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Chastity's Lessons Ch. 01

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Chastity chooses a hot older black man to educate herself.
1.9k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 02/10/2008
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Chastity giggled as she hurried down to the gardens, thrilled that her father was leaving for the day... whenever he left she would rush down to the extremely attractive 29 year old black man that worked in their garden. At the young age of 18 she found him fascinating, not in the least because her parents kept her so sheltered. She'd been in the outside world enough to know that her parents were kind of racist, and it just made her more interested in anyone who wasn't white.

She'd been home-schooled, and kept from all boys, so she was also intensely curious about sex... she had the feeling that her parents were going to set her up with some young man that they considered appropriate, within their circle of friends. Chastity thought that it was all very high handed of them and yearned for freedom... she found that freedom whenever they left the house and she could go to the gardens where Jeremy was. Older, more knowledgeable, and very attractive, the last time that she'd gone down there she'd been more than naughty she knew. It turned her on to tease him, and she knew that it turned him on to have her do so...

But now Daddy was going to be gone for the whole day and Mother was at Chastity's grandparents, so she was anxious to do something other than flash him a glimpse of her bosom or pale white thigh. Instead of her usual knee-length skirt and colored blouse that she wore daily, Chastity had secretly hemmed one of her skirts much shorter, and she wore that one now. Now it came to just under her curvy young ass. And instead of the blouse she put on a bathing suit top that she'd gotten for the summer, the most daring one she had. Although she knew that it was much less revealing than what she saw women on tv wearing, she still thought that her breasts filled it out nicely, and it gave her some nice cleavage. She was definitely showing more skin than she ever had before.

Feeling incredibly naughty Chastity hurried to the gardens, to Jeremy.

He smiled when he saw her coming, breasts bouncing, skin pale in the sun, long legs stretching out of a much shorter skirt than usual. It wasn't that her parents were bad to him, or anyone else who worked there, but you could tell that they thought they were better than everyone else. He enjoyed the fact that their daughter found him so fascinating, plus she was just a hot little piece of ass.

"Good afternoon Jeremy," Chastity said, slowing down and breathing heavily as she stepped up to him. Tossing her blonde hair back she made sure to stick out her chest at him, enjoying the way his white teeth gleamed against his very dark skin as he smiled. Today he was shirtless and sweaty, his muscles gleaming darkly against the greenery. Chastity knew she was aroused, and she desperately wanted to do something about it.

"Good afternoon Chastity," his deep voice seemed to caress her insides in an intimate way, "Out for a walk?"

"Actually, I was out looking for a teacher," she said, rubbing her hands against her skirt, feeling nervous.

"A teacher?" he asked sounding amused, "Didn't your parents get you all those fancy teachers to teach you everything?"

"Yes," said Chastity, and taking a deep breath and gathering her nerve, she began to run her hands up from her skirt, up the smooth skin of her stomach and then trailing her fingers across the fabric of her bathing suit, rubbing her nipples to hardness through the thin material.

Jeremy watched with avid interest in his eyes, his breathing getting a little heavier as her nipples hardened under her fingers.

Pinching the erect nubs a little Chastity asked him, "Do you know of anyone who could teach me?"

He let out a roiling laugh, reaching out with his hands to grasp her waist and pull her to him. Chastity's breath caught at the strong force in his hands, the roughness of his callused hands against the smooth skin of her stomach, and the way his sweaty skin pressed against hers as he lowered his mouth for a kiss. Uncertainly she responded, parting her lips for his tongue.

Jeremy pulled back, looking startled, "You really don't anything."

Chastity blushed, and tried to pull away, but he pulled her back into him and kissed her again. She decided that her embarrassment could be ignored, as long as he kept kissing her like that, deep and passionate. It made her cling to him, pale skin pressing against black, his hands moving over her back and stomach and into her hair, squeezing her white flesh.

She felt shaky and almost afraid as he slid one hand into her bathing suit, feeling faint with erotic sensuality as his fingers caressed her nipple. Shuddering she moaned against his mouth, and then moaned again as he released her lips and moved to suck on her nipple. Clutching his dark head to her breast, she pushed the pink nipple into his mouth, wanting to cry out with fervor as he bit down gently, but sucking in her breath to avoid making too much noise.

Jeremy picked her up and they moved to a little clearing behind some bushes for some privacy, out of the sun and into the shade. Chastity sighed with happiness as he kissed along her neck and shoulders, caressing her breasts with both hands now as she lay on the cool grass... her own hands explored his muscles, enjoying the way her fingers looked, small and pale against his dark bulk. She looked down to watch as his face buried itself in her pale flesh as he pulled the bathing suit from her breasts.

Dark fingers pressed into her pale mounds as her nipple disappeared between his lips, and she shuddered with pleasure.

Pulling off of her, Jeremy stood up as he pulled her to her knees, "I'm going to show you how to pleasure me, and then I'll pleasure you."

Chastity nodded, eager to learn... she gasped as he unzipped his pants and pulled them down. Although she'd seen pictures of men's genitalia, his long dark cock was much more vivid, much more erotic than the soft, flaccid things she'd seen in books. Reaching out with her hand, she was almost surprised to find it hot against her palm, and he moaned and thrust his hips forward as she slid her hand along the length of it. Surprised, Chastity looked up and realized that she was already pleasuring him without meaning to.

"Keep doing that," he used his hands to help her move her fingers along his dark length, squeezing his hand over hers so she knew how much pressure to use, "Good Chastity... that feels good..." he moaned again and Chastity felt a flush of pleasure that she was causing that sensual sound.

Running his hands through her hair Jeremy pulled her head to him, "Now open your mouth."

Obediently Chastity parted her lips and he began to push his cock into her mouth. She rubbed her tongue against the underside, intrigued by the salty taste. Moaning more loudly now, Jeremy began to work himself in and out of her mouth, watching avidly as his black snake disappeared between her pink lips... little white girl eagerly sucking at his cock. Even though she wasn't very experienced he was turned on by the situation, her obvious arousal, and the fact that he was going to be teaching her EVERYTHING.

Reaching down he grasped her pale white breasts in his dark hand, enjoying the erotic look of the stark difference in skin color, rubbing her nipples and using them to pull back and forth a little. She place her hand at the base of his cock, her other on his thigh, as she tried to keep her balance, throat and tongue working eagerly without knowing what she was doing.

"Try to swallow it," he gritted his teeth, pressing forward, "Try not to gag, try to swallow it."

Chastity could feel herself gagging a little, but she was determined... tears sparked in her eyes as she forced more and more of the black cock into her mouth, pressing against the back of her throat... his hands on her breasts felt so good and she wanted to please him so that he would take care of the tingling need between her thighs. She could feel sticky wetness leaking from her, and she wanted to rub her crotch against something.

Her hips humped at air as he thrust in and out of her face, astounded by how much of his cock she was swallowing. Chastity was an incredibly determined horny little girl. One hand on her breast, twisting a pale pink nipple, the other wrapped in her blonde hair, Jeremy groaned as he shoved himself into her throat and held there. She struggled a little, shocked as something began running down her throat, but he held her in place and she automatically swallowed his cum until he pulled away.

Chastity gasped for air, tasting something slightly bitterly sweet on her tongue.

Then Jeremy suddenly had her on her back on the grass again, and was pushing her skirt up to her waist, revealing her panty-less slit to him.

"Naughty..." he breathed as he took in the pale pink folds, gleaming with slick wetness. Running a finger up the center he made her hips lift as it touched her clit, and Chastity gasped with this new sensation. The tingling feeling became even more intense as his finger slid around her folds, spreading the wetness around, and she moved against him with abandon, closing her eyes. Jeremy pushed one finger into her body, making her shudder and gasp with shock, the first time anything had ever been inside her. He began moving his finger back and forth, imitating the sex act, smiling to think of how his black cock would look, pushing into this pale pink pussy.

Leaning forward, he began licking at her clit, and Chastity cried out, hands reaching down to rest on his head and she tried to pull him deeper into her pussy as her hips moved up and down. It was bliss like she'd never known before, a needy hunger that was getting closer and closer to being satisfied... his finger moved erotically inside of her and she arched her back and ground down on his face and finger, feeling an ache come to a head inside of her.

Gasping, she tried to stifle her cries as she writhed on his finger, his tongue lashing at her clit as she came, legs pressing against either side of his head as he licked her through her orgasm. Chastity's hips moved and humped, frenzied and then slowing as the ecstasy dwindled to a state of gratified bliss.

"Oh Jeremy," she breathed, finally opening her eyes again and looking up at the leaf cover, shuddering with aftershock, "That was amazing."

Kissing her lower lips, making her gasp and wriggle some more, Jeremy slid his finger from her body and moved up beside her to kiss her mouth. Chastity could taste the sweetness on his lips and tongue, and she opened eagerly for it, shuddering as he toyed with her nipple.

Sighing Jeremy told her, "I have to get back to work. But come back next time you get a chance and I'll teach you something else."

Nodding eagerly, Chastity kissed him and then pulled her clothes back in order and rushed to the house, wanting to make sure no one caught her. She also didn't want to get Jeremy in trouble for not finishing his work, even though part of her wanted to demand that he teach her something else immediately. But now she had something to look forward to.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago
Wish that I had BLACK sex teacher like that!

I do so love a BIG erect hard BLACK man! It's never to late for a white married woman to start her proper sexual training with a BLACK man.

You will not ever regret it!


AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

What is she learning? How to be a bitch not even fit for a human again. Once you go black, no one wants you back. Whore.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Great start

Great start, this could turn out to be a really good series. Maybe after Jeremy's teaching Chastity could start servicing his friends as well and bring her mother into it to teach her a lesson for being a racist ?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
it's fiction....can we please try to remember that

this has got a nice beginning. can't wait to see more

MacDukeMacDukeabout 17 years ago
Shame on You

Shame on you, goldie. Do you not realize how racist it is to portray every black man as poor, huge, bulging muscles and a big dick? Do you know any such persons? Do you and Chastity have huge cunts that you won't feel the pain of an oversize dick? Spare us Ch 02 when her little pink pussy gets ripped in a most painful cherry popping, which you will no doubt portray as a sublime experience. And then of course, there is her little pink anus for Ch 03.

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