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Chastity's Road to Fulfilment


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Back at her apartment, she read all the instructions for the pill and took it, hoping she wouldn't have any nausea, vomiting, fatigue or cramps and picked up her phone to play a game and watch TV. Before she could find her game though, she saw she had a text from her friend Margaret who she had been close with in High School.

"Hey, it's our Spring Break next week, and a bunch of us are going to the beach at my parent's place. Can you come? The parties are going to be epic!" she saw.

Chastity Googled how long it would take her to get to the coast, found it was only an hour and a half away, and gave her friend Margaret a call. She didn't know if it would lead to her being more promiscuous, but she would use a condom next time she decided to have sex and made a mental note to get some before she left.

"Chastity!" her friend said upon answering the phone. "You're coming right?"

"Well it sounds like fun."

"You'll love it. You can stay with me, and there are lots of guys here. Like, really hot ones."

"So it will be an unending sex party?" she said, and laughed.

"Very funny." her friend answered and then said "Speaking of sex, I heard you broke up with Donald." she said.

"Wow, word travels fast." she said, and wondered why everyone seemed to think she and Donald were getting it on constantly.

"Well, your Mom told my mom."

"Gotta love a small town"

"Well what happened with you two? You were almost married in high school."

"I don't know. I think he was just too religious or something. Long story." she said.

"Well come and tell me all about it, ok? Like I said, I have my parent's beach house for the whole week, and there will be lots of people. It will be amazing.``

"That sounds great!" she said, deciding she would go down to the coast on Friday after work, call out to work on Monday and drive back then.

"Yay!" Margaret squealed, and Chastity hung up the phone. She found she had a slight headache either from the pill or power of suggestion, and went to sleep.

The next week was boring. She got a text from Sharon the next day telling her they had made it to North Carolina and that she appreciated her "hospitality" as she and Mike were passing through. Chastity wished them well, and went about her week with the typical filing, answering phones and ordering supplies.

After the fairly short drive to the coast where Chastity had spent weeks at a time as a child, she knew this was going to be an entirely different experience when her friend greeted her with a hug and a cocktail. After downing their drinks, Margaret said, "Let's go down to the beach!" so Chastity changed into a red bikini and slathered on sunscreen ready for anything.

"So? Details?" Margaret asked after they had walked for a while and turned to go back towards the beach house. She wanted to know what happened with Donald.

"He took me to dinner. I thought he was going to ask me to marry him, but he didn't, so I got offended. All the signs were there. He just graduated and got a better job, so I thought we were headed down the aisle." She left the sex stuff out, embarrassed he hadn't been able to get it up.

"You expected a marriage proposal?" she asked. "You're too young for marriage, Chastity. I'm not even thinking about that until I'm 30."

"I don't know, I didn't go on to college, so what else am I really going to do?" she asked rhetorically.

"Well, I'm sure you miss the sex anyway." she said. "I'm sure you finally did it after you moved out of your parent's house, right?" she asked. Chastity had revealed more of her frustrations to Margaret, who she did consider a closer friend than Sharon.

"We did finally have sex" she confided, "but, I've been having more fun since we broke up" she confided, not wanting to go into the details about how Donald had been a massive disappointment in bed. "I slept with a dreamy doctor, and it was amazing." She held her fingers about 7 inches apart indicating how big he was.

"Ooh very nice," Margaret said. "Was he super rich?" she said, her feet splashing in the surf.

"Oh my God, he had like, three ovens in his kitchen and a car that drove by itself. I'm pretty sure it was just a one night stand, but it was amazing. When he went down on me, I had the biggest orgasm of my life."

"Was he better than Donald?" she asked.

"Oh way better" Chastity said, thinking there was no way in the world he could have been any worse.

"Well I've been sleeping with this black guy. Oh my God Chastity. Huge. Hung. Gorgeous. I'm getting horny just thinking about it."

"So you're dating him?" she asked.

"It's more of a just for fun thing. Somebody to blow off steam with. He's staying at the house with three other guys. They were out getting beer when you got here, but they will be back. Between you and me, I want to fuck all of them before the end of the week."

"Margaret! You slut!" Chastity said, grinning in mock horror.

"Well, I might as well have fun while I can. You should too. You're only young once, right? I'll be good later. When I'm 30."

"I can't judge. I actually had a threesome last weekend." she said, a little guilty.

"I love threesomes. Did you like it?"

"Yeah, I did. The guy was kind of a hippy." she said, and the girl...well, it was Sharon."


"Yeah, Sharon, as in Sharon Martin, Sharon. Played clarinet in the band."

"No fucking way. She was such a nerd!"

"She's completely different now. She looks way better now that she gained a few pounds. She's majoring in English and dicks apparently"

Margaret laughed. "Well so am I, I guess. Majoring in dicks anyway."

They saw someone coming towards them, and Margaret said "Oh look, I think that's Jamal." she said, and in several more paces, he started waving his hands wildly at her, and she did the same in return.

"Hey you!" she said. "How was the beer run?" she asked.

"Yeah, we're all back at the house ready to party. We got some pizza and stuff. "Who's this?" he said, looking appreciatively at Chastity.

"This is my friend from High School. She came down to visit."

"It's good to meet you." he said, "and I know the boys will like you. "She's super hot. Just like you are, baby. I like that little red bikini." Chastity could tell he had been drinking or maybe even smoking weed.

Once back at the house, it was starting to get dark, and the ocean was changing to beautiful blue and turquoise colors and Chastity was introduced to three men in their 20's, all who went to college with Margaret. There was Jamal, Conner, Dwayne and and guy named Rick. Three black guys who looked like they were heavily involved in sports, and Conner, was the only white guy, or "cream in the coffee" as Jamal put it.

They ate pizza, drank beer, and laughed making fun of themselves and each other on the wide porch overlooking the ocean. Then, Margaret asked Chastity if she had ever tried 'shrooms.

"No," Chastity said. "I've never even tried a cigarette." she said, a little embarrassed.

"Still?" Margaret asked. "Well, you should try 'shrooms. You'll love them." she said, and pulled out something from her bag that was the color of mud and felt a little like a rubber eraser.

Chastity knew she probably shouldn't, but then again, she had missed out on so much not going to college, and she was pretty depressed about her situation with Donald. Besides, lots of other people tried it and said they liked it. It was natural and what was the worst that could happen? Without much thought, she ate it.

Nothing happened at first. She almost thought that the shrooms hadn't worked on her. That they were defective or something. Then, after about 10 minutes she felt like the world had become psychedelic. Everything seemed shimmery and had more luster than it did before. Almost like everything was shrouded in rainbows.

"Hey," one of the guys she thought was Dwayne came up to her. "You ever fucked a black guy before."

She struggled to answer, and instead just went straight for his crotch. She wasn't self conscious about it, and felt that it was big and thick. "Wow," was all she could manage, and she felt his mouth on hers. He was so hot. He was muscular and masculine, and the type of guy she would never expect would look twice at her. He was so muscle bound and strong. She imagined he must play football, and she became fascinated with the differences in their bodies. How unyielding he was.

Before she knew what was happening, she was being carried to the couch where Margaret was bobbing her head up and down the biggest dick she had ever seen.

"You want to do that?" Dwayne asked, and she nodded, realizing her pussy was pulsing with anticipation.

Dwayne opened his fly and let out his dick, which was huge. She felt it in her hand and it was so soft and so hard at the same time. It tasted good, and when he moaned, it only made her want to suck him harder and with more enthusiasm..

Soon enough, another cock appeared beside her. A somewhat smaller cock than either Jamal's or Dwayne's, and she took it in her hand and started jerking it. "Oh God!" she said, her mind exploding with the knowledge that she was not only pleasuring two dicks at once, she was doing it in front of one of her good friends. She looked over at Margaret who was now getting plowed by the white guy, Eric while she blew Jamaal, and noticed Margaret had a tattoo on her lower back that she hadn't had in high school. It was a butterfly, and it almost appeared to be flying on it's own as she got fucked.

She abandoned the cocks in front of her, and went to look at it. It was pretty. All the colors, and she bent down to kiss it, fascinated with how it looked while a cock was going in and out of her pussy. As she was looking at the butterfly, Eric pulled out of her pussy, and presented her with his dick to suck.

She took his cock in her mouth and moaned, getting it nice and wet, and he stuck it back in Margaret's pussy and Chastity enjoyed the tangy flavor of her friends juices on Eric's cock.

As he continued to fuck, Chastity felt someone taking off her shorts that she had put on over her bikini, and she realized she was presenting her wet, warm pussy to any of the men in the room that might want to fuck her, and she wanted it.

All through the night, she felt dick after dick enter her, and she did it in all positions. On the floor, on the couch, doggy style. She did it with a cock in her pussy, and a cock in her mouth, and she even allowed one of the men to lube her up and try anal sex, though she found she didn't like it as much, though the men seemed to cum super quick when then entered her.

The sex went on for hours, and she loved every moment, taking as much pleasure as she could from the cocks that she came in contact with.

When everyone had gone to bed and she sobered up, she was exhausted and covered in cum. She had definitely fucked everyone there. All four guys and her friend Margaret, who she had a vague recollection of eating out while her friend positioned herself, head down on the couch.

Chastity went off to take a shower and fall into a deep sleep until the next afternoon.


When Chastity woke up, she found she didn't want to stay at the beach any longer and couldn't stand seeing either Margaret or the guys she had fucked. So, while everyone was still asleep, she left and texted Margaret that she had to get home, using her mother as an excuse saying she had to help her mom since her car broke down and her father was away on a business trip.

Then on the drive home, Chastity started to cry. If she had been upset about being a virgin, she had more than made up for it now. Sex with a virtual stranger, threesomes, group sex with more men than she could count and all inside of a matter of a few weeks. She was the very definition of a slut. She would probably get some horrible disease and have to be on pills for the rest of her life, or maybe even be rendered infertile.

She pulled her car over at a gas station and started to really let the tears flow, realizing she had really gone too far, all because she was depressed about Donald. God she missed him with his Christian ways and monogamous nature. He actually cared about her. All those other men had just wanted her body for sex. They didn't give a shit that she liked Easter more than Christmas or that she struggled with dyslexia as a child. They didn't care that she liked history and one day wanted to have two children and two cats.

She managed to make it home and get through the next few weeks barely talking to anyone. When her friends called or texted, she ignored them not wanting any more parties, drugs or crazy sex. She did her filing, took phone calls, and ran errands when asked. She went home after work, played games on her phone, called her mom and went to bed early.

The next Saturday, right after her period (that mercifully came that month), she went to a walk-in clinic to get tested for STDs expecting to hear she had tested positive for something awful. That she was looking at a lifetime of pills and medical cocktails in punishment for her behavior.

Somehow though, when the clinician took her back to discuss her results, she had tested negative for everything, but was given a stern lecture about using condoms and the importance of practicing safe sex. Really the woman should have saved her breath though. Chastity was never going to have hollow, empty sex again. The next time she did something with another person, there would be real love and affection involved.

As she was leaving the clinic, she made a phone call. "Don?" She said when he picked up.

"How have you been?" she asked.

"Meh." he said.

"Same." she said, realizing she felt like a shell of herself. She missed her boyfriend. The boy she had practically grown up with and truly did love. "You want to get together later?" she asked.

"I guess we could have lunch," he said.

A few hours later, he greeted her at a sandwich shop with a huge hug, and she could tell he missed her as much as she had missed him.

When they were seated, he said "about the other night. I don't know what happened. I guess I choked."

"I thought maybe you were gay or something." she said and laughed.

He threw a napkin at her playfully. "I'm not gay." he said "I think I put too much thought into having sex I guess. I was nervous, and you know how religious my family is. It didn't help that I masturbated myself into oblivion that day thinking about it."

"Really?" she asked and he gave her a half smile.

"I don't know. I made too much of it, and it ended up being a terrible experience for both of us. We should have just done it junior year when we started dating."

"You know, I think I like that you are the way you are." she said. "Sex without love is, well, it's kinda meaningless. I like that you attach so much importance to it."

"Well, you know, I'm not doing anything now. Got the whole day off." he said and cocked his eyebrow. She knew he had taught himself to do it after watching a James Bond movie, and knew that he thought the gesture made him look intriguing.

"So do I" she said, smiled and reached for his crotch discreetly, finding it already hard and ready for her.

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creamsoda25creamsoda25over 1 year agoAuthor

Thanks so much for the comment Bill669. I probably should have left a lot of the beginning out, or in some other way grabbed the reader. I can see how it got off to a slow start. I'm sure lots of people read the first page and abandoned it.

Bill669JBill669Jover 1 year ago

Nice story. Bad start. Good ending and a lot of good sex inbetween

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