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Claire's new property

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Friend finds his chastity cage.
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Claire was lounging around at home watching some tv.  Bored stiff out of her mind so she thought she'd see if her friend wanted to come over and hangout.

She messaged james to ask him if he was free and if he'd like to come over for a few hours. He quickly responded that he'd be over in 10 minutes.

Claire went back to watching the tv to await her friend. She'd just finished watching a rerun of that 70's show when the doorbell rang.

"Hi James how have you been, I've missed you"

" I'm good hun just been working mainly, nothing of much interest"

" did you want to watch some tv then we can have a bit of food"

"Yeah that sounds good. What shall we watch"

"Maybe you could find a film to watch. Nothing to serious just something we can switch off too"

"I'll have a look on the streaming services and find a comedy to watch"

Claire went into the kitchen to make them both a drink. With a coffee each they started to chat about mundane normal life things. After catching up properly they decided to watch the movie Neighbours.

Later on after the movie they decided to just have pizza for lunch. Nothing to interesting just a simple margherita.

She really did need to get a bit more spice into her life. They both did. James decided he'd go home now after being around hers for over 5 hours. They said there fairwells and as always they would hug and give each other a friendly kiss goodbye.

As they were hugging Claire could feel something hard poking into her.


" wait what's wrong"

" you're aroused "

"No im not"

"Well something was just sticking into me just now"

" i promise Claire I'm not aroused"

" well i think you should prove it. Now "

" i promise it's not what you think but it's kind of embarrassing. Please don't ask me to show you"

" i still want to see or else i don't think i can trust you anymore. And if i can't trust you i don't think we can be friends"

James reluctantly started to take off his trousers and that was when claire noticed he seemed to be wearing girls underwear. There's no way he could have been hard as it didn't look like he had much of a bulge at all.  He looked mortified by having to reveal himself and went a deep shade of red. If only his panties were red to match.

"Wow james look what we have here"

"Please don't tell anyone"

"Why are you wearing those"

"I like to wear them every now and then"

"Well what was that sticking into me, it certainly can't be erect judging by that pathetic little bulge"

" I'm wearing a metal chastity cage hun, it's just something I've been experimenting with"

"What's a chastity cage, show me"

James pulled down his girly underwear and with complete embarrassment he couldn't bare to see her reaction so he looked away. Claire laughed out loud at her friends misfortune. She couldn't believe his penis fit into something so small. The chastity cage couldn't have been much bigger than an inch long and underneath that she could see he had small testicles too.

" oh my god i cant believe your able to fit into that"

"Please dont tell"

" don't worry i won't tell anyone, yet"

" what do you mean yet?"

" I'm just teasing you, i can't believe how cute it looks"

"Can i pull my panties up now?"

"No not yet, let me pull them up for you"

Claire still couldn't believe her friend she'd known for so long was stood in front of her wearing a cage. She reached out and slowly pulled his panties back up. Once he was fully covered she gave his tiny bulge a little pat and giggled to herself. He was squirming with embarrassment but obviously was getting aroused.

"So how long have you been locked into that cage?"

"Not long, i only put it on before leaving the house"

"So you only put it on because you were coming over?"

"No, like i said I've been experimenting with this, but I'll be honest it was kind of exciting wearing it around someone"

"Are you excited now?"

" yeah but i didn't expect you to find out"

"Where are the keys?"

"There at home"

" well next time you come around wear that cage and bring the keys and we can have some fun"

Claire could feel her own panties getting slightly wet. There was a little wet patch forming near his cage, James had leaked precum. Probably all the excitement and nerves of his hot friend and their new situation. She pulled his jeans up and let him button himself up.

" well i guess after that little bit of fun its time for you to go. Come around next week and we'll continue where we left off"

"Ok, thanks Claire,  you're the best"

"I want you wearing a pair of my underwear next week so I'll quickly go get some"

She rushed into her bedroom to find out just the right pair for James. Looking into her underwear drawer she saw a silky pink thong that she didn't wear very often. It will be perfect to make him look so girly. The amount of fun that she'll be able to have next week was overwhelming, she decided to give herself a little rub using the pink thong, rubbing the silky material over herself she made the panties wet. A perfect gift for James.

" here take these with you and make sure you wear them for me"

"Wow that's great, thank you so much"

"They're a little damp because i got a little bit horny"

James couldn't believe his luck. Not only were they going to meet next week but he's now got a pair of her panties to play with all week.

"Well I'll see you next week, thanks again for everything"

" it's fine, love you, see you next week"

James walked up the path towards his car, giving the panties a quick sniff before putting them into his pocket. Got into his car and started to drive home. He couldn't wait to get back home, his cock was ready to burst. Things will be so different between them now.

Claire had to get those keys from him, she needed to own her pathetic friend and his tiny dick. She went into her bedroom and lay down on the bed. Thinking of all the depraved stuff she was going to do to her friend she slowly masturbated to a full climax.  He will be the perfect sissy for her to feminise and humiliate at her will.

Suddenly Claire's life had just gotten a whole lot more interesting.

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MatureandkinkyMatureandkinky4 months ago

It has potential but let"s see how it evolves.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Should have started a few steps back. He is a normal, somewhat shy friend-zoned male friend of hers. When he's over one time, her AC is out. Due to heat, she's wearing little clothing, as is he. He's catching glimpses of her, sweat on her cleavage, thong peeking over her shorts, etc. Just as with your story, as he goes to leave, she goes in for a hug and feels his boner through his thin shorts. She gets upset. He is ruining their friendship by wanting to have sex. She was already annoyed with the staring and glimpses he so painfully failed at keeping surreptitious. Now his little dick is hard when going for a hug. Again like your story he denies. She makes him pull it out to prove it. But he's not wearing a cage and not wearing panties. But he is hard.

She gets very upset. They have been friends for years. She loves having him as a friend. But now he's making it weird. She can't be his friend if she's worried he's constantly stealing looks at her and is hard around her and wanting to do stuff to her. He's trying to placate her but she's seriously pissed.

He points out she's kind of a knockout and he's stolen looks at her for years without issue. She kind of admits that's true. But now that she knows he gets hard from it, it's not the same. She'd constantly worry that he's going to make a move or do something. He tries to reassure her that he'd never try something and ruin their friendship, but she's not having it. As long as he is hard, she feels he would be trying to do something. If only there was some way to ensure that he wasn't getting hard and trying to do something with it, it might be ok. He sarcastically says something like "Sometimes, with the way you look, it'd take a metal cage to keep me from getting hard."

Finally she calms down and they say goodnight. Several days later, she messages him and makes plans for a few days later. When he comes over, she says she did some research and found a solution. She brings out a chastity cage. It's the only way she'll feel comfortable still being friends with him and hanging out. Finally, he agrees.

THEN you can start the steps that begin down the road to feminization.

I think it's better if he's not already into it, but gets convinced to try it and then compelled to go further and further, constantly pushing past his comfort zone.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

very vanilla, not much going on, or unique in any way, the boi needs breaking of his spirit and training.

Maybe he can learn to serve.

dmf399dmf3995 months ago

Very nice start but, but we'll see.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Sounds great, just what everyone needs in their life, an abusive friend to manipulate them.

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