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Converting The Feminist Ch. 02

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Brittany gets her first punishment.
3.5k words

Part 2 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 09/10/2020
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As my eyes groggily pulled themselves open, the man who I considered my betrayer greeted me. I was happy he wasn't wearing that smug grin he had last night. Blake still hadn't let me down, leaving my arms screaming of pain. Although, the puddle of my juices on the floor from the spree of orgasms I had been forced through was out of reach of my feet.

Everything felt jaded, mainly my senses. I couldn't think straight from the overstimulation of my vagina. Hell, the vibrations weren't pleasant anymore. Instead, they were one of the worst pains I'd ever felt. Why did Blake have to pick me? I hated him more than anything now, and he couldn't care less. He only wanted me to be his perfect 1950s housewife, submissive and eager to please him.

Blake stood, quickly approaching me and unbuckling the gag. Slowly he removed the long dildo, freeing up my mouth. I was uplifted immediately when he didn't fill my oral cavity with his dick or something worse. Sadly, I was too weak to curse him out for doing this to me.

After he removed my gag, he swung behind me, rubbing the tips of his thumbs over my nipples. There wasn't much effort in his movements, but being as stimulated as I was, I couldn't help but moan. This was a pleasant change of pace, with each flick of his fingers erasing just a little more pain from my clit.

"How do you feel, Brittany?" Blake whispered seductively, "Ready for me cock again baby?"

"Please... don't... let me go," I replied weakly.

"You've held out from me for so long, Brittany. You had such a delightful time yesterday. Don't you want to feel good? Don't you want to please your husband?"

"No," I groaned.

"Such a bad girl response. How unfortunate. Not completely unexpected when your mind is full of all those deluded women's rights thoughts."

I quickly tried to come up with a snappy response, but Blake preempted my remark with a harsh slap to my ass. I yelped in surprise, the sting still registering in my mind. Blake struck again before the first slap had even settled. Screaming as I dangled helplessly was all I could do. It was a struggle to hold in my tears from his harsh strikes.

"Blake, please no more!" I wailed.

"See? Another one of those foolish feminist ideals. I know when you can't handle more and you don't get to tell me when enough is enough. I'm your husband, I tell you when enough is enough. So hush and take your punishment."

Blake had continued the assault on my bottom repeatedly for minutes. He didn't quite care about how I felt; I wronged him and this was punishment, although I believe it to be an unjust one. Interrupting his continuous spankings, Blake spun me around to face me, forcefully pushing his tongue into my mouth. I revolted at the unwelcome intrusion, doing anything I could, which wasn't very much, to reject his advances. He broke off the kiss a few moments later, looking up at my strained arms.

"That must really hurt, Brittany. You've been strung up for about ten hours now."

"Yes, it fuc—" Blake interrupted me with a smack across my breast.

"I will not abide such foul language, Brittany. I think you need some more time being punished to think about how bad you're being. So here's what I plan to do. I'm going to go to work, leaving you like this until I get home and maybe then I'll get you something to eat."

"No, please don't! Please, please let me down!"

"We really have to work on your manners. You don't get to talk back any more, Brittany. So for now, I must help you with that."

Blake retrieved the familiar dildo gag, and I felt the color drain from my face. I shook my head in denial, pressing my lips tightly closed. I would not have that infernal object filling my throat again. Blake, aggravated by "misbehaviour" pinched my nose until I had no choice but to gasp for air. Taking his chance, Blake rammed the long rod down my throat and then secured the buckle strap behind my head. I loathed the familiar feeling of the large silicone object filling my throat. Blake shook his head, as if to be disappointed in me.

"When you learn some basic behaviour, I'll give you treats for being a good girl. So, when I get home, if you sincerely apologize, I'll let you sleep in a proper bed tonight with your plushie. Continue to be bad, and well, let's just say I'd advise you behave."

"Mmph mm nnmmn pmmnphm!"

"It's so satisfying when I can't hear your gibberish. I'll be back in ten hours. Have fun till then, Brittany."

My despondent screams went unheard as Blake closed the door. I was alone again, my arms already crying out. Another ten hours of this unspeakable torture was going to drive me near insanity. To my surprise, the vibrator inside me suddenly stopped. Either it lost its battery or Blake wasn't going to keep me turned on all the time.

* * *

The locks on the door stirred me from my hysteria. It felt like time was so slow, but to finally see Blake, things normalized, at least time wise. My arms weren't able to take anymore of this, so I decided some time ago to say whatever he wanted to hear to be let down. I didn't care for the blow to my dignity that would come from it, leaving me in a position to be more convincing, more desperate.

Blake looked exhausted from whatever work he was doing in his button-down shirt and jeans. There was so much sweat on his shirt it became transparent enough for me to notice the tank top underneath. I could smell the mustiness emanating from him even with the distance between us. The repugnant smell was almost enough to drive me back into a frenzy in a vain hope to get free of my shackles.

Walking over to me, Blake examined my wrists, red from extended periods of struggling. I felt him reach down inside my pussy. I squirmed to get his hand loose, but he was actually doing me a favor. As his hand withdrew, I saw the pink little egg vibrator that had been torturing me for most last night. After throwing the toy aside, Blake set to work unbuckling my gag. I took in a deep breath the moment my mouth was vacated.

"So, ready to behave?" Blake asked.

I bowed my head in defeat and mumbled an agreement. In a moment I heard the jingling of keys being pushed into my metal cuffs. I would have fallen the moment I was free had Blake not caught me. Everything was sore and weighed more than steel, I couldn't fight back even if I wanted to. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if that was his plan all along, making me so weak I couldn't rebel.

Carrying me bridal style, Blake took me to one of the guest rooms. It was plain, like my prison cell. A bed with a brass metal frame with a comfy-looking mattress and a small reading chair were the only things in the room. There had been a door in the corner, left open, allowing me to see it was a bathroom.

I had been so transfixed on examining my surroundings; I didn't realize the long chain on the floor. Following it from its length led me to a foot of the bed, where a padlock secured the chain around said foot. Reversing my direction, I looked for the opposite end, only to find a leather cuff attached.

Blake laid me gently on the bed. I was still recovering, unable to try something to prevent him from cuffing me again. Blake gently placed the cuff around my left ankle, tightening it just enough that I couldn't get loose but also wouldn't cut circulation. I whined weakly, catching Blake's full attention.

"Not completely broken are we?"

"Please..." I mumbled.

"This will be your room for a while. The chain will let you walk around and go to the bathroom over there. I'll find some books you can read to occupy your day while I'm away at work." Tears flowed freely down my cheeks as he continued to create more nightmares for me. "Shhh. Don't cry, baby. You took your punishment well today so you can rest up in here. But don't try to escape, Brittany, or I'll string your ass back up there and leave you up a lot longer."

"No, please don't!" I begged.

"Then?" Blake questioned, obviously trying to degrade me more.

"I'll... behave."

"I'll behave what?"

"He can't be fucking serious, can he?" I gritted my teeth, unbelieving the audacity of this man. Blake was insisting now that I refer to have as my superior, as sir. It was only the fear of being strung up in the prison cell that stopped me from chewing him out like he deserved.

"I'll behave... sir."

"Good girl," Blake said with a smile, brushing my hair softly. "Manners and tone seem to be your most important areas of reeducation, so we'll start there. For now, just rest Brittany. I'll be back after dinner to feed you so get some rest."

I hadn't anticipated how shameful it would be to say things like that would be. Now I felt like the traitor. I betrayed everything I once stood for because my arms were too sore. Even if I kept telling myself that Blake was a monster for doing this, I made the conscious decision to debase myself. Taking said monster's advice, I laid my head on the surprisingly soft pillow and let myself drift off to sleep.

Again, since my room was without windows, I did not know what time Blake woke me up. I had to give him some points despite his deception, Blake was an excellent listener. The meal he made for me was the very same dish he cooked on our first date. I have a picky appetite, often impeding making plans for eating out. Thus, instead of trying to find a compromise, Blake just insisted on cooking dinner personally.

Blake didn't even tease or laugh at me when I asked for spaghetti with butter, he just whipped it up for me while he had the same. I thought he was doing it to impress me, but instead, Blake just didn't want me feeling silly. How the man in front of me now was the same person back then was a puzzle to me.

"If you think this is going to make me roll over and play housewife, you're wrong," I said with a scowl.

"It isn't. No, I made this because I wanted to. But since you're acting like a pain, feeling entitled to say what you want and how you want, I'm going to do this."

I was a strong girl, but being strong as a female is no comparison to being a strong man. Blake forcibly rolled me on to my belly. Sharply, Blake struck my ass over and over. I felt like a goddamn child being scolded. As best I could, I held back my tears. Now was a time that I needed my willpower.

Thirty smacks to my posterior before Blake decided to let me sit up. Incidentally, I didn't want to, given how much of a sting my ass was feeling. I glared angrily at Blake, but soon retracted the expression when he raised his hand. It didn't take a genius to figure out he was threatening to spank me again.

"Now eat, unless you need more discipline."

I took the cowardly way out, picking up the plate and the accompanying fork. I took large mouthfuls despite his protests for me to slow down. Knowing Blake, I would pay for this "insubordination" later. Right now, he seemed to have something else on his mind.

"The reason I'm not leaving you to your own devices is because we're going to have a talk. And by talk, I mean I'm talking, and you will listen until I ask you a question. Got it?" Begrudgingly, I nodded my head. Looks like I would take the cowardly way out often over the course of this ordeal. "Good girl. You're learning quickly."

"Please stop calling me that," I begged.

"You forgot a word. Which brings me to your first rule. If you ask me a question or address me, you will do so by calling me sir. Got it?" I squeezed my eyes shut, knowing despite how demeaning this rule was, it was only the icing on the cake. There would be worse rules following this one. I took in a deep breath before I planned my response.

"Can you please stop calling me a good girl... SIR?" I said, putting unnecessary emphasis on the last word of my request.

"I'll give you one warning and only one. Try again and ask nicely, or you can go hang out in the other room."

Despite his asinine pun, the threat did its job towards making me more complicit to his will. Quickly it was becoming apparent that making it through this degradation was going to require much more of me than I wanted to give, but also each conversation would be a trial on its own. I took a shaky breath before replying again, but as I was about to speak I thought for a moment I saw sadness in Blake's eyes.

"Nevermind, sir."

Blake looked surprised by my answer. Hell, I was even shocked. That look in his eyes reminded me of something that I choose to disregard given the circumstances. That thing I ignored was that Blake did care for me. Even now, he was going out of his way to be patient with me like he'd always been. Now that his mask had fallen off, I could see how much of a struggle this was for him. He must want to just punish me every time I screw up, but he's giving me time to adjust; not that I wanted to adjust.

"Alright... Next rule, you will not let yourself go. I expect you to be healthy and fit despite this change in our dynamic."

"I don't understand the rule, sir," I blurted out softly.

"You will spend one hour a day doing an exercise of your choosing."

"I don't think there are many options for me while I'm in here."

"In here, SIR," he amended.

I took another bite of my spaghetti, this time smaller than the large forkfuls I had been taking. I half expected to be punished for repeating myself with the correction. All I got instead was a heavy sigh.

"I'll figure something out, as is my responsibility. Your responsibility is to do as you're told, Brittany," Blake ordered.

I took a deep sigh. "Yes... sir."

"When I tell you to do something, you'll do it. No backtalk, no argument. I don't care if we're alone or entertaining guests. You will do it or I'll discipline you. Keep that in mind when Tyler and his wife come visit tomorrow."

I perked up at the mention of guests. If I could get alone with Tyler's wife, maybe I could get her help in escaping. Tyler was a nice guy, but telling him I'd be risking getting tattled on. Not to mention, If Tyler and Blake were lifelong friends, what's to say Tyler didn't know what Blake was like all this time. Maybe they even shared laughs at how stupid I was being falling for the ruse.

"Yes sir," I replied, perhaps too hastily.

"Let's test out how much you're willing to do that."

Blake stole away my plate, putting off to his side of the bed. He pulled my hands, placing them directly against his hardening cock. I looked at him like I was a deer in the headlights. Surely this had to be a test, and he would not make me do this tomorrow in front of Tyler and his Misses.

My hesitation would have been obvious to anyone, even the most airheaded of people. Blake grabbed a fistful of my hair, giving me a hard pull that forced me clumsily onto the ground. His legs were spread, allowing me a full view of the already erect cock. Blake pulled my face close to his manhood. I tried my best to resist, but again the gender disparity in terms of strength fell in his favor.

"I'll forgive your hesitation this once because I never specifically told you what to do. Now I am. Suck it until I cum then swallow."

"Please, please don't. I'll do anything else," I cried.

Blake didn't reply with words. No, he just shoved my mouth over his cock. When I wouldn't open, he tugged my hair roughly, giving me enough pain that I had to scream. Taking advantage of my momentary lapse, Blake pushed his full length into my mouth. I felt like I was choking, that I might literally pass out from lack of airflow. Blake didn't notice or didn't care as he began brutally fucking my face.

Despite my attempts to push away, Blake held me firm. Tears flowed in full rivers of water, pouring from my eyes with each of his thrust. It took him roughly three minutes of this harsh pace before I caught on to his twitching cock. He was close, and I knew it. Blake let himself loose, pulling almost all the way out then slamming back in, burying my nose into his crotch.

When Blake finally exploded, strands of warm cum shot into the back of my throat. He held me down so I couldn't deny the sticky fluids from dripping down into my belly. I was held there for maybe a minute before he allowed me a breath of fresh air. I sputtered at first, hating myself for being made to swallow such a disgusting salty liquid.

"I'm not toying with you, Brittany. That could have been much more tolerable for you, but you choose to disobey. This is how it's going to be. You don't do what you're told and I'll punish you on the spot. Maybe if you're not being a good girl tomorrow, I'll let my friend have his way with you. Got it?"

My body shook while muscles felt seized up. Blake just threatened to pass me off to his married friend to be fucked if I didn't do what he wanted. Would Tyler's wife even be able to help me? Who's to say she didn't have it worse? My entire plan dissolved quicker than light speed, and I fell into a sadness I didn't want to shake off.

"I asked you a question, Brittany." Blake pulled painfully on my caramel hair.

"Yes, yes, yes. I got it! Please, you're hurting me."

"Sir. You're hurting me, sir."

"I'm sorry, please it hurts, sir."

Blake released his vice grip on my hair by throwing me to the floor. I was naked, crying my heart out, and I'd just been forced to suck his cock. Worst of all, that sadness, that empathy in his eyes was gone. Blake had gone completely cold emotionally.

My husband wasn't an idiot, in fact, he may very well be smarter than me. He wouldn't risk me getting free of him so easily. For now, my options were to stay true to my values and receive whatever evil punishment he'd come up with, or I could do as I'm told and experience the gentler side of him.

It was a gambit to concede already when I wasn't even sure of what I saw. My mind could have played tricks on me, showing me what I wanted to see. Perhaps Blake didn't love me anymore, just wanting me to be his docile housewife, his possession. I didn't feel like the first option was an acceptable exploration, so I'd just have to believe that somewhere inside of him was a softer side.

"I'm sorry, sir." I whispered weakly.

"Sorry for what, Brittany."

"I'm sorry for... hesitating and disobeying you. Please don't hurt me anymore, sir," I cried weakly.

Blake lifted his jeans up, putting away his dick inside. Afterwards, Blake picked me up, resting my head in his lap. He gently flattened my hair, continuing to stroke the areas he had hurt most by pulling. I wasn't expecting him to lean down to kiss my forehead. Yeah, I'd been hoping he would show a similar form of kindness, but I didn't expect it. Maybe there was a flicker of hope that I'd at least not be beaten to a pulp all the time.

"I'd prefer to be like this, Brittany, to love you tenderly. This is how we can be, so if you insist on being ill behaved, then I'll be forced to discipline you. Do us both the courtesy of being better mannered and we can be happy."

I buried my face into his lap, unable to face him after the terrifying display he'd given me moments ago. I nodded my head as best I could, showing him I would try. That's all I could do. There was no one coming to save me, and I had no escape. The only thing I could manage was to survive him.

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teehaateehaaabout 4 years ago
I'm not too thrilled with the story.

I'm a dom in the lifestyle and so I like to rely the most with the dominant protagonist in every power exchange story.

In this, there isn't too much for me to rely on.

"Blake" isn't the kind of person I want to identify with. TBH if I had somebody like him in my peergroup uttering his beliefs - he wouldn't be in my peergroup for much longer.

In fact he seems to be one of the guys I would throw out when on duty as the floormaster. So... there isn't probably too much in the story for me. I should cut my losses and leave the amateurs of this kind of stories to it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

"Tess (UK)" leaves comments on so many non con stories complaining that they are not about a safe and sane BDSM relationship.... But the fact that some people enjoy reading about rape and sadism is the whole reason this category exists. I'm into the story and I like the feminist angle.

LostnFoundBinLostnFoundBinabout 4 years ago
TESS is right

TESS is right, but just ‘cause that’s true doesn’t mean that the story is bad. It’s just... wrong. From a few perspectives. Skipping the fact that the events of the story, which as noted by others, in reality would be overly brutal, we have to allow you, the author, to write whatever you feel.

But the writing context is wrong. I know what your bio reads but something here is clearly off kilter. This story seems more appropriate for the musing of a young, almost adolescent age, male incel. Not an experienced mid-twenties woman, nerdy gamer or not.

The focus of the story is too masculine through the entire context. The constant need to drive home the anti-feminist agenda is unnecessary, let’s be honest, it’s already in the title. Since you already told us what to expect, quit reminding us every other paragraph with those exact words, use something else. Only a male would need to continue to mansplain this over and over. And the concept that “if only I could claim a woman, beat her into submission, and force her to meet my expectations of all that is right and wrong, I’m sure she would come to see how much I love her and that she too, deep down inside, would discover how much she loves me” is torn right from the first page of the incel bible.

Next is the psychological profile of the girl. It is the blueprint for nearly every adolescent boy’s first submissive fantasy girl. Add in blue hair, a sailor girl outfit, and some Japanese anime facial features and you might get all of them. That aside, no mid-twenties woman would write the inner monologue of this girl from that awkward male focused and male reasoning perspective. Its so far off track that I lose the story and struggle to maintain any connection to the character.

As for Blake, he is exactly what I’d expect an adolescent incel to create as the character he hopes to become when he grows up. And from that perspective Blake is at least a reasonable and viable character in the story. Despite the fact that his profile is highly psychotic and devoid of all emotion, it still works, because those traits add to my ability to accept and understand that Blake is an incel living his dreams.

The story is the story and it’s okay. But as for this being a story about a woman discovering that surrendering to her husband in all things doesn’t have to be a bad thing, is not new. Ask Mr. Shakespeare. Sadly, in this case, Blake is violently abusive versus taming. While she is just a child who wants her plushie versus the strong confident proud woman who was truly a shrew.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Lol - a Reply

Okay, so I get that you have issues with the piece. But let's take a quick second and break down why you hate this piece:

1. "There’s a breathtaking absence of realism."

So, what I'm hearing is that desire a sense of realism in the story, such as say when you mentioned: "Sure, that’s why he had her in an excruciatingly painful unsupervised suspension for around 20 hours, no food, water or toilet break then add on his comment about her not being broken yet."

Allow me to ask you, do you desire to see a girl do her business all over herself? Or see any of the harsh, gory violence of hardcore BDSM? I certainly don't think most people desire to invest in a story with scat, pee, or even worse extreme shows of blood or violence.

Which brings me back to the original statement of this story lacking realism. If you were looking for some sort of realistic, non-wish fulfillment kind of story, then why did you even bother reading on? Don't expect bondage fiction, and a fantasy at that, to just touch on the gritty disgusting parts of bondage; this is fictitious erotica not some sort hardcore, realistic torture porn that you seem to be so keen on pressing.

2. Physical attacks on an author and their experience as a sub:

"Your bio claims that you’re a Sub, if you are then I don’t understand how you managed to write this story? It’s virtually impossible to be a Sub and not learn the difference between a good (sane!) dominant and a sociopathic wannabe Dom with a god complex. You MUST be familiar with the concept of Safe, Sane and Consensual?? Haven’t seen ANY of that in either chapter."

Have we all been reading the same story? This is a NON-consensual story. Where, in any of this story, did it say it was consensual? This is a story of one man breaking a woman's ideals. Look at the, and try say that again. I can even get you a screenshot. Next, why in the world are you attacking this person for their inability to tell between a Dom and a wannabe Dom? Of course they know, because this a NON-CON story. As a sub, they realize and do know that rules, and are giving an example of person who does not, and even if they did, they ignore the rules. They aren't going to write a sensible human being at the reins, because he isn't one. He's an unhinged person doing sadistic bondage things to make his captive submissive to him. There is no safe, sane, or consensual here, and if that's what you're looking for, there's a whole section for that, so don't bring that here.

"I get it, kink is literally freaking awesome, genuine consensual submission is like a breath of fresh air, the strain of every day life just fades away giving you focus and utter freedom."

How did you misunderstand the intentions of this story so far? There is nothing consensual here. None. So stop with that, and realize it has no place here. And attacking the artist as a person and their experiences? There's a limit to rudeness.

3. Characters:

"Both characters in your story are incredibly flawed, narrow minded, judgmental, opinionated and selfish."

You know what? They are opinionated and selfish. Because guess what? One of them is a hardcore feminist, and the other a sociopathic man hellbent of turning her into a submissive housewife. That's the point, and isn't a drawback of the story. What else are they? Narrow minded? Of course Blake is! Have you seen the stuff he does? You're missing the whole point of this and clearly don't know how to properly tell the difference between consensual and non consensual bondage and the interpersonal relationships and people that populate those genres; they are not the same, so don't think they are.

People in non-con are selfish, broken and doing horrible things, but only the things readers want to see, which is why our heroine can go through all this crap and still care about her ideals, why she isn't broken, and why she can do all this without worrying about the needlessly disgusting parts of realistic bondage.

So good on you for misunderstanding this person's story and bringing all sorts of personal attacks on them, and be satisfied that you definitely made them feel horrible for your critical lack of attention. I'm glad you like erotica and bondage stories, but you clearly don't know what makes non-con or forced bondage fiction what it is, and that is wish-fulfillment at the cost of disgusting realism. If you can't accept that, the door's over there.

So, with all of your reasons debunked,

Good day to you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

What kind of a monster is he to leave her hanging like that for so long, she would be crippled in real life!!! These kinds of stories are more believable when they are more realistic, there should have been long term physical recuperation that would make him realize how extreme and excessive his methods are. Drowning the girl in orgasms, I can understand, but physically hurting her - no way. A person who physically tortures his wife is a monster and needs to be put down. PLEASE do not let her succumb to his abuse, she needs to cut his dick and balls off, literally. It is absurd that she would just give in like some weakling, she needs to be either pretending to submit in order to avoid his "punishments" (although the whole idea of punishment between two grown ups is absurd and both of them should realize it - he should realize that it makes him a monster and puts him in the wrong, and she should realize that he has no moral ground to stand on whatsover and doesn't deserve her respect nor having a family at all) and at the same time she needs to be plotting her escape and revenge, or she needs to fight to the end just based on principle, a loving husband would not beat and humiliate his wife, so these "glimpses" are a load of bullshit and she should not give in to him, there is no love whatsoever here. I only like non-con when the victim gets the upper hand in the end and the bad guy gets to suffer or at least seriously grovel for a long time, not when she gets broken and becomes submissive, especially if it's brought about by abuse... I hope this story will end with the former and not the latter resolution. I HATE him and hope he meets an inglorious end.

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