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Condition'Er Ch. 01-02

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A ladies' conditioner has some bizarre side effects.
6.1k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 08/03/2019
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Chapter 1

It was a perfectly innocuous facade for the scheme in question, so it naturally worked better than even its mastermind intended. Ironically, the reasons given for the research grant that led to the production of the prototype were to improve the ability of female soldiers, sailors, etc. to function during and after capture by enemy troops in a conflict situation. While women still largely didn't serve in combat, it was hoped that this would reduce the trauma and long-term psychological harm for them and female police or federal agents in extreme combat stress environments. It went unsaid that it would also lower women's negative responses to various "micro-aggressions" and other false forms of harassment or low-intensity forms of it. For the Pentagon, it sounded like a plus.

Unfortunately for the Pentagon, the clinical trials had another, unexpected result. Seven officers and sixteen enlisted women ended up committing adultery, getting pregnant while on deployment, or even sexually harassing male or female colleagues. At least under the present Uniform Code of Military Justice, it was not practical to use the formula, so it was not added to the ladies' bath products as initially planned. The official reason given was that the "extreme suggestibility or susceptibility of female respondents in clinical trials, coupled with hypersexuality induced as a result of the formula in question, represent a heightened risk to unit discipline, cohesion, and morale."

Additionally, the fact that the conditioner had been designed strictly with women and not both sexes in mind carried major political risks, should it be leaked to the press that something so "misogynistic" or "sexist" had been created. The Pentagon simply handed its remaining stock of the prototype conditioners, shampoo, body wash, and other such bath products back to the inventor and quietly told him, "thanks, but no thanks," though in nice, Pentagon, bureaucratic jargon, of course. It didn't destroy the stuff, but the brass decided that it didn't to be caught holding the bag for it. Therefore, it destroyed all evidence of its own possession as much as possible, shredded documents, deleted files, and let the inventor or designer deal with any potential fallout.

It had no idea what it was about to unleash on the world. The inventor had a lot of stock on his hands and no buyers. What would he do with his product? What could he do with it? He still had some legal bills to pay and a shortage of space. The Pentagon had never disclosed to him the exact nature of the issues that it had with his work, leaving all of its reasons vague when addressing him, even as it raised more specifics in internal (now mostly destroyed) data and files. A recently divorced workaholic who hadn't been thinking at all of possible sexual benefits for himself or the rest of humanity, it never occurred to him that his product had simply worked too well.

Now quietly pushed into early retirement in order to keep him silent and disassociate Uncle Sam from him (the Pentagon had literally pensioned off and paid him to take his stuff back, it was such a hot potato), Dr. Samuel Goldstein had a lot of time on his hands and a desperate need to get those boxes of feminine bath products out of his house. Sam, as he liked to be called, briefly considered dumping it on his ex-wife's yard and calling it "payment in kind" for her share of the home. Sam quickly decided that his ex might call neighborhood watch on him if she saw him in her neighborhood (she was that bizarre and unreasonable of late) so dismissed that idea. Liz had left him abruptly around the same time that the Pentagon had rejected his product, and at least part of Sam thought that it was due to the feeling that he was a failure. She lived with a "roommate" in a home whose ownership wasn't entirely clear to him, but at least she had opted not to keep the house.

Things changed on a Thursday morning, smack dab in the middle of the week, when the doorbell rang and Sam rushed out of the shower to answer the door. He had slept in a little, frankly because he had hit the sauce a bit more than usual the night before, and he had no particular plans that day. Still, it was about 10:30 or close to it, so it was morning, albeit late morning. Sam wore only a bath towel as he answered the door, so his chest was very bare, including all of the hair on it, and his skin was still quite wet.

"Hello, can I help?" Sam asked the neighbor, whom he had barely met in the past, a rather petite young woman in her early twenties.

"Woah, did I come at a bad time? I was showering, just like you ... but I'm out of conditioner. See how my hair looks? Still damp! Bad hair day, like for real, okay? I ... got dressed and went over here, hoping that you had some conditioner of some kind to borrow. I know that's much to ask, given that we don't even know each other's names. I barely know your wife's name and I haven't seen her around at all lately. Liz, wasn't it?

"So, anyway, is there any chance I can borrow a spare bottle of conditioner? I checked my bank balance and everything that I have is spoken for except literally sixty nine cents, which won't even buy a bottle in the fucking dollar store! I won't get any money in the account until tomorrow morning, I'm afraid. Pretty please? I'm Marley, by the way. Short for Marlena Juana Sanchez, though I look very white, I've been told," the cute, if a bit sheltered, brunette with the dimples and the Valley Girl lingo finally introduced herself to her neighbor.

"I'm Sam. Short for Samuel Yitzhak Goldstein. I'm a retired government worker, if you must know. Liz was my wife's name, but we just got divorced. That's why you haven't seen her around lately. It became final yesterday, in fact. That's why I have a hangover. I was ... uh, celebrating my new freedom as a single man, if you will. I just got out of the shower, which made me feel a bit more human, less simian, if you will. Nice to meet you at last, neighbor. As it happens, I have a spare bottle that my ex didn't take with her and I never discarded. Evidently, she wasn't a fan of it," Sam lied rather cleverly, seeing a chance to get rid of at least one bottle and also help Marley at the same time.

"Oh, thank you! That helps a lot! And, yeah, I totally get that girls can be very picky about their conditioners. I left a bottle at my ex-boyfriend's once, right about the time that I broke up with him because of a very silly argument that made even me feel that I'd been stupid. Naturally, my former best friend Shelly capitalized on my mistake and just grabbed him with both hands, but that's another story. It's a sore subject, don't know why I brought it up. Maybe I'm just distracted by the half-naked man in front of me and it's causing me to run my mouth a bit. Sorry about the TMI. For what it's worth, Liz needs glasses or contacts or something. If I was your wife, I'd hang onto you with a death grip or handcuff myself to you for fear that you'd let me go!" Marley blushed a little at her reaction.

"Um ... thanks. Anyway, here, let me get that bottle for you," Sam walked away (awkwardly, due to his hard-on at this point) back to the shower, where he indeed had a bottle that Liz had flatly refused to even try when he broached the subject.

Unfortunately for him, his towel slipped a bit and showed Marley part of his manly, slick, hairy butt, which just made her lust for him even more. She got a crazy idea in her idea right then, and she wondered how she could get it to work for her. She had to wait for the guy to come back, of course, or did she? Marley closed the front door behind her and walked down the long hallway toward Sam's guest bathroom, on the pretense that she had to pee as well.

Seeing Sam emerge from the master bedroom, Marley realized that he must have a bathroom there, too. She had to think of an excuse to corner him somehow, and then it dawned on her. She walked toward him with a sheepish smile and shrugged her shoulders before facepalming herself, as if embarrassed. She even blushed a little.

"Silly of me to ask something else so soon after borrowing the conditioner, but your ex wouldn't have left any cosmetics or anything like that in the vanity, would she? Maybe some perfume or makeup or anything like that? I mean, since I'm already borrowing from you, that is. I'll do something very special for you and soon. Maybe bake some cookies or whatever you like, if that's okay with you," Marley inquired now, making Sam laugh and nod.

"Come on. I bought Liz this particular lip gloss a few years' back, but she hated it. She said that it made her feel like a slut or something. Speaking of which, she left some lingerie, not to be too forward, which she hated for the same reason. That's funny, given that she probably wears something as risque for her 'roommate,' who is likely her boyfriend. If it bothers you, you don't have to take them, I could understand why. But if you wanted something borrowed, those are two things that immediately came to mind. Hell, when you get married, you'd only need the old, new, and blue stuff after that, wouldn't you?" Sam chuckled now, even as Marley snickered at how he took her bait, hook, line, and sinker.

Safely equipped with those three gifts, Marley chose that moment to strike, "accidentally" brushing Sam just right to make his towel fall and his package expose itself to her. She drank in the sight of a thick, hard rod, which was clearly stiff at the sight of her, she could tell that much, and knelt to supposedly help him get that towel back up. Looking up at him, she winked, rose, and undressed right in front of her host. She grabbed the conditioner, walked into his shower, closed the door, and started using the product in question.

Sam laughed to himself as he watched this happen, even if the sight of Marley's naked body before she hit the shower made his hard-on even worse. He was a little stunned at her brazenness. Then again, she was young, single, and perhaps hoped to land herself a boyfriend or husband now that she saw him as available. He debated within himself about trying to join her, as it was his own shower and she used it without his permission. He opted not to do so yet, as he thought best to learn her real intentions first, and he didn't wish to risk trying his own product, just in case.

Seventeen long minutes later, Marley emerged from the shower. Her hair shone with a luxuriance that it lacked before and her face had a very awed expression on it. This soon changed to a rather predatory smile and a still very naked Marley walked directly to Sam before planting a very sweet kiss on his lips. Then she knelt again, opened her mouth wide, and engulfed his cock between her lips like it was a corn dog that she just had to eat right then and there. His balls were very tight at that very moment, thanks to fantasies about Marley, Liz, and other women, so Marley's impromptu blowjob more than sufficed to make him nearly cum on the spot.

"Marley, wow, that's impressive, but right now, be honest with me. Did you come inside my bedroom to trap me into a rebound romance or perhaps even a marriage? If so, how do you feel now?" Sam asked, trying not to cum too fast right then.

"I did, but all that I can think about right now is your cock, your cum, and your hot, manly, hairy bod! I don't know why, but I ache even more with desire for you than before. Then, I wanted to keep you and make you mine, but now I just want to be yours! Whatever you say, I'll do it! I can't help it! I want to obey you! Please, let me serve you, Sam!" Marley declared, unable to withhold any information from the object of her passion and lust.

"Okay, but from now on, you live with me. You move in with me and you do whatever I tell you. Is that clear? No defiance, no disobedience, no arguments, and no fucking jealousy! Also, whenever it's just you and me like this, you're always naked. Are we clear?" Sam realized the full effect of the conditioner now.

Holy smokes, Sam thought. No longer the Pentagon wanted rid of the stuff so badly! This was a political toxic waste dump for them, especially in the era of #MeToo! In theory, all well and good to make a female population in some occupied country compliant if that would serve the needs of the State or whatever. In reality, if anyone from the press or some kind of feminist organization, or God forbid, Gloria Allred, were to learn of it, it would be pandemonium and the Feds would be tied up in court for a century! Heads would roll and someone would probably get court-martialed to appease the population. They couldn't even sell it to Israel for fear that Hamas might hijack a shipment or something!

Worse still, the orange-wigged ass clown in the White House might brag about it or abuse it for his own sick desires in his rather clumsy manner and cause an international incident somehow. Sam was increasingly free of his strict Orthodox upbringing and the baggage from Hebrew school, but even he found some of the Donald's reported kinks a bit stomach-churning from what he'd heard. Mind control was one thing, but getting peed on by Russian hookers and drinking their piss was something entirely else. Given their own sexual hang-ups, the brass was sure to be worried about the Donald in that sense even more than Sam was.

"Ooooh, Daddy like? You want to keep me? One spoiled, rich, pampered, trust-fundie, bratty, naked princess slut coming right up! Who knows, maybe I can get some of my friends to join us in bed for your pleasure, sir! I have several friends much like me, I promise, even if most of them go to church as I used to do! I don't think that their faith or their brattiness will stop them from serving you as you deserve, Sam! See, I can still think! I just think of how best to serve my sweet Sam, my owner, my Master! Oh, I wasn't lying about being broke for the moment. I have no job and my next trust fund payment doesn't hit my account until tomorrow, so until then, I'm flat broke!" Marley assured Sam, even as he scooped her up and planted her elfish body on the bed to fuck her at last.

Driving balls deep in a rush of heated lust, Sam prone-boned Marley like it was going out of style. She took a few seconds to catch her breath and then took as much of his cock inside her cunt as possible before pushing back desperately at him. She worked those hips as he admired her back dimples that matched her facial ones perfectly. She clawed his bedsheets as he took her, aching for more and more of the D, not ready for even a second to stop until he spilled his seed deep inside her twat. Every stroke made Marley cum more and when Sam came inside her, she screamed a very loud release indeed.

"You like this, don't you, babe?" Sam chuckled as he pulled Marley up for a kiss and held her in his arms for a moment.

"No, sir, I love it! I love being your personal slut, your cum slut, your slut princess, your cum bucket, your sweet little plaything! I want to be a kept woman and all that I own is yours now, I swear it! Anything to please you, sir! Anything, Sam, I swear it!" Marley pleaded with Sam.

"So, you're not as religious as you used to be, huh? But you have plenty of girlfriends who still are? How religious are they, if they're that open to serving me? What kind of church is it, too?" Sam inquired now, causing Marley to giggle.

"I don't know what happened to me, except that it has something to do with you. If you can make me want to serve you, you can also do that to others. They are religious in some ways, but not enough to be quite as moral as you'd think. Not by Christian standards. I should know what at least two Christian sects teach, though I don't follow them. I did to an extent, but I don't anymore. I was baptized Catholic, but never confirmed. My parents' split prevented that.

"Daddy's Catholic, but it didn't stop him from getting divorced from Mom. Then again, she initiated it, so the Church blames her, not him. Mom, well, she's part of a nondenominational church, the same one that I've attended in the past. She used to be Catholic, but she left a good while back. She blocked any talk of confirmation and got me 're-baptized' in her church after making a profession of faith. Both of them are rich as fuck and used their money to try to influence my choices about religion. I'm rather jaded about it now.

"Again, didn't stop the divorce. Certainly hasn't stopped me from going after a divorced man, has it? Two of my friends are Catholic, two are Mormons, two are Baptists, one is a Lutheran, one is an Episcopalian, one is a Methodist, one is a Quaker, and one is a rather confused and conflicted Jehovah's Witness. Also, I have one girlfriend who's Jewish, if very Reform and a bit more secular," Marley blushed as she kissed his chest repeatedly.

"So, you're mine thoroughly, to the point that you'll do whatever I say, without compunctions or religious scruples getting in the way. You also have a good deal of money. That's nice. I'm not poor myself, but I'm hardly as rich as you. So, this is one of our first steps. You're going to find ways to help me distribute samples of my formula to your girlfriends. The conditioner, shampoo, etc. That's what apparently worked on you. You see, I'm a chemist and I made that conditioner that I lent you. It's what made you want to serve me so badly.

"Once we get a few of them under control, we need to use some of your wealth for venture capital and become a major supplier of salons, supermarkets, department stores, etc. Your friends can help by spreading word of mouth and demand for the product, naturally getting plenty for themselves gratis, as will you. We have to get women everywhere using our brand, which I intend to label S & M. Obvious reasons for that label, of course. So, instead of waiting for a man to come along, you can become a major entrepreneur at what age again?" Sam asked Marley.

"Twenty-three. Not a bad age to become a successful captain of industry, is it? I could become one of the famous 'power women of business' and get my face on Fortune and Forbes. What would be my official title with the company and how large of a stake of ownership would I have? It sounds like a great plan. We would all have sex with you and work with you in making the world better. Also, getting richer than fuck, far richer than Mom or Daddy, in fact," Marley agreed, of course, finding no downsides to this deal.

"Yes, working together, fucking each other and others ... including sex with the other women, your own girlfriends. Also, putting some money into amateur porn, of course. We'll make a real business of this whole thing, as well as a much better lifestyle. You're my slave, my plaything, my pet, my slut, my personal fuckmeat, you get the idea. The same will be true of the other ladies in time. They'll all be mine much the same way.

"Your title will be CEO or President. I'll be Chairman. We'll split the ownership between us, but as the inventor, I get controlling interest. That's fifty-one percent. You'll get thirty-nine percent. The remaining ten percent will be split among your friends. When we're big enough, we'll go public and controlling interest will no longer matter. We'll be rich than Midas, Croesus, Bill Gates, whatever, in time, between the feminine hygiene products, the porn, and all of our other ventures. Maybe we should start a religion of our own or something, or a political party or something like that. Pretty soon, we'll have our tentacles in so many different places that octopi will be green with envy," Sam laughed as he contemplated their prospects and then lay Marley down on her face again to fuck her sweet ass this time.

"Oh, fuck me ... up my butt now? Yes, do it! Take my ass! It's yours! All of me is yours!" Marley encouraged Sam, who now eased one inch after another into her bottom.


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