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Champion of the Goddess Pt. 04


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Nina shook her head, "He played no part at all. He left me fighting and went for help. At least that is what he said he was doing."

Raven thought, "Is that what he did?"

Myssara sighed, "No, he got to a safe distance and took them out from range as they ate her body. He called out about 10 minutes after he killed half of them."

He stroked her faster and Nina was close. He went shallow and deep for 20 minutes and she looked at Raven, "What are you doing?"

Raven smiled, "This."

He leaned back and stroked across her G-spot as her mouth went open to scream and her hands gripped the sheets. A few minutes later she screamed her head off as she opened the fire hydrant on him and unloaded both ejaculant and piss. He slammed forward and came and it was 24. He thought, "Something else is wrong as she just lost bladder control."

Myssara sighed, "She has had that problem this life. Not very often."

Raven asked, "She pregnant?"

Myssara seemed perplexed. "Something is going on with her eggs are fertilizing but not attaching. They are floating away."

He backed out, "Mother can you fix her? This sounds like a genetic deformity."

Mother came back, "It is not a deformity but she needs to enter a sleep state so I can examine her closely."

He looked at her, "Close your eyes and sleep. There is another problem and they can only look to fix it when you are asleep."

Nina nodded and closed her eyes and Mother came back, "I want the guardians head who worked on her last delivery. He or she left some of our specialized tools inside. I have removed them and repaired the damage but she is once again a virgin. Could not be helped as she is in her first life in this world."

Nina woke up and she looked at Raven, "Some lady explained it to me. It was not the goddess."

Raven nodded, "I know that was Mother Creator. The one from the announcement. She told you that your virginity had to be put back in place to fix this. This is your first life in this world."

Nina nodded, "She told me. You talk with her?"

Raven smiled, "I work for her. I work for and with Myssara. I talk with them all the time except during combat though they have asked me what the fuck was I thinking a couple of times."

Nina giggled. He lined up and laid over her body and measured off. He passed through and she grabbed the blankets and clenched her fists and then she relaxed.

Nina looked at him, "Not as bad as the last time."

Raven nodded, "I have done probably a 100 virgins. I give lessons on it."

Nina laughed and then she realized he was serious. He sawed back and forth until he was buried.

He looked at her, "Before I continue. Your last man set you up to die. Probably for the two issues I found that we have resolved. I will never do that to you. Myssara will keep a special eye on you with each delivery to ensure you never experience that again."

Raven heard, "I will do that as I am having words now with the guardian who botched it and nearly sent her into suicide."

He looked at her, "Myssara has confirmed to me what I just told you."

Nina nodded, "So he wanted me dead?"

Raven sighed, "This happens on Earth a lot. When men or women cannot deal with a physical problem and stick by their partner. I am not that kind of man."

He worked her slowly and kissed her tears away and whispered, "I cannot help but love the women I do this with especially the virgins. I am sorry you had these problems and I am grateful that I was able to help you get them fixed. Now we are going to make you pregnant again."

Raven thought, "Myssara, you owe her. You let her know she will be with me next life if she wants that."

He heard Myssara sigh, "Alright, I will because I can tell you are hurting for her."

He looked down at her and slowly built up speed and she moaned softly. He went faster and faster. She climaxed on him and locked down.

He slid forward and gave her 20. She shook with each one and finally, she passed out on him.

Raven looked at Mary, "She will be with us next life if she chooses it. Myssara feels horrible for what she was put through."

Raven thought, "She pregnant?"

Myssara sighed, "Yes she has six but she is wanting to kill herself again."

Raven thought, "Bring me to the two of you."

He was in her sanctum and the girl was curled up and crying. He curled up behind her and held her. Raven whispered to her, "We have 6 children on the way."

Nina sighed and cried, "I don't want more children. I want to die."

Raven asked her, "You mad at me for telling you?"

Nina shook her head, "No you were honest. My issue is with that shitbag."

Raven smiled, "That I can take care of. Myssara, bring that shitbag here."

Nina looked at Raven, "You can do that?"

He looked at Myssara, "She can. Bring his party leader too."

Myssara sighed and nodded, "I want to see where this goes. Shit bag first."

He nodded. A man appears before him. He put him into a sleeper hold and knocked his ass out. He dragged him over to the wall and stood him up, "Shackle. Hands and feet with legs spread."

Myssara shackled him up and Raven slapped his face awake. He looked at Raven as he spoke to him, "Two guesses who I am."

He looked at Raven, "Your Raven."

Raven looked over, "Want to take a guess who that woman over on the ground is? Bring him."

Another man showed up. He looked at him, "I am Raven and I have a bit of a situation on my hand which you are going to help me resolve. If you are willing."

He looked at Raven, "If I can."

He looked over, "Nina, come over here."

The guy looked over, "Nina?!"

He pointed at the next wall, "What level are you?"

He looked at Raven, "We are closing in on level 15 we are hoping to hit the inn by nightfall. He looked over at Myssara, "Give the leader here the events leading up to and the actions taken by shitbag."

She nodded and the leader looked at Raven, "This is him against the wall?"

Raven nodded, "Yes."

He looked at Raven, "She is a damned fine paladin and he has been a creepy-ass rogue since we picked him up at the first inn. Those two hooked up there. She ended up pregnant. Gave birth at the second inn. Then after we left things started going to shit between them."

He walked over to shitbag, "I am not allowed to kill you here. If I could I would."

He looked white as he saw the Goddess staring at him from the background.

He looked at Nina, "There are a few things I know about the dream state that a lot do not. You get a woman pregnant here and she is pregnant in-game. You fuck her for 4 hours here and she can barely walk in-game. It only stands to reason that the same holds true to a male who gets his nuts crushed by the woman who he set up to die."

The guy looked wide-eyed, "Why are you doing this to me?"

Raven looked at him, "IF I had known what you did before I would have paid you a visit before now. As it is now, she is in the party I am with. She is carrying 6 of my children. She is a wreck because she learned of your betrayal of her."

He looked at Raven, "That is your problem."

Raven kicked him in the stomach. He leaned in, "You should hear everything before you try and speak again. She was a mess after giving birth to your offspring because something went wrong. She was not healed correctly. I found out what the underlying issues were.

She was so devastated that you left her behind by getting her killed she thought of killing herself. I talked her out of it. You heard of that meeting with 22,000. She was one of them. She is in Myssara's world, which means she is in my world.

You could not deal with the situation. You could not man up and say I am a piece of shit that cannot handle a relationship at any level. I seem to remember you. He is a first lifer, isn't he?"

Myssara nodded. "In that graduating class. Just as she was."

He looked at Nina, "His balls are yours."

He signaled the party leader and he walked him over with him while Nina ranted at him and kicked him in the balls several times. He looked at him, "Did he pull his weight or spend a lot of time hiding from battle and responsibility?"

He looked at Raven, "He has been a do-nothing shit. I was planning on dumping him at the next inn."

Raven looked at him, "If you feel like running his cowardly and killer ass through before you get any closer, I would not blame you. Be sure the clerics stay away from him if you do. Tell them you just had a heart-to-heart with the goddess and Raven. They brought the circumstances of Nina's death to light. If you decide to take that route. You do have free will after all."

He smiled, "No. You just gave me the excuse to deal with his whiny ass. He will be on his way back."

He looked at Myssara. "I have never died. When they are sent back, where do they come in at?"

She smiled, "Just up the road."

He looked at her, "I want his ass!"

He walked over and grabbed Nina by the arm, "Lover we need to go now and prepare ourselves."

She sighed, "Thank you for this."

She kicked him in the balls one more time. He looked at Myssara, "Give the 2 of us a head start, and then send them back."

She nodded, "You got it, my love."

He smiled at her and they were back in the room he stood, "Armor on." He grabbed his sword, bow, and ammunition. He looked at her. "Guess who is coming back to this inn?"

She smiled, "Will he be limping?"

Raven nodded, "If he can walk."

She looked up, "Armor on."

He looked at Mary who threw clothes on and Lirana looked at Raven, "Something good?"

He nodded. They headed out the door and Mary followed with no weapons.

He thought, "When you send him back to level one, make him a needle dicked halfling fighter."

He heard Mother laughing, "You might make him suicidal."

He thought back, "Cannot save them all. You told me that."

He heard them both laugh and they walked toward the edge of the road, "When we find him, keep your weapon sheathed. I have a couple of spells."

She nodded, "Will they hurt?"

He smiled, "I did not say you could not knock him down and step on his nuts some more."

She looked ahead and smiled. There he was. Crawling. She got to him and kicked him in the face and she threw his ass closer to the wagon. He was devoid of gear, he tried to get up and run and she caught him square in the nuts putting him close enough. Raven looked at Nina as she had hold of his nuts and squeezed.

Raven held up a hand, "Back away from him."

She did as he cast pyro technique eruption on him and he was screaming and the flames stayed with him until his body was a burnt husk.

He looked at the crowd that gathered, "A murder that the goddess asked me to deal with. Myssara said that I must allow this paladin to kick the shit out of him before killing him. This one, the scumbag, killed a paladin of the same order."

Nina looked at Raven and walked over. She smiled, "Thank you."

Mary walked closer and walked away before she could see too much, she looked at Raven, "Who was that?"

He looked at her, "A slimy rogue who set her up to be killed. Her ex-boyfriend."

Nina looked at Raven, "I cannot wait to see that spell on the enemy."

Raven smiled, "You just did. That means you are going to stick around for that?"

Nina nodded, started to cry, and jumped into his arms. He carried her back inside and back to the room. Raven sat her down and Mary sighed, "He was that bad?"

They heard Myssara, "All of your party is hearing this. The one responsible for killing Nina has been dealt with and he was killed twice. Once by his party leader and once by Nina and Raven. Raven's pyro technique eruption. The shit is back at level one as a halfling needle dicked fighter. With another human mage with a halfling cock.

Nina is not hearing this part and nobody is to tell here. To answer Mary, Yes, he was that bad. He let her get torn apart and devoured by animals. What she did not know was he had poisoned her food and she became lethargic during the attack. Unable to defend herself.

It was 6 bears he woke up from hibernation by shooting one of them. This was just days before they would have exited on their own. He is stuck in this current life and has to get to level 20 before he can move to a new world as I do not want him sticking around after this. He screws up once more and he is energy and I told him that."

He looked at the ladies, "Store armor." Mary looked at him with concern. He waved her over.

He whispered, "She was wanting to kill herself again. Instead, I gave her an outlet for her rage. Where it belonged."

Mary smiled and then kissed him, "That sounds more like you, why the spell?"

He chuckled, "I wanted him to go to the fires of the 9 hells."

She nodded. He walked over, "Mary you are going to have to redo her ass as she went virginal before becoming pregnant with 6."

Mary smiled and walked over and lubed up her hand and she looked at her, "You know what is coming lover. Bend over the bed."

He dove between Lirana's spread legs and sent her over the edge a dozen times. He backed away as Raven heard Nina climax and moaned loudly. Raven moved over and slid into Nina's ass as Mary's hand exited. Her anal ring collapsed down onto his cock. She knew he was in her.

She looked over at him, "I have not had much experience with anal sex. What I have had has not been good."

He smiled. "You just climaxed with a halfling arm halfway up your ass. I think you will enjoy it with us."

She giggled as he started stroking into her and was fully seated in her ass. He picked her up, "Straighten your legs. She complied and he rotated her so she was on her back and she moaned throughout the turn. She looked up at him, "That was new and not unpleasant."

He smiled and looked over, "Mary lube up my right hand."

He slowly stroked her ass and she had a series of small trembling orgasms. He looked at Mary as she finished and smiled, "Now you bend over the bed, my mischievous little lover. Lirana, Nina still has some leaking from her cunt if you want it."

He sped up as everyone went to work. It took a good 20 minutes to prep Mary's ass and Lirana climaxed 3 times from Nina's oral ministration. He had a good pace going. Nina finally clamped down on him.

He slid forward with his cock while he slid his hand into Mary's ass. He quickly made a fist inside of Mary as he shot off 11 into Nina's ass.

He gave a couple of small twists of the hand inside of Mary. She sprayed all over the bed as she climaxed. He pulled her back with his hand still in her and kissed her. He looked at her, "The first halfling I have had a fist in there ass this life."

Raven looked at the 2 other ladies, "Be careful what you do with Orchid and Blossom. Orchid spent 10 minutes with her ass constricting my cock. Blossom thrashed about and crushed my hand when I put it into her cunt. She broke bones in my wrist. I had to use the gaseous form spell to get it out."

Lirana laughed, "A couple of real wild cats then."

He smiled. He started stroking again but he went for the quick kill as he twisted around inside Mary the whole time. Mary was getting unsteady on her legs. He pushed her back to the bed and gave her a few good pumps, straightened out my hand, and went deeper into Mary. She locked down on him and moaned out a long hard climax. Nina did the same on his cock and he gave her 8 ropes at that time.

He slowly extracted his hand from Mary and she was out of it.

He looked over, "Lirana. This one needs a chamber pot for her awaiting deposit. I pull out like this now and she is likely to shoot it across the room."

Lirana moved the chamber pot over. They got Nina seated.

He slid his cock into her gasping mouth which caught her off guard but she sucked him as quickly as she did the first time. He looked at her, "I still owe you a nice slow lovemaking session.

Your day has been chaotic with emotions running from one end to the other. Being able to deal with the underlying problem was more important. You have been guaranteed another life with me if you so choose. An apology from the powers that be for the issues your last birth left behind. What I was able to help you with today."

Nina looked up at him, "I plan on being there for that too. I am thinking halfling after her though."

Raven laughed, "Not the first to say that. No children if you do that."

She sighed, "The drawback that will have me thinking."

He smiled, "You are not required to decide now. One way or the other. We both plan on being elven next life."

Nina smiled and spoke, "My mind is more at peace now than before I became pregnant the last time."

He chuckled, "Wait until the ladies come back and maul you."

Nina smiled, "They did that once already. I had never really spent any time with women. But I see the appeal. There are just so many of them."

Raven smiled, snaked a hand behind Lirana's head, and kissed her deeply. "You ready to have our children lover?"

Nina smiled, "I wanted them last life, I am more than ready."

He looked at Nina, "I am entrusting you with my halfling true love."

She smiled, "You going somewhere?"

He smiled, "Yes, we have some unfinished business from our first life to take care of. Armor on."

Lirana did the same and he grabbed his weapons, "We will be in the room next door."

She nodded and started working on waking Mary.

They walked out and into Lirana's room. He closed the door, "Flar leaving I get; he would have no clue as to what to expect. You walk away from it? Did she tell you that you could go back to it afterward?"

Lirana smiled, "Yes. She told me about you being upset at keeping it from you but not about us taking the chance at it."

He nodded. "I wanted to see if you could house train a dwarf. Apparently, it cannot be done. I did not know he did not get you pregnant until after you were gone."

Lirana laughed, "He only fucked my cunt once during that trip and my ass once. He does not hit 100%. He did not want to have sex in front of all of those other men in the wagon and we left before doing it again at the second inn.

He was gone 2 days after we arrived. If I had been pregnant he would have still left and told me that flat out. He could not handle raising children. He went back to the level 5 inn. He would be so jealous to know that I came out of it for you but not him."

Raven smiled, "We will talk about this tonight in the dream state with the other ladies. I wanted the facts straight. Myssara was dead set on you moving into a leadership role. Blossom has my second companion slot. Did she tell you that?"

She shook her head as he called out, "Armor off."

She chuckled, "Armor off. I heard it was filled but not by whom."

Raven started kissing her, "You still owe me oral on me twice and then I get to take your ass twice." We will do your cunt as well because we want children in there."

She smiled and kissed him and she slid down and went sucking him for all she was worth. Next to the goddess, the best cocksucker yet. She had his popping off in under 10 minutes.

He gave her 20 which she jammed into her throat and took all 20 before backing off and milking him some more. She went for the second blow job and it took her longer and 20 minutes later and he gave her 15. Again, straight into her throat. Lirana looked up at him, "I could give a dozen blowjobs and never get that much cum from a cock."

He smiled and picked her up and slid her cunt down onto his cock slowly and Lirana groaned, "She tightened it up alright."

He smiled, "I will break it in for you. Plus the ladies. There are so many ladies on this run you will be spending more time with them than me."


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