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Condition'Er Ch. 01-02


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Sam didn't need much convincing to sodomize Marley, who in turn was so affected by the conditioner's formula now that she felt nothing but a rush of pleasure from the pain and domination. She was very much Sam's willing captive, more afraid that he'd give her up than that she would be stuck with him for life. She wanted to be stuck with him. She wanted to be his forever. Marley was pleased to be Sam's personal fucktoy. She loved every second of having him ram his big, fat cock up her culo. Fuck going back to church, to school, getting a regular job, any of that! From now on, she would do whatever Sam told her to do, no matter what.

By the time that Marley creamed herself on Sam's dick, she was ready to sign away her whole fortune if necessary to serve him. Every orgasm since using the conditioner was so much better, made her feel so much more alive. She creamed herself again, again after that, and then again some time later. She didn't care about the price. She wanted to be Sam's slut and she would do whatever it took to stay with him and please him. She didn't realize the reasons, just care about his happiness and bliss.

The reality was that the conditioner continued to alter her brain's chemistry to make her utterly dependent upon Sam for his approval, to the extent that her body registered his pleasure as hers, his pain as hers, too. It was designed in such a manner that the conditioner's effects wouldn't even stop changing her biochemistry for another 24 to 72 hours. The more that the conditioner was used, the more it would adapt the chemical responses of the brain, the neurons, hormones, synapses, etc. to cause a strong aversion to displeasing men and a fierce desire to pleasure them instead.

In addition to this fact, the pheromones of certain men would have a stronger effect on the user of the formula than others would, requiring less of the product to do the same thing to them. A full week of consistent use of the formula would make a woman no less intelligent, but permanently hypersexual, extremely fertile, enthusiastically bisexual, and aggressively promiscuous, as well as desperately eager to please a man. If the woman was influenced by pheromones that pleased her on an instinctive and olfactory level, then just three days sufficed to have the exact same impact. It just happened that Marley's DNA was recombined in precisely the ideal manner to make her less resistant to Sam's pheromones among others. Within 72 hours, if she kept using his product, she would be his happy, yet absolute slave for life.

Sam didn't know all of this information yet, but he knew that the formula was what triggered the changes in Marley, not that they were more noticeable with her, given her already obvious attraction to him. He knew that he wanted Marley as one of his kept women, as it were, and he knew that this formula greatly improved his odds of keeping her as such. Right now, she was very susceptible to suggestions and he fully intended to use that to get her to stay with him and do his bidding forever. He definitely wanted to keep her naked at home with him as much as possible, just as he wished to do with her friends, though Marley was his favorite.

When Sam came at last inside Marley's ass, she creamed herself all over again and he kissed the back of her neck to reinforce his affection for her. By now, Sam genuinely cared for her, though he fully intended to keep dominating and screwing her as much as he wished. For one thing, it was quite obvious that Marley was hooked and very happy with her new lot in life. If she were ripped away from it, she would be miserable. Sam wasn't perfectly or flawless, but it made far more sense to him, both selfishly and selflessly, to keep her, not that he had much choice. As the saying went, he "broke" her, so now he had to "buy" her.

"I gotta wash up, then let's have some brunch and talk a bit. Confession time, by the way. I was less than honest about the circumstances of the conditioner, though Liz really did fail to show any interest in the product, of course. Her loss, I think," Sam suggested before cleaning his dick a bit.

"Very much her loss, but perhaps she'll change her mind in time. By the way, I honestly don't care what my legal status is with you. Truly, absolutely, I'm your slut. I will be happy serving you in whatever way that I can. I thought about marrying you, of course, but frankly, there's a lot of fun to just be your cumslut and worship you with my body, serve you in any way that I can. What matters most is your happiness, your pleasure, your desires, your needs ... Master. I belong to you. I'm yours. I adore you and I long to serve you," Marley declared as she put her arms around his waist from behind.

"Well, you're not so bad yourself, you know," Sam chuckled, "anyway, let's grab some brunch. Omelet work for you? I make a wicked omelet, at least since that I stopped keeping a kosher kitchen. That happened when I married Liz. She rubbed off on me that way, one of the upsides that came with that marriage. Given the downsides, I try to remember the good as well."

"Hey, honestly, sir, if you want her back, I'd be happy to help you reclaim her. I can share you with your ex, just as I will with my friends. I only ask for one thing in return, and even if you refuse, I'll still gladly help you out," Marley enthused about the prospect of luring exes back into their lives.

"Oh, what is that?" Sam inquired now.

"Shelly and Ramon. Perhaps you can help me get them both back. I think that I want to reconcile with them, kiss them, hug them, and fuck them like it's going out of style. So ... can I share you with other women, including Liz and Shelly, but also be one of several shared with my ex and your ex's roommate? Sorry, the changes make me very submissive, but so damn slutty as well, as you can see, and it comes out in weird ways, I guess," Marley apologized, but Sam waved that off.

"Don't be silly. I'm not even slightly upset that you want Ramon. Why should I be? I think that, while my formula doesn't work on men that I've seen, I can use the ladies that are under my power to help influence the menfolk to support me as well. After all, if I'm sharing my bounty and they benefit, why wouldn't they back me? It sounds like a plan to me. Oh, and on a different topic, do you like onions on your omelet, mushrooms, ham, bacon, olives, or peppers? Hash browns on the side? Or maybe some latkes?" Sam offered Marley, who held tightly to him while she nodded to each.

"Yes! Yes!" she answered simply enough.

Chapter 2

"So, how exactly would you attempt to help me get my ex back, anyway? She hasn't shown any signs of wanting any contact with me, quite the opposite, in fact. A damn shame. She's a great cook, she's got a fine ass, and she's a Latina, just like you. A taller, plumper, darker Latina, mind you. Classic Tejana. What about you?" Sam inquired now of Marlena while they dug in and devoured their omelets, both of them famished by this point.

"Well, well, speaking as a Latina myself, I want to help a sister out now, don't I? You'd make her so happy again and I don't doubt that she misses you already at times. You clearly know how to spoil a girl rotten, I can tell you that much ... papi," Marlena winked at him, adding, "trust me. She'll be eating out of your hand before you know it. What about Shelly and Ramon? I'd love to be girlfriends with her again, in more ways than one. I have to confess that she and I used to eat each other out at times. Don't tell anyone yet, please. Yes, I've even done a threesome or two with her and Ramon, though just when we've been drunk, bored, or stoned. Yeah, I'm wilder than I let on at first. I didn't want to advertise it at first, but there's no hiding it."

"Well, Shelly will be easier. Ramon a little tougher, of course. The formula, that I know of, doesn't seem to work on men, but I could be wrong about that. We'll work it out. I still don't know what to do about Liz's current beau, either. He might not go for it, so that part could get ugly, but we'll see. Anyway, so, tell me more about these other girlfriends of yours. Starting with the Reform Jew," Sam probed a bit more, even as Marley sat on his lap and began making out with him.

"Oh, yeah, that would be Anna Levy. She's a lot of fun, trust me on that. You'll love her. I've never gone down on her, nor vice versa, but I hear that she's a fine lover, too. Want to see what she looks like ... and the same with Shelly?" Marley offered to show Sam pics from her phone and her social media account of her friends.

"Sure, why not, babe?" Sam said as he admired Marley's buns while she reached for her cell phone.

"See?" Marley proudly showed him Shelly first, a girl close to her own height, but a little slimmer and paler, with white-blonde curls and baby blue eyes ... she was a knockout for sure, "her pussy's very sweet, too. And she has a tongue stud, which helps with oral, trust me on that."

"Nice ... very nice!" Sam slapped Marley's tush playfully as she squirmed and he pulled her close, "and now Anna?"

"Oh, yes!" Marley now displayed her next friend, whose jet-black waves and olive skin more than raised Sam's blood temperature, to say the least.

"Wow, girlie, don't hold out on me. Show me more," Sam chuckled, even as Marley giggled and presented him with a few pics of a ginger with very fair skin and freckles.

"Who's that?" Sam inquired, his cock stirring more than a little by now.

"That's Quinn Flaherty. You like? Sweet Irish babe, that's for sure, and yes, she's been a good Catholic girl, but I think that we can win her over to the dark side," Marley enticed Sam, rubbing her ass against his revived dick, "by the way, this ... feels soooooo good back there! I love it when you dry hump my butt!"

"You want more?" Sam offered and Marley bit her lower lip before sighing.

"Yes, please! More fucking, please! I'm horny as hell now and I need some more cock!" Marley urged her new lover, bending over the table to offer up the booty yet again.

Sam didn't take very long to start ramming his thick cock balls deep inside Marley from behind, pounding her fine twat with all that he was worth. He was very much smitten with her, though also drawn to her friends and keeping some embers of the old torch for Liz. He wanted Marley right then, however, and he had her, pinned as she took it hard from the back. She grit her teeth a couple of times, but her wetness more than exposed the level of her ecstasy from this rough, kinky kitchen table sex.

"This really turns you on, doesn't it, to take it good and rough from me, babe?" Sam taunted Marley a little as she ached for more of him and pushed back with her hips and ass to make him bottom out inside her.

"God, yes, papi! I'm your slut, remember? Always your slut! I don't care about marriage, dates, any of them ... just pin me down somewhere, fuck me, kiss me, spank me, use me, own me, and claim me forever. I'm yours and I will be forever. No strings, no conditions, no exceptions. I'm ... just ... yours! Do whatever you like with me! Just ... take ... me!" Marley reminded him of her absolute, unconditional surrender to him, body and soul.

There was no question that she was already attracted to Sam when they first met earlier that morning, but by now, the conditioner formula had begun the process of enslaving her mind and body to his will in earnest. Marley still had her own personality and intellect, but it was altered in one key aspect, namely that she was now utterly committed to the service of Sam Goldstein. She would still have her sense of humor, her wit, her charms, her cunning etc. She would simply use them to benefit her beloved master in some way.

Sam pushed harder, further, and deeper into his lover, meeting her strokes with his own as he slapped her cheeks. Marley gasped, squirmed, and moaned as she welcomed his dick, begging for more with every thrust of his cock inside her cunt. She was utterly, undeniably his, craving more of his prick as she moved her hips with gusto. To Marley, being taken by Sam was heavenly, an experience more than worth the loss of her free will. He had claimed her and that was exactly what she needed in life.

For Sam, taking Marley, making her his, well, that was an excellent start. It was a great, heady experience, possessing this new lover, using her body for his own pleasure, much to her delight. Far from objecting to this act, she found ways to encourage him, and so Sam drew closer with every stroke to cumming inside his new slut yet again. Marley creamed herself repeatedly, her juices making her delectable twat nice and slick for her partner as he took her forcefully. She begged for more, welcoming his aggression just as he relished her eager submission.

At last, of course, Marley couldn't hold herself back and she screamed her orgasm, pushing back so frantically that Sam erupted inside her. He slumped on top of his new cumslut and playfully slapped her ass before kissing the back of her neck and pulling her close for a French kiss as well. As they rose, he caressed her bottom and her hair with his left and right hands, respectively, something in which she exulted.

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john_sixfooterjohn_sixfooteralmost 5 years ago
No need to insult the President

Sorry, you've exceeded my capacity to endure your stories. 1* and if I could block you I would.

I got to the insult, stopped reading, and went straight to 1*.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Needs work

I think criticism of 45's all well and good really! I just think that he makes good satire harder, given everyones gotten shots in. Hope you take a look and find something that works!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Why the rush?

All of the exposition is compressed into these long paragraphs of dialogue that seen to really undermine a real sense of story. It's probably too late now, but if there to characters hadn't said literally everything there is to know about them all at once, it would have made more sense. Also, he realizes way too quick that this woman who was already trying to sleep with him and is now still doing that is under his compete control. Slow down and let things happen more naturally

AlexiaAlexanderAlexiaAlexanderalmost 5 years ago
Love the story

I really love how the conditioner does not eradicate the personality of the woman. It will give you better characters and more inventive sex. It is how I am conditioned through hypnosis and I am a better slut because of it.

Forget the comment about politics. If that deflated them, then they need different porn to read.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Be careful

There are so many idiots that love 45 you will lose some of your audience.

Apart from that, take it slower. This part of the story alone could have taken longer but been much more believable if the initial seduction had been more in the mind and less overt until after the conditioner was used

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