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Company Mandated Stress Relief


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I opened my mouth to ask what she was doing, incredulously wrestling with the wisdom of what I was sure she was up to, but was prevented from voicing my concerns by a knock at the door.

"Andy, can I come in?"

"Fuck...uh, yeah! Come on in!" I called, feeling nibble fingers make quick work of my button and fly again. I tried to peek down between my legs, but could only see the top of the little pixie's head as she gulped my soft cock down in a hungry mouthful.

"Great," said Jenn as she showed herself in, "I won't be long with this." She slid a folder onto my desk causally. The head of Accounts was one of the few people that I got along with most of the time, but only because the old girl intimidated the hell out of me. "You good?"

"Yeah, fine," I said, instead of "there's a hand around my balls and my cock is buried in someone's throat right now." I prayed that I'd be able to keep myself together, but Alex's tongue had whipped me up into a desperate throb in mere seconds. I couldn't risk a look, but it felt as though she was trying to swallow me whole while I pretended to flip through the file in front of me.

"Alright," Jenn said skeptically, "if you say so. Anyway, the Downsview account is looking much more stable, but I wanted to see if you had thoughts about how we can keep them engaged though Q4. Andy?"

Alex had finally succeeded in throating me entirely, and had her nose pressed hard into my pelvis; something wet that could only have been her tongue was flicking outward to lap at me.

"YEP, real good!" I said, shifting in my chair and clutching at the edge of the desk painfully, "Really...REALLY good!" Alex withdrew herself and managed to remain utterly silent as she gulped for some air, gently stroking my slimy cock while she plucked an errant hair from her tongue.

"Have you had a chance to look this over yet? I did send it over yesterday; this is my copy."

"Uh unghph," I grunted as the little devil under my desk slipped herself down onto me again without so much as a momentary effort, though her hands did hold fast to the backs of my calves for support. "Why don't you leave these with me for an...hour...and I'll draft something back to you then."

"Are you sure you're alright? You seem like you're..." Jenn fixed me with a concerned look.

"Just the HICCUPS," I barked, Alex was trying with all her might to force me to blow my load into her throat under the desk, and it was nearly working. I hadn't even realized that I had my hand on the back of her head to press her face into my pelvis harshly. She didn't seem to mind much, though I released the hold to give her a chance to compose herself as Jenn rose to leave.

"Yeah alright. I guess I'll leave this with you for a while then if you haven't looked at it yet. You'll have it to me by ten?"

"What? Oh, yeah..." I had risked a look at Alex, who grinned up at me while she stroked my cock, with rivers of dark eye makeup running down her cheeks and a gooey beard of throat slime and spittle dripping onto her top. "Ten, sounds good."

Jenn nodded and left, pulling the door shut behind her.

"Very well done, sir!" Alex exclaimed proudly, grinning from ear to ear. She looked outright maniacal, a ruined mess of gluey, viscous slobber and tear-streaked makeup. "You fucked my throat so very, very well!"

She dove back down with a deep breath, reaching up to fish for my hand, which she clamped back onto the crown of her head resolutely; the message was clear: fuck my throat, hard.

Palming her in a single hand, I bucked myself up into her roughly, mercilessly driving my cock into her poor, abused esophagus for thirty or forty seconds. Some barely repressed concern for her well-being tickled at the back of my mind, but all I could focus on was how adorable she looked with the tears of effort welling in her big green eyes as she looked up at me, and how primal my need to paint her with cum was becoming.

"Are you okay?" I asked, letting her up again. She heaved and gasped, blinking away the tears with a gurgling laugh.

"Now you're getting it!" She tried to lean forward again, but I held her in place with my palming grip, "Really, Mr. Jenkins, you do whatever you need to; I can take it! Just you focus on fucking my throat until you cum, okay? You won't hurt me!"

I let her back at her meal, and she proved me right. Dribbling her head like a little hairy basketball, I slammed myself home in her over and over and over again; her choking gags and retching coughs reached a punishing apex as I forgot entirely about her wellbeing, lost in the bliss of fucking her to within an inch of my life. Or hers.

"I'm...I'm going to..."

I put a hand on her shoulder and she leaned away with a loud "GAHHH!" just in time to receive heavy tides of streaming cum as it spouted from me with a near painful urgency; audible splats rocketed themselves into her forehead, nose, chin, eyebrow, and lips, all of which were received with adoring giggles by the dreamy little fiend between my legs.

"My goodness!" she laughed riotously, hands held up at her sides as she let the stuff cascade down her freshly fucked face, "what a wonderful job you did!"

"I think I love you," I laughed, falling back in my chair, uncaring whether my slobbery cock was leaking onto my trousers as it softened. She wiped her hands across her face, smearing the bulk of the stuff toward her ears before scooping it downward. She looked at the mess in her hands with proud regard.

"You certainly fucked me like you do," she laughed, "Would you mind grabbing a towel from my bag for me? And maybe a glass of water?"

After she had cleaned off as best she could, and made an effort to redo her makeup, she began the regrettable pre-departure chit chat.

"I think you did very well today, Mr. Jenkins. You certainly did better than I thought you would with your impulse control. Do you feel that any improvements have been made?"

Even with minutes having passed since I painted her face white, my head still swam. "Yeah. Yeah, I think I'm doing really well."

"I agree! Though, I do think further treatments will be necessary to ensure you're making long term progress. Does that sound okay?"

"Sounds grand," I laughed. She gave me an incorrigible eye-roll followed by a flirty wink and slipped out the door.

"Have a good day, sir; I'll see you tomorrow."

I was determined to see much, much more of her tomorrow.

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Will527Will5279 months ago

Cute and clever, and something we all could use in a corporate environment. If you hear of any openings, let me know.

talldarkfellowtalldarkfellowover 1 year ago


You have just found a fool-proof solution to at least 50 percent of all corporate HR problems.

Why violate olicy, when you can "violate" the cooperative stress relief specialist?

feral_imaginationsferal_imaginationsover 1 year ago

Absolutely loved it! One of the best stories I have ever read and the concept is genius. Well done! Make a Part 2? Pretty please?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago


DanDraperDanDraperover 1 year ago

Fun story and very hot. Thanks for sharing. 5-stars.

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