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Champion of the Goddess Pt. 04

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Raven continues his exploits and in the end shocks Myssara.
46.8k words

Part 4 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 01/13/2020
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Champion of the Goddess, Part 4

Synopsis: This is a continuation of the New Game Master and Next Game Master series. The premise of the story will be lost to those who did not read the previous version. After a night of ups and down Raven was almost halfway back to level 20.

Mother Creator dealt with the fallout of the evening when 22 goddesses rose to challenge her. Mother killed them all but the fall out was shocking, even to Raven.

***Inspired by multiple fantasy environments. Not endorsed by any of them. © EmotionalStorm August 2020. This story cannot be transferred to any other site besides without the prior authorizations in writing from the author and EmotionalStorm must be credited for this work.

Author's Note: For those who have not read my bio, please note I write as a form of therapy for a Traumatic Brain Injury. I know the English majors will probably encounter issues that annoy them. If these are your focus, instead of the story itself, then this is not the story for you. I am not and will never be a professional writer.

I do it to tell the story, for those who wish to read them.


Myssara spoke to Raven and Mary, "She emptied their worlds of people in one stroke. The goddesses had no power and died; but not quickly or quietly. We heard their anguished screams. Mother is making an announcement."


Raven heard the announcement, "Most humans here do not know of me. Raven gave me the moniker of Mother Creator. I am the creator of this universe and not to be worshiped, your worlds have a goddess who tends to your needs.

I am speaking to all the goddesses and inhabitants of this universe at once. Some will hear this in a delay if they are in a fight currently. A short while ago, in the grand scheme of things, a man from Earth destroyed a world in this universe.

Along with the Goddess who oversaw this world in one stroke. Most of you know of him as Raven, Gaming Grand Master, and Champion now to the Goddess Myssara. All based upon a statue on your world or announcements in Myssara's world.

You do not know of him as the father of a half-goddess, Myssara's daughter, or as the father of a goddess, My daughter. Most do not know he stumbled into the process of creating a champion. He did not seek it out.

He has no desire to be a God, even though he has the gaming skills to do the job. He was born human in another universe but chose to be half-elven. He chose to accept the role of a champion, even when he had a way out of it. This human quality is known as free will. Before this, you did not know he would be the only half-elven champion within this universe of mine.

Now that he is a champion, he can create human children with Myssara and me. Champions can reproduce with the goddesses they champion for and I can reproduce with any of them. Raven can create human children with elven genetics. He can also create them with the humans, half-elves, and elves of the world no matter what form he has taken for that life. More importantly to me, most don't know him as the unraveler of ancient secrets.

I have held a secret for several millennia. Raven pieced it together and asked to see me. He did not say why but he wanted to talk with me one-on-one. He had the keys to the kingdom at that time. This was not a secret I wanted out. He wanted to express his ideas and concerns. That was all he wanted, to try and effect some changes to help humanity in this universe I created.

Most importantly to him was the desire to get the woman born of this universe but taken from him by the first Goddess who brought him here, Lyria. He had asked for her return, something I could not do. She was in a bad way after she was taken away with no knowledge of him.

She was on the edge of committing suicide and even I could not talk her out of it. She killed herself. I had no name in this universe and Raven gave me that moniker that defined what I am doing but also what I have done. The secret held by me was of my origin. How did I get here?

Before I started this universe. Before I ascended to being a goddess. I was from Earth, it was both of our Ancestral Home World as it was for many who have come here. I was human but not like humans of modern-day Earth or the ones here. I lived for centuries as what modern-day humans called Eve. I had no mother or father. I am the Mother of all humanity.

I ascended to be a goddess and was happy for a time. Then I was betrayed by a few gods I had created. I then ascended if you will again. To be the creator of this universe instead of a Goddess over a portion of a world's population. One hard and fast rule I put in place was no male Gods. I felt betrayed by them twice.

That is why there are no male Gods here and that was built into the fabric of this universe. I, obviously, have an agreement with the one who oversees Earth. I am only allowed to recruit a very small percentage of the population to come here.

The one big condition. Human free will. They had to volunteer. I recently modified those rules to be more straightforward with those humans. One goddess broke those new rules. She paid a steep price but had a path forward. Instead, she decided to try to lead a revolt against me. She and those who followed her were fools.

A moment ago, I destroyed 22 worlds in this universe while sending all of the human inhabitants to other locations. The worlds and everything on them have been returned to energy. The human populations from those worlds will be distributed within moments from their perspectives.

Your world has a Goddess over it. They report to me. Again, nobody should venerate me now or in the future. Your goddess sees to your needs and desires while enforcing the rules of their world. When they fail in that task, the penalties are steep. I want to set the record straight.

I set up new rules for recruiting from Earth before Raven figured out my secret. After Raven destroyed the world he started upon, I sat down with him. I had a long conversation. He called me the AO of this universe. The Alpha and Omega is an Earth term for the creator of Earth.

He asked the questions about returning to Earth. From his perspective, he spent 20 years on that planet. From an Earth perspective, he had been gone almost 12 hours. No. I could not return him to our Ancestral Home World. His body there was destroyed in the process of bringing him here.

He was angry, felt betrayed by the goddess he destroyed. He set about a very specific set of goals, the first being he was not just a player. He was not or should not be considered a second class 'citizen' in this universe because of the sex he was born into. He has proven that and works to prove it every day. He wanted his true love back. I could not bring her back.

I did bring forth her twin sister and together they grieved for a time. He wanted to improve the lives of the men in this universe. Give them something to aspire too. First, it was Master of the Game, then as he learned of some of the issues I faced, I changed it to Gaming Grand Master.

Then came Champion. He figured out my secret and within days he stumbled upon the process to create a Champion. He did not volunteer for it, seek it, or even ask to be one. We found a way to reverse it. Because there was an issue with him impregnating everyone and he was locked into one race.

We fixed those issues, or so we thought. The impregnating issue continues as he does not wish to be strictly human. The statues we have on other worlds will be changed. They will show the progression he has inspired to having happier worlds."

Raven sighed, "I hope it starts with me like that lump of flesh."

Myssara laughed, "Mother sent me a private message and said that can be done."

He smiled, "Good. A globe of Earth, a lump of flesh, the half-elf standing in front of him with the bow in hand; the signature bow. My other hand ready to cast a spell. My Raven on my shoulder with wings spread to take flight."

Myssara smiled, "Done and nice design. I am putting some monuments here, after this announcement."

He shrugged, "I have never seen the original but I think the progression is the important part."

Mother did not stop, "That previous statement will seem odd to you as who has a universe and not know how to create a divine champion in it? I did not need such things. Yet again, another thing Raven has done is to show the need for them. He has shown it to many of us. I made a terrible mistake several days ago.

In the larger scheme of things, the mistake forced me to reconcile my present with my beginnings. I dug a very large rift between us with my actions. He wanted to see something to prove I truly cared for humanity, the goal of expanding the population within this universe is not just about children, it is also about trying to reduce the number of suicides.

The only way to truly die here in the gaming world. The way his true love died shortly after separating from him through trickery. I took him to meet with 22,000 people who were contemplating suicide. He helped to try and find solutions for every single one of them. Only one has followed through.

Over 90% of them have hope in the solutions he came up with. The rest have stepped back some and are taking a wait and see action if these things will occur. They will. I said before he started out trying to improve the lives of the male population. Instead, he has become a champion for Humanity in this universe. In the form of a half-elven body."

Raven looked at Myssara, "How many goddesses want to kill me now?"

She chuckled, "None that are voicing it. There is a general discussion of what they should do. They cannot seem to agree."

He thought for a moment, "Tell them what I told Mother. You have the power to do anything in your world in their case instead of the universe. Mother has a goal to increase the population through births, fewer suicides, and both of those require humans on their world to be happy, challenged, and entertained to some extent.

Not disheartened and beat them down, unless they have evil as a tenant but then those humans should have the right to move worlds who do not seek to be evil. It is not the goddess versus the players. Just because a goddess can do something does not mean they should do it.

They have to ask the questions. What will this do to the overall goals you are trying to achieve? Should I do it? Am I fucking with free will? Am I willing to pay any price for my decision? Especially if it is controversial.

Like failing to follow Mother's rules on recruiting. Free will should start at the beginning with player profiles and ensuring the 'talent' in their worlds are compatible with the given goddess."

Myssara looked at him, "I sent the image of you from the neck up saying all of that. Half of them went quiet for a moment and asked how did you know of the conversation.

I told them because he was standing beside me and wanted to know how many were wanting to kill him now. I told them I informed you of the general premise of the conversation and not who was saying what. Now they are just going over the points you outlined.

Mother just interjected. She told them about some of the painful things that occurred to her on Earth. You struck a chord in her by comparing what she went through to her approach to things now. Her approach to you and humans in this universe.

It made her ask those same questions of herself. That was when she decided she was going to start taking action where needed. She told them if they can answer those questions honestly.

That they are leading their worlds to ensure those items are happening, then they have no issues. If not then they should look at making some needed changes. BEFORE she comes in and forces the issue."

Ravanna nodded, "The questions are tapering off as she answers them. Stuff you do not need to know Mother said. But they are coming to understand what happened. Why and how to avoid it for themselves."

Mother appeared behind him and placed a hand on his shoulder. Raven looked at her, "I was not looking for you to reveal it all. I was not ready to hear my name being used so much either."

Mother nodded, "I took only a little joy in all of that. Your Son's first goddess was one of the 22. That took care of most of the sadistic group. She was also the second goddess involved in Kerria's suicide, something I withheld from you.

It scared her into this rebellion even more. There are a couple of stragglers out there and I already put them on notice that I would be seeing them soon. I could hear the 'fucking cunt' as you enjoyed calling her scheming with methods she did not think I monitored.

She told them that you ruled over me. I broke into the conversation and told them all, 'If you try and follow her you will be dead before you know it.' They showed up at my sanctum and I pulled all of their people. All of their screams being broadcasted by me to the other goddesses as a reminder never to cross me."

He looked at Mother, "Why did they not come after me?"

She smiled, "Because I had the whole sanctum and her world blocked out. They could get to me. I wanted them to get to me. This world and sanctum have all goddesses blocked except for Myssara, Ravanna, and myself. I am monitoring to see who tries to get in. I have had a few requests from some of them to meet you."

He looked at her, "Your protection status protects me from them, correct?"

She nodded, "They do not know you have that; they might suspect. If they are wise then they will assume that to be the case."

He looked at her, "Bring them to the auditorium. Let them see where we met with 22,000. Do they know Mary and my ladies?"

She nodded, "They monitor you when they can. Some even masturbate to your antics. Most of them do really."

He sighed, "Always watching I am used to that from you 2. Not a whole gaggle. I am a porno star now to a bunch of goddesses. Take Mary along with us then, she has been through it all since I got here. I think Blossom needs a break after seeing what pain occurred to the 'fucking cunt."

Blossom nodded, "Thanks. I could use some 'real rest' after watching that."

Mother sighed and nodded.

They were in the auditorium and they had a few hundred goddesses milling about. He looked at Mother, "A high barstool with a back that will rotate. She nodded and there were four of them Mother pointed. Mary and Raven sat in the middle.

They all grabbed a seat though they all had different types of chairs. One rose and smiled, "How did you figure out who she was?"

He sighed, "It was a lot of little things and on that night, I gave a class to a bunch of graduates, and one asked about the name Eve I had given her. I sat there and started putting pieces of my observation against what I told her. I also had a lynch-pin that made me think I was on the right track.

That came in the form of all of the fruits and vegetables I eat with my meals. One was always missing. I could never find any apples. The bible said it was the eating of an apple that caused them to be thrown from paradise.

If the story is true there is only one here who knows for sure but it was not germane to the discussion. I never even brought the apple up to her. Mother could give you that meeting if she chooses too, else I am assuming she wants that held back for her own reasons."

Mother looked at Raven, "They have that relevant conversation now. I will not debate the bible's version of history with anyone. In fact, it is one of the things I am forbidden to do from the one who made me. Nice observation though."

He looked out and another asked, "How did you make a half-goddess and a goddess?"

Raven looked at her, "I tried not too, but I found I loved Myssara. After my first world, I questioned her on her tenants. Especially that of love. I had been brought to her sanctum several days later.

After I saw how she treated her players. A lot were having issues but before asking someone to change something you have to understand why it occurred. I was still analyzing things including the fact that I found I loved her the moment I saw her.

I made love to Myssara that night. Mother showed up and blew my cock back to life and told me I could get her pregnant now. I asked if she was already and she nodded yes. We had a long drawn out discussion on love and aborting a child, which would have occurred she told me as a Goddess can have only one Goddess daughter.

Myssara wanted to keep the daughter we made from our lovemaking. She truly showed that she could love me and our daughter. The only option was to implant the seed back into Mother. Apparently, it is one of the things different about making a Goddess is that she could give it to a male and a male could give it back to her.

Before you ask. Yes, I was angry. While it was a free will issue, we came to terms that included a second session. I made the connection during that training session. I attracted her attention a couple of days later when I accidentally discovered the process for becoming a champion, we did not know that was what I had discovered...yet.

She showed up because of my inadvertent activity that found the champion process. It has many stages. I called her on that second session, that was when things escalated. She found out as a champion, I could get her pregnant with human children. I believe you all heard and saw that."

A few of them giggled. Another got up, "Are you really that good in bed?"

He chuckled, "I have over 450 born or on the way. Over 170 with Myssara alone. You want to know if I am that good. Myssara, give her the entire altar series at school from your eyes and senses. In fact, give it to all of them."

He sat there and watched several of them climaxing or climaxing and ejaculating at the same time. Then they all wailed and climaxed. Some sprayed, some passed out and a few did both. He looked out to the lady who asked and she was reclined back in her chair with a wet gown.

"I leave it to all of you to decide if I am that good. That was just one short session. Mysarra, give them a longer session. Say the one I did with Vain from Vain's perspective. That lasted 4 hours."

Mother smiled and nodded to Mysarra. He looked at Mary who smiled at him and those ladies sat there climaxing for the next hour.

He smiled, "She must have been giving it to you at 4x speed."

Myssara shook her head, "They collectively asked me to stop after the first hour."

He looked at the lady, "Your thoughts on if I am that good? I have no real point of comparison to your own sexual experiences."

She looked at him, "You are that fucking good."

He looked at Myssara, "You could always give them a copy of that half-elven persona of me you created earlier. But seeing how that goddess was the only one who used it. Then she decided to commit suicide tonight I do not know if they would be interested in it."

They all waved her off except one who was the lady who did the testing with him, the one he called Glory. He looked at her, "Did your cunt recover alright from the attack of the killer pool?"

She looked at him and turned bright red.

"Yes, I recovered just fine from that experiment."

The other ladies all looked at her green with envy. He looked over, "That was a test to find out if any of you could get pregnant there. The answer is no, you have to be keyed to it. There are only 2 Goddesses keyed to it."

One lady looked at Raven, "If you are so into protecting humanity then why be half-elven?"

He looked at her and sighed, "Mother made a comment about Myssara's daughter not having a place in either world. In-game I dealt with an overabundance of issues with prejudice to my half-elven character that seemed over the top. In 2 different worlds here! Back on Earth, there was a movement of thought to embrace diversity. My children and their children on down will add diversity to the human population.

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