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Click hereLinn blushed and asked, "What did she say about me?"
"Not much, it was an intensive dance training and most of the time we talked about the dance. But I think she still remembers how you ignored me at that damn company party and lay on her husband. Cecilia confessed that it was her idea to get Dan hugging you outside our house to tease me for getting even for the black eye I gave him at the hotel. Can't deny that he collected some points."
"When will you see Cecilia next time?"
"I don't know. There was some talk about line-dance training in the future, but nothing is decided yet. Maybe then but nothing is for sure."
"I trust you and have no objections if you want to go to some dance courses with her."
"Thank you Linn, I love you, only you and will keep everything that I promised."
"I know, and I love you too and will keep everything I promised."
We had a great sex that evening and I'm happy to have such a loving wife.
The "agreement m" wa stupid. The hypothetical was weird. Once he knows the truth, he should have confronted her. Their agreement means nothing when she lied and tried to make it appear, along with Dan, and unknowingly, Cecilia that she and Dan cheated. If you can't stand the heat then get out of the kitchen. In this case, despite her remorse and dislike for Dan (even thiugh she hugs him as part of the prank / setup), she needs to weather the storm of her husband's fury when he confronts her and try to work things out. A one time tryst is bad enough, but her deceit in hiding behind the agreement is awful. Dan is a total asshole and should have gotten more than a black eye.
1-star. This was the wimpy response I expected from a Scandinavian man. They love being cuckolds.
Lol. Not sure why people are confused. MC has suspicions but overplayed his hand early. Linn got seduced by the asshole Dan, but was one time encounter (two rounds) and she regretted is thereafter creating tension at work. It was bad enough that she abd Dan were having issues working together at work afterwards and cowrokera saw the change. However, she didn't confess.
Cecilia at first stood by her husband Dan and helped set up the MC for the blackeye he delivered to Dan. Then later he got set up at the hotel, probably Dan helping Linn to snuff out the MC's suspicions. The thing is he was right but never realized was a one time thing. Cecilia found out truth by accident (because Dan is an asshole), told the MC and wanted a revenge f$ck, that was a bit more than that. Both agreed yo let sleeping dogs lie. Later Linn learned that the NC and Cecilia were going to a fance class and had learned from Dan that Cecilia had found the truth out via Dan's phone call. Hence all the hypotheticals. Basically she was signaling to her husband that despite their agreement to forgive and forget all things in the past before the hotel encounter that she woukd be willing to confess IF he wanted t hear it. He didn't and told her what he heard from Cecilia, not mentioning Linn by name, but making it clear he already knew. Thus neither violated their agreement. Linn, however while worried about Cecilia's intentions with the MC, has no clue about their one time revenge sex tryst. And even if she suspects cannot prove it, not does she want to push the issue as she regrets what she did with Dan, and is signaling she is willing to overlook a possible revenge tryst. But the dialog at the end makes it clear that she trusts her husband to be around Cecilia provided it is only in friendship in a structured setting. The MC tells her he is happing in their marriage after the agreement.
Personally, I think the story had some interesting elements earlier on, but falls apart when he learns the truth from Cecilia, agreement or not with Linn. Regardless of the revenge sex with Cecilia, his logic about keeping everything secret, while possibly working out best in the long term, makes zero sense on an emotional level and is not realistic. Once he knows the truth, having zero discussion or counseling about it, means their marriage will corroded from the inside. A revenge f$ck with Cecilia does not clear that away. And while their agreement helped in principle, it was made under false pretenses, so of she wants to divorce him for bringing up again, she can piss off. Instead, get it outnin the open, and go to counseling if you want to save the marriage. His agreement with Cecilia is not as important as his marriage to Linn. So yeah the story veered off course after the Cecilia reveal. That being my said, I appreciated how Linn brought up her hypothetical confession. She wss ready to confess. And she realized after what her husband told her that Dan was a real asshole and she made the right choice to break things off immediately with Dan. But the MC's reaction yo not have her confess, makes no sense. Now after time has passed he is obligated to beat up Dan (he already did once, kind of)? Forego the revenge f$ck and work out what you plan to do with Linn. Or not and throw it in Linn's face. The point is don,t be a Vulcan. Be human. That is far more realistic. While it might damage his budding friendship with Cecilia and get him in some hot water if he rough up Dan, who cares? Either divorce Linn or reconcile. Personally I would kick the crap out of Dan, tell Cecilia no thanks with the revenge f$ck and no friendship, and demand counseling for Linn and myself. Why? Because it isn't just ge one time in the hotel., one afternoon. It is about the buildup to that tryst, her not confessing to him and her implied faithfulness and hence threat about his paranoia that led to the agreement (when he had no proof), and, if reconciliation desired, a way for her to get over her guilt and for him to forgive her, so he can heal. Once Cecilia tells him the truth, that wound is torn open again. At least that would be a human response. Different people woukd do different things, but his actions, or really lack thereof after learning the truth, came of off as too rational and emotionless, except for the revenge f$ck which sealed his agreement with Cecilia. These aren't government treaties. And the characters are not Vulcans. He already showed himself to be a bit of a hothead (though justified) earlier on.
Would have been better except for his lack of actions post discovery via Cecilia, but some redemption with Linn doing her hypothetical confession. But at least it wasn't formulaic. 4 stars.
Yet another story spoilt by poor English.I suggest the author seeks help from some one.
Obviously English is not the author's first language, however he/she has to do a better job translating. OK effort though, nonetheless.
BTB crowd will not be happy with this one but I find it realistic and entertaining. Yup, Swedish women are easier than BTB crowd would like but that's a life. Southern women in the US are easy too but you would not know that if you listen all the BS preaching you get from southern evangelists.
Sorry ‘frog but it’s a miss with this one. She’s been a slut for Dan, and the company’s MD doesn’t care or is complicit. He should have divorced her and moved on. His connections with others in his field should create problems for the company that only he can fix for the right price.