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Chronicles of a Shared Wife Ch. 14

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A disturbing discovery brings an end to Pippas affair.
13.3k words

Part 15 of the 25 part series

Updated 06/12/2024
Created 01/04/2023
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"Ok you know what dogging is?"

Chris stares at me with that wide eyed intense look of curiosity that I find so endearing, swallowing, he slowly nods before a hesitant reply, "Erm...yeah...I mean... I've seen some videos about know...on the net."

I'm laid on his bed while he sits naked on the end of it. A fortnight has passed since my first pee session, we haven't done it again so far but Chris has been heavily hinting that he wants me to.

It's sunday night and although my young friend is naked I am not. I am however rather sticky between the legs, Chris's fresh spunk leaking from my bottom.

We've just finished a Mrs Taylor session and I'm dressed as her.

This time we explored not only his fetish for the strict headmistress but another quietly hidden kink, restrained women.

He did get quite excited during a previous naughty phone call when I revealed I liked to be restrained, and asked hesitantly if he could tie me up.

Well, I've been tied up before but not as tightly bound as this.

My hands and ankles were bound together then these in turn were secured to the legs of his desk, so I'm laid on my side, then a gag is applied.

This was an older fantasy of Chris's, one which he'd indulged many times. In this scenario thieves had gotten into Mrs Taylor's office and raided the safe, tying her up and leaving her on the floor for Chris to...find.

Discovering his overbearing headmistress in this most compromising position had presented the young man with a unique opportunity.

After years of being dominated by the strict was time for some payback.

Time to indulge...

Knowing the script and what was coming I'd previously lubed my back passage with KY jelly, making sure it was nice and slippery.

In his email description Chris had expressed a strong desire to explore that part of me, while I was under his control.

And so, while I struggled against my bindings and protested with muffled cries through the cloth gag, Chris lifted up my skirt, pulled my panties down and began investigating.

Using his little finger initially but then experimenting with a selection of different objects, a pencil, small torch, candle. Each object was inserted a little way then withdrawn and repeated over and over, feeding my young friend's curiosity.

It appeared he was fascinated by watching as a part of each object slowly slipped inside my tight crevice.

Once he'd satisfied his desires with the objects it was time for Mrs Taylor to feel the full humiliation of being sodomised against her will by one of her lowly students.

This act brought out Chris's darker side, his dominant alter ego, although not nearly as much as when I wet myself for him.

And while he fucked my arse deep and slow, savouring each violating stroke, Chris goaded me out loud that I was powerless to stop him.

He managed to have me twice in this manner in quick succession before my fake protests became genuine and I was quickly ungagged and let loose from the bindings, both my feet had gone numb due to the tightness.

And so now, I laid on his bed resting while answering a question Chris had asked. He was enquiring what other fantasies or secret desires I might have.

I'd thought about revealing my big age gap kink but perhaps this wasn't appropriate, especially with how he felt about old Toby.

So, I took another lesser gamble.

Continuing after he'd answered my question, "Well...that's what I'd like to the center of attention at a dogging meet...have all those strangers gather around me...and use me...over and over."

Watching the look on his face quickly change from one of expectant curiosity to surprise and dare I say a touch of disgust.

Lowering his eyebrows in a frown of distaste, Chris asks, "What really?'d want to do that?...wouldn't you be scared?"

I can see he finds my idea quite shocking so I tone things down with a disarming grin and a reminder for my young friend that it is just a fantasy and I doubt I'd ever be brave enough.

Then to wind him up I add, "Well...I suppose I could start off slowly and work up to a big group....maybe blow a stranger or two through the open car could drive me there and watch while I do it."

Predictably he takes the bait and goes all serious until I inform him that he's been had.....he's so easy.

I've always known he wouldn't be the sharing type.

But describing myself being used like this does give me an appetite for perseverance, and so I try one last time.

Asking Chris if he has any friends he can trust brings the same distasteful response, he knows instantly what I'm getting at and where the question is going.

Telling me that no he doesn't have any close friends and even if he did he wouldn't want to see them do 'that' to me.

Oh well, it was worth a try.

All this talk of sharing however, suddenly reminds me of something I've been mulling over for a little while.

It's been there at the back of my mind since hearing Rita talk about her lack of any sex life, a couple saturday's ago on one of our girls nights in.

An idea...perhaps?

Changing the subject slightly I remind Chris of the list of fantasies he showed me a while back, he nods with growing interest, "Well...can you remember that first one? wanted to have two women to yourself?"

Oh my, the transformation on Chris's face is so comical I can't help but grin.

Informing him quickly that he'd no need to get too excited because I hadn't changed my mind about not being attracted to other ladies, but I may have a proposition.

Chris listens avidly while I explain further, "You see I have this friend...she's called Rita...and she hasn't...well...been intimate with a man for a long time..."

As I'm explaining Chris is staring at me like a greedy dog watches his owner preparing food, and although what I'm saying is serious the look on his face is pushing me towards a giggling fit, it's all I can do to fight it back with a ghost of a grin just making it through.

Continuing, "...I hope you don't mind but I've told her about you and our affair....don't worry she's very secretive and wouldn't tell anyone...well....I had this idea that if your both willing we might be able to spend some time together....some quality time...if you know what..."

Trailing off, It's no good and I have to break out into a chuckle, Chris defensively asking what's so funny?

"Will you stop looking at me like a hungry golden retriever!"

I've stopped chuckling but still grinning, quickly joined by Chris who now realises he's been entranced by my provocative words.

With the light hearted moment passing I hesitantly go on with my proposal.

"Now...if you are willing to give it a try...then I could ask her...see what she thinks to the idea."

Watching him closely I can see it's come as a big surprise, Chris's shy insecure nature runs deep, this is clearly a big deal for him.

From the outset, I've known my idea was risky, knowing both Chris and Rita are shy introverts, and both of them have problems socially. Not to mention what Rita's husband has subjected her to over the years, causing an apparent distrust of men.

It's a long shot.

So, to wet my boy's appetite...."You don't have to decide right now....just have a think about it..."

As I'm speaking softly to him, I'm beginning to sit up in bed, resting my back against the headboard.

Giving him a special meaningful look, I continue talking in the soft quiet tone, "....have a good think about what two very willing and able ladies could do for you...all the naughty games we could play....dirty things we could do together..."

All the while I'm talking in this seductive manner Chris is staring at me with a growing fervent look...and that's not the only thing growing.

"....and let's not forget...poor old Rita probably hasn't done it for years...just imagine...all that pent up frustration...suddenly finding an outlet...that could be you."

Glancing down as I finish speaking, he's almost fully hard, but doesn't appear to have noticed... so hypnotised by my words.

I can actually see the thought process going on, the young man's imagination running wild...poor things practically drooling.

Chris swallows a few times before asking a couple of questions about Rita, how old is she? And what does she look like?

"She's fifty like older girls don't you...ooh just imagine Chris...thirty six years your senior...right..what doe's she look like?...well she's a big girl...bigger than me...oh...wait a minute I can show you."

Quickly getting up off the bed and retrieving my phone from the my bag, finding a recent selfie we did the previous saturday, both of us smiling into the camera heads together.


Passing Chris the phone.

"....that's Rita....what do you think? you like her?"

There's a a brief hesitation as Chris takes in the image, then recognition.

He tells me he's seen her before at the store where I work, and answers my question with a, "Yeah...yeah she's nice...I like her."

Handing me the phone back looking positive and sure, this is starting to come together.

Asking Chris it a yes from him?

Looking a little nervous but clearly excited too, Chris nods and confirms, "Yeah...yeah I'd like that...if Rita wants to."

Grinning wickedly back at my cautious young boyfriend, I tell him he's a good boy, adding that he won't regret it and I'll ask Rita next weekend if she's willing to join us.

One down, one to go. Although something tells me that Rita is going to be harder to convince. Perhaps I've made a mistake here by getting this young man's hopes up, only time will tell.

As for's only just begun.

We've enjoyed reenacting one of Chris's Mrs Taylor fantasies, so now I suggest exploring our joint exhibitionist kink and go for a ride in the car, find somewhere we could be seen.

I get cleaned up and changed back into the clothes I arrived in, with an inkling what was going to happen after Mrs Taylor I'd opted for suitable car or outdoor fun clothing.

Dressed all in black I'm wearing a thin short sleeved button up blouse, short skirt and knee high leather bra and no panties.

Leaving the house and driving out to the edge of town, Chris has an idea.

Feeling emboldened by his decision to hopefully take on two women in the near future, he recommends a place we could go where he used to play as a child.

Beside a railway embankment of all places, semiurban environment and a higher risk than our previous 'show' location. What makes this place rather special is the fact that overlooking the area is a block of flats.

Bold indeed, it even makes me feel a little nervous. However, from the moment I hear Chris's description and subsequent plan, excitement begins to fill my veins.

Thinking about all those people that could see us...

By the time we get there I'm nice and moist down below, anticipation producing a familiar warmth between my legs.

After parking the car we head off down a narrow dirt track flanked by dense foliage, nettles, bramble etc.

On the ground there is litter and dog excrement, the place has a dirty, sleazy feel to it.

After clearing a small copse we arrive at a footbridge across the railway line, after crossing this we go off the filthy beaten track, it's a good job I have boots on.

I can now see the block of flats ahead in the near distance poking above the tops of bushes, we are close.

Once through a little scrubland we get to a hedgerow running parallel to the railway line, on the other side of this there is a sheltered area flanked by small derelict buildings covered in graffiti.

Glancing back up at the tall grey structure, it is perhaps two hundred yards away, maybe more, but feels a lot closer.

An ugly monstrosity, no doubt a relic from the sixties. Immediately in front of it is a line of tall trees which obscures the lower floors from view.

It's becoming dusk, gazing up at the windows some are lit and I can see people moving around inside, on closer inspection some of the windows are open and as I concentrate, focusing carefully on one of the upper wide open windows, I can just make out the figure of a man leant on its tall sill...watching us.

A dog is barking somewhere off in the distance and closer, from the flats, faint sounds of a baby crying and a couple arguing. The whole area gives out a seedy, wrong side of the tracks feel to it, making me wonder what we're getting ourselves into.

Diverting my attention to Chris who is calling me over to where he stands near the doorway of one of the derelicts, following him inside the room is small and bare, interior walls covered in crude explicit graffiti.

Litter is strewn across the concrete floor, beer cans, wine bottles etc, and more troubling refuse...used syringe needles... condoms...the small confines have a faint odour of urine.

"What do you think?'s not how I remember."

His words echo and have a dejected tone accompanied by a resigned embarrassed look from Chris.

However, the dirty sleazy nature of our surroundings stir something within the fact I know that we are being watched at that moment by at least one of the tower block residents...

The environment seems to get under my skin, making me subsequently very naughty.

Chris is stood further into the room than me and seems unaware that we are under observation, should I tell him?, not yet.

It can be my secret for a little while, although I imagine it won't stay that way for long.

Beckoning Chris to me with curling forefinger, a surprised look is his initial response but he obeys anyway, coming right up to me where I stand in the view.

Giving the young man a seductive look before kissing him on the lips, then pulling back, "I like makes me feel...dirty."

He stares at me for a moment with a wide eyed fervent gaze as my words sink in, then, lunges forward grasping me in both arms pulling us tightly together, lips firmly pressing against my own.

A rush of passion is quickly upon us both, sweeping us away. There is no gentle affection, no foreplay, no time taken.

This is rough and raw, and it's exactly what I'm craving.

It takes a few moments before we hear a noise from the flats, which comes shortly after my blouse is undone and Chris begins vigorously devouring the contents. I was expecting it but Chris is startled and briefly lifts his head out my glistening bosom to look across at the big grey building.

We are stood sideways on to the 'spectator' and he can see my bare tits. It's the man I saw earlier near the top floor, he's waving and shouting something and although I can't make it out he's clearly excited and enjoying our display.

Chris however, suddenly looks worried. Before, when we put on a show for the lorry drivers, they were gone almost as soon as they saw us but this is different.

We are in full view of many people, and they are not going anywhere, one is even attempting to verbally interact with's a daunting situation to be in.

Chris's shy, timid nature is struggling, so I give him something to focus on.

"Hey?....honey?...that's it...look at me...good boy."

Lowering my hands to his crotch I begin undoing his belt and trousers button.

"Keep looking at me...that's good...they can't get to us...all they can do is watch...that's why we're here...that's it....let me take control...good boy..."

Pulling his trousers and underpants down I free Chris's stiff cock, holding him tightly in my hand, gently shaking.

"....oh your so hard."

With these final words I waste no more time, crouching down on my haunches in front of Chris I take him into my mouth.

A gasp from Chris is overshadowed by a loud whoop and cheer from the block of flats.

Glancing up at the windows with a mouthful of cock, I see the man has company, directly below him a small group of guys is gathered at their window staring right at us.

As I continue watching, the window flies open and we hear lots of excited cheering, in amongst which a voice can just be heard shouting, "Suck that fucking cock bitch...yeehaa!"

But all this vulgar attention is a little too much too soon for young Chris and he exclaims from above, "Oh shit....there's more...what if they....aahhh...."

His high pitched trailing off is the result of my tongue working over a particularly sensitive area, trying to get his mind back on the job.

It has the desired effect, momentarily distracting the shy young man.

However, I'm quickly becoming so aroused from all this attention...I want him in me properly.

To one side of the doorway we entered and now present ourselves for the baying crowd, there is a large hole in the brickwork resembling a widow in appearance.

An idea immediately springs to mind, one which will satisfy all parties needs.

Letting Chris go and standing up I urge him to follow me to the 'window'. Being careful where I stand for there is much litter here, I manoeuvre into position bending over and placing both hands on the lower edge of the hole shuffling my feet back and opening my legs, thus presenting Chris with an obvious target.

I am now prone, ready...and perfectly framed in the window...tits out and in full view.

In this position we all get what we want, the crowd of lecherous onlookers can see me, I have Chris and Chris has me, while keeping back in the shadows out of view...precious shelter for my shy but eager friend.

There is a brief moment of hesitation before I feel him moving into position up close behind me, shuffling of feet, hands lifting my skirt up, fingers probing...

Fuck!...I love these final intimate fumblings before...the anticipation is electric.

Briefly closing my eyes as he enters me, then opening them at the same time as my mouth....a loud gasp of utter relief is quickly followed by an approving moan, and another...and another.

Strong hands grasp my hips tightly, I feel his energy, his vitality flowing.

Pushing deep with each in stroke Chris builds up a steady rhythm, he's improved control of late and can now last longer.

Looking out across to the flats, more people are now watching, drawn to see what all the commotion is about. Mainly men but also some couples, one person quickly draws their curtains in disgust. But most have their eyes firmly upon my own unique window.

The gang of young men are shouting obscenities, vulgar words reach my eager ears.

I...want this so badly.

My body shakes with each thrust from behind, I'm very aware of many things happening at once, the jiggling movements of my boobs, the eyes afore, excited...depraved words wafting across, tiny insignificant things like birdsong, the wind through nearby bushes, a dog barking...all is senses on high tune.

But slowly everything fades out, blurs together.

Natural inhibitions are swallowed up by pure carnal lust.

The crowd before me and my young lover behind...leaving myself far away...I belong to them.

When I come to my senses Chris is in the midst of locking up, pushing deep...familiar feel of heavy pulses... warmth flowing into me

I'm breathless, gasping, sound coming back...slowly...excited voices...shouting.

It's this sound of shouting voices that brings me, us, rudely to our senses. The gang of young men, one of whom is yelling through cupped hands, his words ominous...threatening, "We're coming down...keep her there...keep the bitch there."

Chris, still going deep inside me suddenly reacts, pulling out and backing away, his single word, "Shit!"

It perfectly sums up our situation, we are indeed suddenly in it, my initial reaction is the same...panic.

Here we are in a very compromising situation, my young lover literally caught with his pants down. A gang of at least four young men are on their way down to us, and somehow I don't believe they wish to treat me with tender loving care.

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