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Christmas Party Night


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A few minutes later I could hear them coming and went to the hall to wait on them. As I looked up the stairs I could see a LOT more than I bargained for. Joanne was first and from the angle I was standing I could see her pussy in all it's glory. As she walked down the stairs her dress rode up her legs slightly and I could see her pussy lips rubbing against each other.

"Getting a good look there are you?" she asked smiling as she stepped off the bottom step.

"Sorry." I replied, slightly embarrassed to be caught checking her out.

"Don't be." she replied, giving my hard cock a quick squeeze. "I like the effect it's having on you."

"Don't mind me." said Kirsty, coming down the stairs next, obviously having seen Joanne grabbing my cock.

I ignored the comment but couldn't ignore her. She was sexy as fuck... Her boobs were slightly larger than Joanne's and boy did that dress show them off well. Her dress was also shorter than Joanne's so again I could see everything. I didn't know where to look.

"You're giving him an eyeful there Kirsty." called Joanne.

"Sorry" I stammered once again. "I couldn't help it. You look great. Just be careful of any stairs when we get there..."

Kirsty looked down at the noticeable bulge in my trousers but didn't say anything, just give Joanne a knowing look.

"Ok let's go then." I said, heading to the door.

I unlocked the car and then opened the girls doors for them before closing them afterwards, trying hard not to look where I shouldn't.

We chatted amongst ourselves all the way there as I tried not to keep looking at all the flesh on show. I was caught a few times and Joanne gave me a knowing smile.

Before long we had arrived and I pulled up at the front door of the hotel to let the girls out.

I got out of the car and opened their doors shielding them slightly from the groups of guys who were out the front having a smoke.

I told them I would see them inside at some stage and to have a good night and to be careful.

I watched them walking up the steps into the hotel along with every other male in the vicinity before driving off to park my car. As I drove off I swore I heard more than a few wolf whistles...

After parking my car and grabbing my overnight bag from the boot I checked myself in and made my way up to my room on the fifth floor.

I dropped my bag and after freshening up a bit and spraying a bit of aftershave on I headed down to the bar to find my guests.

The bar was just off the main foyer and was getting pretty full of partygoers. I wandered round slightly trying to see if any of my guests had arrived yet.

Certain that none had arrived I grabbed a couple of tables in the corner in anticipation of their arrival.

As I sat in the corner waiting I pulled out my phone and texted Ruth to let her know we had arrived safe and to wish her a good night.

She texted me straight back. "Just arrived ourselves. Joanne had already let me know you had picked them up. She also told me you got an eyeful when you were waiting?"

"It's not my fault these young ones insist on going out commando... lol." I replied.

"Kirsty is a very good looking girl so can't blame you... as is Joanne. I know from previous conversations that Kirsty has a thing for older guys so your luck might be in xxx" she replied.

"I doubt she would be interested in me." I replied, "Anyway, you're not here so it's not going to happen."

"You have my blessing as long as you tell me all about it later xxx"

"We'll see xxx" I texted back just as my first guests started to arrive.

As my guests arrived I went to the bar and got in the first round of drinks.

Over the next half hour as I caught up with my guests I couldn't help noticing Joanne and Kirsty coming and going from the bar. They were getting a LOT of attention and I hadn't seen them pay for a drink yet. I just hoped they knew what they were doing.

At 7.00pm we were asked to head into the function room for our meal.

The room was set out in large tables and looked very festive. There was a decent size dance floor in the middle as well for after the meal.

As it turned out our table of nine was beside the larger table booked by the company Joanne and Kirsty worked for.

It meant I could keep an eye on them but was also likely to be distracted a lot. Joanne wasn't wrong when she had said it would be mostly younger women. I could only see about five men and they were mostly older ones so I presumed they were management.

Joanne and Kirsty were probably in the most daring outfits and the best looking of the bunch but there were a few others who caught my eye. Lets just say there was a lot of flesh on show. Whether that was legs or boobs or both.... You wouldn't get any complaints from me.

As we were served our starters I concentrated on my guests and by the time our meal was finished we were well fed and well on our way to being a bit tipsy. I was careful not to drink too much so as not to make a fool of myself in front of my guests.

We had a great time catching up and it was the first time some of my guests had met each other which was nice. I was glad I had suggested and was already thinking of making it a regular thing.

Once the tables were cleared the DJ started setting up for the obligatory disco.

There had been wine with the meal but now it was finished I asked everyone if they wanted another drink and headed to the bar to get a round in.

I went to the bar in the lobby as the queue for the one in the function room was 4 or 5 deep.

I placed my order at the end of the bar and as I waited I looked around the bar and was surprised to see Joanne in a corner booth with three guys. Two on her left and one on her right.

The guy on the right said something to her and as she turned towards him he took her head in his hands and kissed her. She didn't stop him and shifted her body round towards him so she could kiss him back. His two friends were cheering him on as he slipped a tongue inside her mouth.

After a minute or two his hands started to wander down her body. Skimming first over her boobs before heading further south. I couldn't see where his hand was but a few seconds later Joanne broke the kiss and stared at him in surprise before kissing him back even harder. Her body squirming as she did.

It was obvious now where his other hand was, his fingers must be working their magic on her pussy.

They were in a pretty dark corner and from what I could see nobody else was paying them any attention. The guy sitting just to her left looked round him to see if anyone was watching before reaching down and pulling at the bottom of Joannes dress.

She lifted up slightly letting him pull up her dress exposing her naked ass to him. While his mate fingered her pussy he had a good grope of her ass.

After a couple of minutes Joanne tensed and I could tell she was coming. She broke off her kiss and clamped her legs round the fingers inside her. Her eyes were closed and her face flushed as she rode the high, probably turned on from being so public and with three guys around her.

A minute or so later I turned as the barman started setting my drinks order in front of me. When I turned back round to see Joanne I just caught the top of her head as it disappeared under the table.

What the fuck was she thinking... Well I knew what she was thinking. She was going to give the guy a blow job under the table. Should I step in and tell her to stop? I didn't know what to do. On one hand she was a grown women who could do whatever she wanted but on the other hand if she was drunk and they were taking advantage it would be a different matter...

Just then Kirsty came into the bar and after looking round she saw me waiting and came over to talk to me.

"Hey, have you seen Joanne anywhere?" she asked.

I could tell she was still pretty sober so hoped that Joanne was the same.

"Emmmm... she was here a minute ago. I'm not sure where she went." I replied, not wanting to land Joanne in it with her friend.

"She was with those guys over in the corner and they were hoping to get into her knickers -- or lack of them..." she smiled.

"Well she was with them a minute ago and she was getting quite 'friendly' with them." I replied.

Just then as we were looking over their direction Joanne's head surfaced from under the table and she wiped her mouth and gave the guy a smile.

"No guesses as to what she was doing." laughed Kirsty, "lucky bitch."

"Oh I'm sure you're getting plenty of attention yourself." I replied, taking a sneaky look over her body.

"I prefer a more mature man myself." she replied, giving me an obvious look up and down. "I like a man who knows what he's doing... and one who I'm told has a very large cock."

I blushed slightly as I realised that Joanne and Kirsty had obviously talked about my cock at some stage.

"I better go and make sure Joanne is ok but I hope I'll see you later..."

"She's not drunk or anything is she?" I asked just as Kirsty was about to leave. "I just don't want her to be taken advantage of."

"No she's pretty sober. Just horny as usual." replied Kirsty with a smile. "Just like me."

As Kirsty went over to chat to Joanne I paid the barman and headed back to the function room with our drinks.

The rest of the night went by quickly in a blur of chatting, drinking and dancing. I even got up myself a couple of times with Grace my accountant.

Just after 10pm some of my guests made their excuses and started to get ready to head home. I knew some of them had young families to go home to and others had a train to catch. There were only three of us left and we chatted for the next half hour or so, watching what was happening on the dance floor as we finished our drinks.

Joanne and Kirsty and some of their colleagues hadn't left the dance floor most of the night, only to go back to their table between songs for a quick drink.

They looked very, VERY sexy strutting their stuff on the dance floor. They kept pulling their dresses down every now and again, trying to cover their modesty. Knowing what was under their dresses, or rather what wasn't, I kept hoping to get another look at their pussies and I wasn't disappointed. I did get a few glimpses and my mind kept wandering back to Ruth's text earlier. Would I really want to fuck one of Joannes best friends?

I know she had flirted a bit earlier but I hadn't chatted to either of them since.

Just before 11pm my remaining guests made their excuses and got up to leave. They thanked me for a great evening and said we would catch up next week before taking a break for Christmas.

Once they said their goodbyes that left me at our table on my own. I still had half my drink left and decided that when I finished it I would head up to my room and get some sleep.

As the latest song finished on the dance floor both Joanne and Kirsty made their way over to my table.

"Hey," said Joanne, coming and sitting on my left, as Kirsty sat on my right, "Is that your guests all away?"

"Yip, that's them gone." I replied, "I'm going to call it a night after this one. Are you girls enjoying yourselves?"

"We're having a great night," replied Joanne, "I just don't want it to end."

"I noticed you made some 'friends'" I replied, smiling.

"Hmmm..." she replied, blushing slightly, "Kirsty told me you saw me in the bar earlier. Not my finest hour but I was so horny and he had a really nice cock. Not as nice as yours though..."

At that she rubbed her hand over my crotch making me nearly spill my drink.

"Hey," I stuttered, "be careful, what would your mum think."

"Mum wouldn't mind," she replied with a smile, "she told me you guys 'play' with other people sometimes."

"Not in public though." I responded "and I'm not sure if she'd be happy with me and you hooking up."

Just then we heard Kirsty shout "fuck" and turned to see what had happened.

She moved her chair back and we could see that she had spilt some left over red wine on her dress.

"Shit, what am I going to do now. That will never come out."

"Come to the ladies with me and let's get water on it and see." said Joanne, getting up to help.

"I don't think water will do it." I interrupted, "I think you need something stronger for red wine. Your mum spilt some before and we had to get a special stain remover."

"I can't dance looking like this." gasped Kirsty, "I look like I've pissed myself."

"Wait here a minute," I replied, "I'll check in reception if they have anything. You never know with these fancy hotels."

A few minutes later I came back to the table with a small bottle of red wine remover.

"Here you go." I said, handing the bottle to Kirsty. "You just to need to put it on and leave it for 10 minutes and then rinse the area off before drying it."

"Thanks Pete." she replied, leaning over and giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Where are you going to do it?" asked Joanne, "You can't really leave it on in the ladies room can you? Can she use your room Pete?"

"Of course, no problem." I replied, searching for my room key. "I'm pretty sure I saw a hairdryer in there too which you could use to dry it off."

"Which room number are you?" asked Kirsty, as she took the room card from me.

"It's 523 on the fifth floor," I replied, "If you take the lifts at the far side of the reception then go left, then right and down a few steps."

"Oh no, I'm terrible at directions," replied Kirsty, "Can you not show me?"

"No problem." I replied, not wanting her to get any more annoyed than she currently was.

"Will you be ok Joanne on your own for a bit?" I asked.

"Of course," she replied, "I'm sure I'll find someone to keep me company."

Kirsty got up and headed for the lobby using her handbag to cover the wine stain on the front of her dress. I followed closely behind, watching her ass as it wiggled temptingly in front of me.

We reached the lifts and I pressed the button and the doors opened straight away.

Pushing the button for the fifth floor I waited as the doors closed before turning to Kirsty. "Don't worry, we'll get you sorted soon enough."

"Thanks Pete," she replied, "I appreciate it and thanks for coming with me. I might never have found it otherwise."

As the lift opened on the top floor we made our way to my room.

I took the room card from Kirsty and opened the door, ushering her in front of me.

"I'll leave you my number written on the notepad if you want to ring me when you're finished I can come up and escort you back down again so you don't get lost."

"Can you not stay and keep me company?" replied Kirsty, twirling a lock of her long blond hair around her finger.

"Ehhhh... sure, no problem." I replied, wondering whether this was a good idea or not.

Kirsty then took the bottle of stain remover from her handbag and went into the ensuite bathroom.

I sat on the one of the two large beds and waited.

"So how do you and Joanne get along then?" called Kirsty from the bathroom.

"I like to think pretty well." I replied, "No problems so far. She's a grown woman so I let her get on with her life but am there if she needs me."

"Needs you or wants you?" asked Kirsty.

"Sorry, I'm not sure what you mean?" I replied.

"She tells me everything you know." replied Kirsty, "She even told me about the day she was trying on dresses for you."

Now I knew where this was going. "Just what exactly did she tell you?"

"She told me just how big your cock was." she replied, coming out from the bathroom wearing nothing but her heels, "She also told me how much cum there was and how much she wished it was her you were fucking."

I sat there speechless, not being able to take my eyes from this gorgeous young woman in front of me.

"Do you like what you see?" said Kirsty, as she did a slow twirl. "Would you like to touch me?"

I wasn't sure what to say, it wasn't every day I got hit on by a gorgeous woman a good fifteen years younger than me.

Taking my silence as a yes, she came over and straddled me as I sat on the edge of the bed.

She took my hands and put one on each of her stunning boobs, covering my hands with her own.

"We've got a good twenty minutes before my dress is likely to be dry enough to put back on." she whispered sexily, "Any idea on how we can put the time in?"

At that moment I came to life and thought about Ruth's text earlier giving me permission. I looked her in the eyes and gave her boobs a good squeeze before taking a nipple in my mouth and pulling her towards me, grabbing hold of her cute ass with both hands.

Her figure was to die for and what a way to go... Her ass had to be one of the cutest I had ever seen, even in porn... and her boobs.... I always thought Ruth and even Joanne had amazing boobs but Kirsty's just were on another level.

Kirsty pulled my head towards her as I swapped nipples before pushing me down on the bed.

"I need to see this cock." she gasped, as she undid my belt before unzipping my jeans and pulling them down round my ankles, swiftly followed by my boxer shorts.

"Nice." she murmured as she took my hard cock in her warm hand. "Joanne wasn't kidding."

She slowly ran her hand up and down my cock, pulling back the foreskin and rubbing her thumb over the tip.

After a minute or two she looked me in the eyes before lowering her head and taking my cock in her mouth...

Her mouth was so warm and welcoming, her tongue danced around the tip of my cock and I was trying so hard not to cum there and then.

After a minute or two she stopped and pulled off my shoes, sock, jeans and boxers so she could move in closer to me. I sat up and pulled off my shirt, leaving us both completely naked.

"Your cock tastes so good." she moaned as she resumed her blowjob again.

I couldn't believe what was happening and I'm not sure Ruth would either. I reached to where I had left my phone on the bed and opened up the camera app, choosing the video function I set it to one side leaving it to record everything that went on. After a couple of minutes she let my cock drop from her mouth and looked up at me. "Can I see how this feels in my pussy?"

"Only if you're sure." I replied, breathlessly, "I don't have a condom though."

I kicked myself for not being better prepared.

"Thats ok," she replied, standing up, "I'm clean and on the pill."

Just then she noticed my phone. "Are you recording this?"

I wasn't sure if she would be pissed or not.

"Do you mind?" I replied, blushing slightly, "Ruth would probably like to watch it. It won't be shown to anyone else though."

"Ruth would?" she replied, surprised.

"We have a bit of an open marriage, but we don't broadcast it." I replied.

"Each to their own." she replied, turning around and lining that cute ass up with my cock. "I suppose I better put on a good show then."

She then reached between her legs and took hold of my cock before rubbing it over her pussy lips.

She looked at me over her shoulder and slowly lowered herself down on to it..

"Oh god... That feels so good inside me." she gasped. "It's been weeks since I've been fucked."

As her ass came to rest on my lap, my cock buried as far as it would go Kirsty leaned forward and putting her hands on her knees started slowly moving up and down.

It was mesmerising, watching her pussy lips part as my cock slid in and out. Her ass was gorgeous and I could have stayed like this all night watching it moving up and down in front of me.

After a minute or two I could hear Kirsty's heavy breathing. She started twisting her body, moving her ass in circles, making my cock reach all those slightly out of reach places inside her.

She then started bouncing up and down furiously, trying to reach orgasm... I held on to her hips helping her push further down on to my cock, willing her to cum.

"Oh my god..." she cried, "I'm cumming...."

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