she is ready, I am going to find a comfortable seat then."

He smiled, "Lirana, She sits on your face you keep going until I climax in your constricted ass."

She smiled, "Being tightened up takes me back."

Mary went to work on both areas and he lubed up his cock and as soon as she had it wide enough, he slid in as Mary's fingers came out. She looked at Raven, "She constricted on your cock with my finger in there she would cut it off."

He shook his head, "Wrong girl. That is Blossom with the cunt and Orchid on the ass."

Mary laughed as Raven started stroking into Lirana's well-prepared ass. He got up a good head of steam and started jackhammering her after the second time Mary passed out.

She slid Mary off to the side. Lirana started to constrict. He focused on the upper wall and she moaned out, "Again?"

He slapped her clit a few times and she washed over him with her ejaculation. It shot all across the room.

He came in her ass with a dozen. He did not slow down. In fact, he sped up more and she looked at him wide-eyed. She clamped down on him and wailed out a moan. He rubbed her clit which caused her to constrict that much more. He shot ten more into her ass.

Raven looked at her, "Now the one woman who owed me her ass has paid her dues. Was it good enough to come back for?"

Lirana smiled and nodded, "You ruined me after that night on the altar. I could never get it out of my mind."

He slid the chamber pot into positions and he pulled her up toward himself, "I could not destroy group dynamics just to have you when you were with someone else. A few someone else's. If you had been unattached it would not have stayed that way."

She kissed him passionately as he slid her over the chamber pot. He uncorked her ass and let it flow and let his cock flow as he pissed into the pot at the same time. She laughed. He went to stand and she sucked him back into her mouth and brought him off again in five minutes and he shot fifteen down her throat. He cleaned up with the washbasin and she did the same while Mary came too.

She looked over, "I missed it?"

He smiled, "She let you off the ride after the second time you passed out."

Mary smiled, "Those two are going to be favorites in this group."

He smiled, "Armor on. Get washed up and I will make sure they are dressed next door."

She nodded and the 2 ladies spent time washing each other as he left. He got back to his room and geared up and the ladies saw him back. He smiled, "Group meeting as soon as the other 2 get here. Please wrap up, clean up, and we will talk. Blossom, how much money do I have?"

She smiled, "Your wife has it."

He looked at Rhonda, "Another 73,000."

He looked at Blossom, "What did you learn?"

She sighed, "Winding hills leading into the foothills. The had 4 settlements that have been getting raided for supplies for some ogre chieftain. They do not believe he is behind the attack but lower down in the pecking order.

The odd thing is the attackers have been on foot but they have been unable to track them. The road is not defined well but does exist. They have stopped shipping supplies up there at the moment. I was thinking we forgo the wagon."

Raven looked at her, "Where the supplies attacked in route or at the destination?"

She looked at Raven, "Both."

He looked at her, "Get a second wagon and we make it look like a caravan escort for a couple of supply wagons. See what we get."

Blossom smiled, "Have them chase us."

He nodded, "Away from civilians in these villages. Get supplies for the village with some of the extra gold to stock the wagons. We will not be the military but a small group. Hell, if we can see them coming, we could travel with armor stored. Make sure you have a months' worth of dry rations. Do we get to the next inn before this abandoned city? I need to see that captured spellbook Blossom."

She pulled it out and he marked four spells, "We need to look to add these four spells to our books."

She looked at them and seemed curious and nodded, "Can you explain?"

He nodded, "Yes the first is so we can track the enemy if they escape, the second is to prevent them from escaping, and the last two sound like fun to try and capture and interrogate one of them." She nodded. Mary and Lirana walked in.

Raven smiled, "First off I have one more item to order. I would recommend it to each of you. The thing that killed a lot of our party last life was the lack of deathward or deathless if you will on armor. When we had a big undead quest.

This one sounds like we will have a few high-level casters. It is three times a day for a two-minute duration each. A deathless item, like the armor upgrade but crafted onto something else. It will help the clerics if everyone has one. Did you get my clothes?"

Blossom smiled, "Your wife has them. Along with your two wands."

He looked at Blossom, "Give the Paladin Rose, the Skymetal armor she has been drooling over."

Rose started undoing her armor. The ladies laughed. He walked over and she had four vests including one in black leather and mithril buckles.

He smiled, "This I will enchant for that item."

He gave her a warm and passionate kiss.

She smiled. He changed clothes and had a hard time getting them to leave him alone but got his pants on and it calmed a bit.

He sighed, "I think my cock is an aphrodisiac to you ladies."

They laughed. He put on the silk shirt and dark burgundy vest. They looked at him and smiled. He smiled back, "Make them think I am without armor."

He geared up and they smiled, Blossom commented, "You look good made up."

He smiled, "Good. Short of dropping my pants, I want them to know why I have so many ladies in my bed. I assume the two new ladies have passed the audition stage?"

Mary asked, "When did you get storing bracers."

He smiled, "Ask Myssara about it."

She went glassy-eyed for a minute and then smiled, "Clever. Very clever."

He grabbed his bow and stored it. She looked at Raven, "Alright, the first time you have done that!"

He nodded, "Ask Myssara."

She smiled again, "Nice modification."

He looked at them, "Sleeping arrangements. We tend to share one big bed. Which we will do tonight. On the night of the deliveries, my place will be in the room with the mothers. Then mothers get pregnant again the following night.

Blossom we need 2-3 more for the party and if you want them in our bed that is up to you ladies."

She smiled, "More playmates for Mary and I. I approve."

Raven smiled, "I am trying to be fair with my time and I know that I will be needed here when the 5 ladies give birth. Mary can take Rhonda to a room and before the night is out we will know who has paired up with who on the ladies.

I am betting Lirana will hook up with Nina or Mary. Orchid and Rose are attached at the hip. I will tell you Nina and Lirana have the best oral skills. I want them doing each other tomorrow night and see who outlasts who. They both venerate Myssara." The ladies laughed.

He smiled, "I have done my duty and the two new ladies are pregnant which means they can enjoy the toy. Mary is the only one right now that cannot be penetrated in the cunt by it, she can put a toy or fist in the one that goes into her cunt so she can wear hers. Until the other three ladies are pregnant again the strap on is best left in the box on the fourth night. Anyone have an issue with this arrangement?"

He got a bunch of shaking heads. "I will talk with the expecting mothers if they want to go again that night or in the morning. Regardless we should not be disturbed if possible. Tonight, I have more cunts to nail yet. Unless Blossom adds more to our stable."

The ladies laughed. "I got my hand into Kerria's ass. So if someone wants to try fisting who did not get to last time then this is your night."

Nina asked, "Why all of the fisting activity?"

He smiled, "Variety for your strap-ons. The device will remember the last six things inside of you except me. The main cock is always present and designed from mine. I helped the Goddess design it the night I took Brenda's virginity last life. We built a better strap-on. Myssara can you put one of the old strap-ons designs into Nina's backpack."

She walked over and pulled it out and looked at it. "It is not magical?"

He nodded, "You are correct. It does not ejaculate, into your partner, your cunt, or your ass."

She threw it on the floor, "Thank you for the new design. I have not really used it except once on the thief. That was when he took lubricant seriously as I gave it to him as he gave it to me."

The ladies laughed. Raven smiled, "I have no desire for a cock in my ass, not even my own."

The ladies laughed and he headed for the door. They got out and locked the door. Not that they left much in the room. He handed the key to Blossom and she smiled. They walked down and the corner booth had been left vacant again. They walked over and sat down. Raven called out, "Ten evening meals, fruit, wine, and two rounds of ale for the ladies and 6 more meads for me."

He summoned his Raven and had it find the perch it had before. People sat and stared at the bird or them. A very large barbarian male human came toward them with a half dozen other fighter types with him. He looked at Raven, "They say you are the Raven. Prove it!"

He smiled, "Why don't we start with something simple. Repeat after me. I am the Raven."

He tried and could not get past the, "I am..."

Raven looked at him, "Myssara made it so nobody can claim to be me, but me. If you continue to persist you might find that you start choking on the very word you are wanting to get out."

He sent a message to the Bird. The bird squawked and got everyone's attention. It then spoke, "The Rapping and tapping you hear is a signal that you are close to death. He is the Raven. Shake his hand and walk away." He started tapping on the shelf he was perched upon.

The Barbarian looked at Raven. He was angry but Raven extended a hand and as expected the barbarian went for a death grip. He did not disappoint. Raven squeezed back until he heard bones snapping in his hand. He wailed out, "I give!"

He released him, "I have a very good cleric here who can fix that hand. Take me up on the offer."

Rhonda stood and grabbed the man's hand and set the bones. She then healed him up and Raven looked at him, "I am a Magus this life. Imagine what I could do as a barbarian."

He turned white and left with his group. He looked at them, "There will always be one who challenges the assumption. A benign test, a warning, and then a feat of strength. If he persisted, I would have had to kill him."

Rhonda looked at him, "You broke five and cracked two other bones in his hand. You had me heal him up why?"

He smiled, "I only responded to what he tried. I wanted him walking away knowing that Myssara is not malevolent but she does not take insolence well. As such I have to present those qualities. He got the answer he was looking for. He brought backup, in case you all decided to unload on him. Once they saw this was not bullshit they backed off."

She nodded. "I get what you are saying."

His raven alerted him telepathically, "Hafling looking to attack you."

He turned His attention and a male halfling on the other side of the room threw a dagger and hits him in the shoulder, He summoned his bow and fired three shots in rapid succession. He looked at the Innkeeper, "You wish to send for a guard now? It would be advised. I claim the spoils from the dead would-be assassin. Ladies do not heal me until the guard arrives. The blade was poisoned and it does not affect me."

They nodded. Others looked at the halfling pinned to the wall. One through the chest, one through the head and the third in his groin. The guard came in and looked at the guy and walked over to Raven nervously. Raven pulled the dagger from his shoulder and slid it across the table to him. "Poisoned blade."

The guard looked at it, "Highly toxic poison. This stuff kills in seconds and most do not survive a second with it in the blood let alone the time you have had it in you."

Raven nodded, "I knew it was poisoned. To satisfy so many women, I have extremely high stamina and constitution so I was not worried about a poisoned blade. Leave the body until we finish eating. We will search his body, strip him down, and throw him out the door for you to take away.

The guard nodded, "Yes Raven."

They finished eating and he looked at the innkeeper, "Another round of drinks for us and those here. On me."

He smiled and the bar was rushed. The waitress looked at him, "You that capable in bed?"

He sighed, "Ladies show of hands of who is pregnant right now by me."

She watched the hands go up and she looked at him, "You just met those 2 earlier. They have been here for a few days. I have been trying for 6 years to have a child. I figured he was using some kind of infertility item or potion."

He looked at her, "I have, fucked a woman who was infertile to fertile. Then with child; 8 to be exact."

She looked at him, "So if the problem is mine you could fix it?"

He looked at Rhonda, "Check to see if she is infertile."

She stuck her hand over her stomach, "She is infertile."

He asked her, "Who is your mate?"

She looked over, "The innkeeper. Garland."

Raven looked at Rhonda, "Go and check him?"

She got up and went over and came back. "He is the same."

Raven nodded, "A chance to do a double test. If you want me to fix your fertility you will be pregnant with my children. We could try and have Garland fuck you right after me and see if it fixes his infertility.

Never tried that before. But it would be an interesting test the goddess would appreciate as the lust is driven into her. While your cunt is still full of my cum if it has an effect on his male capability. Talk it over with him."

She nodded and walked off and talked to him for several minutes having other waitresses fill drink orders. Garland walked over, "You have made an infertile woman fertile?"

He nodded, "Twice that I know of. I would take Rhonda with me to monitor her and leave her to check you afterward. I just prefer to be the only cock in the room if you will."

He nodded, "So you want me to wait outside while you fuck my wife."

He looked over, "Rhonda is my wife, this halfling is my True Love. They have followed me into this life from the last life, all of us changed forms. They support me and I procreate with any woman who asks. So long as it does not fuck with party dynamics or the jealous husband."

He nodded, "We should try it."

Raven nodded, "Lirana will stand outside the room we use as we have 3 here among us. You come up in 45 minutes. I will keep filling her up to see if it fixes her. I do not do men but if they fuck their spouse after me that is their business. Again, Rhonda can check you to see if it made any change in a male. This is a test we have never tried."

He nodded, "I understand."

He looked at the ladies, "Mary and Nina, I leave the pinned assassin in your hands. Blossom, You have two or three more spots to fill. Anything but two rogues and no male halflings. The ladies like their toys on the road. The rest of you I will see in the room once I am finished with achieving the lady's goal."

They smiled at him. Mary whispered into Nina's ear and her eyes went wide and she nodded in understanding.

He got up with Lirana and his drink in hand. He dismissed the raven. The innkeeper's wife walked with Rhonda.

He walked to Nina's room and went inside, "This is the paladin's room. She keeps nothing in here anymore."

Lirana stood outside the door. He looked at Rhonda, "Help her get comfortable. Rhonda helped her out of her clothes and He worked on his pants as she laid back with a bushy cunt. He called over, "Rhonda, make sure she is ready for me."

Rhonda smiled and dove between the lady's legs and ate out her hairy cunt for several minutes until he walked over. She moved out of the way and the lady looked shocked, "I have never had a woman do that. My husband will not do that."

Raven nodded, "He might have a mistress who could help you with that. Do not know, but she could become your mistress as well if he does."

He smiled, "Shave the hair off and see if he is more agreeable after he can see what he is eating. That was why I asked Rhonda to do it. Trimmed I will do, bald is preferred."

He reached over and kissed the woman, "I never make a woman pregnant without kissing her first. He slowly slid into her near virginal cunt. He worked down until he was buried. He looked at her, "This will not be the most comfortable position but it gives you the best chance at everything."

She nodded. He grabbed her legs and handed them to her and proceeded to fuck her slowly and then harder and faster. After her third climax, He released a dozen into her and then kept going to her shock. He looked at Rhonda, "Monitor."

She went over and checked and smiled, "Two sets of twins. Two boys and two girls."

He kept on fucking her through a couple more climaxes and gave her 18. He started again. He gave her another 10 and then shot the last 8 on her chest. He looked at her, "Check her again. I will give him instructions but I am leaving that there for him."

She looked at Raven, "You expect him...?"

He shrugged, "I do not know if any of this will work on him. Keep your legs up." Rhonda cleaned up his cock and helped Raven get dressed.

Rhonda spoke, "You added a set of triplets to the count, all boys."

He stepped out the door as Garland approached. Raven looked at the innkeeper, "She is in there with Rhonda. She has two sets of twins of each sex and a set of triplets all boys. If you have a mistress you might want to have her join both of you in bed.


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