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Connect the Dots

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A twisted story of cuckholding.
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Marciela Weston sat up slowly, swung her long legs over the edge of the bed and rested her feet on the floor. Without even thinking, she lifted her right foot to the edge of the bed, letting her knee drift to the side, spreading her thighs wide open. Her hand moved towards the nightstand and pulled a piece of Kleenex from the box she had placed there for just one purpose. She folded it carefully and reached between her thighs to wipe away the trickle of cum that had begun to flow out of her slightly swollen pussy. She squeezed her vaginal muscles trying to force as much of the sticky fluid out of her body that she could. As she rubbed the thick, puffy folds of flesh, they began to tingle. Her hips instinctively began to move, pushing her sensitive flesh against her fingers. Suddenly she stopped. This is fucking pathetic, she thought.

She got up and walked into the bathroom. A moment of vanity halted her progress and she paused in front of the full-length mirror and took a moment to admire her naked body. Not bad for an old woman of 39, she thought. She tossed her head and watched her long, raven colored curls style themselves over her back and shoulders. She rolled her shoulders, making her large breasts sway gently. In my next life I should be a topless dancer...maybe even a whore. At least I would get fucked more than 30 seconds a week...even get paid for it.

She was in the prime of her life...young enough to still have the tautness of her youth and old enough to show the lusty ripeness of a fully matured woman. She reached up and gently tease one of her dark, thick nipples. These days they were hard all the time, as if begging for some one to suck them. She smiled softly. Her wondrous breasts sagged a little, but in a sexy way. Besides, nothing as big as they were could defy gravity forever. Her old D-sized bras could barely contain them anymore. It seemed that any weight she gained went straight to her tits. But, she still had a slender waist despite the extra pounds and the couple of pounds that had gone south just made her teardrop ass even more to die for.

What a fucking waste. She moved towards the sink and leaned over to toss the tissue into the toilet. She thought about a shower to rid herself of the smell of her husband, Clarence, but that would have to wait. She needed to get started on that big breakfast she had promised her son, Toby and decided a quick washing with a damp washcloth would have to do. It was his first morning home in nearly six years. She smiled as she remembered the young boy she had reluctantly let go off to war. She also wondered what kind of man had returned.

Tobias Weston, smart as a whip, sinfully good looking and with his 6'-4" frame covered in muscle, there wasn't much he couldn't do on or off the playing field. He had just discovered girls and had suddenly realized his mom wasn't just one of the guys. When they were alone his eyes never left her, hoping for a peek or two at some part of her normally covered body that might "accidentally" come into view. Yes, she had teased him. She loved the attention...that look in his eyes when she sauntered into the room with just a threadbare A-shirt and thong panties covering her naked body. She could feel his eyes riveted to her swaying breasts...she would hear him gasp softly as she bent over to pick one thing or another off the floor.

Toby had come home yesterday. It was nearly dark when he arrived. His father showed the same interest at his homecoming that he would have displayed on his son's return from a trip to the grocery store. It didn't seem to bother Toby. It was if he had expected it from the man whose last name he bore. There was coldness in his eyes that she had never seen before as he looked at his father. It sent a shiver down her back for a moment but she quickly pushed it out of her mind. Her son was back...that's all that mattered.

Clarence would usually leave early on Saturday mornings. He would meet his buddies on the pretense of fishing or hunting, though he never managed to bring the bounty home; unless, you counted the beer-fish swimming around inside his fat belly. This morning was not different...So much for spending some time with your son.

As she headed toward the kitchen, she slipped her robe over her naked body and tied the belt loosely around her waist. It was still dark outside and the birds were just beginning to begin their noisy chatter. She turned on the kitchen light and headed straight towards the coffee maker. She was hoping her husband had left enough for her to have a cup but there was hardly enough to wet the bottom of her mug. The son of a bitch had filled his thermos completely and was too fucking lazy to make another pot for her and Toby. Well, he had gotten his coffee and his "Saturday nookie," as he called it. She laughed sadly at the emptiness of her life for a moment then swung open the top of Mr. Coffee and pulled out the soggy filter and grounds. She balled them up and tossed them into the trash.

She wondered why the hell she stayed with the fat bastard. It certainly wasn't for the 30 second fuck he gave her once a week. Her thoughts distracted her and she lost count of the number of scoops. Oh well. She added one more to be sure she had enough. It would probably curl her hair, but who the fuck cared. She pushed the compartment closed, poured in the water and waited for the little gurgling sounds to begin. Didn't you have to hear the thing begin to work before you could stop staring at it? Wasn't that a rule? She sat at the kitchen table and stared out the picture window into the back yard. The sun was finally beginning to peek over the horizon and the birds had begun their chatter...time to face reality.

Regretfully, she had been married for 23 years to a man who had only tied the knot to make an honest woman out of her. Clarence truly believed she had been a naïve, sixteen-year-old girl in heat...easy pickings for her fathers "friend." She laughed when she remembered how he had assured and reassured her that she couldn't get pregnant the first time, could she? Toby was born exactly eight months after that day. Clarence was either too stupid or too arrogant to connect the dots. If he did know the truth, he never said a word. No one would ever know the real truth, not even Toby's father.

Toby was the anchor that kept her rooted to this miserable place; she loved him as much as any mother could love her son. And Toby loved his mom. But somehow she knew that in the past six years something had changed. She could feel it...the way he looked at her...the tone of his voice. Things would work themselves out. Right now, her primary focus in life was that damn cup of coffee...the second would be a breakfast of country ham, eggs, grits and biscuits.

At last, she thought, as she heard the final gurgles of the coffee maker. She got up quickly and filled her cup, sipping it carefully along with a mouth full of air to keep the steaming hot coffee from burning her mouth. How about breakfast in bed, she thought. She would treat her returning hero like a king...at least for a day. She fixed another hot cup of coffee, picked up her own and walked towards Toby's room. As she passed the bathroom door, she saw him standing in front of the mirror shaving, a towel wrapped around his waist. "Good morning, Baby," she chirped, a bit surprised he was up so early. He looked at her in the mirror and smiled.

"I sure hope one of those is for me."

"Of course, Baby. Two sugars and plenty of milk, right, Baby?" He turned and smiled this time.

"You don't ever forget a thing, woman." That's a new word, she thought...woman. She kind of liked it. She watched him over her own cup as he took a sip, his eyes closing, his face showing his pleasure. "Damn, it's been a long time since I had anything this good to drink." When he opened his eyes, she noticed them move away from her face and drift down to the front of her robe. It did a rotten job of covering her enormous breasts, being cut for a much less endowed woman. There wasn't much she could do about it. She made a mental note to go out and buy another one but for the moment she would just have to give him an eyeful of her cleavage. Hell, he had seen more, especially during those "curious" years. Besides, it made her feel good to have a man look at her that way again.

She stood there, as they sipped their coffee, wondering how many other tits he had seen in the past six years. Goddamn, he was good looking, she thought, letting her eyes wander over his handsome face and broad shoulders. He must have had his share of horny young things. He was gorgeous. His chest was rock hard and he was toting an honest to god six-pack. She wondered what his body would look like completely naked. Damn it, Marciela, he's your son, for Christ's sake.

She set her coffee down slid up onto the vanity and watched him as he continued to shave. "Damn, I could get used to this...hot coffee, served by the sexiest looking woman in the county. Maybe I should go off to shoot Arabs more often. You did say something about fixing me breakfast didn't you?" He laughed, keeping his eyes fixed on the mirror.

"Hush, you. You are special without having to shoot Arabs. But..." she paused, "Just the county...the sexiest woman in the county?"

"OK, OK, OK, Make that the country. As a matter of fact, make that the planet."

"Now that's better." She grinned, picked up her coffee and took a long sip. "Meet anyone special, Baby?"

"Not really, mom." Suddenly, his voice grew very somber, a touch of bitterness hidden in the words. "You don't plan for the future much when you are preoccupied with making it to the next day alive." Just as quickly his voice returned to normal. "Besides, I had a woman waiting back home...someone very special...although, I did manage to sew a few wild oats." He winked at her then laughed teasingly as Marciela's brow wrinkled as she tried to think of a girl he had been serious with before he had gone. She gave up...not a clue.

"OK, who is the lucky girl?"

"You, of course. Who else would it be?" Marciela laughed and punched his side lightly.

"Come on, Toby...who the hell is it?" He turned on the water before he answered and rinsed the remaining soap off his face. He picked up a towel and dried himself as he spoke.

"One more time," he teased. "Y, O, U. Got it? I mean...after all...you are the sexiest woman on the planet." He picked up his coffee and turned to leave. "Hey, I brought you something. Come with me and let me get it out of my bag." She grinned like a little girl at Christmas, slid off the vanity and followed him towards his room. She sat on the edge of his bed while he rummaged through his suitcase. Finally, he found a long slender box and pulled it out.

"What is it...what is it?" she squealed.

"Stand up and close your eyes." She quickly obeyed. She felt him move behind her and slip something around her neck. It had to be a necklace of some kind, which was obvious. He moved her slightly and turned her body. "Ok...open your eyes."

She found herself standing in front of his mirror when she opened her eyes. They widened instantly in disbelief when they lighted on his gift. "My God, Toby...you shouldn't have done this. It's way too much, Baby?" She really didn't know what else to say. She lifted her head to admire the wide, glistening band that fit her neck perfectly. It was nearly two inches wide of intricately woven gold, sculpted into symbols and characters. Her fingers reached up and gently traced its subtle ridges and valleys. She leaned back into her son, her eyes never leaving the gold collar that adorned her graceful neck. "Oh, Toby. You shouldn't have done this, Baby. It's way to much."

"I told you, mom, I had this special lady waiting for me back home. I thought you might like it. Were you a good girl while I was gone?" He laughed softly as he let his muscular arms gently circle her waist. What was he asking, she thought...good girl?

"Of course I was, Toby...as good as gold." He laughed again and pulled her closer. She felt his breath on her neck as he nuzzled his smooth face against her silky nape and her whole body shuddered. Her legs began to weaken and it was all she could do to keep standing. He looked up at her over her shoulder, watching her face in the mirror, then pressed his mouth to her ear, letting the tip of his tongue trace the edge of her sensitive lobe.

"I really missed you, mom?" he whispered. "I thought about us a lot while I was gone." She turned her face towards him. But before she could utter a single word, he covered her soft, pouty lips with his own. He kissed her gently, lovingly, letting his lips linger against hers for a moment before pulling his face back a tiny bit and whispered. "Tell me, mom, haven't you ever thought about it...the two of us...?" Once again, before she could answer, he pressed his lips back against hers. His mouth opened slightly and before she could pull away, she felt his tongue push deeply into her mouth, catching her completely off guard. She moaned softly into his mouth. God, it felt so delicious, so fresh and sweet. Without thinking she let her tongue swirl around his then, for a moment, she regained her senses and turned away. But, he held her firmly. Her heart pounded inside her chest. Her mind was confused, flustered by the curious mixture of emotions that ravaged her mind. She felt his breath on her skin and moaned softly.

"Oh, Baby, I couldn't Baby...not that way. It wouldn't be right," she moaned again, tilting her head to the side, giving him more access to her long, graceful neck. His lips moved upward and closed around her ear lobe. His tongue teasingly licked along the edge, something that drove her insane with pleasure.

"Are you sure, mom? Remember? The way you used to dress...I loved watching you and feeling you rub against me. You never dressed that way for him, just me. Tell me, mom, didn't you think about us then?" A rush of cool air caressed her body as he pulled the front of her robe apart. Her eyes widened as she watched their reflections. His hands moved upward, slowly caressing her smooth skin, lightly tracing the gentle curve of her belly before moving upward to cup her ripe breasts. They both gasped as his hands firmly squeezed the giant orbs of pliant flesh. "You have no idea how bad I wanted to touch these, mom." She no longer truly resisted, but continued her meaningless charade, her words a mixture of whimpering, soft moans and rambling thoughts.

"Please, Toby," she whispered weakly. "I'm sorry, Baby...what I did was wrong...I was just...so lonely. I should never have teased you...God, Toby," she gasped as his fingers roughly twisted her swollen nipples. She leaned back and covered his hands and pulled them tighter against her breasts. "We need to stop, Baby...this is sooooooo wrong." Her thick nipples pushed into his palms as she arched her back against his rough hands. "Honey, we can't do this...I'm your mother, for God's sake. I'm your mother." One hand moved back down her body, his thick fingers pushing through the thick curls that anointed her mound. "Honey...honey, please stop...oh God." She whimpered and pushed her hips out as he eased a finger up into her wet pussy.

"You're wet, woman...so fucking wet. You want it don't you?" Suddenly he gripped her waist and quickly spun her around. He stepped back and eased her robe from her shoulders and let it drop to the floor. "Fucccccccccck...you are beautiful." Her whole body was on fire...shaking uncontrollably...as she displayed her wanton body to her son.

"We shouldn't, Baby." She reached out, her hand trembling, and tugged the towel at his waist and let it slide from his body to join her robe on the floor. "We can't, Baby." She let her eyes travel down his muscular body until she reached his cock. "Oh my God, Baby." She took in the details of the massive shaft of man meat that sprung from his loins like a python hunting its prey. "We can't...we can't...we can't, Baby." Thick veins wove back and forth over its length, throbbing and pulsing as they brought stiffness to the massive form. "God, it's big," she whispered. Her right hand slid upward and circled the shaft, tugging the outer sheath back over the ridged core until his foreskin was draw back completely and gathered behind the crown. "It's sooooooo big, Baby," she moaned. She pumped it slowly; deliberately...a clear drop of semen oozed from the slit and she quickly flicked it away with her finger. She lifted her finger to her lips and tasted the viscous fluid. Her eyes closed as she savored its salty taste. "Ooooooooh, Baby...please, stop me." Her eyes popped open as she felt him roughly push against her chest, sending her backwards, stumbling then falling as the backs of her legs hit the side of his bed. "Please, nooooooooooo...don't" She lay there on her back...staring up at him...her legs spread open...her cheeks hanging over the edge of the mattress.

"Tell me now, bitch...you want me to fuck you...or rape you?" She stared up at her son's lust filled eyes. Her tongue licked her lips hungrily as he moved between her thighs.

"Please, Baby...don't...don't," she screamed, her hips arching up off the bed. He gripped his giant cock in his hand and slapped it roughly across her pussy. "My god, you can't fuck me with that...it's too big, Baby...please don't." He rubbed the tip over her clit and grinned wickedly at her. She begged him to stop once more as he eased the swollen knob of his cock between her dripping folds. "Oh shit," she gasped. Her hips lifted higher trying to pull him deeper into her hungry cunt. "Stop, stop," she groaned as he fed three more inches of hot meat into her cunt.

"You little bitch," he growled, pushing more throbbing meat into her belly. "Tell me how much you want my cock in your hot little cunt, you bitch...tell me." She screamed when the back of his hand snapped her face to the side, leaving her cheek red and tingling. She squeezed his cock with her cunt muscles then snarled back at him, clawing his chest with her nails. "You god damned whore," he shouted, slapping her face again. She hissed loudly then spit, watching it splash onto his face. She gritted her teeth and winced as he slammed his cock into her, ripping her pussy in half, the head of his cock bending upward inside her dripping cunt as it plowed into the back of her womb. "Take the rest of it bitch...Take it all." Her eyes rolled back into her head as she lost herself in the perverse pleasure that finally consumed her.

"You fucking bastard...you mother fucking bastard...shit." She lifted her legs and curled her ass upward, opening her legs completely as he began to fuck her wet, sticky hole. "Bitch, am I? Is that what you want, you mother fucker? You want me to be your bitch, your slut, your whore?" A series of low moans escaped her mouth as he began to pound his massive cock in and out of her totally ripped pussy. "Then fuck your bitch like you mean it." She growled like a bitch in heat and gripped his ass cheeks, digging her nails into his taut flesh. "Fuck me, fuck me, fuck meeeeeeeee."

Marciela was gone, nothing else existed except the huge cock imbedded in her cunt. Nothing else mattered except the tingling that was building inside the smoldering walls of her pussy. She milked the magnificent cock as it slid in and out of her body, squeezing her muscles around it, sheathing the gnarled surface with the silky folds of her throbbing cunt as it moved faster and faster. The only sounds she could hear were the wet sloshing sounds of his cock pumping deeper and harder and the sounds of his thighs slapping against her ass. "You are my bitch, now, woman...fucking sweet bitch," He grabbed her ankles and lifted her legs high into the air then pushed them back over her head.


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