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Colleen Ch. 02


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Texas Refugee
Texas Refugee

"What is this obsession everyone has with sleep? I don't understand."

Colleen looked down into my face with a smile. "Don't worry, you'll find out soon enough. Now get down to business, you're wasting time."

With that she spread her thighs wider. She placed my cock into her mouth and began sucking in a slow rhythm. I wiggled my head around until my lips were in full contact with her vaginal lips and began to French kiss her pussy. I pushed my tongue in as deep as possible, scooping out as much of her juice as I could. I nibbled all around the opening, gently tugging on the lips of her cunt for as long as I could before I needed more. I changed the angle of my head until I could get her clit between my lips. By instinct, I began to nurse on her button the same way I had nursed on her nipples a few minutes earlier.

We continued to suck on each other for minutes, hours, days...who knows how long, we just kept going. Colleen stopped sucking on my cock just long enough to give her deep-throated groan. Suddenly she convulsed and gripped my head with her thighs. Half way through her orgasm she pushed her head forward, jamming my cock down her throat and began sucking and swallowing with wild abandonment. Within seconds of Colleen starting her orgasm I started pumping cum down her throat.

When we had both stopped twitching from the explosion, we lay relaxed against each other, our lips still holding on. I slowly turned around until we were lying in the same direction and pulled Colleen into my arms. I reached down and pulled the covers up over us. As she was fading off to sleep Colleen whispered in my ear, "You eat my pussy almost as good as you fuck me."

It was obvious that I would not be seeing very much daylight in the next eight weeks.

When the screaming started I instantly sat upright and saw what was happening. I leapt out of the bed and in two strides made it to the crib and rescued my daughter from the danger that was about to harm her.

At least that was what I intended to do but it didn't quite work out that way.

When Noelle started crying it scared me so bad I nearly wet myself. I jumped out of the bed but became so entangled in the covers that I ended up falling down, my face on the floor and my hips and legs still in the bed. Colleen calmly got out of bed, picked up Noelle and lay back down as I continued to flop around like a dying fish, trying to free myself from the sheets.

"Bobby, what are you doing?"

"What happened... what's wrong...why is she crying?"

"Nothing's wrong, she's just hungry. Calm down and get back into bed."

With that Colleen grabbed the covers and gave a quick snap of her wrist. This released me from the sheets and I slid the rest of the way down onto the floor. As I got back into bed I looked over at the clock and was astonished to see that it was only 2:30 in the morning.

"Hungry, how can she be hungry? She just ate a couple of hours ago. Why is she crying like that? Doesn't she know that people are trying to sleep around here?

"Honestly Bobby, don't you know anything about babies?"

"How am I supposed to know, I've never had one before."

"Well, you might as well sit back and relax because you're in for the ride of your life."

As soon as Noelle's lips latched onto Colleen's nipple she stopped crying and ten minutes later was asleep back in her crib. I wrapped my arms around Colleen and faded off to sleep at last...until...

Noelle's shrill screams brought me back to consciousness. By the time I had forced myself to sit up, Colleen had already picked up Noelle and was getting back in bed.

"Oh God, what is her problem? Doesn't she understand the concept of sleep?

"Get used to it. She's going to have to nurse three or four times during the night.

"Every night?"

"Every night."

"Jesus, I haven't done anything to her and she hates me already. All I want to do is get some sleep. How long will this last."

"With Meghan and Molly it was only five or six weeks before they slept through the night."

"FIVE OR SIX WEEKS? You have got to be kidding me. I'll be a dead man before then...wait a minute, did you say 'only five or six weeks.' Does that mean it could last longer?"

"Do you remember my friend Cindy? It was six months before her son started sleeping through the night."

"Christ, just shoot me and get it over with."

Colleen just smiled. She whispered into my ear, "No can do bucko. Welcome to the wonderful world of fatherhood." She snuggled into the crook of my arm with her head on my chest. After a few moments of quiet she whispered again. "Bobby..."


"I love you."

"You better, or I'm not going to make it."

One of the odd things that happened after Noelle was born was that we didn't have to set the alarm for the next several months. Every morning without fail, precisely at 6:45, never varying more than a minute, she would wake us up to get the entire house started on the day.

I had called the office and Peterson told me to go ahead and take the rest of the week off but be back in the office the day after New Years, no one was getting much work done during the holidays anyway. It was a good thing that Mom was in the house with us. If she had not been there I don't know what we would have done. Mom kept everything in the house running, leaving Colleen and I to focus on Noelle. Colleen was right, after several days of training by Colleen and Mom, along with Megan and Molly, I had the father act down pat and was working like a pro...well, actually more like an advanced amateur, but at least I wasn't terrified by own daughter anymore.

When Mom was with the girls I could overhear her telling them about their responsibilities.

"A big sister should always..."

"Because you're older you need to..."

And they did. Meghan and Molly jumped right in and did everything they could to help while at the same time doting on their new baby sister.

All too soon it was the day before New Years Eve and Mom had to get back to Santa Teresa. She needed a couple of days to get ready to return to her classroom of thirty second graders. Mike drove up with his daughter Patricia to bring Mom home. Mike said that Patricia had insisted that she come along because she wanted to see Noelle again. Now that I was a father myself I understood how difficult it is to deny something to your three-year-old daughter.

There were hugs all around and then Mom was gone, and our family was here in the house alone. I was standing alone in the living room when I began to feel a sense of abandonment and panic beginning take hold of me. At that moment Meghan walked into the room and looked at me. She put her arms around me and gently squeezed saying, "don't worry Dad, you're doing fine. I love you."

"I love you too sweetheart. Let's go see what everyone else is doing."

Each night before I fell asleep, what little of it I could get, I would lay in bed with Colleen on my arms and marvel at the beauty of our daughter and how much in love with Colleen I really was.

The next few days were uneventful except for the fact that I still could not get a complete nights' sleep. Noelle not sleeping through the night did not seem to affect Colleen and the girls but it was turning me in to a physical wreck. On the appointed day I returned to work looking like the walking dead.

"Good God Robert, you look like hell."

I can count on Miss Jennings to always get directly to the point.

At the end of the day Colleen brought Noelle into the office to pick me up. As soon as they walked through the door, Noelle was snatched out of Colleen's arms by the first grandmother they ran into. We didn't see Noelle for the next hour as she was passed from one mother to the next. We could catch glimpses of her being passed along the way but never heard a peep out of her. Finally Harold Peterson was the last to person to hold her. He was standing in front of Colleen looking down at the sleeping bundle in his arms. He raised her up and kissed her on the forehead before handing her to Colleen then looked directly at me.

"She's beautiful child. Take good care of her."

He made it sound like both a request and command at the same time.

We made our good-byes and headed out to the parking lot. When we got there we were surprised to discover that every available inch in the backseat and trunk had been stuffed with presents for Noelle; clothes, blankets, toys, things that we had no idea what they were for. You name it and the people in the office had wrapped it up and given it to us. Turns out that this is the standard operating procedure for every baby born to the office.

Life quickly fell into our normal routine, as normal as it can be for a household with a new born. Meghan and Molly were back in school with all the exiting news about their sister. They would race each other home after school, the winner getting to be the first to hold Noelle. Colleen put all of her illustration jobs on hold and did not take any new projects for the next several months. She used her time during the day to focus all of her attention on our daughter. It was during these first few weeks that Colleen built the bond with her child, just as she had with Meghan and Molly.

Colleen still met me at the door every morning to send me off to the office for the day. Only now she was holding our daughter in her arms. Now, I got to kiss two beautiful women as I went out the door.

I was back in the office full time. Miss Jennings did something for me that earned my undying gratitude. For the fist three weeks after I returned, she sat at her desk during lunch and would not allow anyone to enter my office between 11: 30 and 1:00. This allowed me to get a full hour and a half nap that would keep me going until I got home.

Noelle did better than Meghan and Molly. By four weeks, she was sleeping through the night and Colleen and I began getting a full night's sleep. The next step was to deal with the bedroom situation. We didn't want it to appear that we were playing favorites about who got to have Noelle in their room, so our first thought was to have Meghan and Molly share a room and put Noelle in Molly's smaller room.

After dinner one night I brought up the subject but before I could get very far into the discussion, Molly stopped me.

"Meghan and I already talked about it Daddy. We think that Noelle should share a room with Meghan."

Meghan was sitting next to Molly, nodding her head in agreement. Colleen and I looked at each other in confusion. If this was what the girls wanted, it was ok with us, but from the way they were grinning at each other I had the uneasy feeling that there was something going on between them that Colleen and I didn't know about. Seven and eight year old girls are not supposed to be involved in conspiracies.

We spent the next Saturday rearranging the furniture in Meghan's room and moving the crib in. Once again Colleen and I were alone in the bedroom. My initial guess had been correct; I was spending more time with my face between Colleen's thighs than I could keep track of.

One of the first things Colleen had done after bringing Noelle home from the hospital was to march over to the calendar on the kitchen wall and draw a big red circle around Friday, February 19th. When I asked her what that was for, she just stared at me for few moments before answering.

"Eight weeks Bobby. Eight...long...weeks. God I hate this part about having kids."

"Eight weeks? Eight weeks for what...oh...that eight weeks."

At last the day arrived. I had finished my breakfast with Meghan and Molly, getting ready to go to work. I was rinsing the dishes out with in the sink when Colleen grabbed me by the arm and dragged me over to the calendar on the wall. She stood there holding Noelle on her shoulder with one hand and was tapping the large red circle with the index finger of her other hand. She looked at me with excitement in her eyes and her half smile on her lips. She leaned in and whispered to me.

"You had better eat a lot of protein for lunch today. You're going to need it tonight."

"Do we have to wait? I could call in sick."

"NO! Now get going, the girls are listening."

February the 19th was the longest day in history. It was at least three weeks long. It is very hard to pay attention to the business at hand when all you can think about is crawling between your lover's delectable thighs. It was made even more unbearable because several corporate officers had made their semi-annual visit to the San Miguel office. Fortunately, most of the time was spent sitting at a conference table so no one could see the obvious visible signs of what I was really thinking about while they droned on endlessly about corporate policy and projections. Even more frustrating was the fact I had been selected along with two other people to assist Peterson in taking the corporate people to dinner and then get them to the airport in time for the flight back to New York.

By the time I got back home it was after eleven o'clock. Everyone had already gone to bed so the house was dark except for a light in the hall. A faint light shown from under the bedroom door letting me know that Colleen was waiting for me. I stepped into the room and looked at the bed. Colleen was lying on the bed with only the sheet covering her, pulled up to her chin. She was grinning as I began to undress. When I started to hang up my clothes she spoke to me for the first time.

"Why are you taking so long? Leave those on the floor and get over here."

When I got to the side of the bed, Colleen flipped the sheet back and spread her thighs wide. I crawled onto the bed, got on my knees, settling in between her legs and looked down at her almost laughing.

"What is this?"

Colleen had used the brightest red lipstick she had and written instructions on herself. On her chest and stomach just below her breasts, in large letters, were the words, "INSERT COCK HERE." She had also drawn half a dozen large red arrows below her navel and on the inside of her thighs all pointing to her newly returned thick crop of pubic hair.

"I was afraid that you might have forgotten where all the pieces go."

"Well, it is a little hazy for me. I think that you'll have to help me get started."

Colleen reached down between us and took hold of my cock. My cock that been standing at attention almost all day was now like an iron bar. After stroking it a couple of times, she gently pulled it into place and inserted the tip just inside the lips of her pussy.

"Ok, I think that you can figure out what to do from here."

I leaned over Colleen until I could rest my weight on my elbows. I gently rocked my hips forward and began to push my dick into her. It was fortunate that she was as wet as she was because her cunt seemed to be even tighter than it had been before Noelle was born. Colleen was flexing her cunt muscles to make her pussy swallow me. I stopped when my pubic bone was resting on her clit.

"Oh GOD Bobby, I've missed having you inside of me."

"Not half as much as I've missed being there."

I began to withdraw until I was almost out then reversed direction. I slid back in, feeling the wet smoothness that grasped and squeezed my cock.

"Oh sweet Jesus I need this...thank God you remember what to do."

All I could do was grunt in response and begin the next stroke of my cock.

"That's it baby," Colleen moaned into my ear. "More, just like that."

Colleen had raised her thighs until they were gripping my ribs, her heels resting on the cheeks of my ass. She began to rock her hips upward, impaling herself on my cock at the same time that I was pushing myself inside of her, trying to go deeper with each thrust.

"It is so good to be back where I belong...I love you so much," I whispered back to her.

We lost all ability of speech and the only vocal sounds we could make were the grunts and moans of uncontrollable love. The slapping of our bellies and the slurping sound of my cock sliding in and out of Colleen's juicy cunt seemed to echo in the quiet of the night. We kept up a steady rhythm of pushing and pulling against each other for quite some time and then began to pick up the pace. I could see the expression on Colleen's face as she began to concentrate on what was happening to her body, her eyes begging me to make it happen. She started throwing her hips faster and harder onto my cock as I began to slam into her cunt with everything I had.

I could feel my nuts begin draw themselves up into a tight ball at the base of my cock in preparation for the impending explosion. Colleen put her lips next to my ear as she franticly whispered.

"There...now...now...almost there...Bobby...NOW...GOD YES I'M CUMMING...cumming..."

At the same time that Colleen's body began to spasm, my nuts began pushing my sperm out the end of my dick and into Colleen's waiting cunt. The harder her cunt swallowed the sperm, the harder my balls pushed it out. Finally she relaxed at the end of her orgasm but my body kept pumping the white juice into her. Colleen's smile grew bigger when she realized that I was still draining sperm into her.

"That's it Bobby...give it all to me. You know how much I need your cream in me."

At last I was empty and I rolled us over onto our sides, my cock still inside of her. Colleen kissed me deeply then pulled her head back and looked into my eyes.

"I loved Bill very, very much but my God he couldn't make me cum as hard as you do."

Her cunt was flexing and gripping my dick that was still embedded in her.

"Your cock isn't going down, does that mean what I think it means?"

All I could do was nod my head yes.

Colleen rolled us over the rest of the way until I was on my back. She was straddling my hips with my cock going straight up inside of her. She began raising and lowering herself, driving me as deep as possible on each downward stroke. Colleen never took her eyes off of mine, her breasts flopping around wildly as she pounded her crotch against me. Soon her eyes started to glaze over and I knew that she was ready. I grabbed her hips and with one last effort I pulled her down at the same I shoved up into her. Her orgasm triggered my own; we grabbed each other and held on as tightly as possible. Once again my balls were pumping sperm into Colleen long after she had finished cumming.

We slowly fell apart and lay on our backs, holding hands, staring up at the ceiling for a few moments, when Colleen rolled onto her side and lay her head on my chest. Her hand slowly slid down my stomach and I could feel her fingers traveling through my pubic hair. Colleen cupped her hand and gently cradled my balls.

"How many times are you going to drive that freight train across me Bobby?"

"As many time as I can, sweetheart, as many times as I can."

Eventually Colleen's slow rhythmic breathing let me know that she had fallen asleep so I wrapped my arms around her even tighter and nodded off myself. At some point during the night we woke up and made long slow deep love, then went back to sleep, my cock still inside of her.

I awoke to the sound of someone, several someone's, walking into the bedroom. Meghan and Molly had come into the room and Meghan was holding a whimpering Noelle. They walked around to Colleen's side of the bed and gently nudged her on the shoulder.

"Mommy wake up, Noelle is hungry."

Colleen stretched and rubbed her eyes then sat up. She arranged the pillows against the headboard then sat back, took Noelle into her arms and began to nurse. The girls and I watched as we always did in fascination. Eventually Molly said, "We're going to get some cereal for breakfast Mom."

"Ok...be sure you put the bowls in the sink we you're done this time"

As the girls went out the bedroom door and down the hall we could hear them talking.

Texas Refugee
Texas Refugee

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