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Cocks Ch. 01

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Six nude guys are only the beginning.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/27/2021
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Junior year was proving to be the best time of college so far. I was now into my major and taking lots of courses in writing and literature. I had three great roommates and several girls who were friends, and who all got along together. I was soon to find out that it was to be the best year of my life--in terms of erotic experiences. It was also the best year since I met the love of my life.

None of us dated each other. We were good students who wanted to succeed in college so we could do the same in the real world. We found that by hanging out together, we could avoid the tension and pitfalls that many of our classmates seemed to find. We found sexual outlet with people outside our circle or by ourselves with a tried and time-tested form of release in the privacy of our rooms.

I was getting ready for the homecoming football game when Ashley stopped by my room. She was probably my best friend, at least among the girls. We connected on many levels, often finding ourselves talking into the early morning hours. She had recently broken up with a guy she'd been dating since freshman year. Ashley was the exception to our gang getting into serious relationships. She told me she pulled the plug when she felt he was getting too demanding.

She followed me into my room and folded herself down on the floor gracefully that somehow girls seem to master, and that remains a mystery to me and every other guy. She sat cross-legged on the floor and explained why she and her boyfriend broke up.

"He wanted a blow job every morning before class," she told me as I was finishing getting dressed. "I mean I don't mind blow jobs, but this was becoming a bit too much. Don't you think so?"

I was standing in boxers and a long-sleeved tee shirt. Seeing each other in underwear was a barrier we had crossed long ago.

"Ashley, this may come as a surprise, but I've never had a conversation with a girl about how many blow jobs she gives, nor what time of day she gives them."

"Oh, TMI?"

"A bit," I said. She smiled and pulled on her pony tail.

"Do you like morning BJs?"

"Plead the fifth," I said, and turned to look for my jeans before Ashley saw the tent forming in my boxers. Although we weren't in a sexual relationship, that didn't mean I didn't appreciate how pretty she is. And the image of her soft lips wrapped around a guy's cock was having an effect. I pulled on my pants, adjusted my semi-hard cock down along my thigh, zipped up and then added a long Henley shirt. I hoped it was long enough to cover the bulge. As I laced up my Timberlane boots, Ashley continued her story.

"He has a decent cock," she said. "Not the biggest, but it wasn't bad. It wasn't like I hated his cock, it was just that he seemed to be demanding--not asking for--the blow jobs. Made me ask myself if that is what I want in a relationship. I guess the answer is no, because I told him we were through."

"How'd he take it?" I said and wondered how I could rearrange my boner without Ashley noticing.

"Funny, he didn't react all that much. Said maybe it was for the best, we could remain friends, blah, blah, blah. He asked for one last blow job, though."

"Wow, that was nervy."

"Think so? I thought it was only fair."

"So you did it?"

"Of course, and I think it was one of my best. I had him begging me to bring him off. I kept him on the edge like for ten minutes. Kept sucking his balls. Do you like that?"

"Ball sucking?"


"Actually, never had it done."

"No shit. Gotta try it. At least from what Gordon said. He loved it. So did Arnie, as a matter of fact. Gerald put up with it, but didn't seem as into it as the others."

"How many balls have you sucked?"

"Well, I've had oral with six guys since I came here. And one in high school, so that'd be fourteen, no, make that thirteen. One guy only had one ball."

"And, in the BJs, did you like...uh..."

Ashley laughed. "Swallow?"

I nodded.

"Tell me, Adrian, when you go down on a girl, do you taste her cum?"


"Then why wouldn't I swallow? Some girls make it a big deal that they don't. It's like they're some holy saint or something. I tell them, 'Girl, you have a cock in your mouth. You ain't no saint.'"

I looked at Ashley sitting on the floor. Her light brown hair was pulled back into a ponytail. When it was loose, it fell to her shoulders. I liked it both ways. She had a light coating of freckles across her nose and spilling onto her cheeks. Blue-eyed and with soft pink skin, she wore minimal make-up, and always looked so fresh, clean and cute. Her body seemed compact on her long frame. She rarely wore anything except jeans and her butt always looked good in them. As I sat across from her, I realized that I never acknowledged how attractive she really is. As I was imagining her naked while inhaling my cock, the real thing inside my pants jumped. I knew we had to leave before I sprung a leak.

"Where're we meeting the others?" I asked.

"We're in the student section, Row 10. Britty is going to try to save some seats. We better haul ass."

The weather was mild, and we sat in the fall sun and cheered for our team. They lost as was expected, but we all had fun. Britty was hosting an after-game pizza and beer party in her suite later that day. Her three roomies had all gone home. They were total science nerds and hated the football homecoming drama.

I went back to the dorm and finished a paper that was due on Monday. We had a suite like Britty, with each of us four guys having a separate bedroom. There was a large common room hosting a sink, microwave and fridge. Plus, we had our own bathroom with a sink and toilet. There was a group shower down the hall. We got along and had agreed to keep the common spaces and bathroom relatively clean.

After I printed my paper, and did a last edit, I stretched out on my bed and figured I'd nap before the party. I thought about Ashley and her blow job stories. I recalled how cute she looked sitting on my floor. I remembered how she grabbed my arm to pull me to her for a kiss when our team scored its only touchdown. Her breast pressed into my bicep. I mostly thought about how I pictured Ashley naked and sucking my cock. I undid my jeans, fished my boner out, and started stroking. I realized I was super horny and had been that way since Ashley's visit.

I pulled my shirts up high, my pants and boxers completely off, and was just at the point of exquisite release when there was a knock at my door, and it opened. I was past the point of no return and started cumming all over my stomach. I looked up to find Aliyah staring at me.

"Not expecting company?" she said. She then smiled and add, "Or where you?" She came in and closed the door. She spotted a box of tissues on my dresser and pulled out a handful. Giving them to me, she sat on my bed.

"Awkward," I said as I dried myself.

"Hey, I've three brothers and dated a bunch of guys. The fact that guys jerk off is not news. Believe me."

"Yeah, but I'm not accustomed to have someone watch me."

"No big deal," she said and covered her mouth. "No, Adrian, not like that. Actually, it's kinda a nice size." She touched my cock in what I could only describe as a friendly and non-sexual way. Though having any girl touch my cock was to me quite sexual. "I like watching a guy jerk off. It's sexy."

I had a difficult time getting my mind around the fact that she had just watched me orgasm and was now chatting as though it was the most normal thing in the world. The fact that my cock was slowly going limp, while still exposed, seemed not to bother her.

"So, is there a reason you're here?"

"Other than watching you deposit a load on your abs? Probably was," she said and giggled. "Right now, I can't remember it." She looked at my totally limp member as it lay between my legs and gave it another soft tap.

"You're not circumcised. This is a first for me. Can I touch it some more?"

Being an English major, I was tempted to correct her by saying of course she had the ability to touch it since she had fingers, and therefore she "can" do it. She should have said, "May I touch it?" Being a guy with a pretty girl wanting to hold his cock, I simply said, "Yeah."

She took hold of my cock. This time it definitely was not non sexual. "Feels good. I haven't held one in a while, and never an uncut one. Do you mind?" She added her second hand to hold my shaft while she worked my foreskin back and forth. "This is so cool. When I came in, it was hard and you couldn't tell. I like the look." If I hadn't already had a large orgasm, I'm sure that she would have been able to observe it once more with the foreskin retracted. Instead, she seemed content to move it back and forth.

"Is it more sensitive?"

"You mean not having part of my dick cut off?"

"Ugh, when you say it that way it sounds gross. But yeah, that's what I meant."

"Couldn't tell you. I've only known it one way."

"This is strange," I said as she continued to play with me. "We're friends," she said.

"You saw me jerking off and shooting all over myself. What if I had walked in on you while you were masturbating?" She squeezed my cock and laughed. "I'd tell you to take cover before you got sprayed."


"I'm a squirter," she said. That image, in addition to her constant fondling, was working to overcome the effects of an orgasm. My cock filled with blood. Aliyah suddenly pulled her hands away. "So, yeah, I have a reason for coming here."

"Other than to fondle me."

"Yeah, that wasn't part of the plan. It was fun though. I've got a favor to ask, and after what just happened, I'm thinking you might just say yes."

"I'm listening."

My room was warm and Aliyah stood up to pull off her sweatshirt. Underneath, she had a light blue long-sleeved tee shirt. As the sweatshirt cleared her head, I stared at her breasts, moving freely underneath the thin cotton. By the looks of the nipple points, I assumed she was braless. I also assumed that her breasts were large. Truthfully, I had noticed that before today.

Aliyah wore her hair in tight braids. This style was recent. Before that, she had grown her afro out to look like a woman from the 70s. Not that I go around smelling women, but being close to her, it was impossible not to appreciate her scent. It was both musky and light. Once when we were sitting together in the back of Ashley's car on a road trip, I became a true believer in pheromones. I think I was hard the entire time just breathing in her exotic aroma. Then, as she sat next to me, with her breasts swaying under her shirt, I had to reach down and readjust myself inside my jeans.

Aliyah's skin was smooth and the color of milk chocolate. She often wore light blues and yellows and always looked fantastic. She is the shortest of the girls in our group, but she is perfectly proportional. Her breasts are large and look good on her because she has broad shoulders and a slim waist. Her legs are shapely, though not long. Her butt is a work of art. I think Ashley's is the best butt in jeans, but Aliyah's is close behind.

She had freed her head from the sweatshirt and caught me staring at her.


"You're so pretty. And, I really like your, uh, your hair this way."

"Honest? I wasn't sure about doing braids, but keeping my 'fro looking good was taking way too much time and effort. When I was home last time, my brothers were all over me 'bout my hair. Told me I looked like I was on work-release. I think they were just teasing, but it made me a little insecure. Now a good-looking guy tells me he likes them. All good."

"Even if he's a white guy?" Early on Aliyah found out we could discuss race. She said she found black guys the most attractive, but had dated a couple white dudes. She and I could talk openly about how blacks and whites looked at the world from different perspectives. After a while we realized that everyone looked at things from a unique perspective. So, my question to her was not out of bounds.

"True, you're a white guy. But you're a cute white guy, and one with a very nice cock. So, I'll accept your compliment." She leaned in and kissed my cheek. Her scent made me want to rip her clothes off.

"At first I thought you were going to talk about my boobs, the way you were staring at them."

"No, I wasn't staring at them."

"Really? 'cause I had the distinct feeling you were. What's the matter? Don't you like them?"

"My god, Aliyah, they're awesome. I just didn't want you to think I was a pig or something."

"Just busting your balls, Aidan. By the way, love your balls, too. Though I think a bit of manscaping down there would be in order. " She cupped my sac.

"Too hairy?"

"Think jungle vines." We both laughed.

"You like my boobs, really?"

"From what I can see, they seem to be, well, spectacular."

She grinned and pulled her sweatshirt off. Her large breasts bounced as her shirt cleared her head. They were slightly lighter in color than her regular skin tone and topped with nearly black areola and nipples, which stood out nicely. She cupped them, seeming to weigh each round globe.

"Still think they're spectacular?"

"I'm lost for words."

Aliyah thanked me and reached for her shirt. My dick had returned to full mast. Aliyah ran her finger up the underside of my erection. As she ran her fingertip around my tip, she leaned in. Before her lips touched my skin, she sighed and sat up straight. "Maybe you should cover up before we do something dumb."

"A little dumb once in a while could be fun," I said.

"Yeah, but right now I think we should pass." She grabbed my erection and moved up to kiss me. Her bare breast brushed against the tip of my dick and I thought I might lose it. She sat back on her heels and pulled her top back on. Reluctantly I got my erection back in my underwear and tugged my pants back up. We stared at each other before Aliyah spoke,

"So, returning to the favor I mentioned. Tilda has to do a senior thesis project."

I nodded. Tilda was the only senior in our group. She was a Fine Arts major and often dressed the part. She was the tallest of us, at around six feet two. Rail thin, she usually wore overalls and a red bandana around her long neck. Although she had beautiful blue eyes, you had a hard time seeing them behind the heavy-rimmed red-framed glasses she wore. She shunned all make-up and kept her nearly white blond hair in a buzz cut. This style only emphasized the multiple ear piercings. She had a stud in one nostril, and I heard some sort of tattoo on her lower back. That last piece of info came from Ashley. In spite of Tilda's attempts to make people think otherwise, she was magnificent. Her skin was like pale china. She had high cheekbones and a slight dimple on her right side that could melt your heart when she smiled--which was infrequent. With the clothes she wore, you couldn't tell much about her figure. With a face like hers, though, the body came in at a distant second place.

"She's really shy, especially around guys," Aliyah said.

I knew that, but found Tilda to be relaxed and open in our group. I said so to Aliyah. "We're all like family. She knows you guys and can relax. Put her in a situation with lots of outside people, and she shuts down. And none of you guys try to hit on her. I don't know if she's ever had sex, but being able to hang around guys who aren't trying to get her into bed is what she can handle."

I understood what she was saying. When you got to know Tilda, you found she had a sharp sense of humor, and a satiric look at most of college life. Many times she and I spent hours just talking. I enjoyed talking with her. We hit no awkward pauses or ever ran out of topics. She was well read and offered both insight and opinions on most things. Judging from how she reacted, I think she liked me as much as I did her. I once thought about asking her out, but since none of us dated within the group, I never acted on my impulse. Because of her shyness, I hesitated to cross the friend-sex line with her, although I admitted to myself that I was attracted to her in a sexual way. Plus, she was so cool and aloof; I figured she'd not want anything to do with me.

"So. this favor has to do with her thesis?" I asked.

"Yep. She's doing a photo project. She's calling it 'Cocks' and needs a bunch of subjects."

"And I suppose she's not referring to male chickens."

"Nope. Male meat would be more exact. She has this concept of photographing cocks in a number of different ways. She'll explain it all when you get together."

"You're assuming that I will agree to be naked for her and let her take pictures of my cock."

"Yep, that's right."

"Kinda weird, don't you think?"

"Weird that I'm asking, or that she wants to take cock shots."


"Adrian, she's too shy to ask guys to do this. Me, well, I'm not shy. After what I just witnessed, you've got nothing to be embarrassed about."

"But I'll be nude in front of a friend."

"Friends," Aliyah said, emphasizing the "s".

"How's that?"

"Me, Ashley and Britty are going to be helping her."

"You want me to be nude in front of all my friends?"

"Now you've got it. Are you in?"

"Who else for guys?"

"Our gang, I hope. You're the first I've asked. If you say yes, I think the other guys will do it."

"That's four including me. How many does she want.?"

"Wants a dozen cocks," said Aliyah with a smile.

"That's a lot. Where will you find the rest?"

"Ashley was going to ask Gordon, but you heard they broke up. I think I can recruit my brother, Dwayne, to do it. Since he's a senior, he knows Tilda. His roomie plays football, and I bet he can convince him. That would make six. Then I was hoping you could ask Henry."

Henry was the co-editor of the literary magazine with me. We didn't socialize much, but got along fine working together.

"I don't think he's ever dated, and so probably never had a girl look at his dick. He might not want to do it."

"Talk him into it. Despite looking like a bookworm, he's cute and has a skinny bod."

"If he says yes, that leaves five more."

"We're working on it. Tilda mentioned that Professor Adams could do it."

"The art teacher? You think he'd pose for a student?"

"In class, he told them he had posed nude when he was in school. Said there was no shame in it, and it helped him pay tuition. Of course, Tilda is too shy to ask him, so I'll do that."

"And the others?"

"Ashley and Britty have to pull their own weight."

"I'd have thought that Ashley...oh, never mind."

"You thought that Ashely would ask you."

I nodded. "She was going to do it today. But she said when she was over this morning before the game you got a big hard on, and she chickened out."

"Shit, she knew I was hard?"

"Told me it was easy to spot it. Said it looked like it was half-way down your leg. That sorta' helped me decide to be the one to ask you. Worked out great for me."

"I guess I can do it. What's this project called?"

"A Dozen Cocks," said Aliyah, "what else?"

She asked me to talk to Henry and I agreed. We both stood. Aliyah looked at the bulge in my jeans. Her hand slid along my crotch. "I think this is gonna' be lots of fun," she said. As the door closed to my room, I thought we might have different views on what constituted fun. As she was leaving, she said there was going to be a meeting with Tilda and all the participants next Thursday night in the Fine Arts building. She wanted to have everyone committed by then. We agreed to meet each other later at Britty's party. She was now off to talk with her brother and his roomie. She figured they'd be in their dorm, since the football player was probably trying to relax after the game. She was also going to invite them to the pizza party.

I sat alone in my room, wondering how my world had changed so quickly. I smiled, thinking that I was going to be standing naked in front of Ashley. Somehow, that image brought me back to full hardness. This time I locked the door before stripping and treating myself to another monster orgasm, thinking of Ashley. It didn't hurt that I was also fantasizing about Tilda, Aliyah and Britty also being there. Then the image of Aliyah's bare breasts flashed in my brain. As I was cumming, I realized it was Tilda who was foremost in my mind.

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