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Christmas Rebound

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Can a store Santa help her bounce back?
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Gifts are the variable element at Christmas. They can come from friends, family, teachers, or co-workers. They can be thoughtful, memorable, or maybe even hilarious. Some of the best gifts, however, are the ones we give ourselves.

Christmas in 1978 Cincinnati was like most Christmases of the 1970s. Hair was free-flowing, shoes had tall heels, and clothes were bright. Celebrities from the 1950s still produced holiday content. Parties had fancy drinks, spreads of hors d'oeuvres, and cheese inspired dishes. Malls were large, well decorated, and always had a Santa Claus in the big department store.

Marcella had been looking forward to taking her niece and nephew to see Santa. Her sister and brother-in-law were both busy business owners and always short on time. This was something she could do to help them out, the kids would love it and hopefully would create some special memories for her. After weeks of talking about it, they were in line at Fishers' department store moments away from meeting the man himself.

Samantha was eight and clung to Marcella's hand. While Christopher, who was six, looked excited.

"What should I say to Santa?" asked Sam.

Marcella smiled down at her. "Just tell him what you want for Christmas," she said, removing her coat to get some relief from the warm temperatures in the store.

"I'm asking him for Zencar action figures," Christopher said confidently.

A woman in an elf costume and carrying a clipboard was making her way through the line. When she got to Marcella she asked, "Enter to win gifts from Fishers?"

"What is it, some type of contest?"

"Yup. Put your name, address, and what the little ones want for Christmas. The store will draw a dozen winners and deliver the gifts right to your door."

Christopher and Samantha were both jumping up and down with excitement. "Do it, Aunt Marcella. Do it please, please. Come on, sign us up, sign us up."

"Okay, okay be calm, I'm signing you up," she grinned while scribbling down the information.

When she was done they were just a few places back from Santa. Marcella noticed the man's face. That is the part that wasn't covered with false white whiskers. She could see that he was much younger than St. Nick should be.

It was finally their turn and all three walked towards the man in the chair. Santa's bright blue eyes met Marcella's and stayed there for a moment. This confirmed that the man in the suit was young and a bit too eager as he scanned her oval face and thick, black hair. She felt a little awkward being checked out by a guy in a Santa suit.

A few steps later they were standing before Santa Claus. Christopher was the first to speak, "Santa, I know you're really busy, but I really want Zencar Chronicles' action figures for Christmas."

Santa nodded, "You and lots of other kids around the world."

Marcella had to encourage Samantha to speak up. "It's ok, don't be bashful. You've waited a long time to see Santa Claus. He's friendly"

"Don't worry. It's alright to be shy," Santa said kindly. "Tell me what you want for Christmas so I can make sure the elves get it made in time."

His voice was calm and inspired confidence. Samantha stepped closer to him, "I want a new science kit, painting supplies, and some nice smelling perfume. Something like what Auntie Marcella wears when she goes out with Frank."

Marcella was embarrassed. Sam had just let slip a bunch of personal information to a guy who probably took the Santa job because he lost all his Christmas money at the dog track. "Ok kids," she said hastily. "Time to go. Santa has lots of other little girls and boys to talk to."

"Ho Ho Ho. Not to worry about that," Santa Claus returned, smiling behind his false white beard.

As he reached out to pat Christopher on the shoulder his gloved hand brushed against the skin of Marcella's forearm. It was a subtle and probably accidental touch, but it drew her attention. Her brown eyes met his and their gaze lingered.

Holding their eye contact Santa said, "Merry Christmas to you."

"Merry Christmas Santa!" the kids replied in unison snapping both adults from the moment.

"Ho Ho Ho. Thank you both."

"Ok you two time for lunch," Marcella declared as she led them away.

During lunch, the three watched the bustle of the season. The mall was colorfully decorated and each store went all out with enticing displays. The shoppers hurried back and forth, some staring at lists, some had their arms full of packages. One couple walked by pushing a baby stroller.

Samantha turned to her aunt and asked, "Auntie Marcella, why aren't you married?"

Marcella smiled. "Why, I don't know. I guess maybe I've been too busy."

"With work?"

"Yes, that's part of it. It's not even been a year since I moved to Cincinnati. I'm still getting settled. You know I'm trying to save up enough to get my own apartment."

"But you're old enough to get married, aren't you?" asked Samantha.

"Oh yes. I'm old enough."

Christopher jumped into the conversation, "How old are you?"

"I'm twenty-six."

He took a sip of his drink. "Why don't you marry Frank?"

"I like Frank, but he hasn't asked me to marry him yet," Marcella said honestly.

"I don't like Frank." Samantha piped in.

"Why don't you like Frank?" Marcella asked in surprise.

Samantha poked at her food. "I don't know. He doesn't seem to like us and he's kind of a jerk."

"Don't say that," Marcella told her sharply.

"But he is," Christopher joined his sister's opinion.

Feeling ganged up on Marcella felt the need to defend her boyfriend, "He's not a jerk."

Samantha started getting silly, "His first name is Frank. His last name is Lobby. If you take the initial of his first name and his last name that's F-Lobby. Get it? Flobby."

That made Christopher laugh, "Yeah Flobby, that's what I'm gonna call him from now on, Flobby."

Marcella giggled to herself. She had never thought of it that way and it was pretty funny. Kids come up with the craziest things, "Okay you two stop it. You have to be polite."

The snickering stopped, "Are you going to marry Frank?" Samantha inquired.

That was a question she had thought a lot about. They'd been dating steadily for about eight months. Frank was a good-looking guy and a successful lawyer. He wasn't a high-profile trial lawyer. Property and patent law was his specialty but a lawyer nonetheless. Marriage had never come up as a possibility but he'd never given her the sense that it wasn't a possibility. Now he was moving to Florida to open a new branch of the law firm, and she didn't know their future.

"Well that isn't up to me is it?" Marcella said solemnly.

Samantha finished her lunch, "How old is Frank?"

"He's twenty-nine."

"So he's old enough to ask you to marry him," the young girl stated.

"Yeah what's Flobby's problem?" Christopher added.

All three started laughing. Thankfully the waitress brought dessert to the table, shifting the kid's attention away from Marcella's love life.

After lunch, they went home and Marcella turned the children over to their mother. From there she started to get ready for Frank's farewell party. He was flying out tomorrow where he'd spend Christmas with his family then start his new assignment.

Marcella tried to decide what to wear. She thought she should pick out an outfit Frank would like, but their tastes in clothes didn't agree. She preferred sophisticated while he liked slutty. She was tall and thin with few curves, slutty didn't suit her body type. She settled on a pair of dark blue pants with a shiny light blue silk top. It had a deep V-neck that showed off what cleavage she had.

Frank was late. It was nearly six-thirty when he buzzed up from downstairs saying he had a cab waiting. She slipped on her black platform pumps, threw on a jacket, and hurried down to meet him.

"Hiya, baby," Frank greeted her. "You smell good."

"Thanks," she said casually as she stepped into the cab.

He slipped his arm around her after the taxi was underway, "Are you going to miss me when I'm gone?"

She was uncomfortable with the entire situation but managed a smile. "Of course I'm going to miss you," she told him and gave him a little kiss. "I wish you weren't going."

Frank held her close. "In a way, I wish I weren't," he declared. "I'll miss you, Marcella."

Marcella was never quite sure what Frank was thinking. She used to tell herself this made him interesting. Now she was starting to realize that maybe he was just evasive and non-committal.

The cab stopped in front of Maxwell Jax, a drinking establishment known in Cincinnati for great local bands, comfortable sofas, and cozy booths. Going in they could tell the place was already hopping.

"Sounds like the fun has started without us," said Frank.

She took a hold of his arm, "Frank, don't drink too much tonight. We have the Christmas concert tomorrow before your flight leaves."

"Don't worry," he told her. "We'll have our day tomorrow." He wasn't paying attention, his mind was already on the party.

Maxwell Jax was everything you would expect from a popular spot on a Friday night before Christmas. It was full of people and merriment. There was a band in the back playing a fun, fast, and upbeat tune. Lights, garland, and mistletoe hung from the ceiling while all the bartenders wore Santa hats.

Frank spotted his co-workers and led the way over to them. As soon as he got close they began cheering, some shook his hand and some hugged him. One of these was Jan. She worked in the same office as Frank and was always too happy when he was around. Marcella had the sense that Jan didn't like her much. She tried becoming friends with the woman, however, Jan's loose party lifestyle prevented any real bond from forming.

A few minutes later Frank handed Marcella some cash and told her to get them each a drink. She knew it wasn't the gentlemanly thing to do but that's the way Frank was and she was numb to it.

She made her way to the crowded bar. It took a few minutes before a spot opened up and even then she couldn't get the attention of a bartender. She was starting to become agitated when the guy next to her shouted, "Hey Mary."

"Yeah Shep," responded a female bartender.

"This lovely lady needs a drink."

"You bet," she said and immediately bounced up to Marcella. "What can I get ya?"

"Umm, a Tom Collins and a Pink Squirrel."

"Sure thing."

Marcella turned to thank the man that helped her. She immediately realized that he was something worth looking at. He was about her age and her height. He had a strong chin line and high cheekbones that gave him a classic handsome look. His hair was dark brown and slightly wavy. His eyes were bright blue and somehow familiar.

"Thanks," she said.

"Not to worry. You looked like you could use some help."

"Is my life that obvious?"

The man smirked, "No nothing that dramatic, but I'm surprised you ordered two drinks. Are things that bad that you're double-fisting?"

"No one's for my boyfriend."

"Oh," the guy said, a glint of disappointment in his eyes. Those eyes, she had seen them recently but she couldn't place it.

The bartender showed up, handed the drinks to Marcella, and looked over at the guy. He gave her a little nod. Marcella handed cash to the woman.

"Don't worry honey, Santa Claus here has your drinks covered."

Santa, that's it. That's where she had seen those eyes before. The young guy in the Santa suit at Fishers. How is that possible? Did he follow her here? Was it just a crazy coincidence?

"You're the Santa Claus I met this afternoon."

"Yes I am, you were shopping with your niece and nephew right."

"Yeah, that was me. You have a good memory. Super creepy but good memory."

He laughed at her comment, "Well I hope not, no one would believe in a creepy Santa Claus."

"I agree, but if you're not creepy Santa should I just call you creepy?"

He laughed again, "My name's Shepard but my friends call me Shep." He extended his arm with a smile.

As she shook his hand she couldn't help noticing his strength, "Well creepy Shep my name's Marcella. Hopefully, you didn't know that already."

"No, no my powers tell me who's naughty and who's nice, not their names."

Marcella was having fun. She hadn't had playful flirtations in a very long time, "So then what am I?"

Shep grinned and bounced his head around, "Nice. Very beautiful and very nice."

Marcella was taken aback. She hadn't had a guy call her beautiful before. Not a former boyfriend and definitely not Frank. But this guy, this Santa whose relationship consisted of a few minutes of flirting just told her she was beautiful. The attention was flattering but she didn't know how to answer.

She was trying to process a response when Frank walked up to her, "Babe where've you been? Do you have my drink?"

"Oh yeah here," she said, handing him the Tom Collins. "It's busy, I had a long wait."

"Well come on," Frank said, taking her by the hand and leading her back to the group.

Marcella looked over to see Shep watching them walk away. He smiled and raised his glass.

Hanging with Frank and his friends was as cold as a winter night. Marcella had gone from a fun and engaging conversation to standing behind Frank while he talked about himself. His co-workers hung on his every phrase, they didn't even try to include her.

She started scanning the crowd for Shep when she felt a tug on her shirt. She turned to see Lisa and Doug. They were a couple that lived in the same building as her. Lisa also worked as a bookkeeper for her sister's store and her brother-in-law's pizza parlor. She wasn't good friends with either of them but they were friendly enough to instantly make the situation more tolerable.

They hadn't gotten much past a hug hello when the band started playing a cover version of 'Get Down Tonight'. The song was only a few years old but was already considered a classic and brought a cheer from the crowd. Lisa grabbed Marcella's arm, "I love this song! Come dance with us!"

That was a much better alternative to standing around with Frank and his friends. "Yeah I'd love to," she blurted before finishing her Pink Squirrel in two swallows.

The three made their way onto the dance floor, found a spot amongst the energized crowd, and started moving. Marcella always enjoyed dancing and thought she was pretty good at it. Frank, however, was not a fan so she hadn't danced in what seemed like forever. Lisa was a good dancer as well. The women moved in unison and with perfect rhythm. As the song progressed Marcella started feeling relaxed and allowed a smile to form on her lips.

When the song ended the band transitioned seamlessly to another that was just as fun. The three continued to move and enjoy themselves. Lisa leaned into Marcella's ear and asked, "Do you think your friend would join us?"

"Frank, no way he hates dancing."

"No not Frank. Your handsome friend."

Marcella had a puzzled look on her face causing Lisa to point into the crowd. Marcella looked over to see Shep standing there watching the girls and smiling.

"I don't know," claimed Marcella.

Lisa began waving to Shep, inviting him to come out and dance. He accepted their invitation with a smirk and began walking towards them. Marcella was impressed, most guys had to be begged into dancing, or literally dragged onto the dance floor, 'Santa' was different. When he reached them and started moving both women hollered, finding him just as good a dancer they were.

For the next few songs, Lisa, Doug, Marcella, and Shep enjoyed themselves. They let go, freeing themselves of worry and stress.

At some point, Shep and Marcella made a connection. A warmth grew between them as the band played. Marcella could feel her heartbeat thumping steadily with the music. She also felt the excitement of something new starting. They were great dance partners, their feet, shoulders, hips, and heads all moved in sync. Marcella could tell this guy was different, this guy was fun. When their eyes met, a smile grew on each face. They became one with the song, with the dance, and with each other.

After a few more songs the band announced they were taking a break. Lisa slapped Shep lightly on the chest, "What a fun little dancer we've found. Thanks, pal. Be sure to meet us back here when they get started again." She grabbed Marcella's wrist, "Come on I need a drink."

Marcella was disappointed that the moment had to end and felt a chill as she stepped off the dance floor. She noticed Frank having a quiet conversation with Jan. They were sitting on a rose satin loveseat. Frank's arm was flung across the back of the seat, close enough to almost be around Jan.

Marcella left Lisa and walked over to see what was going on. Jan turned and noticed Marcella, "This is probably the last chance I'll have to say good-bye to Frank," she said with a vixen like expression.

Frank grinned. "The fuss you gals are making over my leaving sure is flattering. I never realized I was so important to you."

"You didn't?" said Jan, raising her eyebrows.

Feeling defensive Marcella asked Frank to come with her to get a drink. "I'll be there in a minute," he responded, "Run along and keep having fun."

His dismissal stung worse than usual. She didn't understand why he was treating her like this? He was the one leaving and she was being a good sport about it. She walked away fearing that the hurt might make her cry. She had only made it a few steps when Shep appeared and led her to a frosted window table with two empty chairs.

On the table were two drinks, one was a Pink Squirrel. In an instant, the sting of Frank's behavior was gone. She sank into one of the chairs and Shep took the other. "I don't want to butt in," he said, "but you looked like you could use another drink."

Stunned by his timing and perceptiveness she asked, "Are you always so generous?"

"Yeah, that's what my friends say."

"Always the Santa Claus?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"So how does Santa get to be so good at the bar scene?"

He took a swallow of his drink, "I come here a lot. I live only a few blocks away on the corner of Tarlak and Marlowe."

"And are you a full-time Santa?" she asked over the buzz of voices and laughter.

He shook his head, "No, that was a favor. I know a manager at Fishers. Their Santa Claus broke his foot and couldn't come in. So my friend called me and asked if I could help. I like kids, and I always thought it would be fun to be Santa."

"So what do you do when you're not filling in for Santa Claus or being a barfly?"

"I work at a radio station."

"Not the one that threw the turkeys out of a helicopter I hope."

He laughed, "No not that one."

"Are you a D.J.?"

"No, I produce commercials, write jingles, that kind of thing."

"Anything I might've heard?"

"Well, I did that one for Fisher's where old man Fisher says 'I believe Christmas is a fondness for the past, courage for the present and hope for the future'."

"Ok, yes I've heard that one. What else?"

"I guess my other notable one is the one where Santa Claus is trying to pick out a red car for Mrs. Claus."

"Really that was you, I love that one," she beamed.

He smiled back and they silently shared a moment before Shep asked, "Hey do you want to get out of here? I know a park close by. It runs between the river and the buildings downtown. The trees are lit with white lights. Kind of a Christmas wonderland."

"Thanks, but I have a boyfriend, remember?"

A look of disappointment settled over his face, "Oh yeah that's right, what's his name?"

"Frank Lobby."

"Like F. Lobby? Flobby? Do you ever call him Flobby?"

Marcella wondered how she had missed that joke the entire time she had been dating him. "No, I don't call him Flobby," she replied, trying not to snicker.

Shep nodded his head. "He's the fellow the party is for, isn't he?"

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