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Control Ch. 04

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Sub is humiliated in public.
5.1k words

Part 4 of the 5 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 06/08/2013
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Author note - this is chapter four of this story, I hope you all enjoy :) I do like to hear (constructive) feedback, so feel free to send it privately or post a comment. Thanks for reading :)


I stood in front of the bathroom mirror, looking at my body as I waited on the shower heating. The marks on my body were looking more and more pronounced as time passed. The brusies from Sir's teeth were becoming darker and more defined. The redness from my earlier flogging had faded. My ass was striped with cane welts. My nipples, although not marked, were tender and bruised. My scalp was stinging from being led around by my hair so much, from having my head pulled roughly to where he wanted it. My muscles ached from being held in awkward positions by his rope or by his commands. My throat was feeling abused by his cock and his hand. My jaw ached from being held open by the gag.

I couldn't keep the massive grin from spreading across my lips as I took note of all this. He had used me before, but never with such intensity. I had never experienced such a level of use. My body was aching and would be for some time. The steam was filling the room now, the mirror was clouded and I stepped under the running water. It was hot to the point of stinging my skin, just how I liked it. As the water ran over my body I started to feel my muscles loosening. I had my head under the water, my eyes closed, massaging the water through my hair, when I heard the shower door open. I kept my eyes closed, turned my body towards the water, ducking my face under the water. Silly really to try and hide while I was completely naked.

I felt his hands in my hair first, then his lips on my shoulder, breaking the flow of water over my body. I shivered, not from being cold, but from the sheer intimacy of the moment. He rested his hands on my shoulders and turned me to face him. The water was running down my back, soothing me. I brought my hands up to my face, wiping the water from my eyes so I could open them.

"I thought I would check you were ok in here, was beginning to think you had drowned," he smiled at me.

I visibly relaxed, thinking he was going to be disappointed at my attempt to hide from him. His hands were gentle on my skin, caressing, soothing. He took a step towards me, standing under the water with me, our bodies touching. I could feel my breathing changing, my heart was pounding in my chest, I could feel my heartbeat in my ears as I became more and more aroused. I tentatively raised my hands against his chest, feeling the heat from his body. I could feel his cock growing against my body. He pulled me against him, my sensitive nipples protesting at the contact, which only made my pussy flood with wetness. Despite the water, I could feel my thighs becoming slippy with the juices that were running from my pussy.

He was fingering the welts on my ass, looking down at me, watching my reactions with enjoyment. Each time he glided over a more sensitive spot made me push harder against his body, causing the pain in my tits to increase. He was enjoying this reaction. Digging his fingers in my ass, pulling my cheeks apart, his finger started to explore my asshole. I wriggled against him, silently pleading with him to stop. He continued. My ass was relaxed from the plug he had used on me earlier, but slightly sore. His finger rubbing over my most intimate spot made me bury my face in his neck, willing him to stop. I kissed and licked his neck, hoping to distract him.

I kept this up until I heard him moan and his fingers stopped. He kept a firm hold of my ass though as my lips and my tongue moved up from his neck, along his jaw until I found his mouth. I was feeling brave and didn't wait for him to kiss me, but instead I continued to lick and kiss his lips, teasing him. He used his body against mine to push me up against the shower wall. The cool of the tiles made me jump and stop in my tracks. He took advantage of my surprise to kiss me hard. His lips strong against mine, unrelenting as he took what I'd been teasing him with. My body melted against his, overcome with need at the moment. He stepped back suddenly, leaving me feeling cold and frustrated. I stayed where I was, even before he told me not to move. I wasn't under the warmth of the water now, my body started to feel how cold the air was. My nipples hardening, my body shivering at the removal of heat. I could only watch as he washed himself, my body aching to be against him again. He stepped out of the shower then, leaving the door open behind him. I kept my eyes on him as he dried himself, wrapping the towel around his waist. Only then did he turn back to me.

"Wash yourself now, sub."

"Yes, sir," I nodded as I spoke. I reached for the shower door, to pull it shut, but he stopped me.

"No. I want to watch you. Leave it open."

I couldn't think of a response. I'd never been watched in the shower before. But then, until I'd met him, I'd never been watched as I masturbated. I'd never been looked at with such intent. I shouldn't have been surprised that he wanted to take away whatever privacy he could. I stepped back beneath the stream of water, the temperature barely even registering now on my heated skin. I could feel the flush across my cheeks as he gazed at my body. His eyes watching me try to rationalise the moment.

I shook my head, clearing it of thought and tipped my head back into the water. I could feel every drop of water running down my body, my skin hyper sensitised by his gaze. I washed my hair first, turning my back to him as I massaged the shampoo into my hair, the hot water stinging my bruised tits. I felt more self conscious than usual with my ass exposed to him, so tried to rush myself, but I was enjoying the soothing movements of my fingers. Eventually I turned back to face him, rinsing my hair, I watched his eyes follow the rivers of soap that ran down my body.

Starting to wash my body next, I stepped out from under the water, using a handful of shower gel on my hand I started lathering it into my skin. My arms, my tummy, I moaned as I caressed my tits. Bending forwards I massaged the soap into my feet, my legs. Moving up to my thighs I winced slightly as my fingers rubbed over the cane welts. I looked up at Sir, his gaze unfaltering, a smile on his lips.

I stood and placed my hands on my lower tummy again, looking to him for permission, but also hesitant to wash myself so intimately in front of him. He nodded, encouraging me. I dropped my head, more shy than I'd ever been before. I let my hands dip between my thighs, cleaning myself of the mixture of cum and lube.

I raised my eyes to watch Sir, his eyes focused on my hands. I blushed and turned around into the water, moving my hands behind me and over my ass. I hid my face in the stream of water as I finished washing my body. Moving under the water, rinsing the soap from my body. My hands running over my skin, ensuring every last drop was off my skin, pulling my ass cheeks apart, allowing the water to run down over my used hole. My fingers parting my pussy lips as I rotated under the water. He watched me the entire time.

I started to feel more relaxed, thinking that was one of the most erotic things I'd ever done. I felt shy but sexy. I smiled at him as he stepped forward, hoping he had been as affected by my performance as I was. I wasn't disappointed as I saw the protruding hard on from his towel. I licked my lips, salivating already at the memory of his taste.

He stood in the entry to the shower, reached past me and started to turn the temperature control. I didn't quite understand what he was doing until I felt the water cool down. Thinking he must be switching it off, I stepped towards him, confused when he placed a hand on my chest, pushing me back under the water.

I realised then what he was doing. I started to shake my head. But he just laughed at me. The water was freezing cold now, almost painfully so. Whatever warmth I had held before was rapidly disappearing. His hand was off my body now, I was held under the icy water by something else entirely; his control, his words.

"Stand right under the water sub. Your head too."

I obeyed, stuttering out, "yes, sir."

I was shaking from the cold, my eyes lowered as I waited on his instruction. I couldn't stop the squeals from my lips, as I tried to hold myself under the water. My skin was covered in goosebumps, the water running from my hair seemed even colder than that from the shower head, little rivers of freezing water running down my back and over my ass. I was dancing under the water, trying to keep myself moving, keep out of the water at least a little bit.

I tried to beg, but I couldn't get the words out. I could only repeat, over and over again the word please.

After what seemed like hours, he reached behind me and this time switched the shower off. I stood in front of him, shivering at the lack of heat in my body, staring at him with a mixture of disbelief and need. He motioned to me to step out of the shower, wrapped a towel around my body, drying me roughly with his hands. Towelling dry my hair, little drops still running down over my tits from the tips.

He wrapped the towel around my body, leaning in close, "you are so very obedient sub. I wonder just how far I could challenge that."

The heat I felt in my pussy from those words made me drop my head, in that way he liked so much. He recognised it as a sign of submission to him, but also how it meant I was ashamed of how turned on I was at that moment.

"As far as you want sir," I whispered to his chest, " please sir, take me as far as you want."

He gripped my dripping hair in his hand and yanked my head back, exposing my neck to him. He bent his head and licked my throat, exactly where his collar normally sits on my neck.

"Don't you worry little sub. I plan to."

He turned around and walked out the bathroom, leaving me stood recovering. Or attempting to recover. After a short while I followed him. He was already half dressed. I was unsure of myself, unsure what he wanted me to do.

As if reading my mind he turned to me after he was dressed and told me to remove the towel and get ready. As I was sat at the dressing table, several toys still laid out on one side, my hair dryer and make up on the other, I saw him in the mirror going through my small suitcase. He pulled out various things until he found what he was looking for. My favourite dress. Which was also his favourite on me.

Pale pink, covered in little bows that came to an inch or two above me knee. Modest. But it was such a feminine shape, it sat snugly in my waist and flowed out into a light skirt. It hugged my tits, and wasn't very low cut, but displayed them perfectly. A cut out section in the back added to the femininity and gave just a little hint of my skin.

When my hair and make up were finished I stood and walked over to the bed. I looked at what he had laid out for me. My dress, hold ups and my black bra. I picked up my bra, expecting to see knickers beneath it, but they weren't there. I almost asked him about them, but thought better than to.

I dressed in what he had set out for me. I felt naked despite the clothing with my pussy exposed beneath my dress. When I was ready I turned to him, he smiled his approval. Slipping on my flat black shoes I stood still waiting further instruction.

He walked over to me, a wicked smile on his face now. He always made me wary with this look. I couldn't tell what he was planning.

"Hold you hair up."

I complied, relaxing slightly when I saw the collar. He placed it around my neck, fastening it snugly. When he placed my collar on me I felt calm, owned, safe. I knew he would look after me, look after his possession.

I didn't expect the next thing I saw in his hands. A lead. My heart seemed to stop then started pounding behind my ribs.

"I...I...I um," I looked up at him with questions in my eyes that I couldn't quite form. " I thought we were going out sir? I mean, that's what you said sir. I don't, um, I'm confused sir." I babbled on at him. My confusion clear in my lacking ability to string together a sentence. He just stood listening to me patiently, waiting on me finishing.

"We are going out," is all he responded with and he clipped the leash onto the ring at the front of my collar.

All that was going through my mind was "fuck". Over and over. On a loop. I couldn't quite comprehend what was happening. My mind was in denial as he tugged on his end which pulled my head down.

"Mmm, I do like that," he muttered. He loosened his grip, allowing me to stand back up. He turned and walked towards the door, picking up my handbag and handing it to me on the way past it. I pushed it onto one shoulder.

He turned to me, looked over my shoulder and grinned.

"Looks like you forgot something sub."

I turned my head to follow his gaze and saw my black lacy knickers sat on the middle of the bed. I was confused. They hadn't been there when I was getting dressed. He must have put them there after.

"What kind of little slut are you? Going out without any underwear on. Don't you have any self respect?"

My cheeks were burning as I realised his intention. I opened my mouth to protest but no words would come out. I stood opening and closing my mouth over and over before finally just accepting and hanging my head in shame.

"Just as I thought. You are a little slut. Well, I don't want you showing me up sub, go get them and bring them to me. On your hands and knees. Don't touch them with your hands though sub. Go on. Quickly. We don't have all night."

I couldn't believe him. What he wanted me to do. I was arguing with myself in my head, but even as I was debating in my head, I was lowering to the ground, the leash now free from his grip, hanging down my body, trailing on the floor beneath me as I crawled to the bed. Leaning up on my knees and my hands on the bed I lifted my body until I could grab my knickers with my teeth and crawled back to him.

"Good sub, now stand up."

I resisted the urge to grab my knickers out my mouth when I was stood in front of him. I let them hang from my mouth, my eyes lowered so I didn't have to face him like this. He pulled them from my teeth and looked at them, then threw them back onto the bed.

"I changed my mind. You won't need these. Come on." He led me out the door. I was incredulous. He'd just put me through that humiliation for no reason. I couldn't help but think why? Until I finally realised why. Because he could. Because I am his to control. That realisation made me desire him so much, I could feel the tops of my hold ups getting wet from the flow of juices from my pussy.

He led me down the corridor and when we got to the top of the stairs I expected he would take the leash off incase we saw anyone. But he didn't. I hesitated as he started to descend the stairs, which I regretted as it resulted in me struggling to catch up, my body bent at the waist due to his strong grip on the lead.

What if someone is behind me? What if they see up my dress? What if they see the lead? What will they think of me? All these thoughts are rushing through my mind and I'm debating whether I should look around me or focus straight ahead. I decide on the latter until I hear a familiar voice from our left. The receptionist. I close my eyes briefly, keeping my eyes forward as she calls out hello. I have not been told I can speak. He carries on a brief conversation with her, while continuing our way to the main door. She seems unfazed again by what she's seeing. I start to wonder about her, but I'm brought back to the present by the cool evening air.

I hadn't actually thought he would take me outside like this. But he is. I start to panic, my hands shaking slightly as we walk across the car park to his car. He positions me at the passenger door, telling me to stay there and moves around to the driver side.

I'm aware of another car pulling into the car park at that moment. I almost reach out to open the passenger door, to climb in to the car to hide my predicament from the newcomer. But I manage not to. I stand, imagining whoever it is watching me. Judging me. I keep looking down, taking the view that if I don't acknowledge their presence they won't acknowledge mine either.

I hear the click of the door unlocking and being opened. I take that as my permission to enter the car. Climbing in quickly, at the last minute I remember my lack of underwear and hope I didn't flash the stranger.

Sir reaches over the car an unclips the leash, tucking it in the car door. I visibly relax. He strokes the side of my face tenderly, making me moan with desire. I look up at him, letting him see how turned on he has me. Licking my lips subconsciously, my mind wandering back as I look at him, imagining his lips on mine.

I didn't even notice his hand going round to the back of my head, until I feel the sharp tug he gives my hair.

"We're going out for dinner. The same rules apply here. Do not speak unless spoken to, you ask permission for everything. Obey me and you will be rewarded, disobey and you will be punished. Severely. Understand?"

I try to nod, but my face is stung sharply by the slap that earns me. "Yes sir. I understand sir," I blurt out, hoping not to receive another slap.

He lets go of my hair, smoothing it down with his hand. He starts to drive then, making slight adjustments to me as he does. He pulls my knee towards him, spreading my legs further apart. Pulling my dress up to expose my pussy to him. He plays with me lightly every now and then, lifting his fingers to my mouth to be cleaned every so often.

Pulling in to a restaurant car park not far from the hotel he plunges two fingers deep into me unexpectedly. I cry out, my hips raising to meet his thrusts. Not caring who sees me through the window, I'm moving my hips in rhythm to his hand as he pushes a third finger into me. Taking his seatbelt off, he removes his fingers but replaces them with his right hand. This time he works up to four fingers as I move down the seat, pushing down on his hand, wanting more inside me.

I can feel my orgasm building, I start begging him to fuck me harder. Completely oblivious to where we are, I want to cum over his hand. Just as I'm about there, he pulls his fingers out of me. I cry out. Start to beg him. My begging is cut off by his soaked fingers being crammed into my mouth. I lick my juices from his fingers, trying to hide my disappointment.

Without a word he gets out the car. I follow him, adjusting myself when I'm standing. My eyes are bright, I can feel how wet I am. I'm desperate to cum. Every movement I make only makes me want it more. I manage to collect myself before we enter. I keep my eyes down, standing behind Sir so I don't make a mistake and speak. I let him speak for me. It feels strangely relaxing. But difficult. Very difficult.

We're seated in a fairly private booth at the back of the restaurant, not unlike the first time we met. I'm smiling at this memory and I think he is too. Our waiter approaches the table and greets us both. I manage to smile politely then look to Sir, waiting for him to speak. The waiter takes his drink order and then looks to me for mine. He looks surprised when Sir continues to speak. Even more so at his words.

"My sub will have a glass of water for now."

I couldn't think straight for embarrassment. But I couldn't help the little moan that escaped my lips. I was turned on and couldn't hide the fact.

The waiter looked at me as I looked at Sir and I think he must of noticed the collar from the understanding noise that he made himself.

Once he was gone, we settled into a fairly relaxed and informal conversation. When the waiter returned with our drinks, he placed the glass of water down in front of me after Sir's drink.


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