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Click hereCora Cranston closed the door to the suite she and her friends shared and twisted the handle to make sure it locked behind her. She slid the key into the pocket of her skirt and skipped a few steps to catch up with her friends as they headed down to the cafeteria. Cora and her friends were on a two week long cruise to celebrate their recent graduation from college and it had been the most relaxed time she had spent in a long time.
Cora had long, dark auburn hair that curled gently below her shoulder blades. She twisted it around her finger as she and her two friends, Emmie and Lori, discussed their plans for the day.
"After breakfast, we should head up to the deck," Emmie, a tall blonde, suggested. "Work on our tans." Emmie was very tan, which suited her slim, willowy frame. Her hair was cropped short around her heart-shaped face, which gave her a pixieish air.
"That's the suggestion you always have," Lori complained. The shortest of the three friends, she was dark haired and dark skinned. She linked her arms through Emmie and Lori's, grinning up at them. Her smile was always charming; no male had ever been able to resist her for long. She considered herself the most promiscuous of the three, but sometimes Emmie would tell stories or drop hints that she had far more experience than the others gave her credit for. Cora knew her friends far outstripped her, even though she was no virgin, but didn't care. They were each content in their sex lives.
"I think we're passing some islands today. The one guy mentioned something about dolphins?" Cora was curvier than both, with what some referred to affectionately as a "ghetto booty", and a sharply defined waist.
"Ooh, dolphins," Lori said excitedly, "I'm definitely on board with that!" Her excitement was contagious and even Emmie warmed up to the prospect as they entered the dining hall. The room was small, as befitted the cruise they were on. Unlike a Disney or other major cruise line, the major draw of this company was their small, intimate cruises. They were slightly more expensive but worth not having to fight large crowds for entertainment and the crew's ability to customize planned activities instead of having to create a general schedule. As recent grads, Cora and her friends were only able to attend because Lori's parents were very wealthy and had insisted on including her closest friends when presenting the cruise as a graduation gift. It was the first time Cora had ever experienced anything so upscale and she was determined to soak in as much as possible.
When they finished breakfast, Cora led the way down the narrow hall. Today's program had indicated mimosas on the top deck and those were one of Cora's favorite things. She stopped suddenly only a few feet away from the staircase that led to the open door to the deck. "Something's weird, guys," she said. She could faintly hear the sound of shouting and had noticed the engines had stopped. She opened her mouth to explain what had caught her attention when she was interrupted by three men shoving a small mass of vacationers down the stairs. The three women were shoved back against the wall as their fellow passengers were herded past them. Belatedly, Cora's eyes focused on the weapons, an assortment of blades and firearms, that the three darkly dressed men held. One of the men roughly grabbed Emmie's arm and indicated that the other two should follow the other passengers down the hall.
Cora's heart beat fiercely in chest, but she kept calm. These men were clearly pirates of some sort. Hopefully they were only here to rob the rich clientele and did not intend any hostage taking. She briefly prayed to whomever was listening that their intentions would go no further. The men had showed no interest in fondling any of the women so far and that gave her hope.
They were herded back into the dining hall. All the passengers were crammed inside and Cora and her friends were deposited near the door. Cora watched the pirates as they established control over the terrified passengers. They were a motley group, a mix of genders and races, well armed and clearly demonstrating an ease with their weapons that showed their ability to use them. They defied the recent conception of pirates as all being from Somalia. One man in particular caught her eye. He stood with arms folded against the opposite door. Tall and with dark blonde hair, his well muscled body draped sinuously against the frame. He watched everything, one hand on the machete at his waist. Even though he never spoke or gave commands, Cora got the distinct feeling that he was the one in charge. Another man, equally tall, with a dark hair and beard over a swarthy complexion, had the appearance of command, issuing orders, and shoving the passengers around and everyone else had started to react to him as the leader. Only Cora noticed the subordinate glances he gave the other man for permission.
Right as everyone was settling down, the curly haired man noticed her watching him. The expression on his face did not change other than a slight furrowing of his brow. Then he smiled slightly and slipped through the door.
The swarthy man began to shout. "We are here for your valuables," he nodded at a toned woman who began to pass through the room, searching people for valuables. She was especially rough with the men, taking liberties with their bodies. A man joined her, exhibiting the same behavior with the women. Cora could feel her friends trembling in fear as they watched them progress, terrified at the treatment they may eventually receive. "As we speak," the speaker continued, "Your rooms are being searched and you are being robbed. Your bank accounts will be drained. Please make your lives easier and give us any information we ask for to facilitate our time here. We can make your lives difficult if you do not cooperate." A woman across the room yelped as the man searching her fondled her breast.
A hand gripped Cora's upper arm and dragged her to her feet. Her friends started at the sudden movement. Emmie began to cry softly. The blonde leader stared into Cora's deep green eyes, ignoring her fearful friends. Few others in the room noticed, preoccupied by their own predicament. "Come with me," he whispered in her ear, his voice low and masculine. She saw him glance over at the man shouting commands and nod at the door before pulling Cora from the room and out into the hall.
Cora resisted when he tried to force her to follow him. She planted her feet and yanked back against his grip on her arm. "Let go of me," she said fiercely.
He smirked. "Those two ladies in there next to you, they are your friends, are they not?"
Cora's eyes widened before she could control her expression.
"I thought so." Taking advantage of her lowered guard, he pulled her to him, pressing her against his long, hard body. He arm went around her back, just beneath her shoulder blades and his other hand went lower to cup her ass. He put his mouth against her ear, heat from his breath warming it as he spoke. "You're not the only observant person on this boat. I see how you pegged me. I admire intelligence." He squeezed her ass. "And when that's combined with a body like yours..." He bit her earlobe gently and she pulled against his grip, fighting the strong arms holding her firmly in place. "Now, you can continue to fight me--I'll still get what I want, trust me." His grip on her bottom tightened until it was painful. "Of you can come quietly. And if you don't do it for your sake, do it for your friends. I can make their lives hell with a snap of my fingers."
He loosened his hold on her until he only gripped her by the arms so he could look down at her face. He had an astonishing pair of bright blue eyes. They were as hard as stones and filled with lust. Cora felt her breathing quicken, finally losing some of the calm that she had managed to hold onto while facing the sudden pirate invasion. He began to smile as he saw her fear begin to show on her face. Ethan knew the moment he had seen her that she was not the sort to panic or give in, but the way she had been acting protective towards her friends had shown him the power he could use to gain control. She went limp under his hands.
He pulled her aggressively down the hall. She struggled a little, unable to help herself, but stilled when he threatened to go back in the dining hall. Ethan dragged her to a corridor she had never been down and kicked in the door to a suite that dwarfed hers. He shoved her into the room and she stumbled, almost falling to her knees. The room had obviously already been searched; the occupant's belongings were scattered everywhere. Ethan managed to shut the broken door, then he leaned against the wall, watching her. She warily watched him back.
Then, without warning, he was on her, grabbing her around the waist and hauling her to the bed. He flung her down. Her breasts bounced and one nearly slipped out of her bra. At the sight of it, Ethan's eyes gleamed. She tried to crawl backwards away from him. He scrambled across the bed after her and pinned her to the mattress with his body. She could feel his erection through both their clothing. She closed her eyes and swallowed, going limp once more. He gripped her hands and pinned them above her head. He raised his chest so he could look down at her, spread across the bed, helpless beneath him. He bent and bit her neck, nipping at the tender flesh. Small shocks of pain shot down her body, congregating at the area between her legs and making her grow warm. She moaned and struggled, trying to get her hands free of him grip. Her struggles pressed her pussy against his cock and he smiled at the feeling of her body wriggling under his.
He transferred both her wrists to one hand so he could reach down with the other and slide a slow, sinuous hand up her bare leg and under her skirt. He caressed her inner thigh, taking his time to feel her flesh. The harder she tried to fight him, the harder he pushed his body against hers.
He hooked his finger around the edge of her panties, brushing against the flesh of her mound. She shivered at the feeling that emanated through her body at his touch. "You have no idea what I'm going to do to you," he growled.
"No, please," she pled with him, "Don't do this. You can have anything on this ship. It's all yours, all the money, everything. Don't do this to me."
"I don't want anything," he said, stroking her lips with his finger, "I want you." He kissed her aggressively, biting at her lip, sucking her tongue into his mouth. She continued to protest as his lips muffled her words. He took his finger away from her pussy and it felt cold. He also let go of her hands. She bucked her hips against him, trying to dislodge him. She clawed at his chest desperately.
He sat, straddling her, staring down at her, eyes taking in her body. She tried to sit up and he pushed her back down. He swiftly pulled off his shirt and threw it across the room. Worming his hands between his thighs and hers, he gripped the bottom of her dress and pulled it upwards, removing it. Her attempts to stop him barely fazed him and in seconds her wrists were secure in his hand.
He removed her bra slowly, letting her breasts bounce. She knew she had good breasts; they were large and perky. To her dismay, her nipples were pebbled. He palmed her breast before bending to suckle. He vigorously laved the nipple with his tongue before nipping at it with his teeth, causing her to cry out. He stroked the sides of her breast with his large, warm hand, kneading the flesh, alternating with rough and gentle movements.
He paused a moment to remove his belt and use it to secure her hands above her head. That left his hands free so he could palm both her breasts and rub thumbs over the sensitive nipples. Every time she struggled, her nakedness rubbed against his clothed lower half, the disparate sensations causing an erotic feeling Cora desperately tried to ignore. She was horrified to realize she was beginning to grow wet in her nether regions and the pressure of his body against her clitoris was causing strong sensations to roll through her.
Ethan removed his mouth from her breast and began to kiss his way down her flat stomach. One of his hands remained on her breast.
Realizing where he was headed, Cora whimpered. "Please, don't do this." His mouth brushed the apex of her thighs, and she cried out, both in pleasure and fear. He held her hips down so she couldn't buck against his face and plunged his tongue into her slit. Cora cried out again, trying to twist away from his invasion. His mouth was insistent, running from one end of her slit to another, plunging boldly into her body. Her wetness was increasing.
Her eyes rolled back in her head as the pleasurable sensation increased. She worked at her wrists, trying to pull her hands free of their constraints to no avail. She was helpless to stop his onslaught. The pressure in her pussy built, curling through her stomach and out into the rest of her body. Cora began to pant.
He stopped. She moaned as he backed away from her. He stood at the end of the bed and looked at her naked body, his eyes lingering on her breasts. But it was in her eyes that he was looking when he removed his pants and stood naked before her. His penis was fully erect. He took it in his hand and stroked the length of it while he stared at her. Her eyes widened in fear.
She hadn't fully believed he would carry through with raping her until this moment. The pleasurable sensations in her body faded as she tried to scramble backwards away from him. She managed to curl her legs up to her chest but the restraints on her arms prevented her from running from him as she wanted to. He stroked himself harder as he watched her try to hide her lower body. "You'll enjoy this," he said huskily, "I'm very skilled. I will make you cry out for me."
"Never," Cora said defiantly.
He grabbed one of her feet and pulled. She resisted, but, inch by inch, he lay her flat on the bed, pussy still glistening from his earlier attentions. He grabbed her ass, smacking it a little as he pulled at her. When she was arranged to his satisfaction, he cupped her pussy, then slipped a finger inside her. "You feel so..." he sucked in a breath before he fell on her. With a strong movement, he entered her fully. She cried out, in ecstasy or anger, she couldn't tell, as he filled her to the brim. His entire weight was on her.
The pressure against her clitoris as he began to stroke in and out felt incredible. She bit her lip. He buried his face in her neck so he could nibble at her tender flesh. He moved slowly in and out of her, the entire length of their bodies pressed together. "You belong to me," he told her.
She could no longer suppress her moans. The feeling that had curled in her body returned, strong, leaving her impatient and wanting. She was on the brink when he pulled out of her. She whimpered, feeling empty. He kneaded her breasts and placed his cock between them, trapping it between her mounds, stroking back and forth as if he were still inside her.
She raised her legs in the air, trying to find something to relieve the feeling of need in her lower body. He laughed at the wanting on her face. Her chest was coated in her own wetness, making his cock slick between her breasts. His breathing increased as he stared into her eyes. "You're mine," he said again, "I know you want me."
"Please," she whispered as he thrust harder between her breasts. Her mounds bounced beneath the onslaught, trapped between his hands and the hard legnth of his cock. She couldn't help but be entranced by the hard muscles of his chest and abs as he balanced himself over her.
"Please, what?" he asked teasingly.
"I need..." she asked. She was ashamed of what she wanted. She wasn't supposed to be enjoying this.
Ethan straddled her chest with his hands on either side of her head, penis still between her breasts. He kissed her. Slowly, teasing her. He moved back down her body. She arched her back.
Instead of entering her, he flipped her on her stomach. Grabbing her ass, he straddled her again, this time over her legs. He rubbed his length down her ass and over her pussy lips. Cora moaned. He smacked her.
This time, he entered her brutally, his body smacking into hers with each thrust. His hand snaked up to grip her around the throat, controlling her. His other hand held one of her legs wide as he lay between them. She screamed as his grip around her neck tightened and his thrusts became more and more powerful, abusing her body, using her, fucking her as if he owned her. Her clitoris rubbed against the bed with each movement forward. Her climax was building, and she was entirely at his mercy for her release. He grabbed one of her breasts and painfully twisted the flesh. She could only scream as she orgasmed.
He continued to pound at her helpless body. He was heavy against her as he kept her pinned facedown on the bed. She felt another climax building as he returned his attentions to her ass, gripping one cheek the same way he had gripped her breast, slipping his fingers around her anus.
Holding down her head, he lifted her hips and thrust into her kneeling upright instead of laying on her. She was helpless to prevent the repositioning. The only part of their bodies connected was his cock inside her and his hands on her hips, holding her in place so he could piston against her. The change was too much for her body. She moaned as she climaxed again. A few seconds later, Ethan reached his own release, coming inside her, grunting as he filled her with his fluid.
He remained inside her for several seconds. She kept her eyes closed. She didn't want to face what had just happened to her. She had been taken by a pirate and a thief. Held down and raped. Tied to a bed while a stranger had his way with her. She had done it to save her friends and because she had had not choice in the face of his physical domination. But then she had enjoyed it.
When he let her go, she curled up on herself. He untied her wrists and got dressed while she lay there limply.
"What is you name?" he asked.
The question was so unexpected that she answered him. "Cora."
"Well, Cora." He sat down on the bed next to her and stroked her naked form. Perhaps he was trying to be comforting, perhaps he simply wanted to continue to touch her. "Thank you. Your friends will be safe. I know you enjoyed yourself as much as I did..."
"Leave me alone," she said.
Ignoring her plea, he brutally pushed her onto her back. He kissed her, holding her face delicately in his hands. Pushing against him was like trying to move rock. When he had satisfied himself with her lips, he left her to lie alone.
Cora lay on her side until someone came to find her. Even though she was afraid and unhappy, some nights she would think back on what happened and use the memory to pleasure herself in the safety of her own bed.
What the ....? When did he remove her knickers? You missed one of the most exiting parts, pulling down her knickers - R
It was explicitly mentioned that he came inside her. Maybe that part would have been more significant if she got knocked up with his bastard.