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Claire's New Property Pt. 04

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Her sissy sinks deeper while trying out new thing's.
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Claire woke up and went straight onto amazon to buy more things, with a flat chastity cage and an imitation pussy she she clicked next day delivery, she didn't care about the cost, that pay rise had been a blessing.  The day went off to a positive start. James did his daily hypno and cuck porn all while eagerly plapping away.

Dinner was served and they had a nice evening, sharing a bottle of wine and relaxing on the sofa she thought she'd tell her sissy what she'd ordered over the last few days, both boxes should be here tomorrow.

"Don't worry babe you might never have to use all of the things."

"Will i have to wear that new cage?"

"I might try it out for a few days alternating between cages, maybe friday can now become flat cage friday?"

"Ok Claire."

"Don't panic it won't be forever."

"Thank you."

"Take a couple of pictures now, and post them to X, I'll send my favourite one's to Stephanie."

Obliging as usual this was his routine now, there followers were now over 500, amazing how quickly they had grown their account. One post was already at 4k views, Claire told him she won't stop posting until he has millions of views. While on the account he checked his likes, his cousin had liked all of there posts. This will make family gatherings uncomfortable for him.

Claire messaged Stephanie.  "Hi hun I've got some treats for my sissy today and I've got a surprise for you too, I'll tell you about it in the morning. Will you be at work tomorrow? I need another engraving done."

Stephanie quickly replied. "Yes" and told her she'd. "Be there all day Friday and Saturday." Attached to her message was a picture of four condoms that were full of cum, there had to be atleast 50ml in each one, sissy had even more treats.

"Tomorrow will be really fun James,  I've planned some errands for you to do, so no maid duty."

"Thank you."

"You'll be going out shopping for us, you'll still have to be plugged and wearing panties, but you can wear boy clothes over them."


The next morning she was awoken by the door, the amazon package's arriving first thing was great. She could have him doing his errands straight away. Taking all the item's out she left the flat cage and the imitation pussy on the side while placing the other item's in his drawer. Messaging Stephanie.  "Is it ok if i send my sissy into the store to get his new cage engraved,  I want it to say Claire's sissy on it." Stephanie was happy to oblige.

"Morning sissy, no time for your hypno porn today, maybe when you get back home though."

"Where do i have to go?"

"I need you to get some food from the shops and wine, can you get a runny glaze too like they have on donuts?, It will be a nice treat."

"That sound's easy, shouldn't take to long."

"Then i need you to get your flat cage engraved, Stephanie is expecting you. She knows what i want on it."

"You want me to meet Stephanie?"

"Yes, don't worry she'll be nice."

"Ok Claire."

While out grocery shopping James got the donut glaze,  and some ring donuts to go with it, he was looking forward to a sugary treat,  walking outside with his plug in was quite the experience, everybody who walked passed him he wondered if they knew, or had seen the X posts. Dreading going to see Stephanie he made his journey to her shop.

"Hi I'm here to see Stephanie."

"Hello sissy."

"I've brought my cage to be engraved, Claire told me i should sit and wait for it."

"Yes that's ok, just take a seat sissy, have you got your stuff on now?"

"Yes I'm wearing my chastity and cute underwear, oh and a plug."

"Awww that's sweet."

James went and sat down, he wouldn't normally be as candid about something like this, but by the sound of it and the amount of texting they'd been doing he assumed Stephanie knew everything.

Stephanie went out the back to engrave his cage, she decided to engrave the back aswell, even though you wouldn't see it when it was on, it was a nice touch. She sent Claire a picture of it to see if it was ok, also asking her if it would be ok to see her sissy in his panties in the back room?  Delighted Claire wrote back that. "It would be her honour for her to see her sissy."

Claire messaged Stephanie. "Tell my sissy  your reward for doing  the cage so well will be that he has to strip in the back room."

Stephanie called james over, she showed him the message Claire had sent. He asked if she wanted to. "See everything." And she nodded her head. Slowly taking all his clothes off, the embarrassment of seeing this hot goth while standing here so vulnerable. Inevitably she started to laugh. Dripping with precum he slowly pulled his panties down, the precum stretching down with his panties. Stephanie used her finger to catch it, a small amount on her finger, James expected he'd have to lick it off, but to his surprise she did so herself.

"Mmmm you taste nice, not as strong as my own boyfriend's cum."

"Thank you."

"You haven't got much there to play with have you?"

"No i don't."

"My boyfriend is much bigger, would you like to see a picture of us together?"

"Yeah that would be nice."

Showing him the picture, James was expecting to see a picture of them as a couple but instead what she showed him was a picture of her holding his hard cock with a condom on, the condom was full, not only with his penis but cum as well. He couldn't dream of producing that much cum.

"Turn around and show me your plug now."

"Do you like what you see?"

" yeah it looks cute, I'd love to have my own sissy to help out, maybe I'll ask claire if i can borrow you?"

"I'm not sure what she has planned for me to be honest, all i know is that I'll obey her every need."

"Awwww so sweet, I'll pull your panties up for you."

Stephanie pulled them up and made sure to give him a little rub, he tried to grind her hand but seeing as there wasn't much there, it barely moved. He got dressed again and said his goodbyes to her, it wasn't as bad as he thought it would be.  Stephanie text Claire straight away. "Omg that was the best, i can't wait to join the two of you for some real fun." Claire's reply was quick. "I'm glad you enjoyed it, can i pick up those condoms today, i really need to progress his training."

Stephanie went home at lunchtime to pick up the condoms, they'd managed to fill up another two condoms last night and one more this morning,  her boyfriend was a machine in bed. She put the seven filled rubbers into a small container and headed back to work.

Claire got the message only an hour after he'd got back home. The condoms were ready when she was, she didn't want to waste any time so she got her keys and left the house.

While he had the house to himself he made the most of it, no idea where she'd gone he went rummaging through the hamper, even now he still got off on smelling her panties, holding them against his face breathing in all her sweet aromas he rubbed his little balls. Taking them into the bedroom he carried on smelling them, holding a vibrator against his cage he fully climaxed at the thought of her wearing these around the house. What a complete sissy he'd been, he doesn't even need to touch his dick anymore.

Getting back home Claire took her container and hid it in her room. James looked flushed as she got back,  he'd probably been up to no good. Maybe she should get camera's fitted throughout the house? After having food and a glass of wine she excused herself,  taking the donut glaze to her bedroom she mixed some into the condom until it had a consistent look about it and poured it all over the imitation pussy, squeezing every last drop out of it, his treat was now ready.

"Heres your treat sissy, see how nice I've made it all for you. You will lick all that glaze off, i want it spotless."

"Mmmm that looks tasty."

"I knew how much you'd been enjoying those cuck clean up video's so i thought I'd make it look like a cummy pussy."

"Thank you Claire."

"I want you to imagine that it's real cum and you're my little clean up boy."

Placing the pussy between her legs James lapped up all the cummy treat, it wasn't as sweet as he thought it should be, but was good anyway.  Recording it all on her phone she told Stephanie what she had done, soon he will be eating this treat without the glaze mixed in. Knowing her friend had just devoured one of the full condoms made her tingle. She used her finger to scoop out any remaining cum, then made him suck it.

"I think its time to try out your new cage."

"Ok Claire,  thank you for letting me eat all that, if only it was your real pussy."

"If only sissy, maybe I'll let you eat real man cum though instead."

"Urgh thats disgusting."

"You have been licking your own cum for me though."

"That's different though."

"Sure it is sissy, look at the camera and tell me I'm your cumslut."

"I'm your cumslut Claire."

She cropped out as much as possible to keep identities safe, uploading some pictures of him eating the pussy. She tagged them as. "SISSY EATING HIS FIRST MAN CUM." He'll never know, he'll just assume she wrote it to get more views. Still there was lot's more to do to James,  over the weekend she will have extra time to live out more fantasies of being a full time owner.

"Right put your hands behind your back while i cuff you, time to switch your cage."

"I can't believe how small that looks."

"It will match your poor excuse of a dick."

"Are you sure it's going to fit?"

"Yes it will,  I'll squish it down a bit and then lock it shut."

James didn't even get hard as she managed to get his cage on and locked. It was extremely tight and any chance of an erection was a no go. Atleast she said it was only flat cage Friday. Claire couldn't believe that his dick looked even smaller out of his cage, this flat cage will make it go even smaller and cuter. His panty bulge was barely a bump, most girl's have a bigger mound than him now.

"I want you to realise how lucky you are to be my full time sissy,  your first work week has gone by and it's now pay day."

"Wow thank you, i love being your sissy, how much have I earned?"


"That's not bad."

"I've got to deduct a few things first though, all the packages cost $280, the engravings cost $50 and then you have to pay the pussy free tax of $50. That leaves 20 bucks."

"Oh ok."

"Don't look so ungrateful,  I'll double it to $40, or I'll give you the option of no money and you get to take the panties im wearing now, to bed with you."

"I'll take the panties Claire."

"Good sissy i knew you would prefer them over money, take your panties to bed, goodnight."

"I love you and your gifts, goodnight."

Claire realised it was for the best if he wore the flat cage from now on, he looked better in it, and what she wanted she got. Who cares if his tiny dick gets any smaller, it's not as if he will be using it.

Laying in bed James was sniffing and kissing claires pussy, in his mind that is, just more panties in reality. The cage digging into him was so uncomfortable, it looked pretty though, no padlock on it just a built in lock. Tomorrow was Saturday,  so no more flat cage, and hopefully they'll just relax all weekend, resting up ready for the next work week.  Claire had other ideas.


Waking up in his new cage was an experience James didn't want to have often, once a week will be ok, it will teach him to become a better sissy. Already he only sees himself as such and not a man.  Getting Claire's phone then logging into there X account he browsed through all the comments,  liking and reposting his favourite ones. He reposted quite a few of his cousins comments too. Uploading a few pictures of his new cage he began to look at all the sissy accounts that followed them, hopefully Claire doesn't view all of these, because some of this is just to much for him.

Claire woke up feeling peckish, seeing as it was the weekend she lay there for a while before calling for her sissy to make her breakfast in bed.  All she wanted was a cup of coffee and a grilled cheese.  It didn't take him long to make it, and was soon bringing it in to her. James was wearing his normal clothes, that would have to change straight away. Can't have him being to comfortable.

"How's the new cage feel?"

"It's a little bit tight but ok."

"Do you think you would treat me to wearing it for one more day?"

"Yes claire, of course i will."

"Good boy, you'll need to take your boy clothes off though sweety, you only get to wear those when you leave the house."

"I thought i didn't have to wear the maid uniform on a weekend though?"

"You don't, but you don't get to wear boy clothes either."

"Can I just wear my panties then?"

"Yes, we can always pick out some girly clothes for you when we go shopping tomorrow."

"Thank you."

"By the way for being a good little sissy and wearing that cage one more day I'm going to treat you."

"You're the best."

"Your treat is you get to wear it for me permanently,  and I've decided to upgrade your butt plug too."

Claire saw the colour drain from his face, why did he think she would let him back into his other cage.  Although all the colour drained from his face, all his blood rushed to his groin, here he was straining against his cage just by knowing how he'd been humiliated yet again, while yesterday when he was out of his cage his little dick didn't even stir. Noticing his arousal Claire just laughed.

"I've picked the buttplug that's two sizes up, it's got a nice little heart jewel on the end."

"Will it be able to fit, it looks a lot bigger than my other one?"

"Don't worry I'll be gentle, just bend over the sink while i slip it in, the heart is because you will love me for it."

Bending over she managed to get it in, after a struggle for a few minutes and a bit of extra lube it didn't resist too much. While his ass seemed to be completely full he pulled his underwear back up.  Soon he'll be able to gobble up a dildo Claire thought. He tentatively walked to the living room,  frightened to sit down yet, he stood by the couch.

"Stephanie suggested a punishment for you of drinking piss the other day, what do you think?"

"Is there any other punishment i could pick instead?"

"Yes i could always plap you while you watch some cuck porn."

"Really you'd do that instead?"

"Yes babe that will be fun for both of us, I'll get to play too."

He was flying high now, doing this together is a dream compared to how he's been doing this alone the last few times.  To get into the spirit of things she decided to get out some matching underwear,  in only her bra and panties she sat on the bed.  He changed into the matching underwear and lay down onto the bed, tender from the new plug he winced. She found out a scene that he'd watched and pressed play. Turning the sound off she placed her camera on the shelf to capture his plapping session.

"Ok babe the rules for your plapping is as follows,  i will hit your balls with the dildo while you hold your vibrator against the cage, if you cum before the five minutes is up you get a treat, if you last the full five minutes of plapping you get a treat, win win."


"One more thing though, you will tell me how much you love me if you cum."

She started off slow at first, quite gentle but she knew that near the end she was going to beat his balls badly. Getting into her rhythm, James didn't think it would take to long to cum at all, he'll soon get another treat off of her. He came in less than three minutes, Claire offered him the chance for another treat if he could last the full time. He accepted straight away, in total enjoyment. 

What a loser he'd finished so quickly she hadn't been able to destroy his balls, so thinking fast she offered another treat. She wasn't going to let him back out. She straddled him, sitting on his chest, he was pinned down. She cupped his little balls in her left hand while she beat his balls with the dildo,  whack after whack he was begging her to stop, she didn't care though, she was having to much fun.

With tears in his eyes he told her how much he loved her for the camera, broken beyond anything. She was overjoyed, before she got off of him she pulled her thong aside and spread her cheeks apart, he kissed her as instructed,  getting off him she took him into the living room.

"Well seeing as i can see you still have tears in your eyes I'm going to add another treat."

"Thank you Claire."

"The first treat was that you got to kiss my ass, the second treat is you get to lick up any cum that's in your panties."

"Thank you, what's the third treat?"

"You can have that later after you have your cummy glazed pussy treat."

"The same as yesterday?"

"Yes sissy, you enjoyed it so much, now get licking."

Slurping away at his panties he didn't leave any visible traces of cum. Claire uploaded the plapping session onto X, it got over 1k views by the time he'd cleaned up. She made sure to edit the clip down to take their face's and voices out but the rest was unedited. With how quick the views seemed to be going up maybe it was time to start monetizing their footage. If she could, she would make this her new job.

"Lets watch some tv for a bit, we can cuddle up on the couch under a blanket."

"I'll get the blanket, you find us something to watch,  also Claire can i put some clean underwear on."

"Yes, now that you do all the washing and ironing i really don't care how much you wear"

Snuggling up with her under the blanket was heaven,  he still wished they could do more things like this, he really liked when she wasn't getting her rock's off.  After a few shows they decided to have some food,  once the pizza was ordered James set the table and opened a bottle of red wine. Pouring out a glass each he waited for the delivery.

"Ding ding."

"James go get the pizza and pay the guy."

"Where's my clothes?"

"You're not allowed boy clothes remember, either wrap the blanket around you or go to the door as you are."

"Didn't you pay him on the app?"

"Where's the fun in that,  there's money in my purse by the door."

"Ding ding ding ding."

Wrapping a blanket around himself he rushed to the door, the delivery guy was obviously in a rush.  Taking the pizza from the driver and thanking him he went to put the boxes on the side table so he could pay for them, his blanket slid off. Luckily the driver only saw his pantied ass, his chastity was kept secret. Paying the guy and giving him a big tip he hoped Claire never ordered from there again.

"Pizza was nice wasn't it, did the driver like what he saw?"

"He didn't seem to take much notice, he probably sees weirder stuff on his rounds."

"Do you want your cummy treat yet or did you want to go on X to look at replies."

"I'll do whatever you want Claire."

"Good boy, I'll prepare your treat while you go on X, make sure you add a few more pictures."

Loading up X he saw they had gained thousands of followers,  the plapping scene alone had over 10k views now. Reading through the comments he reblogged the more humiliating one's and followed a few of the account's.  Noticing that his cousin had seen the plapping video and reblogged it too, her comment just read. "Beat that little shrimp dick, never unlock him." He replied back to her. "I will stay locked for my owner until she sees fit."  

Claire meanwhile was making his treat, she added two condoms to today's mix, the consistency was runnier but he wouldn't know, he'll soon clean it up.  James came into the room and handed her the phone, his cousin had text her. "You really have that sissy trained don't you, make sure you never let him out."  Weirdly she seemed to be getting as much enjoyment out of James's chastity as Claire was, who'd have thought his cousin was obviously this much into domination too.


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