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Chloe's Teacher Pt. 04

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Chloe's education continues, with a cane, and strap.
7.1k words

Part 4 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 04/10/2021
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Hanging as she was, Chloe was beginning to ache, just a little, but she guessed it was all part of the process. This was all new to Chloe; this was the first time that Andy had brought her to his bedroom. She had been in here before, a few years ago with Max, Andy's son, and it was then that she stole his Spanking magazines when she was forming her sexual tastes.

Even so, she had never seen it like this; she was hanging from a metal bar that was attached to the ceiling by 4 large hooks—hooks that most definitely were not there normally. She was not expecting a lot of spanks today; she had completed all her tasks. Over the weekend she had masturbated several times, but for some reason they were not as satisfying as the one on Friday, and she had stopped by Sunday morning, wanting to build the tension again to have another one like Friday. She had got herself to the point of orgasm and then stopped on Sunday night. She had dutifully placed and ice cube in her pussy on Sunday and yesterday, and she did not like that at all. It seemed to take forever to melt and she dribbled while she did it. The butt plug was getting easy now; she could get it in without any real pain. It was uncomfortable, but by the time the hour was up she had forgotten about it. In fact, yesterday it had stayed in for over 2 hours.

To be fair, those were the easy bits; it was the flashing somebody that had been hard. On Monday morning, she sat in the office with no knickers as instructed, her skirt too short to hide the fact when she was sitting. She had not felt comfortable at all, probably because she knew what was expected, as it was no worse than Friday last week. Anyway, there was only one desk that could see, and it was normally empty. Then at five past nine, Tim had come and sat in that desk; he gave her a look, and she had kept her legs closed and to the side to stop him seeing. He was clearly hoping for a repeat of what he'd accidentally seen on Friday.

After lunch, she still had not had the courage to do her task and she texted Andy. "Master, I have the opportunity to flash a man in the office. I know his name, but we have spoken only twice. I really don't know him. Does he count as a stranger?"

It had taken about 5 minutes but Andy replied, "Show him to me."

Chloe took a photo of Tim without him noticing, and sent it to Andy. She included a line to be fully honest. "Besides being introduced when I started, the only other words I have said to him was on Friday when he looked up my skirt in the stairwell."

"I will accept him," came back the reply.

Chloe had waited until he was looking generally in her direction, and after swallowing several times, and starting to open her legs twice and stopping, she opened her legs and sat with her pussy staring at Tim. It took him longer than expected—well, definitely longer than she wanted—for him to notice. When he did, he looked away quickly, then over the next minute grabbed 3 or 4 glances under her desk. Then he looked at her, and she returned his look with a steely determination not to flinch or look away. Thinking about it now, it must have looked like a challenge. But after looking away for a good 10 seconds he looked back under the desk, and this was not a quick sneaky look; this was a stare. He was drinking in the beauty of her soft, very tidy, hairless pussy. She could see his eyes following the lines of her skin, the subtle and gentle folds of skin. She moved her hand down and slid two fingers, one either side, down her lips. She had no clue what possessed her to do that, but she did, and as she moved her fingers back up, she parted them, pulling her soft pale outer lips apart, revealing the deep-red, wet inner lips and her tight, wet hole. In her head, this was erotic and she was starting to get really turned on. She circled her clit with her fingers, making it pop out. Then Tim jumped up. She thought he was coming over, and was ready to say she was not interested, but he blew past her, and headed really quickly in the direction of the toilet, his hand in his trouser pocket. Chloe burst out laughing.

She had relayed all of this to Andy, who had said he was satisfied, but she had a feeling he was not—at least not completely. Anyway, she was here now, and there was nothing she could do to change it. He was in the process of tying rope to her knees. She was not sure what he had planned, but all she was interested in at this point was how many spanks and was she going to be allowed to cum. When he was finished with her knees, he looped the rope over the bar at the end and pulled her leg up, it had two effects: one, her left side was in more of a sitting position and two, because he had looped it over the far side of the last hook, it pulled her legs apart. Once he had completed the right side it really was like she sitting in mid-air with her hands above her head, and her legs spread wide. This was nowhere near as uncomfortable as she expected, but she did feel her pussy was particularly exposed.

"Right, Miss Moore," Andy began. "We have more time today, thanks to your ingenuity." She had re-arranged her work schedule so she got out at 2:30 and that gave her and Andy 4 hours.

"Thank you, Master," she said.

"However," he continued, "there are a few things you need to be punished for." There was a pause that Chloe was sure was for effect, then he started his list. "First of all, there are the 10 spanks that were carried over from your last session." Chloe could not recall; she had in her head it was 5, but she was not going to argue, and he continued. "Then there are 5 to be added for not finding a proper stranger to flash." There was another pause, then, "And last of all, there are 10 for not telling me your plans for today earlier, and making me re-plan my day late."

"Yes, Master, I deserve them all," she said, with meekness in her voice that she did not actually feel.

"There is good news, too. I like that you played to the point of making him uncomfortable, so you get to cum today!" There was a level of amusement in his voice that Chloe was not sure about.

She watched as he walked over and picked up the cane. She was really worried about that; tied in this position she was helpless. She had no leverage to move, so she was completely at his mercy, which was both a little scary, but also turned her on a lot. She liked the idea that he could do whatever he wanted and she was powerless to stop it.

Andy looked at Chloe, tied as she was, a beautiful young thing completely within his control. The light coming in from the blinds that had been shut just enough to stop prying eyes, was dancing across her skin. His eyes followed the lines of her breasts, curving and smooth, resting just the smallest amount on her belly that had been forced up into her by the tie. He mused for a second that she would still look good even with a little bit of extra weight. He ran his hand across her stomach, delighting in her soft skin that almost felt fluffy. He gently trailed his fingers back and forth, slowly heading down. He watched her; the reaction to his touch was subtle, but as best she could, she pushed into his touch.

He moved into the area that she groomed, and the sudden lack of any hair was really noticeable to the touch, going from fluffy soft to a smooth silky feel. She moaned as his fingers glided across the area where her pubic hair would have been. His cock was growing quickly, as his fingers glided across her clit, and onto her slightly-puffy, creamy lips. at the bottom he stopped and with as delicate a touch as he could manage run a finger up each lip, to her loud moan. At the top he swirled around her clit, slowly increasing the pressure, watching her clit pop out from its hiding place just behind the top of the lips.

Andy watched closely as Chloe's arousal grew; slowly her moaning became louder, more carnal, her orgasm rising as her body tensed and she approached that edge where she would collapse on the other side into her climax. He stopped and removed his fingers just as she started to shake in the hanging position she was in. He watched as she fought to hold back the orgasm and calm herself, and was pleased when he saw she was winning, and he didn't even have to instruct her.

When she looked calm enough, in a quick motion he brought the cane up to her arse. The sound of the wood connecting with her skin was washed away by the howl of pain that she let out. Four more followed quickly, and Chloe was sobbing as the fifth one hit, her bottom crossed with light welts where the cane had struck.

"You OK?" he asked.

Chloe gathered herself and replied, "Yes, Master. It is what I desire. Please administer the rest."

Andy smiled to himself, as he picked up the strap, and turned to her. He waited for her to notice, and as soon as she did, he swung it at her pussy; the strap landed along the length of her lips, crushing them with a very satisfying whack. Chloe grunted, the colour of her lips changing, the arousal that came with being punished newly evident.

He walked around her and swung the next one from behind, the strap going between her legs and landing from somewhere on her pussy that he could not see. It trailed across her perineum with this end disappearing slightly between her arse cheeks; there was a little yelp with that one. He landed three more of the same, and then ran his hand over the area he had just strapped. She moaned as he did, the warmth created by the strikes radiating back into his hand. Standing behind her with his hand between her legs at the bottom of her pussy, he parted her lips, running two fingers up the wet, soft and engorged inside, all the way to the clit. Chloe jerked in her restraints as he pressed across the clit. Chloe was moaning gently again. The sob that had accompanied the cane had gone, although as he rubbed across the quite-clear welts that it had made, she flinched, and the noise ushered from her lips was more one of pain than pleasure.

Andy was not sure he had made the right choice using the cane first, but he'd wanted her to have the knowledge of all the implements that he would normally spank her with on a clear unmolested bottom. That way, he could have an informed discussion with her later about what she liked and what she didn't. This type of information was vital for two reasons: first, so he knew what to use to pleasure her, and what to use to punish her; and second, so she could learn and understand. If she could explain it to him, then she got it. However, she was due 15 more, and with the strap. He whipped it at her bottom, lower than the cane had struck, and he watched as her left cheek bounced to the tacking sounds of leather hitting skin. The little mole that he had noticed last time vibrated as ripples washed through her skin and her arse settled back to still. He repeated the strap on the right cheek, his mind almost lost in the sight of the ripples crossing her skin, and the sound of her grunt, loud, and full of pleasure.

The next two landed in the same manner as the first two and the grunts of pleasure increased, as a bright pink band started to appear on her lower arse cheeks. For good measure, he swung the last of these five up again, causing the strap to whip around and slap against her pussy lips. The moan was carnal once more; that particular move clearly caused an aroused reaction from Chloe. Wanting to move on, Andy landed four more, two on each cheek as before, delighting in hearing Chloe grunt with that pleasurable tone that said this was so much more than a spanking to her.

For the last six, he moved around the front and before she even realised what was happening, the strap landed across her left breast. The nipple disappeared under the leather as the soft tissue on the breast compressed and then rippled. The squeak from Chloe almost made him laugh, as the strap moved away, revealing a red line across her breast, with a nipple now standing proud like a bullet. For over a second the boob still moved about, recovering from the slap, and he saw her tense up as the next one landed almost perfectly over the spot the first one did. The squeak was more of a yelp this time, but before the silky, creamy skin had stopped bouncing she was pushing her chest out, challenging him to land another, which he did, the yelp now turning more to a moan. Andy moved around to the other side, and again her chest was being pushed out as the slap landed, her right breast moving slightly more than the left, which he assumed was down to the fact that her right breast was very slightly larger than the left.

The last two landed quickly, her pert, soft breast bouncing, making his cock harden. Chloe really was a thing of beauty. "That is your 25," he said.

"Thank you, Master," she replied. "I can't say I like the cane; the pain is too sharp and intense for me to enjoy," she paused, clearly thinking.

"I will save that for actual punishment then, not the pleasurable punishment or the encouragement punishment," he mused with a smile on his face.

"You can hit my arse and pussy with that leather strap all day; I think I might cum if you do that enough. The sting and the sensations that run through my body are amazing when you do that." There was a cheeky grin on her face.

"What about the nipple shots?" Andy enquired.

"Errrr, they are punishment; they hurt and the sting lasts too long. I might grow to like them, but not at the moment. But unlike the cane that I just want to stop, I can brazen them out" Her voice said she was reasoning that out in her head as she spoke.

"I did think you were pushing your chest out and challenging me when I did that," Andy said, as he started to stroke her arse, and onto her inner thigh, enjoying the soft skin.

Chloe giggled as she spoke, and Andy thought it was as much his touch as what she said. "I was. I wanted you to see I could take what you throw at me."

"That's five lashes next time," Andy said, as his hand brushed across her lips.

"What?!" she complained.

"You don't challenge your Master."

"Yes, Master. Sorry, Master," she said in a voice that sounded like she was putting on the meekness, not meaning it, but he let it go.

Andy swirled around her clit again, feeling her arousal strengthen through his touch She continued, voice back to normal, "I do like that you mix the punishment with tenderness, and teasing. I have not had that before, and it drives me wild. I want you so much when you do that."

Andy laughed as he pressed her clit, and cut off anything more she was going to say with a moan. He pushed and squeezed, her clit driving her towards an orgasm that he knew he would deny. Her breathing quickened as he felt her squirming to push her clit into his hand. Andy pushed until he saw a tensing and shake from one leg, then moved away, Chloe's breathing faltering on the lost opportunity.

Andy offered her a drink from the bottle of frozen water that he had brought up when they started. She drank without a thought, her breathing calming as she did. Then he drained the remains of the water, leaving just the ice in the middle. He grabbed a pair of scissors and cut around the bottle. Chloe's mouth hung open, as he pulled out the frozen water in that sculpted shape of a phallus. "I thought you were joking," her voice carrying disbelief.

Andy did not say a word; he gripped the end and ran the cold tip along her lips, very pleased at the way she bucked and fought to get away. She gasped as he ran circles around her clit with it, and her breathing became very shallow as she tried to cope with the thermal shock to her clit. Andy had a candle, too, for some hot wax, but that could wait until later. There were goose bumps appearing on her skin around her pussy, and her lips almost looked dimpled by the cold, as he moved the ice dildo back across them. He used his other hand to part her lips and for the first time pushed something other than his fingers into her pussy. It slid in, but the cold pulled skin and the shriek from Chloe was pronounced. He only pushed a couple of inches in before withdrawing it, running it back up her lips to her clit. She was trying to suck in deep breaths to calm herself. "Jesus," she breathed, "that's a shock to the system."

Andy smiled, she was definitely outside her comfort zone now, and he could see her trying to work out if she liked it or not, while he circled her clit a couple of times then moved slowly back across her lips. This time, he did not stop and carried on over her perineum and to her arse. As the ice nestled into the divot that was her little brown star, she gasped loudly, and he was convinced she was about to say something as he pushed, just hard enough to open her sphincter, only half an inch of the top disappearing in. Chloe emitted something close to a howl at that point, clearly struggling to cope with the sensations he evoked.

From there Andy swirled it up her back, the flinches of the nervous system clear, as Chloe seemed to calm from the shock of ice in her arse. When he got to her neck it was almost comical watching her trying to move, to get the ice away from her very sensitive skin there. He half-laughed; it was like he was tickling her neck, and pronounced goose bumps appeared, as she squirmed and reacted exactly like she was being tickled.

Andy walked back around her as he swirled the ice on her neck, suppressing more giggles at her reaction, then in small circles moved the ice down her chest in the middle, swapping hands when his right was becoming numb from the cold. As he circled between her breasts the twitching from the ice on her neck stopped, and she returned to a resolute look of somebody that was not going to be beaten. Slowly he moved the ice, still swirling circles on to her right breast, circling the areola several times before moving onto it, circling the nipple, pressing against it, making it move. Chloe gasped, not for the first time, her nipple turning into a bullet. Andy did not recall the last time he had seen such a rigid nipple.

For much longer than he intended when he started, he twisted the ice around that nipple; a moan that said 'please stop,' was quietly escaping Chloe's lips, as her body reacted to the ice. In a quick motion he moved to the left breast, again circling the areola, and teasing. She seemed to calm for a moment, then her mind obviously realised that the same thing was going to happen to the left nipple. As he circled in, she squeaked, and just like the right nipple, the left turned rock hard, and resisted the push of the ice, as he swirled the ice around and around the nipple, driving the cold into her.

While he swirled that nipple, he took his free hand, and stroked two fingers either side of her clit. She reacted immediately, pushing her clit into him as best she could with the lack of leverage. He pushed and moved until her clit popped out from its hiding place in the top of her lips, then brushed with a tender and delicate finger across the top of it. He was rewarded with a moan that seemed not to know if it was responding to her clit or her nipple, one experience pleasure, the other pain. Slowly she started to respond to the play with her clit; he ran his fingers down the insides of her lips. Her hole was wet, and getting wetter. He removed the ice dildo from her nipple.

Andy waited for a few moments, slowly building the pressure on her clit, and stroking around it, then he pushed the dildo into her pussy. There was resistance and the ice was definitely catching against the wet skin inside, but he pushed and it went up, to the sound of Chloe, screaming, "Jesus fucking Christ!" As she fought to move, futile as it was, Andy slid it out then back in, slowly starting a rhythm, fucking her with it, as he teased her clit.

It took Chloe longer than expected to settle into the ice slipping in and out of her, but she started to relax into it after a minute, and Andy was sure the pressure he was now bringing to bear on her clit was helping. He rubbed and flicked, waiting for that first moan or twitch that said she was building that arousal again. While she had stopped resisting the ice, it did appear to be having a substantial effect on her ability to build an orgasm, which did surprise him a little. But after another 90 seconds or so, there was a moan. He held everything like that for a few more seconds, then moved his hand and grabbed the wand. On medium power, he brought it up to meet her clit, pressing it in. This caused her to straighten her legs, which lifted her more than anything else she had tried yet, and there was a very distinct moan as he forced the wand onto her clit. Chloe slowly relaxed down again, the bend at the knee returning and the bottoms of her legs hanging down, back to the sitting in mid-air position, which made her body so accessible.


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