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Corporate Contract Cocksucker

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Perpetually late Ella is given a new job as company cumslut.
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Hey, everyone! This story was a request from a reader. I hope you all enjoy it!

There are some non-con and futa elements in this story so if you don't like those, this is your warning.




"Welcome, Miss. Right this way."

Ella smiled at the valet who had opened the door to her limo and stepped out, careful to make sure her expensive and short dress didn't ride up and give anyone too good of a view. She walked past everyone in the long line outside of the club and went straight to the front. Eyes turned as she passed. Men gazed with lust, and women stared with envy. She ignored it all with a slight smile, fully aware of the effect she had on people.

"Ella." She said, smiling charmingly at the enormous bouncer guarding the front door. "I'm on the list."

"Of course, Miss Sanders!" he exclaimed, moving to the side to wave her through. "Please enjoy yourself."

"Oh, I'll try." She said, slyly.

People watched with jealousy and admiration as she was allowed to skip past the entire line that extended several blocks. It was the hottest club in the city, after all, so everyone was clambering to get in. Ella once again turned eyes inside the fancy and elaborate room. Hips swaying seductively, accented by her beautiful dress, she sashayed to the bar and took a seat. A bartender recognized her and immediately rushed over to take her order.

"May I get you a drink, Miss Sanders?" he asked.

"Martini, please." She answered, passing him a crisp hundred-dollar bill. "Keep the change."

"Thank you, Miss. That's very kind of you."

He turned to begin making her drink. As she sat, primly, awaiting the alcohol, someone slid into the seat next to her. She glanced to the side and noticed it was John Johnson, the famous movie star.

"You must be Ella Sanders." He said, flashing his famous, winning smile at her. "I must say, you're even more beautiful than I've heard."

"I know." She confidently replied.

"Can I get you a drink?" he asked.

"I'm afraid you're too late." She said, as the bartender slid her martini across the bar.

"Ah, I see." He looked a bit disappointed. "Well, maybe you would like to join me for dinner sometime. Just the two of us."

"Hmm, sounds tempting." She teased. "Maybe next time we meet."

"Very well. And one more thing, Ella." He said, leaning down toward her. "Wake up."

"What?" she asked.


Ella snapped awake from her dream. Her alarm was blaring in her ear and daylight was streaming around her window blinds. She groaned and slapped the button on top of her alarm, finally cutting off the annoying beeping. She sat up and yawned, rubbing her eyes. Rats. She was really enjoying that dream. Unfortunately, she was not an ultra-famous socialite beauty that megastars were begging to take out to dinner. She was just single, twenty-two-year-old Ella. In her room, perpetually tired, eight thirty in the morning. Wait...eight thirty?! She was late for work!

Flinging her blankets off her and flying to the bathroom, Ella turned on the shower as she was brushing her teeth. 'Crap, crap, crap, crap...' went through her head as she rushed through her morning routine. It was the quickest shower she had ever taken, and she only had time to throw on some basic makeup and pin her hair back in a quick bun, as was required by office dress code.

Her clothes that she hurriedly threw on were also dress code compliant, a simple black business skirt with black stockings and a white dress shirt with a black blazer. Ella was still buttoning her shirt over her jiggling boobs as she raced out to her car. 'Please start!' she prayed, turning the key to her ancient Honda Civic which was older than she was. After a few tries, the rusted jalopy coughed and sputtered to life and she tore off at mach speed (45 miles per hour), weaving through traffic.

"Sorry!" she yelled behind her as an angry horn emitted from the driver she had just cut off. She really needed to get to work. This was her third time being late in only twelve weeks. She had just started working as a temp at an upscale law firm downtown. It had taken her months to even get a job coming out of college in this overly populated city and she could not afford to be fired already.

"Late again?" asked Gary, the kind old parking garage attendant as he checked her lot pass.

"Yeah, tell me about it." She grumbled.

"Don't worry, young lady." He smiled, handing her back her badge. "Life gets better."

"Yeah?" she asked. "I sure hope so."

Ella scraped the concrete pillar next to her parking spot as she hurriedly pulled in, but she didn't really care. Her old rust bucket was already covered in dents and dings. She power walked into the building as quick as she could manage on her high heels, passing the lobby security guard, Ben.

"Did that museum piece of yours break down or something?" he asked with a grin.

"Very funny." She snapped. "I overslept."

"That car's an embarrassment." He called after her, as the elevator doors shut and began to move.

"Yeah, yeah." She muttered.

Ella hoped that she could quietly sneak into the office without being noticed. The firm consisted of about a dozen women and they were all busy going over cases and buried in their work. She tiptoed towards her desk and sat down, feeling hopeful that she had succeeded. She had not.

"Very nice of you to join us, Miss Sanders."

Ella winced and turned around to find her boss, Jannette, standing at the entrance to her cubicle. She did not look happy. Her arms were crossed, and her high heel was tapping the ground impatiently.

"As I am sure you are aware, work begins at eight every morning, Monday through Friday." Jannette said.

"I'm so sorry, ma'am!" Ella said. "I just had some issues this morning and my alarm didn't go off and my car w-..."

"Save it." Jannette interrupted her, waving her hand dismissively. "Be in my office in fifteen minutes."

She walked off, her heels clicking on the tiles. Ella's spirits dropped. She was pretty sure this was it. She was getting fired now for certain. She sat at her desk, tapping a pen against her keyboard, too nervous to focus on work. Jannette was very intimidating. She was a stunningly beautiful woman; tall, blonde, and curvy but her business demeanor was just as icy as her blue eyes. Ella was not looking forward to this conversation. When fifteen minutes had passed, she stood and went to Jannette's office. With a deep breath to steady her nerves, she twisted the handle and poked her head in.

Jannette was on the phone and glanced up as Ella's head poked in. She waved the girl in and continued her phone conversation. Ella stood across from the elaborate desk, her hands clasped in front of her. Jannette barked orders for a few more minutes to the poor bastard on the other end of the phone before hanging up. She leaned forward, steepling her fingers and looking Ella up and down.

"Have a seat, Miss Sanders." She said.

Ella timidly sat down, fidgeting with her skirt.

"I'll be frank." Jannette started. "You're not cut out for this position."

Panic swelled in Ella's chest.

"Please, I really need this job!" she pleaded. "I can't afford to get fired right now. I promise that I.."

Jannette silenced her with a raised hand and a steely look.

"You aren't cut out for this position." She continued. "However, I have another job that I know you will be perfect for. It's a full-time position with a salary so you will no longer be a temp."

Relief flooded through Ella as she realized she was not being fired. Now, she was curious.

"What's the position?" she asked.

"You remember the original contract you signed when you were given a job at this company?" Jannette asked, reaching into her desk.

Ella nodded in affirmation.

"Well, you will have to sign a new one that will encompass this new opening. Sign and I'll show you what your new job will be."

She took out a stapled packet of papers and flipped to the last page. After signing her name on the 'Employer' line, she passed it to Ella along with a pen. Ella eagerly accepted the pen and signed on the 'Employee' line before handing it back.

"Very good." Jannette smiled. "Now come back her and get on your knees."

"I-I'm sorry?" Ella wasn't sure she had heard correctly.

"Come back here and get on your knees." Jannette said, firmly.

Ella shook her head, sure she was going crazy.

"I'm afraid I don't understand, ma'am." She said.

"This is the position you just signed up for." Jannette explained. "Company relief. This is a stressful environment, that's no secret. The ladies could use something to take their minds off work once in a while to increase production. More accurately, someone."

"You can't be serious!" Ella complained. "I did not agree to that!"

Jannette's expression immediately turned serious.

"You most certainly did agree to that, Miss Ella." She said, pointing to the front page of the contract that read 'Stress relief' under the position title. "I'm afraid it's too late to back out. If you will take a look at page three, it lays out all the legal ramifications associated with breach of contract."

Ella flipped to the third page and scanned down the page. If the employee should at any point breach this contract, they will be liable for the amount of...

"Seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars?!" Ella exclaimed. "I can't afford that!"

"Then I suggest you get back here and get on your knees!" Jannette ordered.

Ella gulped and reluctantly rose from her seat and ambled around the desk. Jannette swiveled her chair to face the young woman and smiled, pointing to the carpet before her. Ella hesitated but eventually knelt. Jannette leaned forward to unzip the back of her skirt.

"Help me out?" she suggested.

Ella slipped her fingers into either side of the tight, black skirt but paused, looking up at the gorgeous blonde.

"I'm not a lesbian." She complained.

"Oh, don't worry about that." Jannette laughed. "Now please, if you would."

Ella sighed and tugged the skirt down over Jannette's curvaceous hips. Jannette raised herself up off the chair to allow the tight material of her skirt and panties to slip down her thighs and fall to the ground where she stepped out of them. Ella looked up and blinked, certain she was still dreaming. Bobbing over her was a long, thick penis. She flinched as it swayed down toward her face and tapped her on the cheek. She was not dreaming.

"What the hell!?" Ella exclaimed. "You have a dick!"

"How astute of you to notice, Miss Ella." Jannette chuckled. "Yes, I do indeed have a penis. In fact, every woman working here has one. You're our first hire without one."

"But...But..." Ella stammered, still in shock. "You're a woman!"

"Futanari, actually." Jannette corrected her. "That's the official terminology. Now, if you would be so kind, please perform your duties. I'll go easy on you since it's your first time."

Ella was now even more dismayed than before. While she had not been excited in the least about eating out pussy, it would surely have been far easier than wrestling this anaconda. Ella had had limited sexual experiences in her young life, and none even measured close to the nine inch beast hovering in front of her. She reached forward, apprehensive, and wrapped her tiny hand around the base. A chill ran through her as she realized it was thicker than her wrist. Jannette sighed at the feeling of Ella's soft, warm fingers wrapped around her.

"That's it." She encouraged. "Stroke it for me."

Ella complied, moving her hand up to the tip and back. She slowly caressed the thick length as best she could. She had only given a couple hand jobs before, so this was not in her wheel house. Her college degree hadn't exactly prepared her for this. She took a sharp intake as a bead of clear pre-cum emerged from the tip. To her dismay, it rolled down the head and bottom of the shaft to drip on her fingers.

Ella hated cum. The taste, the feel, everything. Now, it was coating her fingers. On the bright side, it did provide some lubrication and allowed her hand to slide up and down more easily. Feeling her right hand tiring a bit, she switched, replacing her left on the slick shaft and resuming her up and down motion.

"That's it, sweetie." Jannette coached. "A little tighter...faster."

Ella obeyed all of Jannette's suggestions, terrified of being called for breach of contract. She bit her tongue in concentration and switched hands again, milking more pre-cum from the tip of the humongous penis.

"Lick it." Jannette said. "Put that little tongue to good use."

Ella frowned and balked but one glance at Jannette's serious eyes told her she had no choice. She shakily extended her tongue and leaned in to timidly lick the bottom of the shaft. The salty, sweet taste of pre filled her mouth, making her grimace slightly. It was not as bad as she remembered, though, so she continued her tongue's path up to the tip and repeated. Jannette moaned and shifted in her seat at the sensation of the girl's soft, wet tongue gliding along her tool. She shivered slightly as the warm appendage passed over her sensitive glans.

"Put it in your mouth now." Jannette said.

Ella looked at the intimidating, dripping head in front of her and opened her mouth. She carefully engulfed the top of Jannette's dick in her mouth. Her jaw was unhinged as wide as it could go to take in the bulbous tip and she was now getting a constant stream of pre-cum delivered directly onto her tongue. Jannette gasped as she was bathed in warm saliva, Ella's little trapped tongue fidgeting as much as it could.

Ella began to bob slightly, running her stretched lips over the purple head and applying some suction. At the behest of her boss, she resumed stroking the remainder of the long appendage with her hand again. The phone suddenly rang on Jannette's desk and she picked it up. Ella paused and pulled back as Jannette began speaking into the receiver. A snap and pointing finger directed Ella to go back to sucking and she quickly complied.

Jannette's voice never betrayed the actions taking place beneath her as she carried on the conversation. Ella just carried on suctioning the head in her tiny mouth and flicking her tongue back and forth. Jannette wrote something down and said something else before hanging up the phone and turning back to the girl.

"I need to get some work completed." She said.

"So, I'm done?" Ella asked, hopefully.

Jannette burst out laughing, her dick bouncing in Ella's grasp.

"No such luck, sweetie." She chuckled. "That means climb under my desk so I can use my computer and take notes."

She rolled her chair away a bit, allowing room for Ella to scoot under the desk. Disappointed, Ella crawled forward and backed into the cramped pocket beneath it. Jannette smirked down at her and wheeled her chair in.

"Don't stop." She called down. "And don't make me say it again, understood?"

Ella blinked, her eyes adjusting to the limited light and regripped the pulsing cock.

"I said, understood?"

"Understood, ma'am." Ella finally responded.

"Good. Now suck away, girl."

Ella did just that. She slobbered and stroked away. It was impossible for her to know how long it had been because she had no watch and did not dare to pull her phone out. It felt like she was working on the massive rod for hours, though. Jannette never seemed to tire or break her demeanor. She worked away above the girl, taking calls and clacking away on her keyboard. Ella's jaw was aching, and her fingers were stiff. Her forearms were burning from the tough workout. At some point, Jannette wheeled back from the desk after a call. Ella followed her, scared, and recaptured the head between her lips. Jannette laughed at her reaction and clapped, standing up.

"Good girl!" she praised. "You're learning. I need to go to a meeting so let's wrap this up."

Ella squealed as Jannette's hands found either side of her head and her hips became a blur of movement. Drool spilled down the girl's chin as her mouth was fucked rapidly. Every time the head of Jannette's cock tapped the back of her mouth, she gagged and recoiled, but her boss's strong grip kept her in place.

Jannette was breathing heavily and her cock was pulsing and twitching between Ella's lips. Pleasured moans drifted their way down to find Ella's ears and she realized that the buxom blonde was close to her grand finale. Ella knew she would not pull out and became a bit frantic. She could handle a bit a pre-cum here and there, but she had never permitted anyone to finish in her mouth. Her hands slapped at Jannette's toned thighs and she whined in protest, but to no avail.

Jannette grunted and paused at the entrance to her throat, holding her quarry in place as her orgasm burst through her. Ella choked as the first two shots went straight down her throat and into her tummy. When Jannette pulled back slightly, the remaining shots of jizz filled her mouth. Her stretched lips creating a tight seal, the splooge gradually filled up the girl's mouth. Flexing her cock and sending the last couple drips down her length, Jannette released the girl and collapsed into her chair.

Ella's mouth was absolutely stuffed with cum. Her cheeks were bulging, and her eyes were wide. Jannette could see the girl was not happy with being a jizz chipmunk. She leaned down and narrowed her eyes.

"Don't you dare get any cum on my carpet." She ordered. "You better swallow every drop down."

Ella clenched her eyes shut and reluctantly gulped down the pint of semen in three swallows. She gasped in air as her mouth cleared and coughed. Jannette just smiled and handed her a box of tissues to take care of the slight drips of cum that had escaped her lips and trailed down her chin. Ella wiped her chin and her watering eyes, breathing heavily.

"You should be grateful." Jannette snickered. "You missed lunch so that should have filled you up. Clean me off, sweetie"

Ella did feel full now, her belly packed with hot semen, but that was no comfort to her. She pulled another tissue from the box and wiped the remaining saliva and cum from her softening penis. Jannette stood and wiggled her skirt up her wide hips, zipping it in the back. Turning, she crossed her arms and frowned down at Ella.

"I'll be blunt." She said. "You're an amateur at this. You're going to need to work on your oral skills if you're going to satisfactorily complete your duties. I'm a kind boss so I'll help. Go sit on the couch."

Ella staggered to her feet and flopped down on Jannette's office couch while Jannette rummaged in one of her drawers, speaking over her shoulder.

"You need to improve your gag reflex." She noted. "And you need to learn to breathe through your nose more."

Jannette found the items she was looking for and walked over to Ella. Ella saw she was now holding a six-inch dildo with a rubber suction base and a black length of fabric.

"Open up." She commanded.

Ella warily opened her mouth and allowed Jannette to insert the dildo. She jerked and thrashed as Jannette attempted to push the rubber toy deeper into her.

"Stop squirming!" Jannette grumbled, still trying to feed it to her. "You better stop fighting, or I'll be forced to take measures."

Ella could not hear anything she was saying, panicked and gagging as the dildo poked her uvula repeatedly.

"Fine!" Jannette exclaimed, exasperated. "You brought this on yourself."

She dropped the toy to the cushion and stormed back to her desk, returning a second later. As Ella coughed, she felt Jannette forcefully roll her onto her stomach and something cold and hard clicked on her wrists. Fear shot through her as she realized that her wrists had just been handcuffed behind her back. She tugged against the steel cuffs, but they didn't budge. Jannette sat her up on the couch and held up the dildo once again. Ella, now quite nervous, no longer had her hands to resist.

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