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Controlled Foster Family Ch. 06


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"Have you ever been fucked in the ass? Tell me the truth, confess your sins to me you slut!" I snarled.

She hesitated, then shook her head no. I didn't think so, Jacob hardly seemed the kind of man to go in for that sort of thing.

"What a waste of such a perfect ass. God gave you this for a reason, so I may as well use it." I said, and she shook her head again. The muffled pleas coming from her mouth were completely unintelligible in their panic. I slapped her hard again and tugged on the belt choking off her pleas.

"You think penance is supposed to be pleasurable? Forgiveness for your sins with an orgasm and maybe some cuddling after? I am your Master, and I decide the price you pay for your behaviour. Do you understand!" I shouted at her and she cowered like a beaten dog at my tone.

"Do you understand!" I shouted again and she nodded meekly, hunching her shoulders in fearful anticipation of what was to come next.

I didn't want to hurt her, so I slowly worked my cock into her ass. The lubrication of the condom and her own pussy juice made it as easy as it could be for a virgin asshole and soon I was sliding in and out with the same steady rhythm I had used before.

Sarah tensed, then eventually relaxed as she realized that it was not hurting as much as she expected. Soon she was moaning in response to my thrusts and shoving herself back to get me as deep as possible. I pulled on the collar again, lifting her body off of the bed.

"See, trust your Master. I know what is best for you, don't I?" I asked in a soft, reassuring tone and she looked back at me with half lidded eyes, nodding as she chewed on the gag in her mouth.

Her breath started to come in quick, desperate gasps as I increased the speed and force of my strokes. I shoved her down on the bed, my hand pressing between her shoulder blades trapping her beneath me. She groaned at the sensation and her hands clenched and relaxed as the pleasure of the fucking ran through her.

"Yes Sarah, yes slut. You are my wife, you are my woman, you are my whore, aren't you?" I whispered into her ear and she nodded in reply.

"You do what I say, when I say it because I am your husband and your master. I am the head of this family and what I say is law here." I continued and she nodded again, moaning in submission and pleasure at my authority as she ground her ass back against my thrusting cock. I pulled out, accompanied by another whimper of disappointment from the bound woman beneath me.

"Enough, of this. You are my servant so you will fuck me now." I laid down on the bed, my cock standing like a flagpole. "Now you will do the work, like the servant you are."

She awkwardly climbed on the bed and moved to straddle me, her eyes filled with lust as she slid down on my shaft. I reached up to pinch and pull at her nipples and she groaned in pleasure/pain as she ground herself against my hips. She bobbed up and down on my prick, careful not to slide off. Her pussy clenched me tight as she bottomed out, then again in a kind of kiss when she rose to the tip.

"You like that, don't you Sarah. You like serving me and making me happy like a good wife." I said as I put my hands behind my head. She nodded, and smiled around her gag as she swirled her hips around on my cock like a pole dancer. I reached up and casually slapped her tit, pleasantly surprised when she leaned in to encourage me to deliver a blow to the other one.

"Turn the other cheek eh?" I said and continued to deliver slaps and backhand blows to her breasts as she bounced up and down on my cock. She grunted with each blow, but never flinched away and I could feel her orgasm starting to build. Her pussy twitched and I saw her stomach ripple as she got closer and closer to climax. She looked down at me, eyes pleading for permission to cum.

"Alright Sarah, you have served your penance and pleased me. After I cum, you may cum as well." I said and she nodded in response, moaning into her sodden gag and redoubling her efforts to bring me off. Her cunt clamped on my cock, squeezing and flexing while she grunted and moaned with the effort. I saw her face darken as she pulled the noose around her neck tight and her breath came in strangled hisses through her nose.

I couldn't take it anymore. She was doing things with her pussy muscles which were far beyond what a simple farmwife should know and I felt my balls contract as I blew my load. I pulled her down hard onto my cock as my seed shot through my prick to fill the condom. She gave out a series of high pitched whines as she felt my cock throb inside her, looking down at me with desperation.

"Yes Sarah, you can cum now." I said as I delivered another slap to the tits that jiggled above me.

Her eyes rolled back in her head and she howled into her gag. Her body arched like a bow as she straightened her arms, pulling the noose around her neck tight with her orgasm. Her cunt squeezed and spasmed as she came on my hard prick. Her body shook as the waves of pleasure washed over her and her breath came in desperate gasps through her nose while her chest heaved. Finally, she collapsed down on top of me, her breath hot and steamy on my neck as she lay there helpless and spent.

I lay there for a bit, enjoying the feeling of her large tits pressed against my chest then slid out from underneath her. I took the condom off and knotted it, tossing it in my trash basket. She watched me with exhausted, glazed eyes. I leaned down and pulled the gag from her mouth, removing the sodden silken panties and dropping them on the floor with a wet plop. She gasped for air and worked her jaw. I then reached behind her neck to undo the knot on the belt that had bound and collared her.

"No, no, please. Please, leave me like this, let me stay here with you for a bit." She pleaded in a soft voice.

I shrugged and lay back down on the bed. She wiggled next to me, nestling her head in the crook of my arm and wrapping one leg around mine in a possessive kind of hug. Her breath stirred my chest hair and the weight of her tit on side was a pleasant reminder of just what an attractive woman she was. I curled my arm around her shoulders and she sighed, snuggling closer against me. I felt her head shift as she looked up at me. The look in her eyes was no longer shame, arousal or lust, but gratitude and affection.

"Thank you" she said in a soft voice. "Thank you for everything."

"Gangster Rap" I replied, and her eyes closed in response to the post hypnotic command. I had things I still wanted to do with Sarah so I didn't want to waste this opportunity to condition her.

"Sarah, I want you to focus on what you are feeling right now. How you feel about me and what has happened to make you feel this way. Do you understand?" She nodded in agreement, a contented smile appearing on her face.

"Sarah, whenever you see me, I want you to remember this feeling. I want you to remember how good it is and realize that you will do anything to keep feeling it. You will do what I ask, however I ask, because you are afraid of losing how I make you feel right now. Do you understand?" She nodded again, her smile fading slightly as she hunched her shoulders and tensed fearfully.

"Sarah, you will understand that I will never make you do anything that you truly don't want to do. But just like you initially did not want to have sex with me, you will trust that anything I tell you to do is for the best and as your husband and master, you will obey me. Do you understand?" She nodded a third time, and her body relaxed at my assurance.

That should do it, but just in case "Sarah, whenever I say 'God Bless you Sarah' you will obey whatever I tell you to do without question. Do you understand" She nodded again.

"Death Metal" I said, and eyes opened. She looked up at me with an affectionate smile and took a deep breath.

"Thank you Chad. Thank you for everything you have done for me and my girls."

"You are welcome Sarah, it was my pleasure." I replied as I hugged her tight and settled down in the pillow.

With a grunt I moved the X frame into its new position, then stood back to wipe the sweat off my face. By the end of the day the dungeon won't be a secret from anyone anymore so I didn't see the need to have to deal with that ladder every time I wanted to use the equipment, especially given some of the outfits the women would be wearing. I had cleared out a corner of the barn that used to be horse stalls but was now just junk. It was a pain hauling that stuff up the ladder, but most of it had been bolted together and was easy to disassemble. I now had a good sized area with more light and better ventilation and had even moved my cooler and an old easy chair into a corner.

I collapsed into the chair and pulled a beer from the cooler when I heard someone approaching. It was Rebecca as she called out "Chad, are you in here?"

"Back here" I answered and heard her gasp in surprise as she stepped around the corner and saw what I had been doing.

She looked around the new set up, running her hand over the bench as she eyed the wall rack of crops, straps and paddles. She looked over at me "So, I guess we are doing this soon." She asked.

"Tonight, after dinner. Sarah is going into town so we will have a couple hours to ourselves." I said as I took a pull of the beer and tossed another to Rebecca. "I also have some instructions for you so pay attention."

Shortly after I walked into Mary's room. She looked up from the bed where she had been napping with a gasp of surprise. "Gangster Rap" I said and she dropped back down on the pillow in her trance. I spent a moment reflecting on the first time I had used that command on her, right here in this room. I had made her masturbate to a thunderous orgasm; well she was going to have another soon enough.

"Mary, Rebecca is going to come to you and tell you to so some things. For the remainder of the night, you will agree with whatever she tells you. You will think that it is kinky and erotic, just what you have wanted ever since that night you came to my room, do you understand?" She nodded in agreement, a small smile on her face.

Stage set I thought. These women didn't need me to control them, they only needed me to release them. The first thing I had learned about hypnotism is that you can't make someone do something that they don't want to do. Instead, you can lower inhibitions and all of the other constraints that we put on ourselves. Well, tonight would be an acid test of that understanding so I wanted to be as prepared as possible.

Later that evening, I sat in the easy chair out in the barn. What was I going to call this, the dungeon, the playroom? Eh, whatever. I will just call it the Barn and let the context determine what it is going to be used for. I heard the sounds of approaching heels clicking on the clean swept concrete and downed the last of the beer I was drinking then turned my attention the door of the stall.

Rebecca came in first, leading Mary by a leash attached to a dog collar around her throat. Mary gasped in surprise when she saw all of the equipment, but Rebecca cut her short with a sharp yank on the leash.

"Headmaster, I found this one breaking the rules again." She said in a disappointed tone as she pulled Mary into the stall.

I looked at the girls and nodded my approval. Mary was dressed in her old catholic schoolgirl uniform. Her crisp white blouse was now about two sizes too small and strained against her buxom chest. She had the top two buttons undone and her C cup tits looked like they were about to fall out, especially given the push up bra she was wearing. Her plaid skirt had been rolled twice at the waist and barely covered her ass where I could see lacy red panties peeking out. She had knee high white socks and a pair of school girl shoes that gleamed in the harsh light. Her long blonde hair was up in a high pony tail and two pink butterfly barrettes graced her temples.

Rebecca on the other hand wore a red satin blouse and black pencil skirt with black stockings and high heeled shoes. Her hair was loose, hanging down her back, looking exactly like the slutty teacher that I had told her to dress as.

I tapped the yardstick against my hand, skewering Mary with a glare. "What did she do this time, Ms. Puta?" I said in a bored voice as my eyes slid up and down Mary's sexy outfit.

"I found her standing outside the boy's bathroom again, with her hands down her panties Headmaster." Rebecca said with a snarl as she yanked on the leash.

"Mary, Mary, Mary, what is it going to take? How many times have we told you that you can't act like such a complete slut while you are in school." I said as I stood from the chair, tapping the stick against my leg.

Mary stopped looking around and stared at me for a second. First confused, then a smile crossed her face. "Oh, I am so sorry Headmaster Chad. I have just been having these feelings and I can't stop myself. Please, please don't be angry with me." She whined, then looked up shyly at me as she bit her lip.

I walked up to her and took her by the chin, lifting her face to look down into her wide blue eyes. "Mary, as Headmaster it is my responsibility to maintain discipline in this school. Ms. Puta and myself are at our wits end about what to do with you. Is there anything that you think would help you with these 'feelings' you have been having?" I asked.

Mary looked down "Well, maybe if you could teach me what to do with them, I might be able to control myself better Headmaster."

"That is an excellent idea Mary. Perhaps a more practical lesson is in order I think." I turned to Rebecca, "Ms. Puta, secure Mary to the cross to make sure she pays attention."

Rebecca smiled, "Yes Headmaster Chad, come with me Mary." She said as she tugged Mary over to the corner, shoving her back onto the cross and fastening her wrists and ankles to the restraints that hung there. Mary struggled a bit but Rebecca gave her a sharp slap on her tit and she submitted to being bound.

I walked over to a shelf and picked up a bullet vibrator and a tube of lubricant. I saw Mary's eyes widen as I walked over to where she stood, bound to the X frame.

"Mary, you are going to have to learn how to properly deal with these feelings you have been experiencing. Now Ms. Puta and I will teach you but while you watch, you will need to learn how to control your body." I squirted some lube on the vibrator and turned it on to a low setting.

"You can't orgasm until I tell you to. If you do, you will be punished, do you understand?" I told her as I reached into her panties and slid the vibrator into her already moist pussy. Mary squirmed on my hand, trying to rub her clit against me. I reached up and grabbed her by the throat, squeezing firmly.

"No, not until the lesson is done. Do you understand me!" I barked and she nodded in my grasp.

"Good, now watch and learn from an expert. Ms. Puta, over here please." I said as I moved back over to the center of the room where a small rug covered the bare floor. Rebecca walked over, slinked over was a more accurate term, and stood beside me taking my arm possessively.

"Now, first thing that Ms. Puta will teach you is how to serve a man properly. You must understand that as a woman your place is on your knees." Rebecca nodded and slid to her knees beside me, hands on her thighs, head down submissively. I stroked her soft, dark hair as she leaned her head against my thigh.

"Now Mary, next thing you need to learn is; Mary, pay attention!" Mary's eyes snapped open. She had closed them as the vibrator worked its magic on her pussy. I saw her making small circles with her hips in response to the slow steady throb.

"I am sorry Headmaster, it just feels soooo good." She moaned as her eyes closed again and she tugged gently against the shackles that held her to the frame.

I walked over to the wall and picked up a riding crop. Mary squealed in surprise as I gave her a sharp slap on the side of her ass.

"If you do not pay attention to your lesson, then I will have to resort to more drastic measures. Do you understand!" I snarled, delivering another slap.

"Yes, yes, I understand Sir. Please, please don't hit me again." She squealed as she squirmed in her bonds.

"That will be up to you Mary, now where were we Ms. Puta?" I said as I walked back to where Rebecca was still kneeling on the rug. Damn she looked hot in that sexy business like way. Her dark eyes sought me out from under her downcast brows and a naughty smile spread across her ruby lips.

"I believe we were going to demonstrate for Mary here, how a woman properly serves her man." She said in a husky voice.

"Ah, yes. Well, you are the best teacher I know so proceed. Pay close attention here Mary." I said as I slapped the crop against the table with a bang.

Rebecca reached up and undid my belt, sliding my pants down to the floor. Her nails traced lines of arousal up my legs as she leaned forward to nuzzle my semi-erect cock.

"Now Mary, you must learn that men are not there to pleasure you. We are here to pleasure them. As a woman it is our duty to make sure that our men are always satisfied but never rushed." Rebecca said as her hands wrapped around my cock and balls, stroking and fondling them gently.

"Do you see this magnificent cock, Mary? Do you see how big and thick it is, this is what we were made for." She murmured as she kissed her way up and down the shaft.

"Yes, yes Ms. Puta. I see that cock; it is so much better than I ever imagined." Mary replied a little breathlessly. The chains of her restraints jingled as she tugged on them in frustration while the vibrator hummed in her pussy.

Rebecca kissed the tip with her moist, red lips then parted them to slowly slide her mouth down the length of my hard member. A low moan escaped her as my cock filled her mouth and throat.

"Now watch Mary, a woman's service to her man is more than just groping and fucking. Ms. Puta is an expert at appreciating her man, I expect you to learn and learn well if you want to avoid more punishment." I said as I looked over at the bound girl. Mary's eyes were half lidded with lust and pleasure as her tits rose and fell with her deep, steady breaths. How that button stayed in place was a mystery.

Rebecca sucked and licked at my cock like an expert, her head bobbing back and forth as her hand twisted around the shaft while her other one alternated between playing with my balls or groping her tits through her blouse. She moaned as I reached down and took a handful of her lustrous black hair, holding her in place until I felt her start to gag, then pulling her back and repeating the process.

"You see Mary, a well-trained woman like Ms. Puta here knows just how to please her man. It takes more than acting like a slut outside of the boy's bathroom. It takes effort, and practice to get as good as she is." I said to Mary as Rebecca worked her magic on my cock.

Mary moaned in reply. "Oh yes, oh god yes. Please, please fuck me. I need it so bad!" she whined as she tugged on her restraints.

I pulled Rebecca off of my cock and twisted her head around to look at Mary. "Ms. Puta! If your student can't behave herself during her lessons then we will have to have a serious talk about your future here." I snapped.

"Oh, oh I am sorry Headmaster Chad." Rebecca pleaded as she wiped her chin. "Please, let me sort her out before we continue."

"You do that, but no more interruptions." I growled, and gave her a slap on the ass as she rose and strode over to where Mary stood. She stopped at the table and picked up a leather wrapped ring gag that I had ordered with a bunch of other BDSM equipment.

"You stupid slut. If you can't shut up during your lessons, then I guess I have to make you shut up then." Rebecca snapped as she held the gag up to Mary's mouth.

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