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Chance Encounter

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Lina runs into her highschool sweetheart at a coffee shop.
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Lina settled in her corner, flicking through the newspaper as she waited for her latte. It was Saturday morning, and Lina typically spent it here, her favourite coffee shop. It was quiet, small, and close to her apartment. No one bothered her here, no work calls, no emails, no noisy neighbours. Just her, a latte, and silence.


Lina's eyes flicked up, expecting the barista with her latte.


Lina was breathless. She couldn't believe her eyes as she found herself face-to-face with her high school sweetheart. What was he doing here? Lina had moved two hours away from her hometown and rarely visited, leaving memories firmly in the past as she built her new life.

"Lina, it's so good to see you! I didn't know you lived around here!" Alan gushed.

"I can't believe it!" Lina laughed, "What are you doing here?"

"I just moved here. I got a job offer in the city, and I had no reason not to come."

"That's wonderful, Alan! It's so good to see you. I would love to catch up - please, sit with me!" Lina smiled, sliding the paper to the side of the table and clearing room for him.

"Yes, of course! I'm just going to grab a coffee first. I'll be right back," Alan turned and hurried to the counter.

Lina's eyes followed Alan to the counter. His hair was a dark brown, with loose curls, and his jaw was covered in a black stubble. He was broader than his high school days and had grown into his large nose nicely. Lina felt starstruck looking at him. He had always been handsome, but time had been very kind to him.

"Here's your latte, love," the barista smiled, placing Lina's coffee on the table, interrupting Lina's shameless staring.

"Oh, thank you!"

"Of course, just be careful. It's hot," the barista slipped away and returned to the espresso machine to make their next order.

Lina slid her coffee close to herself and grabbed her phone. She swiped left and opened her camera, trying to look her best. She ran her fingers through her black hair, smoothing her bob down. She examined her face, ensuring her lipstick was perfect and eyes not too tired. Feeling satisfied, she closed her phone and tugged her shirt lower. She was wearing a tank top with a cardigan, it wasn't very fancy. If she had known she would be running into Alan, she would have worn something a little more flattering. That said, the low neckline showed off her cleavage, and the cardigan sat against her curves nicely.

The scrape of a chair being pulled drew Lina's attention from herself, and she smiled as Alan settled across from her. He placed his coffee on the table and grinned, his gaze flitting across Lina's face and body, taking her in for the first time in years.

"You're just as beautiful as the last time I saw you," he sighed softly.

"And you're just as charming," Lina laughed.

"Sorry, sorry," Alan chuckled, "I just can't believe I ran into you. I didn't realize how much this city had to offer!"

Lina flushed, her cheeks growing rosy. She glanced at his left hand, which rested on his mug. No ring.

"How is someone as sweet as you still single?" Lina asked.

"I guess I've just been too busy. That's another benefit of this job - I have some more time to myself."

Lina nodded, "that's important. Working yourself to the bone doesn't help anyone."

"No, I guess not," Alan mused.

"But you've always been like that, haven't you. Always studying, always working..."

Alan nodded and sipped his coffee, "It's gotten me where I am today, but I don't want to keep on that path anymore. I want to live more in the moment. I sacrificed a lot, and I regret it."

Alan's gaze felt suddenly serious as it bore into Lina's eyes. She felt that he was trying to communicate something deeper to her.

"Is there something in particular you wish you'd held onto?" Lina asked, her heart beating quickly in her chest. She was worried she knew what he missed, that she was opening a door that couldn't be closed.

"Lina..." Alan whispered.

"I know. I'm sorry," she sighed, her gaze falling to the table as she stirred her latte.

Silence hung over the two as they sipped their coffees. It was a familiar quiet that the two had shared many times in their youth. On study dates, watching movies, camping out together.

"I miss you, Lina," Alan murmured, breaking the silence, "I didn't realize how much until I saw you. I haven't stopped thinking about you. I never stopped dreaming about you - about us."

"Alan -"

"No, please. Let me finish. I've let too much time pass and sacrificed too much. Running into you here today - it feels like destiny. Looking at you, I mean, God, you haven't aged at all. Lina, I never should have let you go - I never should have stopped chasing after us."

Lina felt speechless. Her breath caught in her throat. Here he was, the love of her life, spilling his heart out to her, begging for a doover, asking for a chance to fall in love again.

"You don't need to say anything if you don't want to. I just needed to say something. Lina, if there is any part of you that wants to give this a chance, that wants to pick up where we left off -"

"Yes," Lina breathed, "Yes, Alan, of course. I want to try again - I want to go to a bar with you and go on walks in the park. I want to watch stupid movies with you and go camping again."

Alan broke into a smile, and held out his hands. Lina held hers out as well, and they grasped each other. The first small touch they had shared in years.

"Let's finish these coffees and get out of here. My apartment isn't far, and I'd like you to walk me home, if that's alright," Lina beamed.

"I would be honoured," Alan grinned.

Alan and Lina laughed, quickly finishing their coffees, feeling giddy. Lina felt like she was floating - like she was lighter than air. She hadn't realized how much she still longed for Alan, how he filled a hole in her heart none other could.

The two stood, and Lina waved goodbye to the barista as they made their way to the door. Alan looped an arm around her waist, and Lina leaned into him, smiling peacefully. It was warm and safe, a feeling she had missed.

"So, how long have you lived in the area?" Alan asked, his chest rumbling gently against Lina as he spoke.

"I moved up for University, and I just stayed. There were a lot of job opportunities here, and I didn't really have anywhere else I had to be. What about you? Did you go anywhere before coming here?"

"I traveled a bit, mainly for work. But I didn't go far for a while. My parents had a hard time adjusting to my absence," he replied.

Lina nodded and hummed, "my parents were lucky in the way that they had my younger brother."

Alan nodded, "are they doing well then? Your family, I mean."

"Yeah, they're very happy. Charlie stayed in the area, and he and his wife have a baby on the way."

"Oh, congratulations!"

"Thank you," Lina laughed, "How about yours?"

"They're ok, too. Not too happy that I've moved up here, but it's time."

Lina nodded, understanding. It was hard to be an independent person or to develop yourself under the pressures of your family's watchful eyes.

"We're here," Lina stopped in front of a tall building.

"Do I get a kiss goodbye?" Alan teased.

"How about you come up instead," Lina smirked.

Alan raised an eyebrow, and a soft grin formed on his mouth.

"Lina..." he cooed.

"Come on," she laughed, tugging his hand.

Alan chuckled and followed her inside. He watched her unlock the entrance and pressed the elevator call button. The two stepped into the elevator, and Lina pressed the fifth floor. Anticipation filled the elevator as they moved up past the first four floors. Lina leaned against the wall, staring at Alan. Alan's eyes trailed up and down over Lina's body, admiring her large breasts, her wide hips, her soft stomach. Even fully clothed, she felt bare before his prying eyes.

The elevator came to a stop, and the doors slid open. Lina pushed herself off the wall and moved quickly towards her front door. Alan followed eagerly as she stopped in front of the third door, sliding her key into the lock. Lina fumbled for a moment, struggling to remain composed as Alan pressed himself into her. Leaning against the door frame and breathing down her neck as she finally got the key to turn.

Lina pushed the door open and stepped inside, Alan following close behind her. She turned to face him and felt her cheeks dust with pink as she met his gaze. His eyes were dark, lidded, desperate. She felt nervous like it was the first time all over again. He made her feel so young, so passionate.

"Lina," Alan breathed, cupping her cheek with his hand, "where's your bedroom?"

Lina shivered and slid out of her shoes, taking Alan's hand and pulling him towards the door on the opposite side of the room.

Alan pushed Lina against the door and leaned in, smirking as she softened beneath him, melting into his touch. His lips met hers, and passion overcame them. Lina's hands reached up and tangled in Alan's hair as his left hand moved to tilt up her chin. She whimpered as their tongues caressed each other, exploring the spaces they had once frequented. Lina moaned as Alan released her chin and moved to explore her body. He trailed his fingers down her sides, grabbing at her plump ass before moving back upwards and squeezing her breasts. Lina could feel his erection pressing into her, and she whimpered as he nibbled at her lip.

Lina let go of his hair with one hand and slid it down his body softly. She slipped her hand between the two of them and palmed his erection through his pants. Alan groaned and broke the kiss, panting as he pressed his forehead into hers. Lina massaged the bulge, moving her hand up and down, eliciting another moan from Alan.

Alan reached behind Lina for the doorknob and turned, causing the two to stumble backwards into the room with the door. Lina found her footing and pushed Alan onto her bed, climbing on top of him. She straddled his hips, placing herself atop his erection and grinding slow circles on his cock.

"Lina," he whimpered, grabbing her hips as she moved.

Lina smirked and leaned forward as she gyrated. She slipped his shirt up and ogled at him, his chest and stomach patterned with hair and just as gorgeous as ever. Alan lifted the shirt the rest of the way and tossed it off onto the floor. Lina licked up from his stomach to his chest, leaving kisses and bites over his torso.

Alan growled, sitting up and pushing Lina onto her back. He pushed her cardigan off her shoulders and pulled aggressively at the hem of her tank top, sliding it off her. He watched in awe as Lina reached back and unbuckled her bra, tossing it to the floor to reveal her breasts. They were large and soft, some stretch marks littered the base, and her nipples were growing erect with the exposure to the air. Alan pulled his hand over her sides, kneading into the flesh gently before moving to her breasts and taking them into his hands. He let out a breath as he dug his fingers into them, admiring their texture. Alan leaned down and took a nipple into his mouth, circling it with his tongue and sucking gently on the tender skin. Lina's back arched, and she whimpered gently as he continued to fixate on her nipples.

Alan pulled back, smirking at Lina, whose chest and neck were reddened - flushed just like her cheeks. His hands grabbed the top of her jeans, and he unbuttoned the dome, tugging down the zipper and pulling them off of her.

Alan whistled lowly and gripped her hips, "You're a work of art."

Lina smiled and laughed lightly, moving her hands to cover her face. Alan moved his hands from her hips and caught her wrists, pinning them above her face.

"Don't hide from me, Lina. Please. It's been so long... I just want to admire you," Alan begged.

Lina's lips parted as she stared into Alan's eyes. He let go of her wrists and leaned in, placing tender kisses over her cheeks, nose, forehead, neck, shoulders, and mouth.

Lina wrapped her arms around him and held him close for a moment before letting go. She placed her hands on his shoulders and pushed him onto his knees.

She sat up and smiled at him, "Can you sit at the edge of the bed for me?"

Alan smirked and shifted backwards, letting her move out from under him. He placed himself at the edge of the bed and watched as Lina kneeled in front of him. Her hands moved to the top of his slacks and slowly undid the button. Alan sucked in a breath as she painstakingly undid the zipper and began sliding them down. He leaned back, lifting his hips for her and sat back up to watch her slide them off his legs completely.

Lina fondled the bulge in Alan's boxers, and he groaned, desperate for more. She kissed his cock over the fabric and teasingly ran her fingers across him.

"You're such a tease," he whined, bucking his hips gently against her fingertips.

"You're just impatient," she laughed, tugging down his boxers.

"I've waited this long, haven't I?" he moaned as his cock sprang free.

Lina laughed again, her voice chiming through the room as she gently caressed Alan's balls.

"I've missed that sound," Alan sighed, smiling.

Lina licked a line from the base of his dick to the tip, swirling her tongue around the head. Alan let out a breathy moan, and Lina grinned.

"And I've missed that sound."

Alan chuckled and brought a hand to Lina's hair, collecting her black bob into a small ponytail at the back of her head. Lina smiled up at him and brought her mouth back down, littering his cock with kisses and dragging her tongue around his balls. She stuck her tongue out and met Alan's gaze as she placed his cock against it. He moaned, watching her bring her tongue up and around the top. She leaned in, engulfing him with her mouth as she circled his cock. Alan groaned, overcome with the warmth, the softness, and the dampness surrounding him.

"Lina," he moaned, tugging her hair gently as she moved up and down him, bobbing her head enthusiastically, stroking the base of his cock with her hands.

"Fuck," he moaned, shifting his hips forward and fucking into her as she sucked him greedily.

Lina smiled, humming gently, sending vibrations through his cock as Alan continued shifting his hips desperately.

"Fuck, Lina, I'm close," Alan cried, shifting his hips faster and more erratically. Lina popped him out of her mouth and spit into her hands, stroking him quickly as he fucked into her fist. She aimed the cock towards her chest and stuck out her tongue as Alan let out another groan before cumming onto her. Shooting out warm ropes of thick cum, coating her tits and splattering into her mouth. Lina licked her lips and swallowed what had hit her face before smiling softly at Alan, who was panting above her on the bed.

Alan looked down at Lina and smiled, still catching his breath, "That was incredible, sweetheart."

Lina blushed and tucked her hair behind her ear, "I'm glad you had fun."

"I did, and now it's your turn," he smirked.

"I had fun!" Lina argued.

"Come here," Alan laughed.

Lina stepped towards the bed, and Alan put his hands on her hips, "so gorgeous."

She smiled softly, and Alan looped his thumbs over the top of her panties, sliding them down over her hips and watching them drop to her ankles. His hands ran around her hips and waist, making their way to her bare ass, grabbing the cheeks and fondling her.

"Lay down on the bed for me, beautiful," Alan instructed.

Lina stepped out of her panties and laid down, her head resting on the pillow and her ankles crossed. Being vulnerable in front of Alan again felt both nerve wracking and comfortable - it was a familiar feeling she hadn't experienced in quite some time.

Lina watched as Alan climbed onto the end of the bed, kneeling in front of her. He stared at her, smirking playfully, as he put his hands under her ankles. He lifted them and uncrossed them, spreading her legs wide before him. Lina was soaked, desperate for Alan's touch. Alan sighed happily, tracing up her thighs, making Lina shiver with anticipation. His fingers danced around her vulva, and he dipped one into her cunt for a moment, gathering her arousal on his finger. Alan brought it to his mouth and tasted her, moaning. She was a delicacy he had not experienced in years, and having her again felt like water after a drought.

Lina bit her bottom lip gently, stopping herself from begging as wantonly as Alan had. Instead, she continued observing as Alan leaned in close to her pussy and liked circles around her outer vulva. The circles tightened as he reached closer and closer to her. Finally, his tongue hit her clit, and Lina let out a strangled cry, grabbing at her bedsheets. Alan chuckled, his tongue sending a gentle vibration to her clit as he began lapping at her. Circling her and tasting her. His tongue dipped down, exploring her entrance, before moving back up to her crown jewel.

"Alan," she whimpered as his fingers danced across her thighs. His mouth continued its desperate lapping, sucking, and swirling around her clit as his fingers teased the entrance to her pussy.

Lina clenched the sheets harder as Alan pressed a finger into her entrance. She bucked her hips against his face and cried out in bliss, feeling him start to move in and out of her. Alan broke away to catch his breath and grinned, seeing Lina coming undone in his hands. He examined her face as he slipped a second finger into her cunt. Her eyes scrunched, and her mouth fell open in a silent scream, her red lips smudged from sucking his cock so skillfully. Alan dipped back down and resumed his ravenous fixation on her clit.

Lina's head felt cloudy as she thrashed underneath Alan. She could hardly contain herself as she forcefully rocked her hips against his face. Lina felt like she was going to explode at any moment. Her body was screaming for release, and she was screaming for Alan.

"Harder! Fuck, please fuck me harder, Alan!" she begged.

Alan pulled his hand out from Lina's cunt, and she sobbed, desperate for him. She opened her eyes and watched Alan pull her up and closer to him, lining up his hard cock with her entrance. Lina grinned, and her hand moved down to her clit, rubbing back and forth quickly as Alan pulled her hips in and filled her with his cock. Lina cried out, and Alan's hips slammed against hers, fucking deep into her pussy. Her head leaned back, and Alan sucked in a breath, watching her tits jiggling as he fucked into her.

Alan held her hips tightly fucking her ferociously. Lina continued rubbing her clit with her right hand and placed her left on his hand. She caressed his fingers and grinned blissfully as he continued pounding into her.

"You're so fucking gorgeous, Lina," Alan grunted, snapping his hips against her.

"I missed you so much," Lina whimpered, gripping his hand tighter.

Lina could feel herself tightening around him, her legs twitched, and her pussy spasmed around his cock. Alan's breath grew shaky, and his eyes screwed shut. The two moaned in a cacophony together as they felt themselves closing in. Lina's fingers clawed against his hand, and her legs hooked around him as she hit her peak. Alan continued fucking into her as her walls clamped around his cock. Lina screamed as she orgasmed, squirting around his cock, feeling him finish fucking her. Alan pulled out of her cunt and fucked into his tight fist a few more times, ejaculating across her stomach and breasts - adding to the semen that he had begun to dry during their time on the bed.

Lina panted, staring up at Alan, who gazed adoringly back at her. Alan moved, crawling up next to her and pulling her close to him.

"I missed you too," he whispered, kissing the top of her head.

Lina snuggled into his chest and listened to his heartbeat.

"I never stopped loving you," Alan murmured.


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