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Chelsea - The Epilogue

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An epilogue to a story about a girlfriend's growing cock.
2.4k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 08/05/2020
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The short story Chelsea was very well received. I really feel Chelsea stands on its own and any sequel would take away from the original. But an epilogue is not a sequel, right? So here is the epilogue. The original was a story about sex, this is sex with a story. It's significantly more indulgent. Leave feedback if you'd like and enjoy.



"Hold still, you baby!" She was now twisting the butt plug, trying to work it out of me, giggling as I whimpered. It had been in there too long, and the lip hooked into me too deeply. Most significantly, it was big; almost big enough to prepare me for her. One hand held my hips firmly as the other worked it out, finally releasing with a long moan of pain and a pop.

Just last night she had again indulged in her terrible ability, tying me up and riding my cock until I came unwillingly in her big ass. How far I had fallen since even the last time I had willingly topped her. I rewound through the recent events of my life as she kissed my cheek and wandered off to get ready for the next stage, leaving me on all fours.

Obviously, things had changed when my thick-hipped girlfriend had been given a cock that seemed to grow just a little bit every time I came inside her ass. Once we adjusted, we had been fucking like rabbits and I had been destroying that ass, but it was so short-sighted. As her cock grew, she wasn't willing to be the full-time bottom anymore. And inevitably, I had to stop topping her to stop her growth. I had gone from dominant man to my girlfriend's bottom, and, while Chelsea was still affectionate, she enjoyed her new role as a top to a painful degree.

It hadn't just been our sex roles that had changed. Of course I had considered ending things. But I did love her. And, maybe contributing more to our paradigm shift, my work had dried up, and I had become more and more dependent on my girlfriend and roommate. All while she grew increasingly comfortable with her new role, grew increasingly interested in domination, and, well, grew.

It wasn't just Chelsea's cock that had grown. Always prone to thick hips and a big butt, she had put on more than a few pounds, becoming more forceful as a result. She still carried it so well, and her curvy size fitting her new more dominant role. Now when she sat on my face, my head disappeared entirely under Chelsea's big ass. It was that big ass that had been riding my cock last night, my hands cuffed to the bedposts and my body pinned under her weight. I was shaking my head and pleading through the gag. But she knew I couldn't resist forever. I came in her ass as she wanted and that big floppy cock smacking against my knees grew even longer last night.

I was jolted back into the present by a sharp pain, a slap on my ass. She grabbed my cheek and shook it, her thick body climbing onto the bed which ominously creaked and groaned with her added weight. She placed a hand on my back for balance which also kept me from tipping over as the mattress compressed and warped around her feet and under her weight. The lock on the spreader bar keeping my ankles far apart jingled with the movement, and I looked down at my bound wrists and wished things were different. The engagement ring on my finger best represented my plight. It was simple and masculine; we had, of course, purchased a much nicer ring for her after she had proposed and "locked me down". That purchase had depleted my savings.

She walked around the bed, circling me, giggling at my difficulty balancing with her big steps. I did love her giggle, I loved so much about her. Her dangling cock slapped against my face as she walked around me, clearly done intentionally with a giggle. Cock slaps were regular, as they'd been for her when I was the top. Many of her habits were learned from me.

Chelsea wore only panties, black and red, sexy and...aggressive. These panties had a hole in the crotch, although I wasn't sure if she had recently bought them that way or cut a hole herself. Her cock hung out through, seemingly dangling halfway to her knees. Thongs just didn't have enough material to support Chelsea's balls, but her growing asscheeks still swallowed her panties up in the back.

Her whole wardrobe had been altered by her changes. Obviously putting on some weight meant buying some new clothes, but Chelsea's new genitals demanded consideration in any outfit. Jeans and other lose fitting clothing could hide her package, but skirts and shorts made it difficult to conceal herself outside the house. Yoga pants had been her go-to pre-penis, and she had never stopped wearing them in the home, but they did show a pretty obvious bulge with her cock tucked up under her taint. The other day though, she had dragged me along to the grocery store, and I hadn't noticed until we got there that she was wearing yoga pants and had an obvious bulge, her cock in the front and her balls visible from behind and between her legs. We hadn't run into anyone we knew, but it was only a matter of time based on her lessening desire to hide her new biology. I think she wants people to know. Every person who noticed her bulge also looked at me to see who was with her.

She sat cross-legged in front of me to talk, her cock brushing against my face on the way down. At that size, it took a little time to fill and harden. She came in close with her hand holding my chin, "I love you," she hummed sweetly, kissing me deeply. It's not like our whole relationship was about domination. Many nights we'd still kiss and romp and play like we used to, her maybe giving me a sensual blowjob or handjob, but I dared not fuck her if I could help it. More frequently I was getting her off. She had been so horny since gaining a dick, and my willingness to jerk Chelsea off or to suck her dick directly correlated to less anal.

When she worked from home it was several times a day. Was she really more horny or did she just know that I was going to do it, so...why not? Most recently had been last night when, after I came in her butt and her cock grew. She had lounged in my recliner afterwards in her bathrobe, her thick hips filling her throne while I knelt naked before her and played with her freshly grown cock until she blew. Two hands stroking her while my mouth wrapped around Chelsea's apple head. She had reclined comfortably, her eyes half closed on me, talking dirty about how big her dick was. I was coming to understand that she was getting off on the size and power of her cock.

"And do you love me?" She pulled her lips away from mine, looking into my eyes, sweetly and probingly.

"Yes, of course," I said with a smile. I did love her.

"You know this is just all fun right? We can stop, just say the word." What was I going to do? Stop this? Endanger keeping a roof over my head and go through the embarrassment of breaking off an engagement?

"I want you to be happy sweety," I said, hoping she'd be gentle. There was no gentle with a bat like hers, but she was capable of making things much worse for me if she wasn't happy.

"Oh goodie, you're a good fiance and you're going to make a great husband." She giggled, kissing me deeply and sensually again. "I can't wait to be inside you!" She said excitedly, crawling around me, her body draping heavily on my back as she got into position behind me. She lubed me up, and I was even embarrassed at the routineness of her preparing my ass to be fucked.

She also lubed up her big ass and legs, rubbing the oil into her skin. Next she lubed up my dick, balls, and taint, not that I'd need lube there, but to be extra shiny for the camera. Yes, she turned on her camera phone. She set it behind and below us, she wanted to record any prostate dripping and ultimately her creampie. She'd replay this tomorrow while I jerked her off and caught her load as she watched me cum from being fucked.

While the camera watched, she crouched over my body which was on all fours, looming, her long rod sitting on top of my ass, her hips looking twice as big as mine, her butt crack eating up her black and red panties and the skin of her bulging ball sack peaking out from either side. Chelsea lined up her lubed head with one hand and forced it into my asshole while her other hand gripped my love handle tightly and sharply so I wasn't tempted to move. I understood that she'd go slow unless I tried to pull away and then she'd pound it right into me She groaned in pleasure and I whimpered in pain as she stretched her straight boyfriend's asshole even wider. I pressed against my restraints but I had no chance of getting out. Her hand held my hip tightly as she slowly withdrew her cock before pushing it in again.

I'm not sure what wire was crossed in Chelsea's head, whether she had always had these sadistic feelings or developed them with her cock. She wasn't shy about enjoying my grunts of pain, my whimpering, my crying as if they are moans of joy.

"I'm a fucking horse," she said, admiring her cock in the mirror and calling my attention to her reflection. She slammed into me harder than she had yet. Chelsea knew exactly where to aim, what angle to take, to torture my prostate. She had a bit of a cum fetish and loved the idea of making me involuntarily squirt for her. We had spent long hours exploring, me impaled on her lap, a collar around my neck and a leash in her hand, not allowed off until I had gotten off. I didn't want to cum while riding my girlfriend but I really didn't have a choice. Now she could work my prostate like a pro. I'd tried to explain that it was just a physical reaction, but she loved it as a sign of submission.. Her online name was ChelseaHorseCock, and she was just dabbling into how to make money off of what she was already doing for fun, further humiliating me by making it somewhat public.

Her ability to control me increased. It only took one session in bondage and a painal session to get information out of me. I was willing to tell her my social media passwords, bank account information, everything, in what she called a "play session". She had me already by the time she moved me across the country for her new well-paying job, further isolating me.

Two soft hands wrapped around my neck, making it difficulty to breath and holding me in place as she drove in painfully. I whimpered and choked for air, getting light-headed, my eyes watering, tears down my face. But she was pounding my prostate so perfectly, it didn't matter, I was going to cum, hands free. Right as I was passing the point of no return in my orgasm, Chelsea spoke. "I googled how much an asshole can take, and there's some pretty hot videos out there of some monster toys people can take in the extremes. Which is great news for you, you'll be getting lucky more going forward!" I winced and shook my head and screamed into the gag, not wanting to cum right after she referred to the future of my ass as an extreme, my whole body tensing up trying to prevent it. I couldn't stop her from milking the cum right out of me. I had been holding back for so long, trying my best not to come off as so pathetic that, when it hit, it hit hard. The noise I made into the gag was somewhere between pleasure and disappointed wailing. My first spurt of cum hit the bed sheets below right as she was telling me about how big she could stretch my asshole. When Chelsea rewatched the video afterwards, she decided that, due to the timing, I must really enjoy the idea of being stretched as much as she did. As a result, her treatment of my poor hole going forward would decline even more. She always treated it like a joke when I told her I didn't want her to grow more, for me to be stretched more. Now she was confident that I really wanted it and was just reluctant to admit it.

Chelsea loved it, picking up her pace and turning my reluctant orgasm moans into painful squeals. She was breathing deeply in my ear, holding my head to look with her in the mirror at what she was doing to me, her big body looming over me, her giant cock repeatedly impaling me. She licked at my tears, smiling, moaning in a deep pleasure. "I'm a fucking horse," Chelsea groaned, nibbling painfully on my ear. She soon might have a literal horse cock; I think she believed she really would. Her eyes were watching the cum still dripping from my flopping little cock as she started to cum. "Your future wife will be a horse. You will be mine, and I will be a fucking stallion!" My mind reluctantly imagined Chelsea with a big smile on her face and a huge tent in her white dress. She blew her load loudly, emptying rope after rope of her nut into my shaking and squirming body. She had so much cum to give, emptying her tennis balls inside of me.

I'd jerk her off the very next day to the video of me farting out her creampie that night.

And after she was done squeezing out all of the cum from my belly, she'd lay with me and stroke my hair, and tell me how much she loved me, and we'd fall asleep her spooning me. I'd wait until she was asleep, breathing deeply in my ear, before I'd let myself cry in soft whimpers lest I excite her to another round. I do love her still, but its clear that Chelsea fucking owns me.

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LowBeamLowBeamover 1 year ago

Chelsea should bring some other girls home to give hubby a break.

Only_a_readerOnly_a_readerover 2 years ago

You have to go further, that's what i'd likwe to read. You have practically emasculated him, at least she lets him take it for her ass, but you haven't made her give him pussy. Im not so talkative when I comment in literotica, in fact, I almost dont comment, but here you've killed his life. She really is giving him no chance. Ok, male pride is the reason of all troubles in the world and that's the reason they get cuckolded and/or raped by futas. That's why i dont bother in comment, but for the first time since I read porn literature here that I feel sorry for a male character, when normally would be excited by the cuck or fuck he got. Not a hater, just a reader

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

This is just depressing, really.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

kinda hot but little concerning

Secret10inSecret10inalmost 3 years ago

Holy shit this really deserves a sequel. Imagine that their sole source of income comes from OF and cam shows, and she has him measure her in detail on camera often, and because "it's work" she has girls over to fuck on cam. It would be great if you went into detail about her balls and load sizes growing to match her cock as well.

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