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Country Drive

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When the car breaks down, help arrives - help?
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My daughters, Tracy, Tory, Terri and I were taking a nice drive in the country. I just loved seeing the horses and all the open fields. Plus, Tory wanted to help the farmers through their rough times after those heavy floods. My Tracy is twenty-four, Terri is almost twenty-six, and Tory is my oldest at twenty-eight. I just turned forty-nine last Friday; so this was like my late birthday present.

"Tory, you had the engine checked before you came to get us, right?

"Yes mom, of course I did."

"And you changed the oil?"

"Certainly mom, you know I did."

"Did you remem..."

I was cut mid sentence when Tory hit into the wooden fence. She must've taken her eyes of the road and drifted into the fence that held the pasture right next to the road.

"Tory! Tracy! Terri! Is everyone ok? Girls?"

"I'm ok."

"Whoa, freaky."

"Fine over here mom."

Getting out, I went to see how much was damaged. It really wasn't that bad. The front bumper was all scratched up and the corner was a little dented, but it was fine other than that. Pulling out my cell phone, I went to call my car insurance company, but had no service; fucking verizon. We listened to the radio until it went out about ten minutes later. Sitting there in the car, I had no idea what to do. I saw some farmhouses, but they seemed so far away and I had no clue how long it would take to get into town.

Tory and Tracy had gotten out to try and fix the fence, and Terri laid in the fresh cut grass and stared up at the clouds. I was about to go join her, when a big black pickup truck pulled up. It had one of those trailers attached, the kind that horses go into, and the driver jumped out and walked over to me.

"Ma'am, you ladies ok? Do you need help?"

"We had a small mishap, how far is the nearest town?"

"Well, I guess about five miles. I can give ya'll a lift if you'd like. You'd have to jump in the trailer, but I can give ya'll a lift into town."

I thought about it for a moment and figured why not. The girls wandered over and we walked to the trailer doors. The driver opened up the doors and helped us in. I guess we didn't see the other guys at first. There were four big guys in the very back of the trailer, just sitting there. Two of them had chestnut brown hair, and the other two had a mix of brown and blonde; although it didn't seem to be dirty blonde. They all wore blue jeans that were dirty and torn, and their shirts were caked with an oil looking substance. I suppose they were about thirty, little older or little younger perhaps, and seemed to be nice enough. Unfortunately I had no idea how fucked we'd be once we'd start moving; seriously.

The girls and I nodded to the men and then stood up to look out the little window in the trailer. I saw stores and such, so I figured we were in town. I went to tell the driver that he can just drop us off here, but the one man with chestnut brown hair stood in my way. Trying to explain what I wanted to do, he just stood there and smiled. We were slowly getting further away from town, and I started to get scared. The other three guys were walking over to my girls, who were still gazing out the window. I went to call to them, but the big guy just put his hand over my mouth, turned me around so my back was to him, and stuck his dirty hand down my pants and started rubbing against my pussy.

"Now, missy, you girls will listen and do as you're told and nothing bad will happen; not too bad anyway. So just shut up."

He took his hand off my mouth and put it up my shirt and grabbed my breasts. I had always been a C cup, and I was still firm for my age. Glancing over, I saw my poor girls in the same predicament that I was in, and that they were crying. I tried to talk to the guy to tell him to let them go and take me instead, but he twisted my nipples anytime I tried to talk. This went on for about five minutes until he pushed me away; only to be grabbed by one of the new guys. I looked back, and saw that the man who had just had me, now had Terri. She reached out her hand for me, but the brute grabbed it back and held onto it tight. I started to cry, knowing I couldn't help my girls, and the bastard who held me just laughed and became rougher on my pussy.

I lost the track of time, stopped counting after being passed around so many times, and I had no more tears to cry since I cried them all out. They were the same each time. Hand down the pants to be rough on our pussies, and the other hand up the shirt to play rough on our tits. I was surprised when the truck finally stopped and the doors opened up. The driver just smiled at us and motioned for us to get out. Tracy went first, then Tory, and finally Terri. When I started walking out, the driver stopped me and motioned for the man behind me to take me back in. My girls started to yell for me, and yelled at the driver to leave me be, but that fell on deaf ears as he walked in the trailer and shut the doors behind him. It was dark in there, the only light being from the full moon, and he walked closer to me.

"John, hold her arms still. Joe, Josh, and Jake have the others waiting. So this won't be too long I suppose."

"You let my daughters go! Please, I'll do anything!"

"Oh, you will do anything for me Ma'am. Now be good and shut the fuck up."

John held my arms tight as the driver, whose name was Justin, got on his knees. I found out that these brutes were two sets of twins, Justin's sons, all twenty-eight, and that Justin had just turned fifty a month ago. Justin pulled down my pants and orange underwear. The last time anyone did that was my husband two years ago; may he rest in peace. I closed my eyes as Justin began licking and playing with my clit. He put his hands on my thighs to keep them apart and began to really suck and lick on my pussy. I could hear him panting and prayed to God that he'd have a heart attack or something to make him stop. The asshole just kept going like there was no tomorrow and then, when I thought he was done, he pulled me down and started licking my ass. I tried to pull at his hair, but John grabbed my wrists and pulled them over my head.

Justin pushed me off him and pushed me down onto my back. With one greasy hand, he played with my pussy and with the other started to screw my ass. I never did like anal, so I started to squirm away as much as I could and yell at him. He just laughed and forcefully kissed me on the mouth. Vodka was on his breath and it tasted horrible. After a few minutes, he got up and told John to take me with the others.

"Have fun with my boys. I'll be seeing you again missy."

John dragged me out of the trailer and I saw my girls. Tracy started to cry once she saw me, and the guys started to push us up the hill. I asked John where we were going and he just laughed and grabbed at my tits. Tory stumbled over a rock going up the hill and Joe, the man who had her, picked her up and threw her over his shoulder and played with her ass. It turned out that Josh had Tracy and Jake had Terri. Once we were up the hill, I saw an old red barn. Paint was coming off in pieces, half of the shingles were gone, and the barn doors hung loosely on their hinges. We were pushed inside and thrown onto the hay piles. I tried to get up, but John held me down and pulled down my pants. The others had done the same thing to the girls. Before I knew it, I felt a sharp pinch on my ass, like a needle, and then everything got black.

When I woke up, I was fully naked and my hands were tied behind my back. I could hear my girls calling for each other and the guys yelling at them to shut up. Looking around me, I saw John coming over to me. He had nothing on as well and smiled as he stood over me. I tried to roll away,, but he caught my leg and turned me onto my stomach. From there, I could see my poor girls. Tracy was having her ass pounded, Terri's eyes were spilling out tears as she sucked on a huge dick, and Tory tried to squirm away from the 69 position. John walked over to Tracy and started to ram his dick in her mouth. I screamed for them to stop and then felt a hard slap on my ass.

"I told you I'd be back. So just play nice and you'll be on your way."

Justin started to finger my ass and tug at my hair. He then pulled me towards him and stood me up. Grabbing around my waist, he slammed into my ass that made me cry out. He pounded faster and harder and grabbed my face to face him. I knew he wanted to get inside my mouth again, but I fought back until he slapped my ass and I cried out; and he shoved his tongue in. He pulled out of my ass and then started to ram into my pussy. Still holding my face, he turned me around to face him so that he had a better angle to work with. Once again, he slammed into me and kissed me. He turned my face so that I would be watching my poor girls.

The four boys had ganged up on Tory. Joe was on her ass, Josh was drilling her pussy, Jake was playing with her tits, and John had his dick in her mouth. Justin just laughed as he burst his load in my pussy and toyed with my tits. After five minutes, the boys moved on to Terri. This went on for about an hour until Justin called his boys over.

"Last one boys, then we're gone."

Justin pushed me down to my knees and his boys chose a spot. John plunged into my ass, Joe began licking at my pussy, Josh played with my tits, Jake was prying his eight inches in my mouth, and Justin laughed as his boys fucked me. I guess it went on for about forty or so minutes, all the boys took turns at my body, and then finally; they left.

As I laid there, I wondered if Tory would still want to help the farmers in need.

(Thanks Dee, I hope this is what you wanted ^_^)

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MOMfrmNJMOMfrmNJover 16 years ago

Well done > You hit it right lots of forced action and leaving it open ended. I hope there will be at least a chapter #2


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