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Confrontation Ch. 06b


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Mitch felt his heart swell and his ego soar,the compliment may have seemed little, but it was a big deal for Mitch, hence the grin on his face. He reached over to ruffle Jonas' curls, "I love you kiddo." He replied, a little too emotionally.

Jonas stared at him with creased brows, "Mitch, can I ask you a question?"

"Sure, anything."

"Are...are you my dad?"

Mitch momentarily lost control of the car and swerved a little, his hand instinctively shot out and reached for Jonas and held onto him while he regained control of the car. Once the car was back on the road, Mitch took a while to still his thumping heart and his racing mind. Where the hell had that question come from? How did he even come up with it? He rubbed his sweaty palm over his jean-clad thigh and swallowed the lump in his throat, "Why...why do you ask?"

Jonas shrugged his shoulders, he seemed rather unaffected by their near-accident, "Nothing, just..." He began picking at his nails nervously, "...well, we have the same eyes and my classmates think we look alike, they think you're my dad, and my middle name is Mitchell, mama used to call me Mitch when we were in Kansas, but everybody else calls me Jonas."

Mitchell was unaware of the smile he was currently sporting, Rhea named him after him? Not only that, she actually used the name?, "um...have you asked your mother?"

"I asked her once, when I turned four, she looked really scared, so I told her she didn't have to tell me if she didn't want to."

Mitchell took a glance at Jonas, a part of him wanted to just spit everything out- the emotional part of him, the logical side told him it was neither the place nor time. They needed to do this in a more serene place and with Rhea present, he almost broke his resolve with Jonas looking at him with his eyes filled with so much hope. Damn Rhea for putting him in such a tight spot.

He took Jonas' little hand in his much bigger one and smiled at him, "I'll tell you what kiddo, how about you ask your mother one more time, your pop could even be Jared." Suddenly, just the mention of Jared's name caused an ill feeling in his stomach, but he intended to get Jons' thoughts on Jared, as much as he hated to admit it, he needed the ego booster.

Jonas' face scrunched up like he didn't fancy the idea, and then he shook his head, "Nah, Jared is cool too, but, I don't think he's my dad, we don't look alike and mama doesn't like him like that, she just likes him cos he's nice to us."

Mitch raised his brows, now that he didn't know, he suspected it, but he wasn't sure, "Your mama told you that?"

Again, he shook his head in the negative, "She doesn't need to tell me. I can read minds."

Mitch laughed at that comment, "oh really? So who does your mama like Houdini?" He asked jocularly.

"Houdini was a magician, I'm a mind-reader...and mama likes...you."

Again, Mitch briefly lost control of the truck, he shot a suspicious glance at Jonas, for a kid, he seemed like he knew a lot.

"And you like her too." He said with finality and a smirk, like he was laughing at Mitch and his reaction inwardly.

Mitch's speechlessness finally wore off once they drove into the ranch where the sight of a blue truck let him know Rhea was somewhere around. He turned off the engine and looked around, his eyes found Rhea sitting in a swing chair on his porch. She stood up as they both got out of the car, she was a bit early, he had expected her in about an hour's time, not so early.

She had on a different outfit from what she wore this morning, she wore a yellow tank top under a yellow and black checkered button-up, short-sleeved shirt that was left unbuttoned, a pair of dark blue denims and knee-high boots completed the incredibly sexy outfit- at least in his eyes.

He swallowed a lump in his throat, damn it he did NOT want to think of her as sexy, he had only just told her he would seek full custody of Jonas, the last thing he needed was to be back-tracked by sexual thoughts of her, but those mouth-watering curves...he frowned. He could bet she came here dressed in that way just so she would seduce him and make him change his mind, well tough luck, because she wouldn't succeed.

As they approached her, he realised she was shooting a death glare their way, but not at him. Before he could think too much about that, he felt Jonas' grip tighten in his hand, what the...

"Jonas, what did you do?" Her stern voice asked as soon as father and son stepped onto the porch

Jonas said nothing, instead, he slowly stepped behind Mitchell, "Well, hello to you too Mama Bear, where's your shot-gun?" Mitch asked sarcastically.

Rhea shot him a look that clearly said he needed to stay out of this- like hell he would, "Jonas come out of there and tell me what you did."

"I'm sorry." He shouted from behind Mitch.

"You're sorry for what?"

"At least let the child have a seat before you go C.I.A on him." Mitch spoke. He and Rhea had a brief stare down before she looked away, he smiled, taking her silence for acceptance, he stepped forward and unlocked the door to the house, Jonas' hand still in his and maintaining the grip.

All three stepped into the cool, five bedroom cabin that was Mitch's abode. Rhea realised it was five years since she had been inside here, even then she hadn't really taken note of her surroundings, well, she hadn't taken note of anything save for Mitch's dick...she flushed and stopped the thought to survey the house.

Despite the somewhat humid weather outside, inside of the house was cool, it was built mostly of wood. The floor was polished mahogany wood, there were two large couches across each other in the medium-sized living rool, a rocking chair was close to the large fire-place that made an impressive sight, two statues of German Shepherds were on each side of the fire-place, there was a grandfather clock by the left side of the fireplace and a large, black, circle-shaped furry rug in the middle of the sitting room.

Above the fire-place was what she hoped was the fake head of a deer. Just as she finished her survey, she caught sight of a familiar object in her peripheral view. It sat right atop the marble mantle of the fire-place, she walked a bit closer to confirm her suspicion. She just stood staring at the object once she got a cleare view- it was her trusty bat- he had kept it? Why? A small smile crept upon her lips and she felt warmth flood her being knowing he cared enough to keep her assault weapon, best of all, it looked as good, if not better than, how she hae had left it. It was thoughtful of him.

The sound of Jonas' voice broke her out of her reverie, "Waoh! Is that a real dead deer?" He asked in awe as he left Mitch's side to stare at the animal in awe.

The sound of his voice reminded Rhea of why she was here so early, she shot him a death glare that made him re-coil and sprint back to Mitxh for protection, her eyes never leaving his form.

"So, what's got you boring holes into Jonas' brain like some kinda cyclops?" Mitch asked.

Without thought, Rhea began speaking, "Your so..." Realising her error, she quickly corrected herself, but not before Mitch caught it, he smiled at her mistake, "...Jonas has been bullying his classmates."

Mitchell looked from Rhea to Jonas and back to Rhea, he scoffed, "That's not possible, he's barely been there a week."

"Even more reason why it's disturbing. The head-teacher called me about an hour ago to inform me that Jonas bullied a certain Riley Callahan and even threatened to 'punch the bugger out his nose'"

"He bullied me first! He's just an over-sized wuss!" Jonas protested, maintaining his position behind Mitch.

Rhea raised a brow at him, "I'm sorry, were you permitted to speak?"

Jonas pouted and looked up at Mitch for some support, "Rhea, Jonas told me what happened, okay? The kid harassed him first, he was only defending himself."

"Well, that's not what I told the head-teacher, speaking of which, I have a meeting with her tomorrow, no thanks to Jonas."

Mitch's jaw clenched. Hannah, of course. What the fuck did she think she was trying to pull asking to pull asking to see Rhea?, "I'll go see her when I drop Jonas off tomorrow."

"That won't be necessary Mitchell, cos I'm dropping him off tomorrow." Rhea replied.

"No, you won't. If the head-teacher wanted to dee someone, she could have called me, I was in that school this afternoon, she didn't need to call you."


"I'm going to see the head-teacher tomorrow Rhea, and that is final." He spoke firmly, his glare daring her to make an objection- luckily, she didn't. She just huffed at him and looked away, a smug smile came on his face, whoever said men never got the last word in arguments never met him, "Great. So, who's up for mac and cheese?" He asked cheerily.


"Would you like to talk now?" Rhea asked hesitantly. Mitch had returned from tucking Jonas in, he had been out like a light few minutes after their meal, it was safe to say Mitch had stuffed him like Thanksgiving turkey, even she didn't know Jonas could eat so much. Still, she was grateful for the few minutes of alone time.

He glanced at her, a cold look in his eyes that made her flinch, "What about?" He asked drily, he went into the kitchen to get a bottle of beer before returning to the sitting room.

Rhea's first instinct brought up the custody threat, but she knew better than to introduce a topic that could set him off, so she started off lightly, "I saw my bat." She began, he looked uninterested, but that was just a facade, "Thanks for not sending it to the sawmill."

"Whatever." He replied as he placed the bottle to his lips and took a gulp of the beer.

Rhea watched his movement, wishing she was that bottle right now, what she would give to feel his lips against hers...she adjusted her seating position, "You know I can just leave with Jonas if you're going to sit there and act like a teenage girl."

His hand stopped mid-air and he arched a defined brow,"Wow, that's rich coming from someone who couldn't be mature enough to call up a man and tell him of his son." He shot back before slugging another gulp of beer.

She glared at him, "I wasn't being immature, I was being pro-active. I didn't want my child having an egotistic, self-worshipping jerk for a father." She spat in anger.

Mitch frowned and glared at her, "Really? I guess you must think of that disrespectful thug you call a boyfriend as the perfect father, huh?"

"Jared is NOT my boyfriend and don't you dare call him names. He's more of a man than your sorry self will ever be!"

With the speed of light, Mitch had stood up, crossed the room to where she sat and was so much in her face, she had to lean back, "I don't give two shits who you're fucking Rhea, but you will NOT disrespect me in my home." He warned woth clenched teeth.

Rhea could feel her heart beating erratically in her chest, it was a reaction to the slight fear she was currently feeling...and the arousal. He was so close she could swear they were breathing each other's air, the strong scent of him flooded her nostrils, he smelt like a mixture of cologne, sandal-wood and sweat, the mixture of his smell and the feel of him so close, his large body almost enveloping hers was proving too much for her already weak senses. Her throat felt dry, so did her lips, she unconsciously licked them.

Mitch watched Rhea's tongue slither out to wet her lips, that one movement resolve, he had been trying to convince himself to give her space, but he couldn't, he wanted to crowd her until she accepted he was the only man she wanted and would ever wany, he would break that pride that threatened to keep them apart if it was the last thing he did.

Rhea watched his lips move closer, their first contact came when his teeth bit her bottom lip, her eyes fluttered close in anticipation of his kiss, instead he kept teasing her lip until she just couldn't take it anymore. Her lips captured his causing a groan to emit from both their throats. Their tongues slithered out of their covens to invade each other's mouths and participate in a duel.

Slowly, he pushed her onto the couch until she was lying flat, he wedged a knee between her legs as she slipped her fingers in his hair and massaged his scalp, he groaned into her mouth feeling his cock harden inside his cargo shorts. So much for letting her go, that was easier said than done, all it took was one kiss to turn him to a horny dog, to make him want to be inside of her so bad, he longed to have her warmth envelope him and her lips tell him how hard and how deep she wanted him. Unable to stop his roamning hands, it travelled up her ribs and enveloped her breast, she moaned as his thumb found her bud and rubbed it. She squirmed inder him.

Her lips left his for a breather, "Mitch..." She whimpered, his lips descending to her neck, placing wet kisses on each spot he passed, igniting the fire within her. She wanted to make excuses for why she was underneath a man she supposedly loathed and letting him touch her so intimately, something to quell her guilt, but it all watered down to the same thing- she was here because she wanted to be here, because she craved for his touch and his kisses, that was the difficult truth.

His free hand slid between their bodies to rest on her crotch, her wetness had already dampened the jean, slowly, he rubbed her sex through the fabric making her moan and squirm even more, he came back up to look into her eyes, they were glazed woth lust, her hand slipped out of his hair to cup his face, he placed a kiss on one palm. His hand moved upward to slide under her tank, past the barrier her bra provided to mold against her breast which was now fuller from child birth, she arched into his touch and bit her full bottom lip as her eyes fluttered close- he had never seen a more beautiful sight, damn it he wanted her now!

He slipped his hand out of her shirt to unbutton her jean, with her assistance, he slipped it past her butt, down her thighs, past her calves and stopped around her ankles. He ran a large palm along her thigh, the boy shorts she wore as underwear was wet with her juices, his expert fingers ran along the two sides that encased that pretty pussy he had longed to see for so long.

One finger stroked her slit through her panties, she whimpered, only to moan a little too loudly when he dipped the finger and the cotton fabric past her wet folds and into her hot cunt.

"Oh...Mitchell, please..." She spoke breathlessly, all thoughts of denying them both what they had longed for flew out the window.

"Please...what?" He asked with a cocky smirk, his thumb finding her clit and rubbing slowly.

What the fuck? He was still playing that shitty game? So much for five years changing him totally. She groaned in both frustration and arousal, damn this man for making her feel so good and withholding the even better feeling. She was mad, but her arousal trumped the hell out of that, "oh god, just fuck me already." She groaned.

"My pleasure." He replied, that annoying smirk still planted on his handsome facr. He slipped a finger along the waistline of her boy shorts and was just about to slip it off when a tiny voice broke them out of their lustful state, they froza and stared into each other's faces in shock.

"Mama, Mitch." It was Jonas, apparently, the food hadn't knocked him out that much.

They both scrambled off the couch with Rhea pulling up her jean in record time just before Jonas walked in. He gave them odd stares, his eyes still dull from sleep, "Hi." He mumbled.

Rhea gave him her best smile, "Hey baby, did you sleep well?" She asked cheerily.

He creased his brows in confusion, "Are you okay mama?" He found it odd that she was speaking so sweetly to him when she looked ready to give him a good scolding before her slept.

"Of course I am sweety, why do you ask?" She asked with that same sweet voice.

He looked from her to Mitch who was rubbing the nape of his neck and then back to her, something was going on, for one thing, Mitch didn't act this way toward him, he was usually all smiles and friendly, now he seemed dodgy, "I'm going back to sleep." He said drowsily as he turned around and made his way back to the room he had come from, perhaps when he woke up again, things would return to normal.

Both Rhea and Mitch simultaneously released breaths neither had been aware they were holding once he was out of sight. Their gazes locked, suddenly the thought that Jonas had almost caught them in a sexual position didn't matter as much as the fact that they had almost given into their sexual desires, various thoughts ran into their heads, all of them in disapproval.

Rhea swore she had to stop this rubbish, it wasn't good for her physically or mentally and from the way he looked at her now, it was perhaps better if they weren't left alone in the same room.

Unsure of what to say to him to break the awkward silence, she blurted out the first, and perhaps, stupidest thing that came to mind, "You can't take him away from me Mitchell, please."

At first, Mitchell wasn't sure what she meant, but his brain finally clicked in seconds making his frown deepen, damn it he should have known, the manipulative...," So that's what all this was about." He began stonily, pissed that she had played him, NOBODY played him.


"What did you think? That all you'd have to do was fuck me and I'd not take your ass to court? Do I look that dumb to you? Is that why you came here dressed like that? Is that why you didn't fight me off when I kissed you? Why you just lay there and let me touch you in ways you haven't let me since you got here?" He asked menacingly, every bitter word that slipped out of his sinfully sexy lips crushing him and his hopes just a little harder but even worse, grinding and pummeling the shit out of an ego that had damn near turned to dust since this fiery femme fatale staged an appearance in his life.

Rhea stared at him in shock, she wanted to say something, but her brain had blanked out with a rage that was bubbling under once she realised what she was being accused of. There were no words to describe how pained she felt, how horribly hurt she was that he would think she would stoop so low as to offer him her body just to avoid a custody battle, she was willing to do anything to keep her son, but she had her dignity to preserve in the process and she would NEVER degrade herself by sleeping with anyone, least of all an air-headed jerk of Mitchell's calibre to keep her own child.

Her silence did nothing to appease Mitchell's brewing anger, he walked closer to her until he was looking her deep in her anger filled eyes, the look of hurt in them tore at his heart, but he was too blinded by rage and that gnawing feeling of being played to stop now, "Is that it Rhea? You were gonna let me fuck the shit outta you and then go home to Jared and fuck him too to celebrate how you both outsmarted the stupid, horny, Mitchell Montgomery." He spoke, his voice low and bitter.

As soon as those words left his mouth, Rhea's brain finally connected with the rest of her, her hand came up and smacked him hard across his face with a strength she wasn't aware she posessed, unable to curb the rage in her, her other palm came in contact with the other side of his fave so hard there was a cut by the corner of his eye. She wished she could do more, but anything other than slapping this vile creature who just happened to be partly responsible for the creation of the most beautiful thing in her life would destroy her. If she was going to cry, it would be far away from him.

She turned on her heels and made her way down the hall Jonas had emerged from, calling for him, he ran out of a room looking quite alert, "Mama, what's...?" He barely got the words out his mouth before he felt his feet leave the ground, his mother carrying him effortlessly like she hadn't complained of his weight just that morning.

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